Integrating the divine feminine and divine masculine - the heart is the new base line
Diana's Blog
Archives 2021
Archives 2021
12/30/21 - Control freaks & terrorists vs. wisdom & generosity
Entanglement happens through both pleasure and traumatic experience, good and bad. Good experiences entangle us as much as bad experiences. Stay in the middle for clarity. Meditate often. Authorities are those who think they know more than the others around. It’s not true of course, but the others are holding themselves back from expressing through thought, word, feeling or form. This holding back appears to be a dumb creature to those who are more vocal but there are many reasons for holding back. The greatest reason is often wisdom and generosity, to allow others a chance to show their true colors and character. True, there are those who were born into unrefined or corrupted bodies due to genetics, which is a choice, nature knows best, but the intelligence of the higher mind is always ALWAYS there, residing in, through and around the body, just waiting for someone to recognize it, nurture it, nourish it and invite it to express itself, its voice and its actions. Often the quiet people are the more intelligent ones. Instead of boasting and showing everyone a racist, a bully, an elitist, a control freak, a terrorist, criminal, jerk or ignoramus, a quiet one waits until the air settles down and is clear of stupidity before they speak. So it does not suit anyone well to assume an authoritative role over anyone who is quiet, especially over a child because a child can see right through the curtain. It‘s better to take the kinder approach anyway, no matter who it is. Kindness has been known to change the course of historical events and divert disaster. Among the quiet ones there may be the one who is seething with quiet anger and planning a vengeful act and no one knows the danger about to explode. Kindness can change the mind of that one and save lives. Be conscious and choose kindness.
12/28/21 - Stay positive
Stay positive in your focus, even in the midst of challenges. A powerful period of change is upon us, so many changes happening at once. Staying positive puts you above the changes so they don’t bother you so much. Like transcending the changes. You have a birds eye view. Fly over the rocking of the earth by staying positive. Go up to the sun. Imagine connecting with the source of warmth, comfort, light and goodness. You are a creator. Create something positive and new. Create an agenda and follow it. Stay positive in your focus. Listen to your spiritual guides and teachers. They speak to you by blending in with your own thoughts and thinking process. You sometimes wonder “Now where did THAT thought come from?” Then simply say “Thank you!” to your spirit guides. They are blending with you when you stay positive. Your higher self and spirit guides, all are the same thing. It is higher than what your own mind and brain can give you. Trust the new thoughts. There is a war in consciousness going on. There are forces that are trying to attract your attention by whatever means possible. Bombs, killings, explosions, political dramas, your own friends and families are spitting out dramas and traumas. Stay positive in attitude, thought and feeling. Higher thoughts, higher feelings, higher attitudes. This is how you raise your vibrations so you are in a higher dimension. Go up to the sun, go up to where the birds fly in your imagination.
12/27/21 - Remove the ego
Received two years ago in the night. I woke up and began writing for I was flowing with intelligent information.
“Remove the ego and see the purity of right action. Take right action without sullying it with judgments, anger or boasting.”
We are born into a cocoon and the cocoon is this body. We begin our metamorphosis immediately into a chrysalis stage by becoming aware of our little body. Awareness is light. As we begin to move our arms and legs and find that our mouth makes a sound, we put the light of our consciousness into our little body that surrounds us and we wake it up. We then learn we can control it. We focus our light into this little body. The obstruction comes in when outside forces teach us to focus our attention on the outside world of other people. We are taught that THAT is more important, and to do otherwise is selfish. So we listen to our family, mother, father, we listen to them and mimic them. Then our siblings who come to play with us. Then we learn to hold a spoon, and to walk, and to talk and then we go to school and learn from books and teachers. We learn how to manage this body from both the outside world and from practicing from inside. As soon as we know how to move our little hands and feet, from that point on we neglect and avoid the ongoing process of enlightening the body. It is the body that we need to enlighten. We can do things by watching and learning from other people, but our greatest lesson of staying centered comes from inside our body if we pay attention to it.
Our brain is the storage vault of data which we learn from the outside world of others, but the BODY is the mechanism by which we learn from within. The body is the portal to higher consciousness. Not the body itself, but how our body FEELS under different situations. We use our elemental body (etheric body) and our feeling body, which are energy bodies. It is our consciousness that comes through the body cells that teaches us. It comes through the DNA of the body and changes our DNA. Our consciousness composes our DNA and alters it. When focus on the feelings that happen in our inner body, we open and activate the DNA within our biology. When we sit in silence, when we use certain silence techniques, when we stop the mind from moving on its own and creating fear and anxiety, and when we stop our focus on emotions that are bothering us, wondering about them and regurgitating them like anger or sadness or fear, when we stop those movements and focus simply as an observer on the organs, blood and tissues, we resume the metamorphosis process of bringing light into our vessel of a body. Our consciousness is the light of the body. We have been intimidated into studying the outer world, the history of the world, outer space, politics of the nations, religions, culture, cuisine, fashion, industries - everything that is going on outside of our own body, and thus we are distracted. We are distracted and delayed from continuing our metamorphosis from cocoon to butterfly, the earth angel we are designed to be.
We are distracted from the main reason we are here - to germinate as physical angels or physical galactics, or physical celestials. We are here to enlighten our body vehicle and pay homage to our body so it is purified and not degraded and weighted down by toxins and lower vibrations. We are to allow it to be natural as God created it so we can walk in it, talk through it and work it smoothly, efficiently and elegantly, like a nobleman or noblewoman, benevolent, wise and virtuous. The I AM Presence is the purity that flows through me. Then the higher light keeps on flowing smoothly because our BODY flows smoothly. It is pure and natural and organic. The goal is to not let the light, the grace, gratitude and love get hung up in the mind and stopped there. The light must come down into and through the body. If the body gets the light, so does the brain. If the body does not get the light neither does the brain. It remains hung up in the ethers. Through the sensations of the body we become conscious of our cosmic and galactic connections for we are one with them. They are part of us and we are part of them. Until we allow light and sensation into the body, the brain only knows what the outer world has fed to us.
It is ONLY by becoming aware of our astute feelings, the emotions that register on and through the body that we become aware of a higher light and a higher love and higher emotions and higher empathy and sensitivity. The human race has been masculine in the extreme because it has relied solely on what the brain knows. We think we are a mental race, but we are not even mental, our race (up to now) has been a hung-up mental race. Not really mental, but artificially mental. Psychologists have labeled it the ego. It’s not connected to the whole body vessel. Our human race runs its institutions by relying on only what the brain knows and what the brain has accumulated from the outside world. It does not use the higher consciousness that is available through the body’s awareness, which can perceive motives in people, and read the energy field that surrounds them like a glowing presence. If we were more tuned into our body, we would be an enlightened race. We would know what is true and what is not true, and we would be the wiser for it. But as long as we do not allow ourselves to FEEL – meaning to stop and still the mind and the body and all the muscles and be silent and FEEL – we will not become any wiser than we were yesterday. Our bodies are more intelligent that we are. We must continue our metamorphosis by listening to the wisdom of our bodies. Then we grow into more ideal people.
Up until today we have forgotten the body as a species. Individuals here and there are enlightened, it’s true, but up until today the mass consciousness has yet to return to enlightening itself through inner work. Our relationships have suffered as a result of it. We have forgotten how to love one another and appreciate what the other feels because we can’t feel our own. We became a weakened race. That is, up until today. Today there is a massive shift underway as the US presidential election is still undecided. After the pandemic closed us down we began inner work again. Many of us. The light has been turning on in the mass consciousness. But we should have been doing this a long time ago and made it a daily practice sitting in silence for an hour a day, thanking the organs, muscles, tissues, blood, brain, bone and cartilage. We are still inside a cocoon. This is the way to break open the cocoon, by assuming a prayerful humble attitude daily to all the parts within it. And best to spend this one hour outdoors in nature if possible. This is how we turn on the light inside it and activate it so it begins to work for us and scan the world outside our doors. It feeds back information and guides us wisely.
You are a living presence of the holy spirit, the one who says I AM, your higher self. That is not the brain. The brain doesn’t know who “I AM” yet. The divine blueprint called the immaculate concept is the I AM. The I AM needs a body to express through. The I AM is an exquisite light shining over the head up about 7000 feet – above the psychic effluvia that gathers on the ground. Shine the light of I AM down into the body cells and enjoy the IN lighting process. Wake it up!
12/26/21 - The Shadow Side of You
The shadow forms at the exact moment that a strong conscious position is staked out. The shadow consists of all the rejected elements of the conscious mind. When we identify ourselves with one end of the spectrum, the other end feels rejected and begins taking on a life of its own, the ego, out of defensiveness and survival. This is done below the conscious level in a secret place because it is not being appreciated. Whatever is not appreciated is rejected and projected like a rocket away into the outside world in order to be experienced and appreciated there because the creator has rejected it. The power of the shadow in me is equal to the degree of insistence I take in the resistance position. Monstrous acts are created by rejecting and dismissing. They feel alone and separate. They take on a life of their own. They are consciousness that was not accepted. They create the disconnect. Bringing balance back to the body requires us to face and integrate these conscious elements of the shadow side. Finding them is difficult because we rejected them and we dismissed them and covered them over with pleasantries. But we must find them. Life and circumstances bring them forward so we can see them. They are the unpleasantries that keep popping up. We must look at them and embrace them with our love, nurturance and grace, back into our lives.
Sometimes a very monstrous memory surfaces of something terrible that happened. Facing it and embracing it does not mean you become a monster. You melt the monster with love. Do you realize the power of love? It is an amazing power. But first comes recognition. It means acknowledging it. The activity that creates monsters is the continued refusal to acknowledge a wrong and continually rejecting it. By not integrating the shadow you continue denying its existence BUT IT IS INSIDE ONESELF! (Me? I would never do that!) Integration does not mean acting out, it means genuine acknowledgement, admitting that one is capable of doing such a thing. Acknowledging the shadow in you is that part of you which you are fighting against. It is you. Acknowledging it acts as a psychic release valve relieving unconscious pressure so you are better able to hear the promptings of your higher real self. Learn how to approach the shadow. Resistance is your barrier and block. What you resist composes a bad feeling, your shadow. Resistance is the process by which seeds of evil are sown and grown. When you acknowledge a shadow element in yourself, you feel a sigh. A deep intake of breath. It’s a sign that there was a release of resistance. The full spectrum of human experience is in me and you, the good and the bad. We want to acknowledge this. It doesn’t change our approval or disapproval of particular factors. It’s simply willingness to face facts. Allowing a fact is integration. The act of acknowledgement frees you to make better choices. The shadow is redeemed by continual process of honest self-evaluation. When you’re uncomfortable, pay attention and ask yourself, “What am I trying to avoid or repress or deny?” What is making me squirm? Be your own therapist. It’s never a person or thing or act that makes you uncomfortable. It’s something you are trying to avoid seeing and dealing with. Stop and look objectively at yourself. Perhaps someone is coming up your walk right now, ready to knock on your door, and you are uncomfortable for some reason. The best solution to this experience is to say to yourself, “OK, I don’t have control over this so I shall embrace it.” I don’t have control over a bad feeling but I will embrace it. I don’t have control over this monster but I will forgive it. Acknowledgement and embracing and forgiving is always the best solution. Walk into the discomfort or the fear with courage and with love. It is powerful.
12/25/21 - My body is the Avatar in the movie
This morning when I became conscious in my bed, I asked a question of spirit, of my own Light body, “What is my job today? How should I begin my day? How should I act?“ And I received the following answer: The human vessel has taken over and usurped the holy will - the I AM Presence. The divine feminine is the I AM. The human woman is the usurper. As a human body vessel, I am not my I AM Presence. As a human body vessel complete with brain and nervous system, my job is to receive the divine nature that I AM, which has been called the Holy Christ Self. My job as a human vessel is to yield and surrender to my highest will. I am to forego discipline and yield and surrender the human shenanigans, human plans, human wishes and human desires which are lowly and not very noble. My job is to move in accord with the holy wind that I AM. I AM descending from higher realms. My job as a human vessel is to act as the highest I AM tells me to act – me being the lowly human.
I saw an image of the movie “Avatar”. My body is like the avatar who lives on a strange alien world that is unknown to me, the I AM. I AM the will power and the mind that enters into the avatar to make it move. I AM the driving force of the avatar called the body.
I saw myself go into the spinal column and light it up, and I saw the body take on life and livingness because I moved into it. Everything in my body began to come alive. I saw the meridians light up and distribute the golden light, and my body began to undulate and move. My body is an avatar and every morning when I awake to this world I plug into it, into the avatar body which is like an appliance. I plug my conscious mind into the body and feed it my life force. I AM the electricity for the body. I AM the soul, the spirit living through the body which is an appliance. This was a most wonderful revelation.
12/23/21 - A dimension is not a place but a state of consciousness
A friend wrote about her negative situations and I wanted to write to her, advising her. But in the shower I was shown to only write her in a loving uplifting way, blessing her with words of love that I see in her. No advice from my stored up junk/trunk of wisdom. Only that I see her hurt hip through loving eyes, not sympathy, but with love. I love her hip and her hurt body. I am hugging her and embracing her with the hands of angels, warm and comforting. Now today I see that my desire to tell others how to correct THEIR hurts, is me telling me how to correct my own. Don’t tell others. It is just ego puffing itself up. It doesn’t help them. I hear the words, "They can feel that it is your ego. You have been attempting to define the HUMAN feminine, not the divine feminine. This is your lesson. It comes to you in feeling, not in words. Now you know. You are your only teacher. The I AM That I AM. You’ve been trying to teach the divine feminine but you can’t teach it. It has to be realized. The words are only shells and shadows of shells."
Male bodies were being born with a program specific to males to put down and control the females. They were told don’t let the females get to you with their devious ways they call love. The male program resists love, thinking it is dangerous. They are told females are dangerous. But that is changing now as the unity principle is coming into the planet. Male bodies are feeling looser and lighter and more welcoming. Transgender is a sign this is happening.
A dimension is not a place but a state of consciousness. A deep meditation state or a daydream state where you unfocus on the world around you is 5th dimensional state or higher. It is the heaven state of bliss and it is the divine feminine. The great central sun at the center of the galaxy is at the 12th dimension. Our central sun is at the 5th Dimension. Darkness is not going to be eliminated as we ascend upwards from 3rd and 4th into 5th dimension, it’s going to be illuminated. Exposed. There will be no more duality.
12/22/21 - Coming home to the self - pulling yourself together
When connecting with the divine there are three separate aspects of yourself that are brought into alignment: your mind, which is an endless ocean of thoughts; your emotions, which are an endless ocean of feelings; and your physical/etheric, which is an endless ocean of sub-atomic particles made up of atoms and electrons. As you settle yourself into silence you bring these three separate aspects into connection. The turbulence relaxes and becomes still. The three layers or bodies that overlay your physical body are brought into alignment. This is important information to understand. We’ve lumped these into one generic term called the “aura” but they are unique and distinct, each aspect of yourself. Understand the spiritual anatomy. It is the first step in the process of embodying the great love that you are, which has been held back through ignorance, through the misalignment. Every day that we do not sit in silence for an hour, we use them randomly, they do not stay connected as a whole, they each go off in their own direction and do things separately and disconnectedly. They do not work together in harmony and they accumulate debris which is in error, which does not fit together. This happens because we are not even aware these layers exist. We do not know ourselves. We were born with a disadvantage. We were born with blinders on, like horses we were led in a straight-ahead direction to follow the path laid out ahead of us by our predecessors who were following THEIR predecessors who were following theirs, etc.
So now we are getting this information. I’ve been studying it for myself over many years and now I am disseminating it by posting it on my websites for free. By taking off the blinders we look around to the left and right and behind, and we see that we are actually multidirectional, which means multidimensional. We have choices and options. We can go where we want to. We do not have to follow the straight line ahead that our parents and teachers taught. We can stop and sit down and be still for awhile and gather our wits about us, contemplate this new idea and weigh it against the other. By doing this, we allow light to settle into our bodies, minds, emotions and feelings. We embody the light into our flesh and blood and bones. We make it part of our physicalness. We understand better. We feel it better. It makes sense better. It feels peaceful and good. Just following along behind what others have given to us does not lead us into peace. It leads us continually further away from ourselves, and keeps our attention directed forward instead of inward. At some point we have to stop following others and come home to self, the inner self, the source of who we are, and follow the homing instinct, and turn around and come back home to our true nature within, which is a divine and restful nature. Sitting in silence is how we feel good with ourself. We bring into alignment these four discordant parts of ourself which are continually out of sync with each other. Mind is out of sync with feeling, feeling is out of sync with body, body is out of sync with mind and they are in constant state of changing. When we take time to relax and breathe - breathing deep and slow - thoughts, feelings and sub-atomic particles of our physical body come tumbling to a halt. The turbulence comes to stillness. It is similar to lining up a set of kitchen colanders - the bowl with holes in it to let liquid drain through – four colanders nestled one inside another is a graphic picture to show how when are four lower bodies are lined up, the light and love can pour through. It expands our consciousness, it expands our thoughts, expands our feelings and our abilities, our knowledge, our serenity, our peace, prayer, wisdom and power. We ARE the light and love that is now pouring in. For THIS is who you are behind the mask which has been drawn about you as a disguise. Center yourself and become the Mother Flame within you. Do not follow. Lead.
12/18/21 - The light body in you
I am seeing with inner vision the golden threads weaving in and through and around the physical substance of my body. These are the meridians as described by the ancients. It is a literal web, like a spiders web, but with many more strands crisscrossing through my body. I saw this in magnification as under a microscope several days ago. Gold threads woven in with the mundane, average, human threads of the body. The golden threads are pure light. Spirit flows through these meridians and they are everywhere I see. Top to bottom, head to toe, shoulders, fingers. This is what props up and holds up the physical, otherwise it would not live. This is the substance of our body, made alive by the golden life force coming through the meridians. It, the meridians, the web of life within, is what keeps me alive and supplies me with consciousness and feeling and connection to everyone else around me. And objects outside of me. Without it, if it were to withdraw, my body would die. I would leave. I see that I AM the life force and I am being drawn to this light increasingly so. Am I being drawn down to my earth chakra embedded in the earth? It seems I am to write about it to bring awareness forward into the atmosphere of earth. I see the light is flowing upward and light is also flowing downward and the light is meeting in the middle, in me, in my body. And as I become more conscious of this light above and below and how it is meeting in the middle, I feel more comfortable in my skin. I feel more here now. More present. It is like coming home. It is my awareness that brings about the truth and the reality of who I am. It creates peace. It is as if all of the atoms, electrons, molecules, sub-atomic particles that make up my physical body can stop being random, confused, lost in the maze and fog of the netherworld. They become settled down and peaceful. Then I become peaceful too, for I am not my body. I am the consciousness moving through my body like electricity moves through a light bulb.
I have been using my body without giving it much thought or honor or respect. I have actually been ignoring my body and abusing it. And it has grown tired and achy, with pains here and there sporadically popping up. Now, as I am being drawn into realization that there is a river of Light and Life flowing through me, my body is happy when I place my attention on it. My body rests in the arms of someone who cares. Is it me? Or is it someone bigger? Yes, it is someone bigger than me, who cares for this body and would make it feel better so it will live longer and healthier. I am drawn back to the teachings of the Tao and Tantra - Tantra meaning “web” as in “web of life”. I see the golden strands in me are not physical, they are currents. They are of my very own making. They are me. I designed them. I am the life force. I am not human. I am not the personality ego but that which I am eternally, the presence from the beginning. I Am the “I Am Presence” that is the creator of all individual humans and animals. This river of light is not human, neither masculine nor feminine. It is pure undivided, unfragmented, unmanifested light from heaven that was sent forth by the Father/Mother Creator of all things, as an individual light. I am an individual light, and I am here to create the perfect human. My I Am Presence is unique from all other I Am Presences in existence. My Father in Heaven is unique from everyone else’s Father in Heaven, and my Father Light circulating through my body becomes Mother Light now that it is in the body. It is the Mother. Father Light becomes Mother light in the body to uphold and support the physical atoms in place so I the Father can think and plan and design and create. The mother light is the love that supports, nurtures, nourishes and allows the creative Father Light to move about freely and bring his action into manifestation. Does this even make sense?
12/16/21 - The pro and con of orgasm
The double edge sword of sex. If the truth is to be told – and I’m a writer, writers tell their stories - there is a double edge to the story of orgasm. I realized this today, once again. I knew it before but wasn't ready to deal with it. I don’t see the truth until I write about it and I’ve put it out there, away from myself, onto the blog and published it. This then leaves a vacuum to allow further insight to move up and out from buried zones. Buried treasure. Truth is buried treasure. The double edged sword of sex is this: Orgasm is a way of releasing stress. When a man has an orgasm he explodes that stress and releases it out in a burst of fury. Behind it comes the cosmic bliss and euphoria that rocks his world. This is the great power that builds empires. It is an amazing, awesome power, an awesome process that only God and God’s celestial assistants can manage or pull off.
It is easy for mankind to be drawn to the magnificence of ecstasy and bliss, but what about the anger, resentment and frustration that had built up in the man? That also comes out with the orgasm. Where does THAT go when it is released? Why, into the body of the woman, of course. Or into the bed sheet or into the ground or the air. It doesn’t disappear. It’s energy and energy stays until it is redeemed, transformed and changed into something more wonderful. The man eliminates it from him, but he does not change it. It is the junk or the trash that he leaves behind him as he lives his life. At least it does not stay inside the man. It is a cleanser for him. He has a way to get rid of it. He blows it off. He blows off steam and stress and he enjoys the bliss that comes behind it. Yet it is no different than throwing out the trash, empty bottles, papers and used up items of daily living. He throws it away, the stress and frustration that he himself created unknowingly, and it returns to earth to get recycled and add to the overall negativity of the planet. He didn’t know that he was doing this, of course. No knowledge has been given about it. There is a complete lack of understanding and training, but that doesn’t diminish the fact that mankind has been adding to the negativity of earth for thousands and thousands of years. It will be understood one day. This is a truth that must be told. Orgasm is both a merciful act for the man but a burden for the earth - and for the woman who is a receptacle. The women who provide this service for men turn cold, callous and hard at the end of such a life from the continued build up they receive. It is a negative for the earth, a weight for the earth and a burden for humanity.
I received this insight when I had reason to re-examine the Tao philosophy. The Tao understanding is that behind the double edge sword is the infinite silent unchangeability. The nameless silence. The oneness. The all-intelligence that never moves but is conscious. Mankind is a child of that consciousness. Mankind is a limited child of consciousness. He lives in the form world where duality plays out as a game of opposites. We play with limitations to learn and understand. We experience a thing first one way and then the other way to compare. When it comes to sex and orgasm, we must include this truth. We cannot ignore it forever. We are a growing intelligent species and new knowledge is a natural result of evolution. We replace outdated wrong beliefs with more enlightened truth. We are re-examining ourselves. The Tao teaches internal exercises that bring our attention inward to observe and participate in our own bodily functions. The power of consciousness is huge. What we focus on becomes real. What is behind all of these cruel experiences? This swinging of the pendulum back and forth from left to right and back again? The Master asks, "Why do I tell you these things? Because the power of your attention gives you realization."
12/14/21 - Goddess gatherings or I Am Decrees?
How much I decree or chant makes a difference in my energy and interest in life. Over the last few years I have been thinking a lot about goddess gatherings. I have hosted a few but something prevents me from scheduling a regular event. I have my solitary practice which satisfies me, which includes decreeing and chanting, but there is something not finished yet. I sense the goddess gatherings. It comes out of my solitary practice, as if I should merge the two concepts. It eludes me what it is I am trying to achieve. I release the idea of goddess gatherings and yet the visions come back in a fresh new way. I am trying to draw on the feminine because I know women are more attuned to spiritual matters than men, but I hesitate to call it spiritual. And I hesitate to exclude men as a strict rule. So what is it that I am trying to manifest here? I seek others to join me in this effort, but of higher mind, not lower. I hesitate to call this effort spiritual, and yet it IS of a higher, more refined quality than human. It is actually MORE real than human. It is more REAL than what everyone thinks of as spiritual. It is more solid, more grounded, more touchable and huggable. It is more physical than spiritual.
I went to sleep and dreamt of Egyptian priests and priestesses and unusual phrases and names, and I woke up this morning and something had changed. Today I posted on Anakosha a "Personal Empowerment" page. The page was up but did not have text yet. Today I filled it in with calls and affirmations to the "Mighty I AM Presence" that I have been using for many, many years. Click HERE to access it. This posting is a striking separation from my usual postings. I am revealing what it is I do in my inner solitary work. It is now made public, at least a small part of it. I couldn't give it all because my experiences take place in other realms. But the methodology is very practical. I have posted the method.
There is a directing intelligence operating above the normal limits of the human mind and feelings. It has been called the Holy Christ Self by the Christian religion, and other names by Eastern religions and practices. Words have separated us into judgmental camps, but the bottom line is that there is a directing intelligence that is pure, clear and intelligent within each individual. It is so pure that it is called "holy". Most people wouldn't think about it because they don't feel "holy". But the fact is, we have been cut off from our own pure intelligence and knowledge. The four lower bodies called physical, mental, emotional and subconscious, have interfered with, and muddied up, the directing intelligence that would and could bring us happiness and fulfillment if we followed its direction! But through the use of free will and free choice, we have been entangled with each other and distracted by what is happening to everyone else. We human beings have interfered with the perfect intelligence which overlights us but we don't even know it's there.
So to reverse that entanglement and return to, and access, that beautiful directing intelligence that is built into us, and is actually US! You and me! we have to apply that same free will and conscious choice and apply some daily discipline to practices that will lift our spirits, minds, bodies and feelings. This is what I was hoping for with the goddess gatherings. I wanted women to join me in this endeavor, because men do not see eye to eye with me on these philosophical issues. But then, I have learned, neither do women. I was operating under a false belief system. Now I know how important it is to give each individual time and space to follow his or her own dreams and plans. We are each so different. When someone is ready to get back into alignment with their divine nature that is ever ready and waiting, they will. No one can push them before they are ready. Now I see why I have had to post so many of these thoughts on Anakosha. There have been a few here and there who have contacted me because of these posts. When it is time.
We each have a perfect design that is part of our nature, and when it is time the outer entanglements fall away and the inner nature is revealed to us. It is a matter of waiting for that click in to happen. I have been clicking in on a rather fast track lately. A lot has been happening for me. No one would notice it because my outer movements are not affected. I wanted to start the practice in the company of others on the same wave length, doing what I've been doing alone for so many years. Now I wish to expand it to include friends, to gather the feminine. Men can be feminine too. Not in their outer expression but in their hearts they can be feminine, tender and connected to the spiritual.
So what I thought of as goddess techniques, I have learned bear the same outcome as the "I AM" teachings of Saint Germain. Following the ascended masters for years makes this easier. This may not be earthy or indigenous but it does have the overlighting of the NEW earth. The NEW earth is fifth dimensional. The NEW earth is physical and grounded. Doing the "I AM" decrees and the accompanying light language is helping to bring forth the grounded, solid, practical, NEW Earth, with its happier, more joyous, more welcoming systems of equality, education, health and all systems of more enlightenment. There is more light coming to the people.
Each person I know has a light body and it is time to turn it on and increase the voltage. A house divided against itself cannot stand and our houses - our bodies - have been divided. We have no idea how badly they have been divided. This one method has been tried and it works. I've connected with my own light body and I wish to share. That is why I am posting it today. I wish that others would respond to this. I have no idea if they will but I am putting it out there for all to see. I AM what I AM and I AM revealing the process by which I have increased my own sense of fulfillment and peace - and abundance. By taking up this new practice of decreeing, affirming and chanting, a person can raise him/herself to levels of glory and purifications that he has no idea is available to him/her. Transformation is done on a consciousness level and affects all outward things, people and objects. But it starts with consciousness and becomes gradually clearer, purer, happier, lighter, freer, more abundant, joyous, connected with a sense of fulfillment that keeps growing. It doesn't stagnate. There is always something new. Every day something new. It's another world. Welcome to the NEW Earth.
Pull together the four lower bodies in your own house so there is peace in your seven bodies. We are composed of seven layers of consciousness. The four lower layers of consciousness are the physical, mental, emothional and etheric (subconscious), plus the three higher, pure and uncontaminated layers that we are normally not aware of. That makes seven layers of consciousness available to us. When we offer our attention and focus to the lower layers, we become trapped in negative outcomes. By turning our attention and focus to the three higher layers, which is the ascended master state, the lower layers of consciousness start to clear up. What we call the third dimension raises up to the fourth and ultimately the fifth dimension. Negativity cannot exist in the fifth dimension, and that is where earth is heading - to the NEW earth. Our many contaminated thoughts, beliefs and memories cannot live in the atmosphere of the three higher levels of our consciousness. They will fade away, and we will naturally become more clear. We let them go and they fade in natural ways, they move away from us without trauma or drama. We evolve when we stop recycling the negatives and the problems. We stop activating them. In this way we overcome the problems we used to have while still living in the world and the world we know becomes happier and more peaceful and problem-free. This happens because we begin focusing on the higher realms above us, using the words and applying the disciplines left by Sainit Germain in the green books.
Yesterday I tested this theory. I did double the decreeing. Decreeing is the same as chanting or doing mantra. Yesterday I did it while moving around. I didn’t stop and sit. I said the words out loud when out of ear shot of my husband, and said them under my breath while he was nearby. I moved around and continued decreeing all day. And by nightfall I was very much energized, so much that I wanted to keep going and do things. I was eager and excited to keep on creating a’new. Everything felt new to me. But it was time for bed. One goes to bed to be refreshed when one is tired, but if one is constantly refreshed, which I was from decreeing all day, then what does one do? I’ll figure it out. Meantime I proved to myself that decreeing does really work to liberate the heavy feeling. I was light. I was flying high. Decreeing is only one of the technologies of the Goddess. Those into yoga and the eastern traditions call it the science of mantra. There is a lot being said about ascension in these days, but it is the same thing - raising one's consciousness through various techniques. When the attention is raised, the body follows. Everything becomes re-vitalized. Re-charged. The person’s consciousness or mind is more clear, less dull, less tired. It becomes more refined. It has been referred to as “divine” but it is simply LIFE flowing through the body with less contaminants or toxins in it. That cleaner life flows in and interweaves through the now-cleared conduits and ties the seven levels (bodies) together so they feel more linked together and more whole. There ARE techniques that help us transform, which leads us to a better life. And it doesn’t have to be sitting in silence for hours at a time. Chanting and decreeing all day long is referred to as walking meditation. You can do your work at the same time. It is a very practical method to lift you out of this world into a higher world - and still be here on the ground!
12/10/21 - Receiving is the greatest lesson of all
(Spirit channeled yesterday) Receiving is a truly blessed sacred gift. Once tapped into receiving, you receive the scepter, the power, the glory that you have kept at bay outside of you, walled off. Receiving is the greatest lesson of all. It is easy to push outward your wants and desires onto those around you. But to RECEIVE from those around you? That is the pearl of great price that has evaded those searching for this mystical quality. You see, YOU are the quality. You are the receiver. You yourself are the quality of receiving. You are the stillness. Your ability to receive has been denied by you. You closed it down. What do you think meditation is designed for? What does it mean to “go into the silence”?
Becoming still and not moving is only the first step to the long-desired goal. The holy chalice refers to emptying yourself so that you become hollow, void of desire, void of illusions, void of expectations. The search is over. You give up. You yield. You surrender. Do you know what this means? It means you connect into the oneness. You become the oneness, the eternal oneness, the sea into which ALL rivers must eventually flow. All individuals must in the end offer up their accumulated wisdom and knowledge to the allness and in return they are joined with the power of the allness. We call it “the Harvest”. The separated individual pushes himself outward, ever and always outward, over the mountains, down into crevices, joining with others in adventures building and creating and fighting together in form, but never receiving, never listening, always facing outward, forgetting the reality and the beauty of the inner life, the father of life, the mother of life, the ONLY life they have that fuels the adventures.
We pay no attention to that which fuels and nourishes us by the minute, the hour, the day, weeks and years. We are blessed with this holy Presence which inspires us but do we acknowledge it? It is the beginning of the turn-around to acknowledge the Holy Presence which is the eternal flame, the fountain of youth, health and strength that never goes out. It cannot be extinguished without terrible, awful works done over multiple lifetimes of embodiment. Even then, one is given one last chance to turn around and acknowledge the Presence within, before that light withdraws permanently. The turn-around from facing outward to facing inward and acknowledging one’s Holy God Self, the Presence, begins with listening. Stop and become still.
While there is nothing to see at first because focus is dimmed, remain in the stop position and be alert. Ask. Ask a question and listen. Don’t expect anything. The practice of listening is being alert. What was that sound? What was that flicker? What was that fleeting thought? It’s gone now. Remain alert. Remain open. Remain receptive. Imagine a funnel opening upward from the top of your head, opening up into the space above you. Picture the sun brilliantly shining overhead. You are coming through the sun. You are ray of sunlight entering down through the funnel into the top of your head. Perhaps it is only a single ray or perhaps an avalanche of brilliant sparkles raining down on you and some of them are caught into your funnel that you have built. And the light flows down into the main trunk of your body, your spinal column, and goes down into the ground beneath your feet and on down to the crystal sun at the center of the Earth. Be open. Receive. Listen. Allow the power to enter into your blood stream, nerves, tissues, organs, revitalizing your body.
12/9/21 - Building trust in yourself, sexual and otherwise
My life took an unusual path when I went into heaven in an out-of-body experience years ago. For maybe 5 or 10 minutes I was totally immersed in pure light and love. As far as I could tell it was a sea that went on forever. I was drenched as it were, soaked through and through, so that it took ten years for me to return to normal. It was a NEW normal, granted, but I was able to function back on Earth again. During those ten years my husband and I entered into swinging and had casual sex with other couples. It was the most dynamic and exciting time of my life. For awhile. It stabilized me and grounded the power that was flowing constantly, keeping me often out of body and unable to think or function. My metabolism high. I was always high, in space high. It was uncomfortable. So wrapping myself around the body of another human being, man or woman but mostly men, was a saving grace. A huge relief as long as they were friendly and wanted me to. They made me feel oohhh so good. More peaceful, more connected, more at home and more grounded.
Orgasms were part of it, yes, it was expected. But it wasn’t all about orgasms. The men seemed to think it was but for me it didn't matter because I was more interested in cuddling with warm human bodies. In fact, it took years but eventually I lost the ability to have orgasms at all. I always needed a vibrator to make it happen. The last time I tried to have an orgasm I thought I would have a heart attack because I tried so hard to please the man. What I was missing was the emotional, mental and spiritual connection. I was giving so much love to my partners but not receiving it back. I didn’t know this at the time because I was too busy being spontaneously loving with everyone, but gradually my interest in this activity began to fade. In its place there arose a need and desire to connect on a higher mental and spiritual level, yet still through intimate and close physical touch. It is a peculiar sense of wanting to blend the spiritual with human flesh and blood intimacy.
I tried talking about it with those in the lifestyle of swinging, but they were the wrong audience. They made me feel something was wrong with me. They wanted to give me even MORE sex (!) and offered various approaches to achieve orgasms. The focus kept returning to sex, which is what drained me in the first place. I kept trying to hint that I didn't want that, I just wanted to be close and cuddle freely with people. But it seemed that most of the men - and some women - didn't understand. I just wanted cuddle time with people, it raised my spirits to share love and closeness. I felt the love in people and tried to draw it from them to match my own, but they keep trying to distract me with sex innuendos and actions.
I feel this information is important to share publicly because I am sure there are others who feel this way. Sharing personal stories is an important part of our human nature. It validates those who need to hear it. Those who don't will not absorb it. Sharing truths helps those who need to hear it from someone else because we all doubt ourselves. When I began feeling resentment and didn't like the sense of hate that was borderline in me, I made the hard decision to withdraw from swinging, and disappoint my husband. I loved hosting parties, I loved the people and I loved the closeness of hugging and socializing and wanted to continue that part of it. But swinging required sex, and men just didn't understand. I changed our timeline then.
Why I am writing about this. As a spiritual writer and student of the esoteric, I realize that humanity and the world is going through a transition and sex is a formidable subject. It's a key fulcrum point. It is something that everyone must face within themselves. It is not fair to push sex on people who don't want it. And furthermore, it is not fair for those who don't want it to continue to blame those who do. Sexual intimacy allows for spiritual growth for those who are equally matched and balanced enough to enjoy each other with a loving or at least a chemical match. Then it is not only pleasant and enjoyable, it opens chakras to greater heights, to ecstasies and bliss. This is a positive, but it is wrong to expect sex from people, or to push it on them when they don't want it. But it is equally wrong to hurt someone's feelings by leading them on. The responsibility is on each of us to live our truth openly and not pretend. Love is a cosmic quality which contains truth, purity, intelligence, peace, courage and more. We are here to learn how to live it in physical life. We can only learn it in physical life, in a physical body, because we already know what love is like when we're NOT in a body. We are spiritual beings having a physical life for a reason. We don't have to preach about love to the saints. Love is all there is. We come from a loving universe with a loving mother and father God. Love is everywhere, but it's not on earth. We are here to bring it to earth. Earth needs it. Love is what we were born here for.
During my early swinging years which were so dynamic, I learned by plunging in and engaging without thinking. By experiencing sex with others, both with love and then without love after realizing that I was not getting love back and they were just using me for selfish ends, that was my lesson. Then I began to withdraw. My own ability to love began to fade. I should have stopped then, but I didn't. I continued to operate under the illusion that I was wrong and there was something missing in me and I kept trying harder. When I finally burned out I began changing myself. It was a hard lesson but it was a positive change for me. I stood firm and began rebuilding my inner power. That was what I should have done from the beginning, believe in myself.
There is a certain weakness, not in all women but especially in older women, myself included, which relies on the man for practical decisions. The need for sex falls into this category in various ways. I believed what men told me or implied more than I believed in myself. Now that I have been through that particular scenario (lol!) I am back to believing in my own sense of what is good for me and what is not. My higher ideals and principles are my strength. I know who I am. I write these words and tell my private story to reinforce the sacred inner truth in each person who reads this. What you want and believe is a precious gift. It is your divinity and it is sacred. Believe in it and rely on it at all times. If in doubt, contact me. I will reaffirm it for you. It is important to trust your own perceptions. I had them all along but I didn't trust them. Now I do. But I am also aware that I have some quirks that are not right, and I must look to myself to correct them. I trust that feeling too. We are here to be honest with ourselves and live according to our highest sense of what is right, good and true. Blessings to one and all in this Christmas season.
12/8/21 - Growing personal love into cosmic love
I am getting many thoughts these days. Many petals are opening. There are so many that I am learning to let them all go on without me. They are passing through me. If I try to keep them and hold onto them, they get scrambled and bunched up into knots, and I can’t use any of them then. I am useless. I have to let them go. If I hold them back they add stress and worry to my normal stress and worry. Then I have to go into meditation and release them. So I am learning to let these inspiring downloads and revelations breeze through me without grabbing pen and paper. I haven’t perfected this yet but I’m getting better at it. It seems as if I am becoming a channel of MANY enlightened thoughts, not all of which are meant for me. I think I am transitioning to higher ground.
As I work at letting them all go, one particular thought continues to reoccur. This one is for me. This is mine, my calling, my mission. I’m beginning to understand. It is the thought of bringing love – divine impersonal love - into the physical body. Individuals are continuing to block love out, simply because there has been so little instruction or permission. We have all been so afraid of love because it keeps turning personal and brings forth jealousy, possessiveness, emotional hurt and suffering, but that’s not love. That’s entanglement. The love I’m talking about is universal love. It is impersonal. It is cosmic. It is what holds life together. This love is absolutely unblemished and free. It is vast and wide and eternal. There are no conditions attached. I’ve been trying to write about it. It seems no one understands. It comes from our higher self down to us. We all need to get to know what this true love feels like. It starts inside ourselves. We have to allow it. We have to learn to touch it.
Love is not physical. Love is not a human quality. We are here to LEARN about love and how to cultivate it. It is our main job here. For a human being to bring forth love into his actions, it requires an expression of givingness. It would be to treat everyone with a smile or a hug without expecting anything back. It would bring a sense of warmth inside. This is what love is. Love uplifts both the giver and the receiver. Love is not personal. It is impersonal like the sun which shines on everyone alike. The goal for all of us is to learn what this love feels like inside. It transcends human foibles and personalities. It takes lifetimes to master, but if we can learn the secret of love it can be learned quite quickly. Love is universal and can be applied to every single situation imaginable. The secret to fast learning is by FEELING love inside. Watch when someone gives you something. Then use that feeling as a reminder and a memory. Use it to feel it again and again.
We humans are dissuaded from doing that. We try to love others first, and when the others don’t return the favor, we feel rotten. Human give and take is not love. It’s bartering. Two people can enjoy the cosmic love for a period of time, but they must learn to make it unconditional and remove all expectations from the other person. We must learn to grow our small human love to large divine love if we are to find true fulfillment and happiness. Most human love is an emotional contract between two or more people. The struggle and pain is the result from trying to live confined within the narrow rules of the contract.
We human beings CAN transcend the negatives in our lives if we use cosmic universal love. Unconditional love, without demands. It may sound crazy, but actually, it works. I’ve been using it for years. It brings about a much happier life. You feel peaceful with yourself because you’re using universal love. It does require focus and attention. It requires practice. It requires mindfulness. Thinking about it and then applying it to someone or something that is happening. It can turn a negative into a rich joy with ease. It is really a simple matter. There are many differences in the world and people love to argue and fight over whose version is better. But all it takes is the willingness to surrender to love, and it soothes the vibrations to soft and smooth quickly. Destructive opinions and emotions wither and disappear.
This is real. All of the pleasures one can possibly want, CAN blossom forth out of free-flowing expressions of unconditional, undemanding love. Love is what holds the planets together, and it holds families together too. It is not necessary to learn fancy words. It is an attitude of gratitude, humbleness, words of encouragement, praise, admiration on a continuous basis. In a never-ending flow of uplifting words to those we live with and around. Youth can be rekindled, vitality increased, excitement re-ignited, dreams reborn, romance returned and intimacy a deep, deep love that is impossible to describe. This kind of love is returning to humankind today. I am seeing it. I am feeling it inside me. Perhaps you are seeing it too. I hope you are. Notice it. There is something magical happening. There is a new light, a new glow in the air. Is it only me?
12/3/21 - More on goddess gatherings
This no longer fits the history of Anakosha, which was founded on bringing men and women together under the umbrella of sexual love. But in the lifestyle of swinging, love was unable to blossom. It was continually missing from swing parties so I started researching. Seriously researching. I've been looking at sexual love from a higher plane for years but recently I discovered the goddess movement. It's relatively new but I've made the difficult decision to start something that excluded men. The principles of the divine feminine applies to men, but would be labeled the divine masculine. The principles are the same, it is all about love and how to apply love in human affairs. But since women approach life differently than men do, the women have different values as human beings in a duality world. We have issues we must discuss, and how to get around them, how to address them. We cannot do this with men present. So I am addressing the women.
In mulling over how best to proceed with goddess gatherings I've done a good bit of browsing through the internet. I've taken the pulse of the goddess movement. I am surprised. There are more than I expected to see. They have sprung up in the last five years as far as I can tell. One website was posted in 1993 but was not kept up to date and is obviously an early attempt to reintroduce the goddess to the world. The other goddess-type websites, while different in personality, all have the same underlying goal: to empower women by providing a safe environment and an atmosphere of joyful celebration of feminine values. Men are excluded. There are workshops, classes, meditations, parties, weekend campouts, all sorts of different formats and themes. All without men. The purpose is to assist women to unfold their feminine wings and hearts without men dictating to them, or holding them back, or arguing with them, or demanding an explanation or otherwise disapproving of their choices. Goddess gatherings are for women to explore, discover, engage in discussions to find their OWN inner truth. Their inner feminine has been hidden and buried for eons, under the predominantly patriarchal system, and it needs a safe womb in which to learn how to become free and strongly feminine again, sovereign in her own powers of choice. This is the entrance into the rebirth of the ancient goddess. Perhaps for the first time ever, for never has the world been so ready for this movement.
11/29/21 - Breaking through to power
This morning I picked up the little plastic frame that sits on my bureau. It sits among other frames. I've been doing focused breathing through my heart lately. I've always tried to focus on my heart during exercises but for some reason I haven't felt the connection but it has been starting to happen. The connection is beyond mental. I didn't understand. It has taken a long time to get past the limitations of my little mind and what I believe in. The connection is a breakthrough to POWER. There's no way to describe it. I feel powerful. I proved it to myself by getting into a shouting match with my husband, which surprised me, because I felt so much strength of conviction. It was so strong! But I quickly dimmed it to be civil. Amazing what powers lie within us that we haven't accessed yet.
Normal life is a muddling around with concepts and ideas, seemingly new ideas, trying them out here and there, but that's not power. That's just rearranging furniture in the house. It's still the same old house of the mind. It doesn't bring in the power. The power is something else. I picked up the little frame randomly, without thinking, that contained the flash of inspiration from long ago. It has been sitting on the bureau for all of these 28 years - it was our anniversary Friday - and I read it again probably for the first time in 10 years. It was a shout-out, a "bravo, well done!" to punctuate what I have achieved through focused concentration on my heart - the heart that pumps inspiration via the blood to the furthest reaches of the body.
The little frame
"Practice in the midst of work. Stop and focus on the etheric world. Call into your consciousness the energies of nobility, power, courage and protection. At the same time, know that the spirit realm is close at hand and with love you call them to you, to help you and guide you. It is through the lifting of your mind and awareness that they are permitted to come to your aid. Practice doing this. Place yourself in a flame of upward flowing energies, a great flame of love to all mankind. This is the greatest protection you can have in turmoil, for it is the power of giving, radiating, expanding. And as you know, when you are busy giving, it is difficult indeed for any other person to hurt you for their malevolent intent is turned aside, backlashing upon them, by the invisible radiation of selfless love surrounding you and protecting. This is the battle armour of the great ones - courage and love, honor and truth, desire for freedom and purity of heart, all rolled into one mighty armour, burnished by the touch of God."
11/28/21 - The Goddess and Emotions
One of the things that the Goddess teachings bring to us is the fact that ascended masters and angels are real, very real, and helping us and are available to communicate with. We have been programmed not to see them, or if we do, to think of them as our imagination. We don’t see them physically but we see them internally in some fashion. Sometimes in a clear mental picture, and sometimes it’s just through a sense of knowing. We have been totally brain-washed into thinking that our internal knowing is hallucinatory. Not true. We can “see” pictures and messages with an internal mechanism that is like a radar or an x-ray machine. It senses the outline of a person or a message or a realization. It seems that men (my experience with men) are programmed to see only the outer physical forms, thus they have come to believe only in text-book science which is proven through physical measurements. The Goddess teachings cultivate believing, hoping, overcoming self-doubt by building confidence in oneself, and developing the power of faith, love, reverence for life, peace, harmony, good will, justice, courage, truth. These are all powers.
By holding thought and focus on these powers we become freer and freer, because we are made from these powers. We have forsaken them. We have given them away. We have allowed our powers to be stolen from us, diverted into other channels. That is why we are a lost race. That is what the NEW age is all about – reclaiming our powers of selfhood. Then we will be free to live without entanglements and put-downs by others which interferes with our positive lifestyle. Our lovestyle. Love is a lifestyle. It's a way of living. Love is about becoming free of entanglements and negatives, but it only happens when we change our SELF by ourself. It doesn’t come from blaming or crediting other people. That’s how we gave our power away in the first place. The new age is here to teach us how to raise our SELF and transform our SELF into higher, better, more courageous and refined human beings. We must not lay blame on others, nor lay credit on others either. Take responsibility for everything that happens to you, with love. Love is a power. By using love as a power we become free and FEEL free. We feel free to love in our own way. The love of freedom. Love and freedom work together. Love and freedom are one coin, one couple, working together. We have the powers within us. We must use them to increase our vibrations.
About vibrations. A low vibration is heavy and dark, a high vibration is light and smooth. Vibration is a pulsing. Rap a table with a knuckle slow and methodical. That’s a slow vibration. It's heavy. Speed it up to a faster tapping, that’s a higher vibration. It's lighter. It's higher on the scale of movement. Vibration refers to how an idea FEELS as compared to how an idea is perceived. A thought is an abstract, intellectual concept. Abstract intellectualism doesn’t have a feeling to it. It has to slow down to be felt as a vibration, viscerally, sensually, to cause an emotion. The body is a slower, lower vibration. An abstract thought is vibrating too high. It does not register on the body. We have to lower the thought down to a slower vibration for the body to FEEL it. This is how we "quicken" the body with higher thought. Spiritual concepts are too high for the body to understand. I am getting this now. This is a new understanding for me. By bringing these very high perceptions and visions down into slower, lower vibration is the BIG job we face. I used to think "It's no use trying to explain. They won't get it." And I kept my high perceptions to myself, alone, secret, my private life was secret. But now I am understanding what it means. Bring these lighter, abstract thoughts down into common language and try to put them into action. Join them with the body. Look for a FEELING. Love is a vibration that can be felt by the body when it is expressed through touch, song, spoken words, hugs, gestures, kindness, benevolence, invention, deeds of mercy, charity, justice. In other words, by living them.
A thought about love is abstract, it is spiritual. There is no feeling in a spiritual or abstract thought unless it is coupled with a feeling or action that touches the life of another. Vibrate the feeling of love slower and lower. Vibrate the feeling of kindness slower and lower. Vibrate patience slower and lower. Vibrate truth slower and lower. You get the idea. Vibrate these higher vibrational qualities with feeling. Put feeling into the body and into life and action. We are being told to raise our vibrations. This refers to our body's vibration. The body is the last to pick up a vibration. We mentally pick up a thought faster, but how do we register it on the body? How do we show it to someone else through action? I didn't understand.
We are being asked to LIVE our truth and our love by putting those feelings into action. Love is not a word, it's a vibration. Love is a Goddess teaching. The Mother Goddess shapes and molds light and love into form by using light from the sun and love from her own kindness and desire to serve. Light and love has been missing from the average human life. We have been a purely mental race, intellectual giants and poor expressors of love. We have remained separate, distant, aloof, cold, uncaring, in the stratosphere of the intellect of mind. The Goddess, the feminine aspect of God, is what takes these abstract qualities and lowers them down into form. She empowers the abstract through feeling. She is the FEELING side of life. She takes abstract qualities and compacts them, coagulates them, crushes them down into a matting of substance. She expresses the God consciousness into form, into the body called animal, human, bird, bear, snake. We feel because we are composed of qualities of love and light. She made us so we could feel them. Feeling is an emotion, an energy that moves. Moving energy is the quality of the divine feminine. She is the feminine aspect of God the Creator. She is the feminine aspect of God who shapes the Earth and the humans and animals into form. She molds it all with light from the sun and with love from her heart and soul. She is a celestial being, a master in her own right, here to serve.
11/27/21 - Random thoughts and visions
When I was a child I was open to all things. It worked fine until I was older. Actually it was fine until I got married. Then situations came into my life and I had to deal with them. They were old issues. I am here to face disempowerment issues and clear them. Coming from a spiritual place, as a child I was in openness. Mostly in spirit. Spirit unifies everything. It does not analyze them or work with them. It simply is open to the flow. Love is not ego. It is total 100% receptive to spirit. It is ego to analyze and decide if a thing is good or bad, right or wrong. Goddess energy is 100% flowing with spirit and love precedes you. Love takes you to where you want to go in your heart. It is overwhelmingly awesome to be in the flow of love. As a human we learn how to be open to the, what we call negative, sad, or bad situations that come to us. We need that negative side as a backdrop, like a deep velvet background allows love to stand out in stark intense beautiful colors. We are here to grow in understanding that love is the healer and the helper along the way. Love gets us through our situations quicker if we will go into 100% receptive mode and not resist the flow of the atoms and molecules moving us into harmony.
I have had to become human in order to highlight the Love that I am here to reawaken. I had to learn how to be human all over again after kundalini awakened. I was in spirit with kundalini and then I descended once more into human. Being human is a separating experience, a duality, and ability to discern comes forward for me to use. I have to learn how to discern, how to judge what is good for me and what is not, and not to be so blindly open as one does in the heavens. In a world of duality we are to develop insight and perception, in order to recognize and understand that there are many diverse people through many diverse energies here in the world. Stay balanced in love while learning these lessons. Now I see. As a sexual being I have to present goddess love through my sexual history, through the eyes of my personal story, because the history of sex is one of perversion. Goddess love is shown in living color against that black velvet backdrop, which sucks everything into its black nothingness, or would if it could. But Goddess love comes forward and lights the way. Goddess love is not sexual any more than God is sexual. However (I have a vision now) the purity of love washes down over the planet and the people. It is breathed in and then utilized and shaped by the people, by their free will. The people are creative. They are imaginative. They take the purity that flows down from the heavens of their being - each one - and they mold it according to personal taste and preference. They add this to the world around them as a creative gift to the planet.
Many darker forms of cruelty have been made from purity, and it was allowed to exist for an age. But it is time for goddess love to shine the light and expose the truth of love light. How to create in form. We are growing our divine personalities out of the darker colors of human. They are taking on more light and more livingness and more sparkle, more clarity. We are becoming divine humans or galactic humans with multidimensional souls. I’m a focus of the Light. I am pulling in the Light and molding it to my focus as I write. I am shaping my perspective through my eyes, through my will, through my way, and showing it to the world what and who I am, how I see, how I act, what I know. I am the Light within me and must show it, just as others are Light within themselves and they must show it. I draw my Light from the sun, who draws his Light from the higher sun, the galactic central sun, who draws his Light from the sun higher above him. This is the descension process of the Light. The Light is descending down and it is our job to receive it with appreciation by looking up to the Light and acknowledging it. We have not been looking up, but now we are starting to look up. The process of acknowledging the light is the process of receiving the light and the next process is expressing the light into form, which is love.
Planets are forms. Planets are ensouled by great beings of Light and mastery who focus the Light into their spherical forms, maintaining their forms. Likewise other forms, wholesome and round, whether it be a woman or a man or a mountain or an ocean. All forms are feminine. We, the consciousness, are pure spirit, not yet in form, descending into form. Each of us has a responsibility to utilize the light as we become aware of it, as it descends into us, as we breathe it in, as we draw it forth into action in the physical. Light is unformed intelligence, and we shape it to our preference by our personal intelligence, will, desire, intention, by our wanting to express something in the world. This is why we are here - to learn how to shape and mold the Light, the intelligence which we are, which is spirit, which is consciousness. It is intelligence and it is Light and it is God/Goddess. How to shape and mold consciousness in a way which is of benefit to all around for the good of the whole - that is the task.
The dark side which has very little Light within, by choice, is selfish by choice. They take the light and mold inward to suit their greedy ways, and do not give to others. They harm others by hoarding what they are given and keep it for themselves. It is not good for the whole. It holds creation back and destroys the creations that others build and obstruct what others attempt to build. We are gaining more understanding now, as we learn about how the process works. There are Light forces coming to this planet, circling this planet, staying in orbit around this planet and beaming their understanding onto the earth. They know we are a troubled planet. They are here to help. They have access to more Light. They use it in a positive way. They have perfected their own civilizations on their own planes. They are sending us information as mental thoughts into our minds. Without their help we would continue to be dark, unlighted, unresponsive to goodness that is trying to gain our attention. Light and Love. The whole process of taking the unformed Light from the suns which represent focuses of Godhead, taking unformed light and creating forms with it - planets, mountains, trees, animals, humans, relationships, better homes, better foods, better ways of living - this is feminine. This is Goddess love at work. Goddess is turning intelligence into form. It is the work of love. Goddess is the feminine side of God which births forms.
11/26/21 - Shamanism and the Goddess
Yesterday in the middle of meditation I had a thought to bring the stuffed owl down and place it near me. I did and continued my meditations. Then I had a thought to light a candle. I did that and lit an incense too. I continued with my meditations. Then I had a thought to take the giant feather and sweep the room in which I sat. So I did and resumed my meditations. Then I had a thought of the women gathering and I thought of the several musical instruments hanging on the wall. So I got up and brought down a rattle and a shaker and the big white drum that Tamsen painted. And I resumed my meditations. Then I thought of other objects and so I got up and looked around the room. I as amazed at how many indigenous objects were waiting to be used. Many years have passed with them sitting immobile against the wall, like the stuffed owl. And the wand with the crystal, and the long shaman's walking stick that Tamsen made. All made of earth material, goards, leather, feathers. Indigenous to the earth.
That was yesterday. Today instead of my usual meditation, I was led into a goddess ceremony as soon as I walked into the room. The language of light began to speak through me. It sounded like Native American. I tapped lightly on the drum and sang in the ancient language which I have done for years, not knowing where it comes from. I used the rattles, the drum, the chimes, the feather, allowed the light language to speak. Then I was led to an old notebook. It is our anniversary today. 28 years in this house. I brought this notebook with me. I opened the cover to the first page, the second, the third. Not sure what I was looking for I scanned each page with the drum still in my left hand. Finally I found it about a third in. Something I had copied in earlier years. Something I must have thought valuable at the time. I read each word carefully, wondering who wrote it. There wasn't a source printed under it. When I reached the final paragraph I started remembering. I wrote this? There was no date. It was slowly coming back to me. Ever so slowly. I wrote it during a time when I was flowing with understanding. It was an Ode to the Earth Mother, the Mother Goddess.
My body has been registering high stress lately, a sign that I must do more to ground my high energy which is moving too fast. The goddess energies are coming up for me to remind me what to do. I am being led to restore my shaman abilities. Where does this come from? I don't know. I can only follow and see where it leads. I see women gathering, each holding a rattle, a drum, a wand, a candle, a rattle, a branch, something of the earth.
Later, after I have finished inside the house, I go out to the pasture and sit in the sun. When it becomes too hot, I move my chair to the shade. It is warm today, beautiful. I sit alone with nothing in my hand. Yes, this is a perfect place for an earth ceremony. I look up at the blue sky, very few clouds, the air is still. I start chanting light language again. Two yellow butterflies are flitting through the bushes by the pool. A third joins them. One comes over to me and circles overhead, then it returns to join the other two. My mind is quiet but my nerves are still strung out. My body is struggling to become still, to connect with the stillness. I understand the pressure to hold a gathering of women. It is an ancient ritual designed to ground and anchor the soul, the feminine. I can't do it alone by myself. I need others to connect with.
(Click HERE to read what I wrote about the Goddess, circa 1986.)
11/25/21 - Goddess is yin - the consort of yang
In men as well as women
Enter the center where Yin resides. Yang is the outer whirling arms, legs and mind. Some people say time is moving past so fast they can’t keep up, but time is not moving at all. Only the hands of the clock move, and the arms and legs. Time does not move. There is no movement at the center. Enter the center where there is no movement. There is no sense of movement in the center. The center is where love resides. Love can blossom when two people connect at the center, or three or four or a group. Wherever individuals merge yet retain their individuality. Where individuality expands to greater clarity. The center is where you know yourself and I know myself. The center is where we can enjoy connection together. The center is an elevator to higher grander vaster ground, to a higher form of love that is not possessive, not personal. The center is where you can have many lovers, many friends, many family members, in harmony, without conflict, without jealousy. The center is where you access your own deepest resources. The center is where physical sex becomes a spiritual and emotional connection. The center is where wisdom flows like water, where visions twinkle and sparkle, where love becomes freedom, and freedom becomes love, where yang becomes yin and yin becomes yang, the outer and the inner merge and become One with everyone and everyone becomes One. The result is bliss, ecstasy, rapture and more. Everyone is One. Everyone is individual. In order to grow in wisdom and love, one must learn how to integrate and balance the yin and yang within which, unbalanced becomes ego, becomes the feeling of being separate from everyone else. Your higher self is one with all others. Higher self keeps you sane, whole, balanced, clear and real.
11/24/21 - Training for a goddess ceremony
I have been thinking a lot about hosting a goddess gathering but I have been unsure how to begin. What should we do at a goddess gathering? I've tried it before but the plan died because I didn't have it in me to carry it further. So I began asking, "What do we do in a goddess gathering?" Master DK says, "What have YOU been doing all these years?", suggesting that I already know what to do. But I don't, because my expectations are too high, too complex. There is too much to consider. I am in space and ungrounded. I want to ground and the idea of a goddess ceremony comes to me. But where do we begin? How do we reconnect with the Earth? I ask my guides. "What is the beginning step to a goddess ceremony?" I feel I must write about it. Plan it. Imagine it. So that is what I am doing today.
Let's pretend we are attending a goddess gathering. Not on zoom. No, no. A real live in-person gathering of women only. Let each person who reads this, read it at their own leisure in their own home and engage or not, as they choose. The advice I am being given is to slow down and widen my consciousness. To connect with Mother Earth will require slowing down and widening your consciousness. Not the mind but the consciousness. Consciousness is the stillness in the background of being. It is the awareness from which thoughts spring forth. It is the stillness from which all life springs. It is the same for Mother Earth. She too has a stillness which is her consciousness. Her stillness runs through nature at its best and most pure. That's why we love to be in the raw and wild nature because we too are composed of that same raw and wild nature. But we have become too mental. We have become disconnected from our own nature. To reconnect, we slow our thoughts and slow our energies and connect with those who are similar to us, not dis-similar. Those who are dis-similar agitate us and tempt us into action and reaction. So we gather with like minds, and slow our busy thoughts. We slow, slow, slow down to reconnect with the Earth forces that are INSIDE us. We are made of the same stuff, you and I. Tio reconnect, we must slow down our thoughts and engage our feelings. Our feelings of peace are what connect us. Abstract thoughts do not have feelings. Thought is an offshoot that reaches for something. It reaches for what it doesn't have. It reaches upwards, higher and higher beyond us, for what is lacking inside us. We must slow that reaching down and become quieter and slower. Attaining stillness and peace is a process that is difficult to attain alone.
We are in a goddess circle of 7 women sitting in a screen room. Each participant sits at a round table with an unlit candle and a stick in front of her. The stick is 6 or 7 inches long. We are asked to take our stick and light one end from the mother flame in the center of the table, and light our own individual candle in front of us, dousing the burning end in the water bowl nearby. We are guided to breathe into our own fire, naturally, easily, peacefully while our hostess begins a guided journey into the mother flame in the center of the table, representing our divine nature. Outside there is a pasture of grass, no houses can be seen. Nature is quiet around us. Only the occasional bird call or butterfly attracts our attention.
It is a mystery why the mind becomes peaceful and more expansive when thinking slows down. Stopping the merry-go-round brings the blur of passing objects into more focus. When it fully stops it places us into firmly into the picture. We are a part of the whole picture when we stop moving. But moving into stillness is a choice. Some do not want to slow down. Some do not want to enter the stillness yet. We may stop at any point along the way into the slowing down. It is each one's choice because we are an individual. We can choose and it is not wrong. We have a say in how far we go into stillness, but not here. We have been invited to this goddess gathering and we know ahead of time what we will be doing. That is the process of creating a word picture first.
Oh! So that's why I have to do this. I am growing in understanding. I am being led. I have had to understand because I've been afraid to hold a goddess gathering. I have been afraid that the pushiness of the outer minds of the people would take over and I wouldn't be able to stand up against their needs, that overwhelming tide of different desires, needs and pushiness of personalities that are ever present. I seek the quiet of the DIVINE feminine, not the earth feminine. I am calling it forth. As I write these words I realize that I have nothing to be afraid of because the others present want the same thing. Because I have explained the process ahead of time.
On the screen room at the round table, we are guided to hold hands with those on either side of us. We are led further into unity and reconnection with parts of ourselves we seldom experience. We now feel ourselves becoming slower in thought, wider in connection. The goddess ceremony is a process of quietening the mind and connecting with the oneness. It takes a while. The music is very quiet and the air wafting through the screens is also quiet. It is a ritual of becoming present with one another. It is a ritual of feeling peace while in the presence of others. The ego is the agent of separation. When the mind is busy reaching for something not here yet, it separates from everyone else and goes alone. The goddess ritual is stopping the mind from reaching. When we go quiet, the sense of separation melts away. We sense the oneness. It is natural. It is quiet. It is still.
At the end we have snacks and chat easily, becoming our normal selves again. What else will we do during the goddess circle? I ask this question because my mind races ahead to wonder. I am caught up in reaching again. The energies of life flow fast through me and around me. I seem to be cranked up high all the time. It keeps me buzzing. So I have been asking, "What can we do at a goddess gathering?" I will continue to ask and listen and will post my findings here in my blog.
Meanwhile, enjoy the peace of stress release. Tomorrow is Thanksgiving day. I am grateful to be alive in this beautiful property and house which we have been fighting to save. I bought a Pointsettia and a balloon today to celebrate. We will have turkey and the fixings tomorrow. I wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving who happens to see this blog. These blogs help me to focus on what I want and understand my place in the scheme of things. I hope you enjoy them. Feel free to write me any time and offer suggestions. Love, Diana
11/23/21 - Tantric love by Master DK
I received a clear picture of two people doing Tantra love today, from Master DK. A man and woman sitting together facing each other in a meditation, eyes closed, in silence, each focusing on their inner light and love whatever way they do that. Neither one of them made an effort at pushing it. They waited, and communed with their light bodies until their light bodies moved them to engage in physical lovemaking. Slowly. I don’t know how to describe this to someone who is not aware of their light body. But the words “precise balance” came to me. Each physical body, both the man and the woman, the male and female energies had to be precisely balanced. Neither one pushing on the other one, or the other withdrawing. Both precisely equally balanced. Both surrendered to the love WITHIN. They did not focus on each other. Their focus was a meditation pose, focusig on their individual I Am Presence. When each of their individual I Am Presence(s) reached that precise balance point where they merged and blended in oneness and connection, both the man and the woman responded at the same timef. The personalities were not engaged. They were drawn magnetically to join. Only the love and light of their God Presence within them acted since it was the same sameness in each one. It was Self making love with Self but they were able to enjoy it through two separate bodies. This was shown to me clearly and perfectly as the ultimate Tantric union between two people.
11/22/21 - How to raise your consciousness
It starts out as a belief. You have to change your belief system to create a new belief to set the direction in a positive, upward direction. By continuing to believe this, eventually it turns into faith. And then into knowing which is the real connection. It takes holding onto the belief in order to process your “old” that has kept you in limbo. Keep holding onto the belief by wanting to believe. This is how you raise your consciousness. Personal connection is human day-to-day interactions which are filled with personal debris that is unimportant to spirit. Going beyond personal to a larger expanse level is creating through less focus. Lesser and more refined, more free, more loose, more liquid, more light, more letting go of the “old”. This is how we connect with our higher selves which is sheer pure divinity for we are the children of divinity, growing ourselves back home. There is a divine electric in us that keeps us ticking and breathing. It comes from higher planes, so our direction is “up” and away from the dense physical focus, BUT not leaving the dense physical behind but incorporating the dense physical into our upward journey. We do not divide ourselves out of physicality, we incorporate the non-physical love and refinement into the physical. Thus we integrate physical and non-physical and we feel wonderful.
There’s a cheater in every one of us. It’s the personal aspect of us, the small aspect that feels unloved and unwanted. But there is a larger aspect in us who lives interwoven alongside the personal unloved aspect of us. Both are us. The human experience is a learning experience. We are not human for very long. It’s a lifetime incased inside skin and bone to learn how to choose between the larger aspect which is love and light and transparent, seeking the good of the whole, or choosing the small dense personal unloved and unwanted aspect. We are both. We are the chooser. We are the grand person of nobility and we are the small and rejected hurting person in pain. Which one do we feed?
11/21/21 - Cast your stories upon the waters
One day I asked spirit to please help me ground the light into my writings. I need help grounding. The answer came in the following words.
Begin by falling forward. You have a momentum. It is rushing forward. A river of intention is rushing like a stream from the top of the mountain down to the sea - an allegory very apt. Be who you are at all times. Don’t listen to the fears and concerns that come from other people. Transcend them and listen to your rushing desires. Step aboard your waters of life for they are pure and buoyant. They will carry you forward, downward, down the mountain to meet the sea of human consciousness where your input will ripple outward to touch the consciousness and the energies of so many people you have no idea how many. You have only just begun your teaching. There is far more for you to do. Cast your stories upon the waters and let them go freely where they will. Do not try to control the venue or the title or the market or the audience. We will handle that. You just write. Use your journals as reference only. Use your knowledge, your experience, your wisdom, your sight, and your love - your deep, deep love of freedom for all - let this ripple through your writings. Give encouragement, give support, give invitations to come forth, give space, give opportunities. You are so beautiful. You have much to give. We stand over and around you protecting you, guiding you, supporting you, shifting your attention as needed to keep you on your rightful track as you request us to do and give us authority. We are your helpers, your friends, your spiritual support on the other side of your veil. You do not see us but you feel us and our influence upon you never ceases. We are here for you and you are here for us. We serve as do you. Shalom!
11/20/21 - Loving the WHOLE body, not just the physical
The future man and woman will be able to love the WHOLE body, not just the surface shell or skin of a person. By that I mean we will be able to love and connect with the etheric body, the astral body (emotional), the mental body and the spiritual body all at the same time. These are the four densest layers of our humanness, all of which feed and nourish and inspire the physical body. We have been led to believe we are just physical. That we have only one body and there’s nothing more to us than that. That is our finite limited belief and we focus on that. But we know we are more than a piece of meat held together by muscle, blood and bone. Loving the WHOLE body doesn’t pertain to the sexuality of the body but to adoring the whole body, worshiping the whole body, loving the whole body in such a way that there is a deep and profound peace and calm throughout, from feet to head.
Many people already know what I know but most are unwilling to speak of these things, not daring to acknowledge this that we know deep in our hearts and souls. Most people are not speaking about them because they think nobody else knows and you don’t want to be the one who rocks their boat with wild unbelievable off-the-chart stories. Now I am being shown that many people are thinking the same thing. Everyone is being, like, “Shhhh! Don’t tell!” Trying to keep it quiet and under the radar. We are all cowards! We don’t want to be the one who says, “Look! The king has no clothes!” (famous children's story) and all the adults say, “Shhh, don’t say anything.” So we are all keeping it a secret. We are not talking about what we know but it's coming. We are getting ready.
11/19/21 - Aloneness
There is an innocence and a naturalness to you that has been corrupted and made to feel unnatural, made to feel you are wrong for feeling the way you do. To hold such lies in place a control system of laws was created to prevent you from knowing the truth and gaining your freedom. From the lies that you are sinful and less than absolutely and stunningly perfect just as you are, government, laws, authorities and police enforcement manipulate people unnaturally. News media, congress, politicians, Hollywood entertainment, food and pharmacy industries, music bands, sports, any venue that draws crowds. There are experts who study the psychology of crowd control.
Where do you feel most free? Alone, right? Alone walking in nature, at the beach, in the forest, on the mountains, even in your own room alone without the electronic gadgetry. Alone you can hear and feel yourself. When you are exposed to others outside yourself alone, your brain and nervous system are being inundated with “not-self” particles of energy that push and pull and suck on you. Meditation is becoming more popular as people discover the value of alone time. And yet we long to be in company with others who are like us. That is I have the yearning to call together those who want to cultivate closer friendships that are more quiet, more warm, more connective and comfortable to be with. We call it love, but it’s not what you think of as personal love. It’s rather just feeling alive, warm and good with other people around. It’s loving and caring.
It’s heart-centered. It is a yearning to be free to connect without jealousy or sex threatening to become an issue. But in order to do that we have to release everything that obstructs our forward movement into happier places and more comfortable people. The freedom to be simply who we are, naturally who we are. How do we do that? We don’t find freedom out there on the street in the world at large because the atmosphere is clouded and crowded with too many issues and don’ts. We walk carefully out there but in here, in a gathering of like-minded friends we can focus on relaxing. Or can we? This is why I write about it so much. I want to cultivate a network of people, normal, average human beings like you and me, where we can gather and talk together frankly and openly. I mean really OPENLY. Share, tell, reveal, disclose, be honest. There is a natural goodness underlying each person’s outer personality or face. We call it a mask. There is a natural goodness underlying the mask really deep down. An innocence. A powerful being of light and love and freedom who is a royal, sovereign power. How can we cultivate this power? It exists even in the hateful or angry person who is filled with resentment for having to shut down his natural goodness. When your friends let you breathe free, you are perfect.
Speaking of freedom, I am testing the waters of the community. I just posted an invitation to come to me for an ascension massage. Click HERE. It is being sponsored by the ascended masters. I have been a student of theirs for 50 years. I am testing the waters of the community by revealing more about myself. I posted it several days ago. Whenever I disclose more of myself I always experience more happiness, joy and freedom afterward. It is like pumping fresh blood into my system. I urge everyone to try being more honest, truthful, vulnerable, revealing. The truth will set you free in ways you can't even imagine.
11/17/21 - Ascended Master Teachings
Ascended Master knowledge is knowledge of good and evil. It is knowledge that goes beyond gender masculine and feminine. The goal is to bring knowledge about the human form being a divine manifestation, but it must be washed clean of the human confusion and errors that have caused backups and bog-downs. Good old fashioned mud! The human is a divine god-man and god-woman underneath the cloak of mud. This is beyond human. It is about bringing forth the DIVINE human. The human individual is designed to become a human IMMORTAL individual, but that can only be accomplished by leaving behind the limited errors which make up the human which are not in harmony with perfection. This is known as the immaculate concept of each individual soul. In the beginning the soul was created in purity. The human experience has accumulated a massive amount of errors. These errors that clog up the human soul are to be lighted up by the divine, by our higher selves. That’s when we become Christed. That’s when we begin reversing the aging process. The human becomes an immortal forever more at the prime of life – ageless. An ascended being.
11/16/21 - Your attention is your power
When you hear your name called on the street, you turn your attention to the source of the sound. That is how the Masters respond when you call them. Unless you call them, they do not hear you. You are hidden among the smog of the mass collective. It is your calling to them by name that turns their attention to you. You attract them like a bird calling to its mate. That is how an embodied soul creates a line of communication with the ascended masters and also with those who are disembodied. Loved ones who have passed. Call them by name but you must be sincere. You must be focused. You must put all of your attention into the calling. Your attention is your power. And then listen. Be silent. Enter the stillness. They will respond. You must listen for their response. Cultivate a line of communication. Pave it over and over again with your calling them by name. Be sure to use the title "Ascended Master" before their name for their are other embodied souls who bare the same name.
Your attention must have the proper respect and uplifting attitude of trust, hope and faith that will reach them. This is like a telephone line. You do not want the line to be filled with static. Become a silent listener. This is meditation at its best. Make the call and then become silent and turn inward and listen upward into the blankness and nothingness of space, where there is no thought or image to distract you. It is the sacred telephone line of listening.
You may not hear words spoken the way you are accustomed, as you hear an Earth word uttered. But you will receive guidance. You will receive guidance in a way that is natural to you. You will simply know what to do. Spiritual guidance comes in many ways. A visit from a friend, a new business opportunity, a chance meeting that changes your life, a book falling off the shelf, a wild animal approaching you, a pine cone dropping on your head as it once did to me. You and the masters are one mind. We all are part of the one mind. How can life be otherwise? How can someone find one soul in a vastness that includes everyone? It must be by calling out a name. A name is a singular resonance. It is an individual vibration. We in solid earth bodies have been cut off from the vastness of the one mind so we can focus on the outer solid material world. But we can also connect with the ascended masters and those who are not in our reality when you understand the protocol of calling and listening. Reconnect with the ascended master realm and you will begin to know again. You have always known but you did not know that you knew. You had amnesia.
Cultivating a relationship with the ascended masters is to develop a belief in them. You begin by experimenting. Try it out. Trust what you are receiving. It requires your attention. Your attention is your power. It is not just your imagination, as you have been told. When you connect with the ascended masters you are connecting with Source, the creator. This connection will bring you not only happiness and freedom, but it will open you to be of service. Your most fervent wishes and desires to contribute will unfold miraculously. They want to help you but they are not allowed to intervene until you call and ask for assistance. They will help to bring you in touch with your divine plan, that which is your underlying desire. Everyone wants to be of service but we don't kow how. We need help. We have been cut off from Source. Connecting with the Ascended Masters is how they help us. It is why they are there, waiting for us to ask for help.
It takes time but once you have begun a daily practice, you will be surprised at how quickly your life begins to have more meaning. Realigning with Source means realigning with your own divine plan. You are linking up to the greater plan. Trusting the Ascended Masters is how we begin the linking up. You will notice a lightening of spirit and happiness. Your heart will start opening and radiating joy. Your heart has been held in bondage to the intellect, which is only one half of your wholeness. The heart must be opened too. This is what the light can do for you. The ascended masters are eager for this heart connection. They too wish to be of service but they cannot intervene. Mankind must ask for help. The earth would have been destroyed long ago, without the help of the Ascended Masters working through embodied human beings who spent time listening and following Their guidance.
Use the mantra, “I Am light" (1) that was given to us by Master El Morya (or maybe St. Germain). Memorize it and repeat it often throughout the day. Go to sleep saying it. This will set your etheric body in a direction to pour forth love and blessings throughout the night, so that when you wake in the morning you will be refreshed. You are revitalized when light pours through you unconditionally. It sets you to rightness. You do not show favoritism but on all alike, just as the sun pours forth light on the great and small alike. You will be activating the law of forgiveness and harmony within your mind, feelings and etheric body as you sleep. All that you pour forth from within you, will return to you many times over. It is the Law of reciprocity.
(Footnote) I am light, glowing light, radiating light, intensified light. God consumes my darkness, transmuting it into light. This day I am a focus of the central sun. Flowing through me is a crystal river, a living fountain of light that can never be qualified by human thought and feeling. I am an outpost of the divine. Such darkness as has used me is swallowed up by the light which I am. I am, I am, I am light. I live, I live, I live in light. I am light’s fullest dimension, I am light’s purest intention. I am Light! Light! Light! Flooding the world everywhere I move, blessing, strengthening and conveying the purpose of the Kingdom of Heaven!
11/15/21 - H is for Home
I woke up with words running through my mind. A is for allowing, awesome, accepting. B is for breathing, C is for caring, D is delightful, dazzling. E is for excellent, excitement, F is for fun, fabulous, freedom, G is for God/Goddess, H is for heart, home. I is for intelligence, I Am, integration. J is for joy, jubilation. H is for home. The idea of Home started to expand into a broader concept. Home is inside.
The world and relationships are outside and always changing and moving. They are transient, not stable. Home is inside, it is never moving. It is stable, it can be trusted. Home is not the house where you live or the town or city or country, or the person who lives with you. Family is not home. It is temporary. You have had many families, many homes, many cities, towns, villages. They are all transient.
Home is inside. It is where YOU are. YOU are home when you are within yourself. Learn to trust yourself. You are forever and you never ever change. Only your perceptions change. Only your lessons change. Only your mind changes. It grows and expands and sometimes it loses track of who you are, but YOU - the one you identify as “me” or “I” - the one who observes through your eyes, smells through your nose, tastes through your tongue, hears through your ears, touches other people - this “me” never changes because it is the real you who dies and is born and dies and is born and dies and is born, and inbetween you remember.
You forget when you are in a body, but the real you is there within, in every cell of your body. You are the same you that was pure and whole in the beginning and you remain pure and whole even when you’re in a body, even as you dwell inside your body. Do you remember? You are always you. You forget who you are when in the body because you are distracted by the changes and movements of the people around you. But you are eternally you and you are remembering through flashes of insight. This is a wonderful warm home-coming as you remember to love yourself and be kind to yourself and to return your attention back into yourself. You are remembering yourself so you do not get lost the way you have been lost before.
11/14/21 - From DK on being too feminine
One day I asked my invisible guide, Master DK, "How do I control my attention?" His answer: "You are too feminine. You must learn to use your brain too, along with your heart/feeling. You are too much in waiting mode and receiving mode, because that is your primary default as feminine through lifetimes. You MUST wake up to your brain activity and take charge of the direction of your life. Your brain is the human vessel control mechanism. This is the next stage in your development. Work together with your brain. The brain is how you control your attention. The general emphasis to the public has been directing people to go to their hearts and feelings because the masses are too brain centered. You are too heart/feeling centered."
(Me: So it’s OK to have an agenda?)
Yes, it’s OK. Make an agenda and use your brain which is your masculine side to control your daily life.
(Me: Oops. I started kicking in with too much energy, like I had been let out of the box, and realized it)
Remember to stay connected to your heart. Equality is remaining connected to the heart and the mind. Equality is perfect balance between mind and heart. The masters use the heart flame to raise or lower their vibrations as needed. They use the masculine directing force through the brain to direct their attention. Direction is given to act but the heart provides the power to act. The brain does not have the power. The brain is the masculine force and the heart/body is the feminine force. They must work together like fingers on one hand work together and help one another. They do not fight and contradict one another. So the brain and heart must work together. You have been learning this through your sexual activity between men and women.
The brain is not the controller. Control comes from higher than the physical brain or the physical heart. It comes down THROUGH the heart from the God-self. The brain makes the decision where to focus attention. You are in the brain most of the time, so you must use the brain to decide to focus attention on the heart. This is the work of the modern day westerner for he is too brain-focused. The heart is the main portal, the front door to the house you live in. Go and open the front door and let your God-self speak. You listen. You will feel it through sensations of wholeness, sureness, clarity, liberation, goodness, peace, truth. This is the God-self speaking to you. If you are connected brain-to-heart in a wholesome way, then your brain will make a wise decision to act. If the brain and heart remain connected, the heart/body will provide the power to act and the wisdom to act, the knowledge of how to act, and the truth and best way to act. The heart receives, the brain decides, the heart supports the decision and they work together, intellect and body. The power comes through the heart.
If the brain tries to act on its own without the power of the wholesome heart, the innocent heart, it will not be able to sustain the action. It will collapse, either today or tomorrow or next week or next month. The sustainability is the power of the God-self. Learn to listen to the heart but USE THE BRAIN! The message from the God-self descends down through seven levels. The first three levels are perfect, but when the message enters the mental, emotional, etheric and physical, the four lower bodies have a will of their own called the ego or artificial intelligence that is not connected to the God-self. The physical heart lives and pumps blood and messages from the God-self as long as the God-self is connected to the body. We call it the life force. The physical heart pumps the life force and light messages out into the rest of the body, wherever the arteries and veins and capillaries go, so the whole body is capable of getting the sensation of life. Do you understand? (Yes)
(Me: Re: massage by women for women only - why are we doing this?)
It’s a simple matter. Those who are too masculine, many male bodies, but there are some female bodies also whose biology is too focused on outer physical interactions. If the women are also brain-based rather than heart-based, they are also too controlling. Some masculine souls are focused on outer physical interactions but are also heart-based. They are tender men. But the majority of men are too masculine because they are brain-based plus focused on physical interactions. The result is pressure on those who are too feminine and receptive. Many women feel pressured by men, as you did. But there are some women who are masculine and therefore focused on physical interaction and brain-based like a man, even though her body is female. Those who are too feminine are receptive and passive and allow others to guide them and set direction. These souls are connected to their inner feelings more than connected to their brain or outer physical interactions. These souls must be awakened to understand this.
This is an esoteric teaching because it is deeply personal to each soul how to adjust. No education has been provided on this subject. Knowledge has been given in esoteric schools called mystery schools and kept underground because the majority of the population was not ready to hear it. Women today need other women to work out an understanding between themselves without the pressure from those whose biology is from a different perspective. Each person is a package of dynamic knowledge locked in and held back from experiences from past lives, both skills and talents of the human kind and also spiritual wisdom and knowledge from the God-self. But it is all being held back because of cultural taboos and training against freedom to express. Her beliefs may be right or may be wrong, but she will not know until she is allowed to expose and express herself in spontaneous ways, in an atmosphere of feeling free.
Recognize your default program which is hard-wired into you and try using opposite approaches, like ways you don’t like. Start the change process. For example, women don’t know how to be truly intimate or how to cuddle because they are programmed to think that intimacy with men - perhaps women too - means sex. Teach women how to not be afraid of intimacy. Massage, cuddle, touch and hug without sex as a motive. Discuss that warm arousal feelings of love are natural and not to be afraid of it. Teach NOT TO GO THERE! Discuss this. Get over the sex obstruction. It is subliminal obstruction which is preventing women from feeling true intimacy and love. Women have been insidiously blocked from love without their realizing how it happened. Now they are trying to find the “right” man who will “make” them feel love. It doesn’t work because he will not always be in the right mood to “make” her feel love. He will change. (Received 5/12/19)
11/12/21 - Revelations from 40 years ago
It was 1981 and we were in Costa Rica visiting friends. While Bob and our hosts sat discussing the affairs of the collapsed economy, I was drawn irresistibly to their tiny library and what I knew is on those shelves. I pulled out a book printed in the 1800’s by an enlightened man by the name of leReaux in Michigan. It had gold printing on an old dark blue cover, tattered at the edges. I opened it and began to read under the hall light. It was a translation from the writings of a magician during the years between 1501 and 1550 when he was attempting to make some sense out of those esoteric and ancient truths that had come tumbling down through the ages. This morning as I write I am still vibrating with the glimpses revealed to me then, for as we drove home I was on a cloud of light.
When we climbed into bed it seemed the very heavens were pushed back for me. I felt as though I were waking up from a long sleep. How could this be, I thought to myself? I could see beyond the reasoning mind, or was it that the reasoning grew up in one single jump, far beyond its old outposts? I know more today than I did yesterday and the knowledge is stupendous. But it is knowledge about which I cannot write yet. Although one thing I know with an absoluteness that defies proof. And that is that there are beings, intelligent beings helping me, and probably helping others, too. I can see them with those faculties that perceive things not physical.
With these same faculties I saw the first glimpses while we were still in Florida. We had gone out to eat at a seafood restaurant, just Bob and me, and I had smoked a marijuana cigarette alone before we left. Though I do not smoke often, perhaps two a month, on those occasions when I do it is always a revelation of extraordinary dimensions. On this occasion as we sat in a second class restaurant near the water dipping lobster into melted butter, I looked through the dark window pane to the even darker trees on the other side of the road and saw instead of the darkness a sea of something indescribable. It was an essence like a heat mirage from the road in the distance. It was a lovely thing, alive, not solid, not liquid, not gas, not space, not sound, not color, but it was something else unnameable. Yet it is more alive, more intelligent and more knowledgeable and more perfect and more compassionate than any of the above. If I had to choose a name for this unnameable essence, it would be intelligence. Intelligence that is refined to such perfection and including all beneath it, that it became beauty and loveliness - a thing to be desired. There was a magnetism that drew me irristably to forget all else around me. It was absorbing me and teaching me at the same time.
As I watched the movements of this lovely essence, for it never stopped its action which radiated with purpose, I saw it consolidating and stopping here and there, falling to a close or an end, though all around it the action continued. And each stopping point was a human consciousness that could not comprehend any more. That was its limit of reason. Then I realized the science of astrology for each stopping point fixed it at a certain place and time. Therefore a man born in 1510 in Europe, for example, would have had a life totally different from that same consciousness if it were born again in 1924 in Chicago.
And then between the verbal conversation which I was carrying on with Bob, I saw the lightening of the ages, the thinning out and elevating of the years and the coming gifts that will arrive from the ancients who watch us. Those marvelous, non-selfish, human beings who are helping us by stimulating our instincts for growth, the genetic implants within us which have been so slow in developing, And as they stimulate us with visions and dreams and thoughts we learn to let go and move on.
Do I dare form the words that are hanging in the hallway of my mind? If I were living in 1510 would I have gotten this far? Surely not. But today is a new time and a new space, and I am at the brink of breaking through and expressing that which I am. Only then can I go on and continue my journey through the rarefied mists of intelligence beyond.
As I lay last night in the arms of Bob, cuddling against his hairy chest and feeling my skin melt into his, the cells jumping in my leg muscles, my stomach, arms, head and skin. It prickled all over as though being charged with electricity. I wanted to jump out of bed and run through the house and out of doors and shout that I am free! Something inside of me wanted to do just that, but I couldn’t. That would have pushed me beyond reason and I must fight to stay within the confines of logic. Hard to do but consciousness expands slowly, so a physical acceptance can keep up with it, all moving together in a delicate balance. The limits of that balance are the limits of sanity. It is no wonder that those who have glimpsed these things have often flipped out. A glimpse into the unknown is the thinning away of the barriers that protect us - the barrier that enfolds us as the shell of an egg protects the delicate yoke inside. Some call it the aura but it is the protective veil that shields us from too much of the cosmic power that sizzles with a life beyond our ability to handle. And thus we stop there. It is the edge of our consciousness. And slowly we push upon it. Only subtle thinning is safe. The mild, gentle learning, all within reason, within “time”, within the ability of the environment to handle it, for an opening in this veil is an entry point of this power into the world. It is an awesome power and we must become responsible.
And further, I saw something which still lingers in me awaiting capture and definition. It concerns the wondrous art of meditation. So many people want to meditate and yet, very few are successful in their attempts and are thus living in a frustration which need not be. Meditation lies not in the technique. It lies not in what you do with your hands, your feet, your sitting position. It lies not in a peaceful environment or a place of privacy. Meditation does not depend on any of these things. Successful meditation depends upon desire. Desire is the only ingredient that will assure success and one must wait until desire builds sufficiently to push oneself into action. One may read, one may imagine, one may talk with others and one may learn techniques. But in the end none of these things will do it for him. Only his desire will catapult him finally into giving up some of his life to make room for it.
Desire is the seed that causes change. Desire stimulates the cosmic energy in the center of the body. Desire is the vacuum into which rushes the answer. Desire stimulates the psychic energy, the cosmic power which lives dormant in the center, in the geometric enter of the body as in the heart of a seed. Therefore it must be a deep desire, a strong desire. I am speaking of the kundalini now.
Sexual desire is the primal stimulation, the first movement of the cosmic growth. Use it with the same curiosity with which it was first born. Use it with awe, with respect, with wonder. Discover its magic, encourage its feeling, for it is a beginning. use it until you can use it with freedom, the freedom to do or not to do, as you yourself choose and then knowledge will come. For knowledge follows such a freedom like a shadow follows a man as he walks toward the light. Then the great mystery of sex is reduced to rubble in the light and a new science is born - the science of spiritual knowledge and it is built upon a physical base. A base strong enough to support it.
11/11/21 - The feminine and the patriarchy
The feminine aspect of life is that part which likes to share. This part of the human is open and connected to everyone and everything in the natural state. But it has been usurped, stolen from, weakened, closed down. During the dark ages, the masculine aspect of life took control through various and sundry means, which in essence, drew on that feminine openness, pleaded with that openness, expressed deep needs and hungers that only the feminine could fill and therefore could not resist, and she answered the call. She was sucked into a trap and the trap sprang closed on her. She gave her power away to the masculine power and today we have a patriarchal system and a disempowered, disconnected humankind. It is important to understand that disconnection is true in both genders, not just the man, not just the woman. For the man has a feminine side to him and a woman has a masculine side to her. But it is primarily the male who expresses the patriarchy because, after all, he is in a masculine body.
The patriarchal system we call monogamy grew out of the need of a man to own a woman all for himself, so he could draw on her as an energy source. It kept women isolated. What the men did not realize was they too were trapped in the system, as part of the larger, more insidious system that was surreptitiously designed by off-worlders. Highly intelligent races from other worlds who watched and visited the Earth in prehistory to explore, discover and experiment with the humanoid race. With different motives behind them, each alilen race came to fiddle with the young and vulnerable evolving humans. They were the ones who put the monkey wrench into the works. They modified our DNA for purposes of their own, and thus we have been kept in separation, divided from each other, when natural evolution would have us growing together peacefully. We have been kept uneducated.
We, the evolving human race, has been kept unbalanced, divided and prevented from growing into fully integrated sentient beings, heart-centered and balanced in mind, body and feeling as a progressive race. Thus we have been unable to gather and commune with each other honestly, openly and freely. We didn't have the chance to grow our freedom to circulate, move about and learn for ourselves. Monogamy served very well to keep the separation going. With each man having his own feminine body to live with, it was an ideal way to keep females tied down, from openly expressing their love, kindness, tenderness freely flowing. This was the big mistake. And because she couldn‘t be open, neither could he. The men were just as much a victim as the women because they did not know the super alien powers that controlled them from a malevolent master mind. They were locked into an energy vortex pointing downward. This was written into law. It has evolved into our legal system of today, theoretically meant to keep everyone safe, but in actuality intended to shape and mold a prison-like structure of do's and don'ts. There is no free and open spirit flowing today. Laws were put into place a long time ago.
The return of the goddess is the return of balance to humankind. Known as the divine feminine, the goddess energy is a gentle and sensitive return to heart-centered living and open and healthy communication in a free-flowing way. Freedom to speak, think, believe, act and exchange insights and opinions and love without being arrested, censored, condemned, ostracized or killed. Freedom to be simply who one is by nature, by the wisdom accumulated through many, many prior lives, which knowledge is innate and part of the evolving soul's experience. Right now, in this current moment, men who themselves are shut down and censored by higher authorities, are being used as the enforcers on other men and women. It is an insidious system. The male is programmed to be closed-lipped. That means, don‘t talk don‘t tell, don‘t reveal what you know. Keep your knowledge secret. Keep your past repressed. Don't share, don't speak, don't wonder, don't investigate. Why? No one knows why.
Governments say it’s for “Homeland Security“ but that‘s nonsense. The female has been programmed to obey and go along with the rules or suffer the consequences. Today's female thinks this is a natural state for her to be this way. It is not. She is a goddess who has been held back in class. She has not been allowed to study and learn her trade. She is a goddess in training who is not allowed to gather with her sisters and practice goddess skills. She has not been allwoed to live openly, freely, the love that she has accumulated. In the past and in other parts of the world today, if a woman crosses a legal line, she gets shot, stoned, imprisoned or harassed to death. Both genders have been shut down. Look at the US patriarchal government. Neither gender in government has power. They are told to be close-lipped. “Keep it secret”. “Don’t tell the other side." It's a structure of governing that does not work. We remain divided on all levels. It has closed everybody down, including the president.
Without realizing it, the goddess energy is in the process of changing all this. It is working quietly behind the scenes to correct the alien law on the books today, and bring about a more decent, natural universal law which can help the humans live together in peace. There is a higher law in place. It pervades space and keeps the suns and planets in orbit through enlightened intelligence. There are no secrets. There is only a continuous process of integration. It is a learning. It is a science. It is a teaching. There are great beings who are guiding us. There is a continual integration into oneness and wholeness as each soul chooses to take it. Or not. They can refuse but the offer is there always. We are meant to be part of the whole, which is the equivalent o living in a large family who supports you and loves you. We are heading in that direction through the ascension process. It's going to take time, but we've come a long way in the last 50 years.
Those worlds who are more advanced than us, have learned to live in a more civilized way with open communication direct with Source. They live an enjoyable individual life of excitement. For them, life is good. Life is not an accident. It is designed, and it is designed with love and intelligence. The goddess energy has been shut off on this planet and we haven't been allowed to design our life the way we want it. The goddess energy is now being turned back on. The return of the goddess will bring back equality between the sexes in a more beautiful, integrated way. We've had limiting structures built into us and we've been stopped from growing in a positive upward way. The natural way is returning now. It is being seen on the internet. It’s not the human woman who is going to save the planet, for she is just as lost as the men have been. She does not have any more power to change the world as she is today than the men do, unless and until she become empowered by her own free will choices. Then she will change the world. Input by the feminines of the planet is going to save the race. The feminine side is what is our divine side. There is a masculine side which is that part which explores over the mountainand far away out into the void. But the feminine side keeps us connected to the divine. She does not move. She is the center of the hub, the center of the home. It is not being a saint to be in divine communication with Source. It is being wise, graceful, intelligent, true to oneself. It is being a part of Source, compassionate, patient, loving and forgiving. The feminine side of life is our natural innate intelligence. It has been seduced into a corrupt version of female. But the real divine feminine is still there. It has not disappeared. It has simply been covered over and lost to the outer sight, but it is still there. We have to dig for it like archeologists dig for ancient relics and bones.
What is this feminine aspect? There is a tenderness in the human being which is innate sensitivity to life. It exists within both men and women. The divine masculine and divine feminine is the same oneness that is separated by human words. It is really all one. The human version is waiting to be integrated and brought back together again into oneness. The twin flame is not a twin at all. It is ONE! It has been divided by humans who love to divide everything up into fragmented pieces. This oneness is waiting for the outer personality to bend, soften and surrender. The outer human personality is an alien product, shaped by alien races, but underneath is the natural human soul waiting to come out on the world stage. The natural wholeness is waiting for the outer personality to relinquish control, and allow the return to softness again. It is the great power within. It is the great unifier. How can we do this?
It just takes a few moments to stop and be still and turn inward often throughout the day and depressurize. Fall back on the softness within. Stop the thoughts from churning. In time each person will learn how to do this. It is destined. That upon which the alien outer personality relies for breath and energy is softness. It has always been there underneath the hard shell of outer focus. It is the life of the body. It is closer than hands and feet and breath. It is what beats our heart and moves our limbs. It digests the food we eat, and it supports EVERTHING we do, every second of the day. Even the evil that we do. When we stop and surrender to it, we are transformed into warmth and contentment. It feels like a great mother is holding us wrapped to her bosom. It is love. It is our own guiding force. It shows us how to yield in situations that previously caused terror, fear and angst. It teaches us how to maneuver in safer, more secure ways. It is instructive. It is what we are calling today the goddess energy. It is inside us. We just have to know it is there and test it. Cultivate it, lean on it, develop it. We have been taught lies. It doesn’t cost money. It doesn’t require us to take a test or to pass an initiation.
That which is whole and integrated in harmony and peace does not obey the artificial human which is an alien creation. What we call human standards today are sub-standard and below the dignity of the wholeness. This wholeness provides a sense of peace that goes waaaay beyond human peace. Wholeness becomes wholeness by integrating with neighbors in tenderness, softness, peacefulness, love, truth, purity, harmony, happiness, sharing, giving, receiving. Without limits or conditions attached. This wholeness lives within us every moment of the day and supports the actions we take and the words we speak even when we take wrong actions. It supports us until we use it all up and we are weakened to the point of growing old and decrepit. The next stage is death of the body. But it is only we ourselves that allow old age. We can reverse that process by living true to ourself and in tune with everyone else around us. By living integrated with the wholeness we extend our longevity, living healthy, happy and without struggle or pain. It is destined.
To grow back into the wholeness again all we need to do is surrender to that soft place within. It is silence and stillness when human alien thoughts stop churning. It may be hard to do at first, but a beginning must happen somewhere. Sometime. Today. Stop trying to fit into an alien world. Stop fighting. Stop resisting. By going within to the silence which is felt as love, warmth and peace, we leave the alien culture of loneliness. The universe is maintained by the myriads of intelligent beings who have chosen THIS over separation. Go within and go up the inner elevator to the top floor and assume the overview. Be your own master, guide and angel. See the truth from that high place of silence. See the purity. See the courage. See the love. See the peace. Stand inside it and become integrated into the wholeness of life. Whether you're a man or a woman, you are entering the divine feminine, the center of yourself. Become that which is there within you which has been supporting the limitations and the lies. Fall back on the good, the decent, the honorable. It is good for everyone, not just for you alone. You join the wholeness and there are many here with you.
Each human being has the wholeness within. It is the goddess energy. The divine mother. It exists as the god within men, the divine father, as it exists as the goddess within women, the divine mother. We are gods and goddesses here on earth to learn these things. We are in training. We are here to discover the wholeness within, that oneness, that source energy out of which we were divided into man and woman. The wholeness is who we really are. We are our own connection to the infinite, to the everlasting and the evermore, the same wholeness to which the angelics and the ascended masters belong, and the galactics are moving into ahead of us and showing us the way as older brothers and sisters.
11/10/21 - May the Force be with you
This morning during my free-style movements I began focusing love into my inner body, organs and tissues by naming them each one. “I love you lungs”, heart, brain, liver, etc. - and feeling the warm and comforting sensation as my body was being stroked and loved and purring like a kitten. This is part of my routine these days, usually while sitting down stationary and not moving. I never did it while standing and doing the graceful movements of spirit which comes with the inner wind. After about 20 minutes of slow free dance, I stopped to write because I felt SO good, SO warm, SO loved and SO comforted that I began to think, how natural it is to want to extend this loving feeling to others. I sensed I was approaching the culmination of many lifetimes, the fulfillment of my journey into the light and then into swinging trying to share the spiritual love through sex with others, and then having to stop because they didn’t know how to keep up with me. Bringing love to the WHOLE body means more than sexual or romantic lovemaking or wild abandoned lusty sex. It’s more even than spiritual Tantric love. It includes all of the above but it goes further. It doesn’t stop there but goes on into ascension. It is no wonder I could find no responders. It is a brand new adventure, yet to be explored.
The other day I thought, I must start teaching how to tap into the mystical wind within. What I do has always been a mystery to me. I simply call them “my movements.” I’m going out to do my movements now, I tell my husband. Several months ago I found out they are called “kriyas”. Most people think kriyas are hand movements that you learn from a teacher but to me they are whole body movements and spring forth spontaneously from some mysterious source when I yield and surrender to it. They are spontaneous movements, graceful movements where, under certain conditions, the body yields itself naturally to an inner wind. It bends and twists and sways and dances like leaves on a tree when there is a breeze. I have a yearning to tell others because this is love. Love enters the physical body through this inner wind from someplace beyond the body. I must tell about this holy innocence that lives within, and how to surrender to it. It flows through the meridians and nerves of the body involuntarily. One cannot “make” it happen. It is a force that comes alive under the praises of love. The praises of love. The inner web (called tantra in Sanskrit) lights up and comes alive when love is lavished within upon the organs, tissues, muscles of the body.
Love is what opens the chakras and starts a river of bliss flowing. It’s more like a radiation that moves through the meridians. It’s almost instantaneous all over the body at once, like a moving prayer through the molecules and cells. Try it. You start by intending to go into prayer, into praise, into worship of the divine within. I recommend starting by standing very quietly, very still, very serene, and focusing somewhere within, or focus on NOT focusing but simply watching. Be a silent watcher. Put every cell in your body into watch mode. Listen for the sound of God coming. It is within the stillness that you feel the movement. Some part of your body will want to twist or turn in a certain direction. Slowly. Not fast. Very, very slowly. Surrender to it. Yield to it. “May the Force be with you". The Force is an inner force. Yield to it. The force starts moving through the meridians as you allow it to move through you. Your muscles follow suit. Don’t resist. Don’t anticipate. Stay in watch mode. Be simply the leaf on the tree. Be the watcher. Follow the wind. Don't try to make it happen. Fallow along behind it like the wake of a motor boat. Follow the will of the spirit known as father-mother God. The life force. It is the source of love, warming, comforting, blissful, peaceful. I had this thought to offer it and so I am offering it now.
11/8/21 - The evil is in me and so is the Goddess
I had a dream last night. In my dream there is a man but he is a snake coming up out of the earth beneath a tree. That is where he lives. It is his home. He comes out and is my lover and I feel this evil in him. He emerges to be my lover and then he goes back down inside the ground. I was bothered by this evil one and when I woke up I mulled over this dream. I laid there for quite a while and thought about it, and finally - eureka! I found that the evil was in me. Maybe the man/snake was evil, but what bothered me was that I was focusing on the evil. The evil bothered me. The evil was in me. It was me who was entertaining the evil. All evil is in me. If I am not aware of evil it is not in me. How to get away from evil thoughts? The goddess energy shows me how. I love the man/snake. I shift my consciousness, open my heart, and find love for him. Divine love. True love. I accept him into my heart as a divine manifestation. This was a gift and a lesson for me to recognize this. My job is to realize that a bothersome thought is of my own doing. I have to transform it and I can do that only with love and forgiveness. This is not just words. It is a consciousness shift to feeling love and forgiveness for the one who bothers me. Then I am free.
11/7/21 - Goddess energy
Goddess information, also known as the divine feminine, is a specific teaching. It does not mean for women only but men may be uncomfortable with this information. At least until the teachings start to unfold. There is a gathering of data on this that is a science. It is as old as the earth itself. In fact, it comes from before the earth was born and before there was a separation into two genders. It includes men as well as women and can be a difficult concept for men to grasp under the current world view, which is male dominant, but it is easy for women.
In a nutshell, the point is that every human being - man and woman alike - is unique because each has lived many lifetimes in other bodies. Sometimes as a man, sometimes as a woman, and born in many other cultures with different skins. Each human being is ensouled by spirit - a consciousness that is learning about life in form. Each human being is a consciousness that is evolving through experiencing life on earth (or other planets) life after life, and is directly connected to the Oneness that makes it all happen – the creator, God, Allah, the Almighty, or whatever name you grew up with.
Each human being has an inner life, a well-spring of knowledge that he or she is connected to but does not speak of. This hidden, unspoken knowledge, is what we call the goddess energy or divine feminine. It is in the male body too. Because we live temporarily in a physical body, we are dominated by our physical senses. Pleasure and pain are the foremost consideration, so our outer life dominates and obscures the inner life which is subtle and brings peace when we turn our attention to it. If we had more guidance and instruction about it, or more data as my husband has so often said, perhaps we would make better choices and be happier. Well, the goddess teachings are coming forth now. They are appearing all over the internet. I have been writing about it from the beginning, so Anakosha is joining in.
Since women are more inclined towards inner feelings they tend to take up spiritual practices, such as yoga, meditation, tai chi and communal type gatherings. A women’s circle will be forming first, without the men. The only reason for making it women-only is because the current world view is patriarchal and men continue to disempower women without realizing it. Empowerment comes from validation and support and feminine values are different from masculine values. So being in a women-only circle can provide that support without the opposite gender inserting a distracting point of view. Mixed-gender circles have value, of course, and that will come about eventually. But same genders validate while opposite genders disagree with each other and tend to disempower. I anticipate that eventually men will start their own support circles, which will be called the divine masculine, not feminine.
In higher realms male and female are not divided in the same way we are divided here on Earth. They are perfectly balanced. There are male beings and female beings, but each male knows himself as whole and complete and is not dependent upon his mate to give him what he doesn’t have. And each female knows herself as whole and complete and is not dependent upon her mate to give her what she does’nt already have. Each is whole and complete and enjoying life together as men and women to the fullest, without the struggles that we have here today.
The goddess teachings are the inner truth teachings. Once understood, they will bring about balance between the men and women. The inner beliefs, ways and methods which keep us off-kilter and are out of balance will right themselves automatically. A saint is one who has brought balance to his inner forces. We are destined to do the same but we won’t be called saints. We’ll be called beautiful and graceful human beings. Instead of looking to someone else to provide what is lacking in us we will be living in paradise. Just imagine what paradise is like.
It’s kind of hard to understand, but that’s where we are heading today as a race. It’s difficult to understand because we have always been a divided race, separated, struggling with war and aggression, ugliness, torture, wounding each other, killing, poverty, hunger, you name it. It’s difficult to imagine living in a paradise of grace and beautiful people, but it’s actually quite simple when we live in balance. When the distorted male and distorted female tendencies are exquisitely balanced. Right now the masculine traits are dominant in virtually every human being today. Even those who are overly kind and loving, are TOO kind and loving due to the presence of male dominance. The feminine traits are lacking equality. Female traits have been ridiculed as weak, put down and stomped on for centuries. We can’t see this clearly because we live inside the problem, and you can't see the overview from inside the house. Education is needed but we absorb what we can handle and no more. It's going to take time to correct it, but it is beginning. We are being prepared in how to live in balance. There is a place for the feminine traits to come forth and express as feminine, equally, side by side with masculine traits. These traits pertain to the highest and purist expressions of love, respect, honor, humility, justice, truth – the noble and righteous expressions that consider the whole of life over and above one’s immediate needs.
The goddess energy (in both sexes) is saying to the unbalanced male energy (in both sexes), “Get down off your horse and stand on the earth. Feel the warm vibrations. Smell the roses. There is a fresh new wind coming from the mountains. You have forgotten yourself. The sweet fragrance you seek is coming from within you, can you detect it? It is coming from within your own heart and soul. There is a gentle song coming with it. Can you hear it? Goddess energy is a quiet feeling which puts you at peace. It connects you to everyone else around you in a way you will enjoy. It fills your soul so your outer life is happier, more abundant and complete. The loneliness goes away. The stress melts, the hunger dissipates." This is the balance between your inner male and inner female, and it pertains to both genders.
11/6/21 - Sexual enlightenment
(Channeled 10/10/93) There are many levels to the sexual activity and you could say there are many dimensions hidden behind the veils of illusion surrounding sex. Diana and her circle of professional and spiritual brothers and sisters all have one thing in common. They are interested in bringing sexual enlightenment to each and every individual who asks for it, no matter on what level he or she is. We are here to walk with you and talk with you. Anakosha refers to, and means the process of releasing the blocks around the root chakra at the base of the spine in the sex area, and instructing how to raise it up to the second.
Anakosha means releasing the Mighty God Presence that is locked in the body cells. Specifically it refers to processing the God Presence [kundalini or holy spirit] out into manifestation and provides gentle guidance in opening the stubborn resistance. It refers to the ecstasy that takes place when the individual learns how to let go and let God “come out” into his/her life and body, mind and actions. The process of releasing the sexual force is tremendous and momentus. It is earth shattering, quite literally, for it “moves” former conditions out of the way that once was blocking.
But it is not enough to release the monstrous force for it could be a dangerous force. The ancient cultures knew this and had schools to help people learn where to go with this powerful unleashing, which is like a snake whipping back and forth, lashing out and back, it could cause harm. They are taught how to control it, not repress it but be mindful of it and work with it as you would work with a mighty and wild unbroken stallion with soothing words, a gentle touch, an understanding ear, a softness, a wise gentling down with sensitivity which includes understanding that this force must have expression. This sex force must be released periodically in each person, according to his or her need. And so with guidance from “the one above”, referring to the next energy center above the root force [chakra], the emotional needs of this most basic force is met.
This is where those of you who are exploring the swinging field are today. You are in the process of recognizing, contrary to your forefathers, that this sex force MUST have release. Further, that it is good to release it, not bad, not dangerous, not likely to take you to hell but that it is actually wholesome and healthy for you, for your relationship. It creates balance for the rest of your life. It is the soul. The seat of the soul is the seat of sex. It is the bride, the female force. “Getting into swinging” is a major step over the threshold of the prison that says, “No, you mustn’t”. For a couple discussing this, getting to “Yes, I can,” or "Yes we can", is a decision-making process that requires connection, discussion and a mutual decision. “Yes, we can!” Or “Yes, we will explore,” or “Yes, we will give it a try!” A yes means you are ready to take the first step into a journey that will never end.
The raising of the sex force [the kundalini or holy spirit] is the raising of the soul to God. The repression of sex is repression of the soul. The prostituting of sex is prostituting of the soul. The guidance of the sex force through the six gates above the root, is the guidance of the soul through interdimensional sensitivity (second chakra), wisdom and strengthening (third chakra), unconditional love (fourth chakra), will and determination to act (fifth chakra), intellectualism (sixth chakra) and union with God (seventh chakra).
11/5/21 - Dimension is not a place but a state of consciousness
A dimension is not a place but a state of consciousness. A deep meditation state or a daydream state where you unfocus on the world around you is 5th dimensional state or higher. It is the heaven state of bliss and it is the divine feminine. The great central sun is at the 12th dimension. Our central sun is at the 5th Dimension. Darkness is not going to be eliminated as we ascend upwards from 3rd and 4th into the higher 5th dimension, it’s going to be illuminated. Exposed. There will be no more duality.
11/3/21 - There's only one consciousness
We are reflections of each other and intimately connected below the radar, below the line of sight and awareness. Enlightenment is experiencing that connection and cultivating awareness of it through feeling. We must develop confidence in our feeling of it, because we can’t see it, hear it, taste it or smell it. We can’t verbalize it with our brain or thought centers because we haven’t developed a language yet. We can only FEEL it as in perceiving. We must learn to be aware of our feelings. We must awaken our bodies to the emotions of the soul. The soul is alive, let us bring our bodies alive so it feels the soul living in it. We become enlightened by feeling the life in our bodies. We have to FEEL alive – more alive than we were before. I feel more alive when I am crackling with energy. That happens when I have a connection with something or someone. Bonding with Doug can do it. I used to feel it at a swing party in the earlier years, but it started to disintegrate after awhile. I feel it at odd times, sometimes while eating, sometimes while watching a movie or hearing a beautiful music, or in meditation. But those all rely on the physical senses. The life force is not physical. It is something else behind the physical or invisible to the physical senses. It’s a thrill or a clarity that turns on the light in my mind. It is not anchored to the physical senses I’m trying to integrate it into my physicality. I want it to support and validate it with my touch, sight, sound, taste, smell. I want to unite with it more. It is an intelligence. I’ve proven that by talking with it during meditation and internal exercises. I am normally not conscious of it. It is normally below my awareness, below the radar. But it is not dependent on my senses to draw my attention to it. It doesn’t require me to confirm or prove its existence. Suddenly it’s there, touching my attention and an internal understanding takes place. I think this is how we are connected, one human to another, every one of us sentient beings - humans, animals, fish, trees, flowers - all forms of life in nature. Could it be simply consciousness? Consciousness as a singularity? As in one mind? I can communicate with you because we are the same singularity. We don’t HAVE the same singularity. We ARE the same singularity. The same mind. I don’t have to speak or even think to communicate with you. I communicate with you by being conscious of you. My intention to connect with you is the signal to you to pick up the etheric phone. But I think this is why I must hold you in the highest esteem and in sacred love, because we are all that one sacred mind that runs through all things.
11/2/21 - Where did the dark come from?
What is the dark? First of all, it doesn’t have a soul. It does have intelligence but it does not have a soul or a spirit. It does not have light but it has a dark intelligence. It does not know God. Where did the dark intelligence come from? It came from a soul who in its search for wisdom and enlightenment, gathered intelligence. Mental intelligence. A soul who searches uses mental capacities. Wisdom and enlightenment is found by integrating intelligence with emotions. It must be felt within the body to become wisdom and enlightened. The mind alone does not have feeling. It cannot feel emotions. It is only a mind. In order to gain understanding of God, one must integrate with the Goddess which is the feminine, which is the mother, which is contained in the physical form. It must go through the heart. It must go through the feelings and emotions. The mental must descend down and connect with the heart to gain enlightenment and wisdom. Everything that was intellectual and held in the mind that was false or not real – like a belief in separation, or a belief that only Christians are right, or the belief that homosexuality is wrong - all these separation beliefs must go. They must be deleted when the mind descends downward into the heart and body, because it is through the visceral feeling that one becomes purified.
So where do all these false beliefs go that don’t have any spirit or light in them? They don’t disappear because they are a creation. Albeit an artificial creation, but a creation nonetheless. The soul who created them moves on to enjoy a more peaceful, beautiful life of unity with others through a heart connection. But an interesting thing happens. His past beliefs disentangle from him and drift like a cloud out into the atmosphere. There it is drawn to gather with other clouds of like intelligence and together this cloud of false beliefs grows and gathers intensity. The dark is the left-over false beliefs that have existed from the beginning. They are intelligent, but they are erroneous. They are not supported by truth. They are artificially created by minds that are searching and growing, but they are not truth.
The dark does not know God but it is intelligent. It has been created by a soul but when the soul chose light over its former belief, the false energy it had accumulated drifted away, retaining a certain amount of intelligence. The force we call dark is seeking the light-bearers to join with it. It needs the light to live but it does not understand the light for the truth of the light is contained in the heart. That is why we must not judge another person. We only make it worse for ourselves, for judging someone else is a divisive force. It separates us. It is not enlightened.
As I drove downtown today I realized that I myself have contributed to the dark. I have no right to judge the dark for it is part of the process of life. As we become more aligned with our emotions and feelings, we become more discerning and we discard former beliefs. The dark is that part of me that never understood love. It never unified with the light held in my body as love - the light that makes up my body. We are made of creator's light and we must learn how to unite with it. The dark is that part of me that did not descend into my body. It is the mental part of me. I learned to be mental from my upbringing and from school. The mental me is simply a cloud of intelligence that does not know love or light yet. It is an accumulation of data that hasn't been integrated into my physicality. The dark is all of the past errors that have peeled away from souls who unified with the love and light locked in their bodies. As they descended into the light of their body and feelings, their false beliefs that were wrong disentangled and drifted away.
In the beginning there was darkness from many planets and civilizations that went on before ever the Earth came into being. When the Earth was born the creator’s voice said, “Let there be light” and souls have been learning about the Light ever since. The darkness was there in the beginning, and souls who ventured out beyond the creator’s love and protection explored it. We all did, those of us in human form. The dark intelligence doesn’t have a soul. It is a purely mental force. It cannot feel. It does not have empathy. It does not understand love. It never experienced it. We can only know the difference between bad and good by FEELING good and bad. What causes us to feel, is the living life force that built the body. The creator lives inside our bodies as sparkling living electrons that hold our bodies together. These electrons know the truth and the goodness. Our bodies contain the quintessential qualities of creator.
We must use our bodies to feel. I think this is not understood yet. Our bodies are extremely important in learning the difference between right and wrong. Psychic channels and some untrained spiritual channels who are using their minds only and not their bodies to validate the truth, are picking up dark forces who are mimicking the light. We must use our innate feelings to know the difference. When you start questioning whether you’re on the right track or not, use your feelings. The right track feels warm and comfortable. It’s a nice feeling. Good feelings tell you if you are on the right path. Be ever aware of changes in direction of feelings. Negative feelings are in the air. We breathe negativity in along with goodness. Choose the good feeling. Don’t get trapped into something that has you fighting and using force. Don’t start beating yourself up over not accomplishing what you wanted to. Or because you argued with someone and you feel bad. All of that is telling you you are heading in the wrong direction.
Stop and change direction. Use will power and thought to redirect your the type of thoughts to entertain. Choose compassion, love, forgiveness, tenderness, empathy, gracefulness, elegance. Put "warm" words that feel good into your mind. This will thwart the negative feeling and bring you back into warm peace and comfort again. This is a technique for righting anything that feels wrong, and it requires conscious focus and work. Listen to the warmth in your heart. It is like an embrace. It is the connection with the light in your own body. It is a connection with source, because you are a child of the creator God, and his light is pointing you in the right direction. Leave the dark forces to the galactics who are better equipped to fight them.
11/1/21 - Prepare for Action
Prepare yourself for action! I was told this before by Master DK, but I kept thinking I had to DO something with this information, and it led off in another direction. My mistake. Interpretations are important. Understanding what was meant by “prepare yourself for action” became interpreted and entangled into WHAT? What is it that I must do? I assumed that advice meant to have a plan of action and contribute to the world. But that is not what it meant at all.
I realize today what it really means. It means to stay alive! Rotate your activities every hour, more or less. Rotate your attention span, keep it moving. Keep your conscious attention from becoming bogged down in a rut along one path. Move it! Move it around! Stay active in your mind. Every hour or so change location so you can change the focus of your attention. Change the direction of your attention and you won’t be tempted to become entangled and enmeshed in a lockdown that stagnates your energies. Get up physically and move. It will shift the energies that are becoming immobilized from a singular focus.
Thinking I had to keep moving physically, I became too active and made the mistake of jumping and becoming frenzied. Moving from one project to another without stopping to rest in between. It is important to learn how to move slowly, rhythmically, gracefully. Slowing down physically while changing thought direction is what is meant by being active. I can switch to another activity simply by leaving a location and facing another. Being in constant motion without conscious control is like starting the car and letting it drive itself. It is being pulled by outside forces. You are the driver of the car. Stay in the driver's seat. Don't let outside forces drive you. I am being told just move to another location. Break the energy lock that you have been on for the last hour.
Action refers to the BODY. The body tends to become locked into one energy. The body likes to settle. It is a slow-moving machine. It enjoys the comfort of settling. You the driver of the vehicle must take charge. When you feel yourself stagnating or becoming lethargic, insist on getting up and breaking the stagnation.
(I’m doing that right now. I just left the living room watching TV and walked through the kitchen, did the few dishes in the sink, filled my tumbler, came to the computer.)
DK says: "Your lower body ailments yesterday were heavy energies trying to escape, rumbling, painful, gurgling pressure. Your body was telling you something which you couldn’t understand with your physical brain. Today you are experiencing the rewards of yesterday’s process. You feel freer today because your body feels freer."
10/30/21 - A chat with my I Am Presence
In the middle of connecting with the sun and the ascendeds one day, I had the feeling to take up pen and paper. So, still sitting, I took the clip board. I heard “Nancy!” loud and clear so I wrote it down. Then, “We are here! Let us come! Call us!” This is what followed.
(Me: Thank you for answering!)
“Thank you for reaching up to us. We are here. Can you see us?"
(Me: I see many points of light in a sort of field, a strata, of golden light, and also more points of light, many, coming through the sun. They are not “ships” are they?)
"No, we are the beings, the host of heaven you have been in touch with."
(Me: Who are YOU who is talking with me?)
"I Am the Oneness. I Am all of these points of light that you are seeing. They are decloaking or rather cloaking is a better term, for they are taking ON a form so that you might see them or detect them. They come into manifestation as you focus on them by calling to them. You yourself are in oneness with me when you focus on me. You are me, and I am you and we are one. You have been in communication with me from the day - the big day - of your ascension. Yes, you DID INDEED ascend on that precious, precious day. You came to join - to rejoin - with me as in the beginning. As you have always been with me. I AM the one who created all that is. I AM your father AND your mother. Don’t separate me. I am mother down below you, as you have pictured mother as being 'below'. I Am below and I Am above, and I Am within and I Am without. I Am everywhere and you could say 'nowhere' if you prefer. Or 'now here'. Yes, I Am in Doug. I Am in Marcus, and you saw me in your son’s eyes. I reflected to you through his eyes. Yes, I Am you and you are me and we ARE One."
(Me: Thank you for this. I am speechless!) From that point I didn’t know what else to say. My mind was blank and the silence was deafening. Then I asked “Is it over?”
'Yes, it is over for now.'
This very interesting chat with the Oneness led to the following insight which I wrote out in longhand. I’m 100% feminine. I recognized that I am 100% feminine two days ago but I have been wondering, What does that mean to be 100% feminine? I’ve been on the trail for years. I am finding that it means being 100% spiritual, not feminine nor masculine, but balanced as an androgynous being. I am not 100% then, but I am getting there. I feel perfectly one with the I AM when I am in a good meditation. That is not always. I wonder, what is holding us ALL back? Men yes, but especially women. I know that it is because we listen too much to other people and become entangled with the thoughts, motives, feelings, goals, aspirations of these others that are not our own. We must get back to focusing on our own divinity, our own origins.
Getting back into our own origins I think requires being in the company with others who are more like us, who act as mirror reflections of us, people who are similar to us and resonate with us, not different. This means meeting with women. Women meeting with women, and men meeting with men, for men need to be validated by their own gender too. Same genders meeting will help us recognize our REAL selves and therefore we can move forward. We have been holding each other back, the genders hold each other back. We think we are stabilizing each other but we are holding each other back. While none of us are the same outside in personality and the many differences, both past lives and this life, we ARE the same in our spiritual origins. The original birth of our spirits.
The many paths we’ve taken since then that we have accumulated in both knowledge and wisdom makes us each unique. But the beginnings are the same. We are spirit sparks from source. We began as conscious beings of light and love in the warmth and comfort of our father-mother/parent, and then we set out to gather experiences and begin to understand and grow into more adult spiritual beings. Now is the end of an age. They say it is a 26,520 year cycle. It is time to return home to our origins through the process of ascension, and bring the knowledge we have achieved back to our father-mother-parent. It is a glorious reunion. A time of celebration. The time of the prodigal child returning home. There will be a party. The original energy of love and light has always continuously flown through our bodies. It has always flowed through us, giving us life and breath and supporting our journeys in density and the physical world.
There have been many lives. We couldn’t have lived without this original spirit flowing through us. This is our divine origin. Our individuality that we have been cultivating through choice and free will. It is important to recognize that we are not required to give up all that we have lived for and achieved as a conscious being. We can stay right here on earth with our friends and playmates. All we need to do is plug into our origins. Memory returns to us when we open to our innermost feelings and put our brain to rest. Stop the brain. Give the brain a rest. (All of this was received on 10/12/19)
Also, I just read something amazing. The double-strand DNA pertains to our first two chakras - root chakra for survival and sex chakra for reproduction. The 3rd chakra expands personal empowerment, it's on a higher frequency vibration. The 4th chakra expands into connection with higher realms, a still higher frequency. The 5th chakra expands the ability to express oneself in the choice of a career or vocation to contribute to the world, yet a still higher frequency. The 6th chakra is for preparing to connect with the I Am Presence and the withdrawal from worldly concerns. It is a higher frequency. The 7th chakra is for actually joining with the I Am Presence, or the individual father/mother God. It was and still is the intention that we do this all in one lifetime. Unfortunately the world took a downward spiral and we lost that connection. We are starting to remember. We are receiving instructions. Use the chakras as expanding into higher dimensions. Follow the inner light and inner wisdom.
10/28/21 - The realm of the goddess
In the night I received further information about the divine feminine. Feminine is heavy, solid. I was shown a centrifuge, the device used to separate red blood cells from liquid. The heaviest substance is spun the furthest out, like the planets that are spun out from the sun and held locked in orbit there. Planets and heavy bodies are the heaviest. They hold the atoms in place. The feminine is FORM. Anything that has form is feminine. Both men and women’s bodies are feminine. Everything in form is feminine. The center that is unformed abstract intelligence is masculine - the IDEA that is thrust outward further away from the center of infinity. As it slows down and takes form, like the planets in orbit, it becomes feminine. It is the FORM that is feminine, but in the center of the form is the unformed source which is the intelligence, the masculine idea that thrust outward.
In a queer turn of events, the abstract intelligence at the center is called the realm of the goddess. It is the 96% which is pure spirit as compared to the 4% which is physical. Women access it easily. Women access it through orgasm but men feed off of women’s orgasms. We humans shall achieve the stars and the higher worlds, not through technology which is focused on the physical, but through the inner fire which is created by balancing the male-female forces within us, which are out of balance. i.e., we are either more male or more female. When we learn to balance these forces through inner conscious disciplines, we create an inner fire. It has been said that women have been kept weakened by men stealing her feminine force over the eons, and that men have become overly powerful because of that, but today we are being given new information. By balancing the male and female forces within ONESELF, the spiritual fire can be accessed, and a new reality will be born of trust, love, truth, happiness, peace and abundance. The new golden age requires both men and women to study the techniques of self discipline and stop rampaging around the world in search of the unavailable. All that one needs and desires, including love, freedom and luxuries, may be found by balancing the inner forces. (Received 10/10/19)
10/26/21 - The world is mechanistic and artificial
There was an astonishing download this morning. Dear LLL (Lord of Living Light!) Good morning, MIAP. Will you confirm the information that I have just received? That we light bearers are the holy innocents? And that the rest are all mechanical, without a life force? Is that what we are here for? To hold steady the good within?
Yes, my beloved. You have come to an alternate world of created material - created by not human will but mechanical will. All that the earth holds now is mechanistic and artificial. This is why angels have been sent, have volunteered to be born here into this mechanistic world, and why YOU have chosen the path you did. To learn the secret implant, the devious process that was put in place to hold the holy innocents to their world, the mechanical world, and their way of life, to serve their own selfish functions. They have been controlling mankind for eons, and womenkind, through the thwarting of love, through the killing of love. You are bringing love into their world, their “holy” creation - for you are correct in that they see differently than you and what they have created is indeed sacrosanct to them, holy to them - and so they see you as the enemy. You who would kill them with your divine love, which melts all - everything - that is not divine and of the creator’s will to love all. You see, they see it differently. They have built a world of substance and material form which holds them to form. They have invested all of themselves into form, and they need those forms. They are parasites who grow dependent upon forms. They create many ingenious ways to manipulate forms (bodies) do their bidding, but they do not have love, my dear, as you do. You are there to bring forth an education to the masses with your love. You see love as the divine connection and you have been studying it and learned that it is true. You found the missing key, the missing link in this materialistic world of fake and falsehood, of artificiality and separation.
I am here with you to guide you. I act as a guidance system, like a GPS. There are many holy innocents walking beside you who have been hooked into the material world and do not know what you know. You cannot tell them or reach them with words, for words are of the separationists’ side. They isolate and divide. The kindness that you show and the understanding that you embody is greater than words. As Marcus says, There is only love, and he wishes to share this love by putting his hands on the beautiful holy ones. There will come an opportunity for you to work alongside him, for you share the same lineage. I am here. I am you. I am your higher self. You are me. You are my lower self. We are one being and I am guiding you through your heart. You have discovered a hidden link in the mantra, “I face thy eternal sunrise and I receive thy mighty radiance into my life and actions.” There will come a time soon. Soon. When this link to light will open further and start to spread outward into the mechanical world.
(Question) Yes. The women’s gathering movement. It is trying to find itself in the shadows of artificiality. It needs a living embodiment to serve as a star shining. You are that star. You have been carefully prepared. As you felt the need to post your pictures on display, I am guiding you. I am your light. I am your destiny. I am your purpose. I am your mission. As you have felt the potential of light and love in your physical body, in your sensation body, in your cells and tissues that were born of earth particles brought forth here from this dying planet, you are rejuvenating the planet earth. You and many others who are also on the same mission for me. I Am your Father. I AM your Mother. You have been trained. You know the truth. Yes, I do confirm for you what you saw, knew, this morning. It was another upgrade in your mission, for you have edged closer to the full consciousness and memory of the whole truth. Wisdom has been shielded, but you know how to gather the light now better than you did a few weeks ago. Your edging closer to your heart is the edging away from the artificial parts that you had been born into. You are ready, dear sister, to name the dates starting in January 2020. It is time. I am with you. I AM you. You ARE me. We are doing this together.
(Question) Yes, it should be only women first. Others will pick up the men’s gathering. (Thank you, I love you! Received 10/4/19)
10/22/21 - Understanding is an aspect of your feeling nature
Understanding is an aspect of your feeling nature. You don’t get to feel until you accept what is offered and allow it to descend into your feelings. These original ideas come from higher source, down into the inner layers of your body. Discernment is required, however, for you are constantly picking up thoughts from the air around you which is teeming with a myriad human-related thoughts that are not pristine and pure, but heavy and clogged with negatives. When you discern a divine idea and allow yourself to receive this divine idea into your inner layers, you are giving the idea “body”. You are incorporating the idea, bringing it more fully into manifestation. The idea or thought must be felt by your body to become manifested, because you, yourself, are a body that has been manifested by the creator. YOU are God/Goddess in sentient form. None of your body parts are solid or physical. All of you, your body, is composed of electrons swirling around the neutron and proton at the center of the atom. The atom is composed of these little particles of light. The space between the particles is space which you own, temporarily while you are incorporated or incarnated in this body of yours. You are incorporated - incarnated - in a body for the specific purpose of receiving the divine flow from source creator, your own higher self. There is a wish and suddenly a thought pops up wanting to be sentient.
You, by understanding, are receiving the divine instructions from your own higher source to manifest this idea. But you can’t if you brush it off and ignore it. It is through your allowing it into your feeling nature that you manifest this wish of the creator. Feeling is how you connect with your neighbors and others. You cannot manifest alone all by yourself. You are not a solitary island in the middle of the ocean. Manifesting into form requires ideas from the divine to coalesce and clump together in order to create form and substance which, to you in your dimension, appear physical and solid. You have created instruments to measure solidarity versus gases and liquids and now your dimension is expanding to measure and define the Light, which is spirit in the descension process of forming matter.
This lesson is to focus on your feeling nature. Your understanding is how you manifest in the solid world, the world of the physical. The old control system of what you call the patriarchy, was control by outsiders, not you. They taught you not to pay attention to feelings. And those in male bodies became the guardians of control. They were trained and programmed by master mind controllers, to not allow feelings to enter this reality, this dimension on earth, which is herself a divine manifestation, not solid. They, the outsiders, took over the manifestation process millions of years ago. They are against love because love would make everything and everyone equal and happy, and they choose to be the powerful controllers over a race of slaves. That is their joy. They are the dark side. They conquered this planet and have been preventing the full incorporation of Source trying to manifest into physical sentience. They can do this with humans but they cannot stop sexuality from taking place. Nor can they stop the orgasm from happening, for that is the only way to keep the human race reproducing. That is the one loophole which saves mankind, and THIS is how feeling may come in. The connection to God/Goddess may happen through sexuality and lovemaking. But it’s complicated.
Yes, this is how the God/Goddess connection can happen, but if mankind remains ignorant about the facts of love that are to be used during the sex act, then the spiritual progress will continue to be held back. It is through feeling LOVE that spiritual peace is found. The loophole of love exists only because mankind has allowed love to NOT be present during the one act in all of human life that can create spiritual progress. Human males FEEL through the sex act, even if it is only for a brief moment. That is why the women are becoming empowered. The women hold the key to bringing forth more love, which men have seriously shut down in their focus. The dark controllers could not shut that down because that would have ended the human race, brought it to an end, for without reproduction the human race would fade out and they did not want that to happen. Instead, they wanted to control the sex. They created animosity between men and women. To reverse this sorry plight, we need more feelings of love. (Received 10/1/19)
10/21/21 - No difference between men and women?
Two days in a row I am getting a very subtle impression. It is about there is no difference between men and women. They are both the same in their energy bodies. It is only in the physical that they are different in their body shape. One with a lingam, the other with a yoni, a hole to receive the lingam it for connection purposes. But inwardly, on inner planes, we are built the same. We each have a feminine flow and a masculine flow. It is THIS that is so subtle and will require a gentle approach to explain it. Can we really explain it to another? We are goddess when we receive divine instructions and we are masculine when we act on those instructions. We should be receiving and acting at the same time, without stopping to consider whether it is good or bad for us. We are supposed to express our divine light in every moment of the day. A man is goddess when he receives divine instruction and he is god when he is acting on it. A woman likewise is a goddess when she receives divine instruction and she is god when she is acting on it. But she - woman - has been held back. And he - man has been pushed forward to be all-powerful. Thus the imbalance in our world.
10/20/21 - Ground into the earth through your feet
In meditation I asked Master DK to help me find a solution to my body aches. What followed was a lesson that involved first sitting as I normally do in front of the altar, then standing and connecting the sky force and the earth force. Then focusing on the bottoms of my feet and breathing more through my feet. Focus! Focus on the bottoms of your feet and open them up. Breathe through the bottoms of your feet. Breathe through your feet. You have nostrils on the bottoms of your feet, and a lengthy talk through breathing upward through the bottoms of my feet, placing noses all over the bottoms and focusing first on the left to strengthen the left since it’s the right side that I overuse, so strengthen the left. Think left. Breathe up the left and lift it higher up through blocked veins, bringing up the fire from earth. You do this with your mind, with your consciousness, you have been in the sky in the dreams, in the ethereal, now you are breathing the ground, bringing up the ground. You ARE the earth, your consciousness on this end IS the earth. You are creating the earth through your consciousness. You are sky creating sky when you are on that end of consciousness. You are the whole. You are the creator. You are the One. You are One with all that is creating all that is. Breathe through your feet. Breathe in the fire of Earth power. Earth has a fire and a power.
This body is just a creature of earth. YOU give it refinement. YOU are the god raising the elements of the body of matter you are residing in. YOU are the visiting divinity that teaches and raises the elemental life in the substance of your body and organizes it to greater and greater refinement so it can perform greater and more beautiful tasks. YOU are the quickening agent. You have been identifying with the creature body, thinking you are the body, when in fact you are not the body at all but the resident agent flowing through the creature.
Awakening to this fact will change your perspective. Recognize your true identity. You are here to complete the task of raising the creature to immortal status. YOU are already immortal. The creature you live in is not. It was born of the earth from an earth mother. Your job is to raise it to God frequency. When kundalini awakened in you [1976] it separated you from your physical body and you have had to apply yourself to come back and become reunited with your creature body. This has been your mission - to reintegrate with the physical and bring the light into the physical. You can’t do that if you think you are the physical. Change your perspective now. There was a separation [in 1976] but you determined to return to the body. You employed the sexual connection with other earth creatures to keep you here. Now, the movements that you do is allowing the flowing of your god-self into your elemental creature body to quicken it and raise its vibrations. Your body was dying through the aging process, which unawakened humans believe is the only way. But you know different. You know different but you are still identifying with the creature body, thinking you are of creature substance when you are not. It’s not too late. No, it’s not too late. Do the flowing movements every day and begin the awakening of the creature body.
10/19/21 - Assimilating new downloads from your higher self
Rest often. When you rest you assimilate the upgrade and download the new energies into your cellular structure. Instead of doing it the old way of pushing your way through the irritation or disruption or confusion, take time out. Slow down your wonderment and your thinking. Slow down into silence and surrender to what is happening within you. Go into receiving mode. Lie down. Be quiet. Allow your cells to receive the irritating or confusing energies. New energies from higher planes are descending into your existing energies that you have been living with all your life. Allow this integration. Transform and transmute the old energies by resting often. Physically lie down and breathe through your heart. Focus on your heart and imagine your mouth and nose in your heart. Breathe through your heart. Your heart holds your I Am Presence, your divinity, your first, last and always. Relax your body and mind and move into your heart to experience the enegy meld - the old into the new, greater, wider aspect of yourself. Use the love in your heart by focusing and breathing through your heart, no matter what is bothering you. This is how to use the love within your I Am Presence in transforming yourself.
10/17/21 - Why the need for boundaries
We are being bombarded with a thousand different streams of energy every day. We need to create boundaries to stay centered and clear-minded. Practice living true to your boundaries. Say no when you don’t want to follow someone’s suggestion. Say no to yourself when you don’t want to do what you feel you "should" because of guilt, coercion or self-denial. What frequency matches your own? Does it pull you down to think about it? Or raise you up with inspired enthusiastic joyful feelings? Go with what inspires you. Go with the matching frequency. Don’t go against your self.
To form a boundary, build a 4-inch thick shell of intense white light around your aura. First imagine your auric field as a bubble of light by using your creative mind. Then add a 4-inch thick membrane, like a wall, around the perimeter of your bubble of light. Re-create it every day. Re-strengthen it every morning when you rise from sleep. Build this white light around yourself. The reason is this.
Everybody has a sub-atomic signature energy. It comes in the shape of the electrons, the teeny tiny sub-atomic particles that orbit around the nucleus of an atom. Atoms cling to other atoms to form matter. The ascended masters tell us each person's electrons are shaped in a unique design, like a leaf or a flower or a spiral or a square or a pyramid or a bird. It is their own personal signature energy. A person can be tracked by the trail of electrons they leave behind them everywhere they go. When they breathe they leave electrons in the air. When they speak they send forth a steady stream of these little tiny electrons. When you open a door, walk into a room or a garden, or a city bus, or shake someone's hands, you leave your unique signature energy behind you. You can be tracked by the God-free beings who know. When you live with someone you intermingle your partner’s electrons with your own. It is no wonder that you become emotionally entangled with them! You take on each other’s issues and strengths and weaknesses. You become one through continued close proximity.
In a crowded room where you mingle with many people walking around, you are walking through many of these tiny little signature energies coming from other people. You can't escape it unless you go to live on a mountain top alone. It is not wrong, nor is it a negative. It is the lesson plan. It is the curriculum of the Earth school. We are exposed to the seething, moving, creative sea of life. There is unity and harmony on higher planes and we will all get there some day. But while we are here on the Earth plane we are learning about diversity through duality. It is the creator operating, living, acting, learning, growing, understanding the differences between "this" and "that". Each person is a creator and has a signature energy they are responsible for. How are we using our creative energies?
As an innocent spirit spark before becoming incarnated as a sentient human being, our signature energy was pure, innocent, divine and holy. We are built out of pure light and love. Each new spirit is built with a different "signature", the same power as the father creator. Each soul has the power to create because it is a creator god and it has the mark of a god built into him. Each one of us leaves our signature everywhere we go. We build a life that is unique from everyone else. We cannot hide who we are. We build an eternal life that suits us, through trial and error. At first we build an ego personality that is ever changing and growing, but eventually it becomes the purified divine personality of an ascended master. Meanwhile, we leave our signature energy on everything we touch, say, think and do, and every particle comes back to us eventually in a returning loop. For all the cows come home at the end of the day, and the birds to their nest. And so do the energies we put out come back home to roost where they belong.
It is through the process of experiencing other signature energies of our friends, family and associates, that we discover ourselves by discarding what we don't like or want in our lives, and going after what we DO like and want more of. We are learning constantly. By building a bubble of pure white light around us, we can block what does not resonate with us, from entering our consciousness. As we learn to apply some of these techniques that the masters have given us, we can walk through bad neighborhoods and not be affected. The influences of those who are closer to our resonant energy field will not be blocked by the protective bubble because like attracts like, while those who are anathema to us will be repelled by the circle of white light around us, IF we build it and keep it strong every day. This is a protective meditation technique. Even if we don't believe in such things, it is worth experimenting with to see if just might work. The proof is in the pudding. If it works to keep your mind clearer than you are accustomed to, then you will enjoy the benefits, AND avoid karmic situations caused by the clash of opposing energies that do not fit well together.
Notice when you are in a neighborhood or location of lower-vibrational people, drunks, bars, back allies and compare that to how it feels to be in a church, sanctuary, monastery or out in nature with no one else around. In ordinary daily life a steady stream of tiny energy forms are entering the pores of our skin and blood stream. It is like smog to a clear mind. When alone we enjoy thinking our own thoughts, which is why we meditate or walk along in nature, getting away from the barrage of energies from other people. On the other hand, it is also why people LIKE crowded rooms, pubs, taverns and party houses. It drowns out their own thought and feeling. Maybe they don’t like their own thoughts or feelings. Maybe they are running away from listening to their own conscience. Being around other people helps them to mask it. Maybe they like the distraction of being numbed-down.
It is worth experimenting with building a bubble of white light around yourself every morning before setting out to be with other people. Re-build it every day or it will fade. The bubble of white light helps to stop the ever-present streams of energies that do not resonate with you from entering your consciousness. Spend at least 5 minutes focusing on building this bubble of white light around you. Add a 4-inch MORE INTENSE shell of white light around the circumference of your auric bubble.
10/16/21 - Searching for the spiritual gold in everyday life
Searching for the spiritual gold in everyday life. This is the opposite of religion. Religion worships a far-off God, takes us out of our every day life and keeps us in a search mode. Where is God? In a book? In a teacher? In a church? We look outside but God-Goddess is flowing INSIDE our body, inside our minds, inside our actions, inside our words. How are you responding right now to these words. What are you feeling? Notice your feelings right now. What is the human in you being challenged with right now? Most human beings stay on the outer surface of things, observing from a distance. It is the way of the mass consciousness in which we dwell. This attitude is ignoring (ignorant) the wonderful opportunity to learn something from this very immediate moment. By entering deeper down and inside this moment, by stopping and really listening to this moment, you are exerting the spiritual muscle of empowerment called “feeling” or emotion. Rise to the occasion. Seize the moment. Plunge in.
The normal mass-mind does not see anything special in front of him or her. No, because they’re looking outside. One must stop looking outside and be still and feel the inside. Sink down into the feeling inside of this moment. There is nothing special to be seen outside in the passing parade of action. The specialness can only be seen by stopping the brain from swirling and in a sublime state, entering into the heart or lungs or back or stomach - anywhere within - and feeling what the organs are feeling. Feeling what the muscles are feeling. The higher dimensional self is flowing through the muscles, tissues, blood and bones of your body. The spiritual golden river of light that supports your inner body parts comes from source. To detect it we must stop the mind from analyzing what other people are saying, doing and planning, and listen to our body talk. When the mind dares to break focus on the outer life and enter the silence within, it’s like watching the sun clear the fog away. One opens to the light and listens to it. Drinks it in and links in to the moment. Even an ugly argument that may appear to be rising in front of you, can be transformed into a sensation of peace, even a miracle, by learning this technique. It is a skill that can be learned with practice.
The power of the divine golden river within, once tapped, can break through the dull normalcy of victimhood. Cracks it open like an egg shell against a pan. Source light which is available but normally shut down, can flood forth easily into any situation that is taking place in your immediate environment. Can you feel the potential of this right now? Practice this method in all things and you will first of all be serving yourself, and secondly you will be serving humanity. Searching for God or Goddess outside of you, as religion teaches us to do, actually takes us further off the path and away from the desired goal. We are looking in all the wrong places for love because YOU are the God/Goddess gleefully flowing in plain sight, only in more exquisite refinement to what you are used to. The difference is akin to you noticing a street brawl which disturbs you, and suddenly you’re distracted by a rainbow that appears and you look up, filled with wonder. It is as simple as that but you must make the consciousness shift yourself, and not wait for someone to do it for you. Choose to feel joy! Choose to feel sublime. Choose to feel grateful to be alive. Like the absent minded professor looking for his glasses when all the time they are on his head. His eyes were looking outside on tables and chairs, when all the while they were above him. God is in the chair you sit on, the bed you lie on, the car you’re driving, the pavement you’re walking on - God/Goddess is everywhere. Joy is everywhere. Sublime is everywhere, but you can’t see it until you step inside first and see through your inner window. You must tap into your inner now moment, which is stillness, sublime, grace. Your feet can be walking but if your mind can come to a standstill and remember what grace feels like, you can see God/Goddess everywhere you look.
10/15/21 - God is not a 'thing", God is a process
During meditation I was told God is not a "thing", God is a process. God is one's higher self. And there's a higher self after that, and a higher and a higher on into infinity. There is no end. God is growing itself. God is a process of consciousness evolving. God is the ascendeds, God is the galactics, God is the angelics, God is the tree, the vegetable, the animal, the insect, the stone, the lowly human, the highly evolved human, the celestial. God is everything. God is you. God is me. God is awareness, intelligence, wisdom. God is your ex-wives and my ex-husbands. God is space. God is time. God is the sun, the moon, the planets, the extraterrestrials we think are separate from us. But God is not separate. God is not a "thing" to think about but to be appreciated. God is a process of becoming more aware and therefore more connected to everything and everyone else. God is a process of evolving out of mud. God is the mud. The Buddhists don't use the word "God" because if they did, then it would become something outside, set apart, a separation. God is not a "thing" separate and apart. God is a process of becoming aware, and more aware and more aware and more aware.....
“Ascendeds are masculine and sending light packets of information down, down, down. The body and soul (you) are the feminine. You are supposed to take it and run with it. Catch the ball and own it. Put it to good use. Put it into activity. What you, the feminine (body) have been doing is praising the enlightened ones, the ascended ones, as in worshipping them. You have been giving your power away - away from yourself. You have not been planting it into your own body flesh and mind. You have not been receiving it. You have been giving your power away through your attention and focus - away to the Gods, the Ascendeds, the Galactics, to whoever you admire most, all of the higher ones of light, instead of receiving it and making it your own intelligence and wisdom. The higher ones ahead of you are trying to get you to act on your own power. In other words, create your own power. Stop giving your power away to others. Admire yourself. Worship yourself. Love yourself. Own the light information and use it on yourself. Don’t give credit to someone else. The book you read yesterday and were about to focus on it, don’t! Own the information, modify it to suit you, explain yourself through your own feelings and understandings, not through their words. Use your own. Be your own intelligence. It was given to you and you accepted it. You began to write about it. Now take that light information, for it is power given to you to create with, and use it. Create something that YOU enjoy doing.” (From Master DK)
10/5/21 - Removing implants
During meditation today I said to anyone who would listen - "I want to remove ALL the implants in me! Please help me remove all that does not belong in me." I lay on the massage table after and asked for St. Germain and Sananda and my I Am Presence (again) and my angel guides and the Master Djwal Khul - especially DK - I just named a few but asked them to help me remove the implants that have been blocking me. And then I said, "I'm going to go down deep now and find them and release them." And I closed my eyes and imagined myself diving down into the bottom of the ocean where it's dark and looking around and trying to find things that were darker, and I found things, and said, "I know there is a way to release this. How do I cut these away from myself? I am releasing, how do I release? I know there is a way. Where is the door? How do I release?" And then I thought, "Love is the door". And as soon as I said that, light went surging out into the dark objects and I felt emotion ripple through me like I was going to cry. My body wanted to sob. What I was experiencing was these bits and pieces of myself were the embarrassing moments, hurtful moments, damaged moments where I had recoiled and sucked it in and buried it. So now, with love - love is the door to get in to these buried treasures - and it felt as though they were my children and I was their parent and I was loving them unconditionally again and receiving them back home again. It was THEY who were sobbing and so glad to see me. It was their hurt, not mine, for I am the Presence who does not get hurt. It was a very simple thing. The flood gates are opening.
10/4/21 - Man-woman issues
The man-woman issues that you experience and continue to experience are actually an inner journey as you seek understanding about yourself. You learn through bumping up against what is NOT comfortable to you. You play with this for a while, struggling with it, and if you are successful in accepting that this really is not what you want (some people never discover this) then you will shed it and not do it again. Of course the evolutionary journey is about discovering this process in a kindly way so that you do not hurt other people in the process. So when you reject them you find ways to let them down easily. This is the hard part. What you are learning about yourself is what doesn’t fit comfortably with you, and what does.. What doesn’t feel right to you? Do you continue to hash it around and try to make it work? This prolongs the pain and the struggle. What feels good to you on all levels, will cause elation and joy. if it feels good on only one level but not the other two or three levels, It does not cause elation, but rather a sense of a pulling towards something as if that something will give you completion. For example, a piece of chocolate cake might taste good to your tongue, but your mind knows it is wrong for your diet and your feeling causes a feeling of guilt. The man-woman issues are the bumping up against energies of other people, to show you that there are many energies that exist in your life and it is a matter of selecting those energies that complete you and fulfill you, rather than trying to make something fit when it doesn’t fit you at all. Like a dress two sizes too small just won’t give you a good feeling. The man-woman issues are a journey in self discovery but many people do not give themselves enough credit to believe their inner intuition. They may have a gut feeling that this person is not right for them, but they try to make it work because they don’t believe their feeling. They believe MORE in being courteous and trying to fit in. This is being dishonest to yourself when you do this. It is damaging not only to yourself but to the other people you are engaging with because they too are not feeling comfortable. If you’re not feeling good about the connection, then they are not feeling good about the connection. Elation and a joyful happy feeling is always the sign that you are doing the right thing.
The man-woman issues and struggles that you have pertaining to sex is your path of learning about what fits with you and what doesn’t. The discovery part is what doesn’t fit. Trust that and release it and let it go. You will move on when you become consciously aware of this. To remain unwilling to accept this is how you remain in the struggle. Evolve your awareness by trusting your sense of good and bad. By discovering what makes you feel bad and releasing it or taking steps to release it (it may take time) you are discovering the truth of your inner self. It is a discovery of awareness. It is not an outer world discovery. The outer world presents things to you one at a time. As if on parade these things and people come into your view. It is up to you to say “yes” or “no” to these persons and objects. You must decide what doesn’t fit with you. As you eliminate the not-self, you will be left with your authentic self. Your real self. That which is what has been called “the Knower”. This is the part of you that is eternal and lives on after death of the body to live again in another body, all the while gathering wisdom and understanding.
10/3/21 - Are you giving your power away to ego?
Learn how your own body functions through the chakras and the light flowing through it. The higher body, the lower body, all the body as a whole. There is a spiritual flow which is not being honored, acknowledged, appreciated or activated. More fulfilling experiences are made by breaking out of the limited focus on physical body as the ONLY body. There are more refined energies in your body. Learn about them. Rise up to them. Think about them. Refine your consciousness. Rise to higher ideals that you hold. Can you touch another without thinking sex or making it personal or giving your power away to another? Can you rise above the basic lower two chakras which keep you focused on the physical limits that are pervasive in traditional society? Which prevent you from rising to higher, more refined levels? Slower, surer and more compatible levels that feel good to you? Where your connection with the other person or object is more genuine, authentic, more elegant and more comforting? These noble energies lie waiting your recognition. It is your conscious attention that actives the chakras.
Activate the inner and higher realm of the 3rd chakra - the solar plexus chakra aka navel chakra - where personal power is felt viscerally and all-pervasively. And move on to the higher dimension of the 4th chakra - the heart chakra, the portal to your higher self and higher realms. Has someone told you repeatedly, “Don’t tell me what to do!” by someone in your life whom you have tried to give your observation to a situation? Have you been shut down by learning to keep quiet, thus giving your power away to another short-sighted ego? Do you still retain the memory of the old, “Don’t tell me what to do” which keeps you conflicted? An ego-driven person does not want to be told what to do or how to do it. Recognize an ego-driven person. Do you give power to them?
Your higher self is not ego-driven. All higher selves are motivated by love and compassion, wisdom, truth, purity and also the courage to speak when necessary. Higher self is well-rounded and does not give ground to ego. Open the higher chakras to activate your higher self. The higher self is strong and not afraid of ego, yet it is all-wise, humble, sure, pure, innocent and truthful. Higher self is that part of you which is at peace with who you are. You are your own higher self but you do not realize it yet, and so you are often cut down by a defensive ego-driven person who is less aware. To allow more of your higher self into your daily life and action, instead of giving in to defensive ego-driven people, consider this: If you are sensitive to any sign of opposition which forces you to go into hiding, how are you going to access the higher principles that you are seeking which will raise you up by flooding your lower body with peace and comfort?
During both meditation and during lovemaking this morning I went up above the earth’s atmosphere where it is clear and pure. I saw down into the smog and smoke that covers the planet and saw despair, confusion, pain, and struggle. And I saw that I am making a space in the smog which is clearer than the surrounding atmosphere. I make space for love and light by being honest and humble at the same time. If you want to clear the atmosphere in your home for making love, and create a better space for uplifting light in your world, do daily meditation. And for lovemaking, get a massage table and before every bedroom activity, give each other a massage with LOVE. Not rushing through it. Not impatiently. Not with resentment, but with love. There are chakras in the feet and in the hands and the shins and the head, and all over the body. Slow down and silently, mentally send from the middle of your brain thoughts of “I love you!”
10/2/21 - What it means to be a chela (student)
I got up in the night thinking I'd be entering a steeper discipline program but when awakening at 4:30 I intuited to go back to bed. I asked why? I slept and then woke in extreme coziness with a message. Awesome peace enfolded me. Why am I not being directed to meditate? Answer was lovely, stunningly not what I expected. "Coming home means settling down and inward, ceasing the struggle and accepting yourself just the way you are. It is similar to the ripening of a fruit. Germination is a surging forward, chelaship is learning how to settle. Relinquish the struggle. Surrender to the force of nature within you. It knows what you need. Your training as a chela is in following your heart, not a premeditated structure such as an imposed meditation discipline program. That is now in the past. You have earned a new role. You have earned the right to be a chela. It is not what you think! Chelahood is not following the controlling ego but following the peace within, following Your spirit, your angel, your divinity. Mankind has presupposed a falsehood concerning God and deity. There is no need to struggle. Look for signs around you, follow the flow about and in you. Do not work at it, allow it. All of the teachings are pointing you in this direction: Allow!" (Received 11/18/95)
9/23/21 - What is mystical?
(This was guidance for me in my writings.) Use the word mystical in your writings. In this infinite zone beyond consciousness, beyond understanding, one may feel the intelligence of something greater than yourself, it is YOU, the observer. This “something greater” has been termed “God” or “supreme being”. It may be called any word but it is not beyond the person observing it. It should not be considered outside and beyond. It is the consciousness of the person itself looming up greater than before. It comes from the source of the observer himself or herself. It is the observer’s consciousness expanding. This is the part which should be shared with others. One must not try to bring it into control, which is the way of the past. If you do that, then the expansion will be cut off. The mystical connection will be cut off. The mystical connection is the window through which expansion and higher forces connect with the immediate local consciousness - the mind. One must not try to capture the mystical, but step back and retain the sensation of awe and mystery and wonder, leaving the window open. Remain a student in the receptive learning stance, rather than assuming the role of teacher. Don’t be worried if you should or shouldn’t be open, it is the flow that matters. It is the flow that counts for once you are flowing many ideas will come. Be ready to put them down on paper. This is for your own good, to stimulate you when you re-read it. (Received 8/14/19)
9/17/21 - Why do we search for the divine feminine?
I had many questions about why the difference between women and men. Why was I searching for the answer to the divine feminine? What is the divine feminine? The answer came: To find the divine masculine of course! The search is inner, we are looking for it not in the outer but in the inner. Once we find the divine masculine in ourselves, then the divine feminine will feel complete and we will be able to balance ourselves and have a lighter, healthier, easier flowing life here on Earth. Life will be fun. Relationships will be fun. We will have an easier mind and less or NO emotional issues to cause problems. One time I asked, “Were we created as feminine originally? Or masculine originally? No, was the answer. You were created as a whole child of God. What you do with that is up to you and how you choose. You become feminine by choosing passivity and peace over making waves. You become masculine by choosing to be proactive in making changes and being assertive. You are only feminine, however, when you are in the presence of a masculine, for then you compare yourself and the masculine triggers you. You are only masculine when you are in the presence of a feminine for then you compare and the feminine triggers you. When you live alone and don’t have an opposite to compare yourself to, you are whole and complete as you are. In oneness. Each aspect of yourself is a standing wave separate from the other aspects - physical, etheric, emotional, mental, spiritual, etc. - we are to align them so they are all one integrated whole.
9/16/21 - Love is not in the physical body
Love is contained not in the physical body itself but in the consciousness that resides in the physical body, or is moving through the physical body like electricity moves through a light bulb lighting it up and casting a radiance around it. We are that consciousness that is streaming non-stop through this body. Much of what we radiate out into the atmosphere is not constructive, which means it is DESTRUCTIVE. It is no wonder that the earth is hurting and in pain and is revolting through earthquakes and storms. The love is not contained in the physical body of the tree, love is contained in the consciousness of the tree. Love is not contained in the body of the fish or the blade of grass, but in the consciousness of the fish and the blade of grass. Consciousness is alive and loving. Consciousness is the life force. Consciousness is the livingness and the lovingness and the peacefulness that supports the physical and the physical thrives upon. But we don’t see it. We take the physical like we take a piece of meat and hold it in our hands and examine it for flaws. We don’t see that it is the consciousness that is the light of the body and the love of the body.
8/31/21 - Lord Lanto
Last night or this morning I asked Lord Lanto how he brought the flame into his heart (it was so bright that people could see the glow) and he showed me the secret. To me it is a major piece of advice. He said, “It is not light, it is love.” I tried saying “love” over and over but he said, “No, it’s not done through the intellect. It’s through the feelings. Through the emotions. Imagine it. Use your imagination.” Then he gave me a feeling of warm love in my heart area to show me what it felt like. It is like mothers love. Warm love. It is very warm, very warming, very nurturing. It’s not warm as in temperature, but warm in feeling, a feeling that you are loved, but it is simply love. This is the flame in the heart. I was so happy to learn this. I am practicing with love through emotion.
Later in the day I received the following and feel it is important to share this. We are living inside a soup of sexual deviation and distraction. In order to get back to our spiritual connection we have to stop playing with sex the way we have been. It is preventing the sky-earth connection. The self-to-self connection. We are divided. We need to get our spirit connected back with spirit. A few weeks ago I got the info that when we were born we divided ourself and a portion of our spirit/soul went down into the earth to become embedded in the earth. We joined with the earth energies but the soul is still unique us. This is the portion of us that is coming up into our bodies, attracted by our higher self coming down through us, but it’s unfortunately being siphoned off into sex. The sexual activity at the second chakra, the genital and reproduction area, is going either left or right - it’s being divided there - preventing the spiritual power from rising higher to re-connect with our higher self. It must connect with higher self to make us whole again. This is the earth connection that everybody is talking about we must make. We must have earth connection but most people don’t know what they means. We are supposed to bring our bodies into wholeness so that we can grow naturally and be productive naturally. But the basic problem needs correcting and then we will feel at peace again with ourselves. The great healing will be accomplished. Our earth spirit will be able to connect with our sky spirit we call higher self, and then we will feel wonderful again. We will make good decisions, rational decisions. But we must come to understand that the earth has a matrix around it which is a pollution. It is largely a sexual matrix, the reason being that we have been programmed (by alien races from the sky who wanted to control us). They did things that altered our DNA, but we can change that by simply not following the sex program any more. The majority of humans - especially the men - will have a huge uproar over this but I quickly add that there is something more beautiful coming in the way of making love. Love with someone who is of your same vibration, along with this new information, will be ultra super beautiful. We take away the old sex act and introduce a higher, more wonderful, more beautiful way. It cannot be explained in words other than it will fill your body full of ecstasy instead of a 30-second “pop” of an orgasm. We are going through a great awakening to bring us to this new beautiful place. Trust me. It’s real. It is the ancient teaching of Tantra. The unbalanced sex block at the sacral center is the thing that has kept us on lower vibrational levels. We have not been taught. This is a complex teaching, but it will be coming soon to the masses. (Received 8/28/18)
8/30/21 - Ascension
I felt the flow of life as a flash and a zing of connection. I realized - and felt it - that the life force which we all want and need and feel depleted of so often, is the connection in a STRAIGHT LINE between the light we planted in the earth at birth, and the light remaining aloft as the higher self. This connection is what the monks and spiritual masters have been trying to tell us. Stick to your own life force. Find that connection to your own power source. We have been distracted from our own power source by listening to other people, reading their books and following their advice, when their advice was for THEM, the author. YOUR advice is within you. It is so important to find your own connection to your power source. At conception we have been dividing ourselves. We put one piece of our spirit into mother earth as an anchor to hold us here, and the other piece remains above in the sky. We - You and I - are then responsible to connect these two parts of ourselves to become one whole - our spiritual self that is in the earth and feeds our body upward from below, and our spiritual self that is in the sky and feeds our mind from above. Intelligence flows down in vibration from the higher self above. We are the ones who have to make the connection. Ascension is simply another word meaning - “Ah! You’ve got it! You’ve connected your body, lower self, with your higher self.” This is not easy but it is the great work for which we volunteered to be born here and take it on. It’s a challenge. (Received 8/26/18)
8/29/21 - Taoism works with sex energy
Taoism works with sex energy – the feeling of the sexual buildup - by circulating the power throughout the whole body, and not letting it go into orgasm. There are etheric pathways built into the body called “meridians” and “chakras”. When sex energy circulates through these meridians and chakras, it becomes the chi or prana. By practicisg Taoist exercises, you can increase your capacity for vibrancy - the energy of glowing vigorous vitality and health. When a person orgasms, he uses this power on the lower physical body only, meaning the physicality only. It does not circulate on up to the higher dimensions of the person. This is a science unknown to most people. When the sex energy is spent on orgasm without circulating it through the meridians and chakras, as Taoism teaches, a person uses up his vibrancy and develops weaknesses, diseases, disabilities and eventually dies. The Taoists claim the human body can achieve the great age of a thousand years in one body, and even achieve immortality of body, as Jesus and many others did. There is a science to it.
So this morning I was prompted to sit down and write as it has become my custom to do. I was hearing the words “Meditation on the BODY is the feminine energy, the healing love energy, the goddess, the mother flame. Religions teach everyone to focus on God as being above the head, in the sky, or some vague beyond. This is the masculine focus. The masculine focus has become the norm for many thousands of years, whether one is religious or not. We have all been taught to look up to at least the brain if not higher for our answers, and definitely not to the body. In fact, the body has been made to feel shame and guilt and to ask “God” for forgiveness for feeling what we feel. The looking up for answers is indeed PART of the process but not all of the process. There is a looking WITHIN that has been missing. The teachings to look WITHIN are wonderful, easy to understand (for me), with rewarding instructions provided by the ancient masters of Taoism, many thousands of years old. Looking WITHIN and UP, as DK says, is how we get our answers, learn, grow and gain wisdom.
Entering into the body is how we stabilize the overemphasis of looking up into the empty sky for answers. Entering into the body through meditative exercises that include breathing and visualizing, we learn to “flow” the energy through the etheric conduits which are the prescribed pathways that were built into the body initially, as a blueprint from the beginning, before the world began. The template of the human has been around from before time, and creation began the great adventure. We’ve been “designed”. Our journey is of one of mind and awareness learning to enter into and plant itself into the organs, glands, blood and bones. We need to take up residence in our own body, and “own” our body, by becoming conscious of each part. The ascended masters are graduates of Earth. They have perfected themselves by lifting up each part of their body with higher love. There are ascended masters from every planet in existence, such as Venus and Vega in the Pleiades, but OUR ascended masters gained their immortality right here on Earth. They learned how to do it. They can guide us but they can’t do it for us. There is no savior, only teachers to advise and role model for us.
The angels and other celestials don’t have to learn this because they never descended into physicality. They can love, comfort, and lift in emergencies, but they cannot do this physical process for us. WE HAVE TO DO IT FOR OURSELVES. We who descended from heaven have to return to heaven and the only way to do that is to own every jot and title of our flesh body. Move into the body, accept the body, ground love, appreciation, faith, truth and purity into your body. Become aware. Awaken within the body. Awaken the body. The Taoists teach us how to circulate our awareness by focusing our mind on certain “spots” in the body and going step by step from “spot to spot”. There are diagrams to follow. We can ONLY learn how to own our body while we are IN our body. If we fail to do that in one body and we die before completing the program, then we come back and try again with a new body. The fact that we have been prevented from knowing this, has held humankind back for millennia. It is the soul that we are circulating through the meridians. The process is all about recognizing the soul and identifying with the spiritual soul, bringing it into the body and grounding it here.
The masters of the east learned how to ascend by another method. It was different. They ascended by by-passing the body. They learned how to go up and out of their body. They could do that because the earth was in low frequency then. We are today in a new cycle of higher light energy. We are in a new region of the universe with higher energies. Our own earth, Mother Gaia, is raising her planetary material too, within herself. So everyone on the planet is doing it differently today. We are all, humans as well as animals and plants, are raising their physical vibrations. We are all going through the process of “own” our bodies. We need to bring our truth and high ideals down into our bodies to ground our souls on earth. It is a different time. A new master plan is unfolding. It just is. You can’t fight it. Get on board. Get with the program. The Mother flame is the source of life and immortality, and it’s within the pelvis, not the brain. The ascended masters can’t do it for us. They can advise and counsel but they can’t do it for us. It is like one man eating the food for another man who is starving next door. It doesn’t work. The starving man has to eat, chew and digest the food to maintain his OWN body. This has to be done consciously. Not automatically. Every conscious being in the universe and creation is unique, and he has built his uniqueness by choice, free will, willful design and conscious design. Every one of us has a unique and different perspective on life and everything. Everything from AA Michael to Jesus to Buddah to Mother Mary and Djwal Kul, St. Germain, Mary Magdalene - each of them is a unique personality. They’re not the same. They are each unique and individual with a divine personality who is still growing their Godhood and their understanding of the Creator God. God himself is growing in understanding because God is US.
We are the cells - the female side of him - and we are growing in understanding that. The masters say, “Choose your favorite quality and make that your life’s work to focus on that quality. Excel in that quality. You are here to develop the body, not the mind but the body. You are here to cultivate your body by bringing in the qualities and the virtues and APPLYING them to your life through your senses and your words, thoughts and emotions. You need your physical senses to do that. You need to experience the qualities and the virtues that you are bringing into expression and showing to your family, friends and yourself. Live these qualities during the day with friends and co-workers. You’re here to develop the body and build the body into a more refined body, a more perfect temple for the soul to live in. You are not here to develop the mind because you are already a mind. You are a conscious mind, or should be. If you are not conscious then you are a robot functioning on programs that were installed in you. Your destiny is to become an awakened mind in human form. As you become more SELF conscious, you become more mindful and more awake and more aware of just exactly what you are spewing out into the world. Anger? Jealousy? Envy? Condemnation? Judgment? Vengence? Unhappiness? You need the body to experience the emotions you are having. Pay attention.
Remember, he who has descended into a body must ascend back home again. Many minds did not descend into a third dimensional physical body. Many more stayed in the heaven realm and found a different function there. We who find ourselves on earth in a flesh body are obligated to refine this body we live in. It’s the only way to get back home. The body is the feminine side of God. God lives in human flesh, blood, bone, organs and muscles. You have a unique, one-of-a-kind opportunity to become a god-man or god-woman, literally an immortal who walks on the ground, but it can’t be achieved through the ego (small e). The small e ego is the mechanical mind which is an artificial mind because it does not share its consciousness with the flesh and blood of its body. It lives totally 100% in the head, in the brain, which is a storehouse of accumulated learning but it is not original intelligence. Original intelligence belongs to the creator, to source. A person living in the head thinks he is special because he is using 100% of his intelligence and does not share it with his flesh and blood body. Therefore it is not a natural, caring, symbiotic mind that networks with his body or that of other bodies, including animals, plants, mother earth and all of nature. The ego (small e) has a superiority complex. It thinks it knows everything and everybody else is wrong or confused. This small ego does not respect the intelligence of the body which is also God, the feminine aspect of God which is embedded into the cells and tissues of material substance. (Received 8/28/19)
8/28/21 - Sound and coded words
By using the words love, trust, faith, compassion, grace and gratitude, we can link up with our creator self. Our higher self. We ARE the creator, we are aspects of the creator. We are thoughts of the creator, desires of the creator. But we are reduced from our original magnificent omnipotence by our focus on a point ahead of us. We have become linear when in the heavens of our being we are like a light bulb and radiate in all directions at once. We have become tunnel-visioned into the front of us. We have become creator focusing on a goal. We are the tip of the pen writing our story on the world, while the main part of us (the creator) is behind us out of sight. We have become densified in order to write our story on the world with our physical body.
To get back home to the heavens of our being while being here in the physical, we need the code words. The words of love, trust, faith, compassion, grace and gratitude are coded words. They contain a magnificent potent energy. We need to bring this energy into our bodies. The words are vibrations and sound makes the vibration physical. It resonates our vocal chords and our brain. The words cause feelings in us. They have wavelengths to them. Hateful words have short wavelengths; loving words have long rolling wavelengths. These waves penetrate the cells of our bodies. These words are the codes that we need to change the vibration of our bodies. They are words that we know in our English language as love, trust, faith, compassion, grace, gratitude. There are many words of the noble variety in every language on Earth and beyond Earth. They are specific codes that we can use.
I have been given these six words as a beginning, as a place to start. Memorize them and use them when time and circumstance permits. As we focus our thought on love for example, saying it silently or out loud is better, over and over as in a chant, we are sending the code vibration of love into our body, brain, cells and tissues of the body. The vibration pulsates through cell walls into the molecules and atoms that make up our physical body. Three or five minutes is a good time to use on one word, but the longer you chant a noble word, the more effect it will have on your body. Try it. Vibrate the body with the word love. Our scriptures tell us that in the beginning was the Word. The word started it all, and now the word can bring us back home. We are taking a mental abstract thought and making it physical through the sounding of its word. This is how we create sensation in the body. Take the best and most noble of words and use them as chants. That way, the body joins with us in our mental quest for the ultimate answer. We make it physical. It is no longer abstract. We are linking up the mental to the physical. We are moving through the emotions. We are bringing mind, body and spirit together. We will feel calm and peaceful.
As we densify the word we also raise the body. We are calming the outer aspects of ourselves which are quite chaotic. We have been journeying in the outer world and have gotten out of control. We feel anxieties, pressure, stress, dis-ease, pain, fragmentation. We feel aches, pains, dark moods, anger, frustration, hopelessness and other unpleasant feelings through our outer-world encounters. That is our human experience. Through chanting noble words we can calm that outer chaos and bring peace to our physical bodies, mind and emotions. We are being reabsorbed back into the creator god, which is our higher self. Through chanting for five minutes the word love or joy or peace or hallelujah or hope or trust or any word of the noble spectrum, you are gathering focus and calming your physical body cells and bringing them back into alignment with your higher self, your true self. You notice it after 5 minutes. When we work through the day we are bombarded with other people’s stuff, often negative thought but sometimes positive thoughts that do not resonate with you because they are not meant for you. We are daily subjected to other people’s emotions, intentions, desires, fantasies, goals which overlay on top of our own truth, and we become mixed up.
Five or ten minutes of chanting one of the noble words and you will find yourself much more peaceful and stable and back in alignment with your own truth. The outer you is that part of you that focuses on the outer world, other people and sometimes you feel quite lost. But in reality you have never been lost. The real you, your higher self, is the one pulling the strings of your life, nudging you here and there. You think you, as your conscious mind, are in control of your life but your creator god self is the one breathing your breath, digesting your food, pumping your blood and desiring to move to Hawaii or change jobs or get married. Your higher mind plants these seeds of inspiration into your conscious mind, to give you direction. It is how your higher nobler self moves your little self through the day while your little self’s mind is busy focusing on external problems and the daily goals of creating.
Now, through chanting code words, you are literally calling yourself back home, no different than the farmer calling his cows back to the barn at dusk. You are linking up with your away team. Use the code words. They contain creator god magic. You know what they are. Start out with love, trust, faith, compassion, grace and gratitude, and you will get other words coming forth out of the mental mist. Your mind is linking up to your higher mind. The veil thins away so you can hear your higher self speaking through these high and noble ideas. When you feel hopeless, chant the word “hope“. If you are weak, chant the word “strength”. When you are sick chant the word “health“ or “healing“. If you are lonely call upon love. You know what I mean. Our human journey has been a journey into duality. There are two sides of our life - the dark, heavy, stressful, hurtful side, and the lighter, loving, harmonious, peaceful side. We are here to change ourselves while in a physical body - it's the only way we CAN change ourselves - and to learn how to turn darkness into light. The lead of the human body is changed into the gold of the god within which is our creator god self. We have played long enough on the dark side. Now let’s start playing with our golden light side. It is the journey back to forgiveness, wholeness, completion, ecstatic reunion with home and family and those who have preceded us to the other side.
We need to use the code words. We have to take the time and the focus to apply them. This is meditation. We have not applied them. We have bandied them about and written about them, but they remain trite and boring because we haven’t planted them into the body. They remain on the mental plane only. They are useless on the mental plane. They don’t mean anything on the mental plane. We must put them into the body to free the body up from its dark monsters that hold it locked in chains. We must feed the body these vibrations through these code words. What are some code words that bring you light? Remember them. Write them down. Do 5 minutes of chanting that word. Zohar. Peace. Hallelujah. Honor. Respect. Delight. Caring. Concentrate on the sound of the best and most noble in you, and pull yourself away from the dark confusions of the outer world. If people truly understood prayer and the power of prayer, they could use this to overcome their drug dependency or depression. No power on Earth is greater than the light, and the light energy in prayer is inestimable! (Received 10/16/10)
8/27/21- Men need the feminine mirror of softness
During morning exercises I saw the tree of life. It was a tree of brilliant light in the shape of the kabbala. It was a tree of conduits, channels and webbing of light that is in me, in my flesh body, and I am surrendering to it when I am up doing spontaneous movements and going with the dance-like flowing. There is an inner wind. Afterwards I sit and write. The words are flowing easily through me and I write them down on paper.
Men are in need of the feminine mirror to be reflected back to them what feminine is like. Most women are reflecting masculine back to men and to the outer world. It is ego-centered, or mental-centered. The masculine predominates everywhere. EVERYWHERE. Ego is everywhere. Where is spirit? Divine? Naturalness? When women think they are showing empowerment by resisting the men and authorities, when they show rebellious, willful attitude to prove they can be complete and equal with men, that is masculine energy they are using. Men do not need more masculine energy reflected back to them. It just makes them angry. They have enough of that every where they turn. It creates competitiveness for control. Who can be best? And who can be on the top? It is feminine they seek. It is the gentleness they seek. The kindness, the motherly caring and encouragement which is selfless. The mother cares more for others than herself, but she is wise and doesn’t deplete her own powers.
Most women try to do this but deplete their own powers. Women do not know how to be truly feminine. They give their powers away without realizing how they are doing this. Even when men push for sex they are seeking the feminine love and acceptance. It is not the flesh they seek but the softness of attitude, the warmth of mood and love that feminine can offer. It is a quality and a virtue. It is an energy and a feeling. It is not flesh. But we women do not have enough confidence in our femininity. We do not even KNOW what femininity really is or feels like. It is pure heaven. We have the bodies that are created to be naturally feminine, so we are full of the potential to be divine feminine, but due to eons and eons of lifetimes and cultural training and programming to operate through the brain we do not know how to be in our bodies. Our bodies are feminine. We don’t know nor have we been trained. We don’t have confidence.
That is why we must gather as women, to build confidence and to reflect back to each other that which is feminine, and that which is NOT feminine. We’ll know it when we see it. It’s not just softness and tenderness, it is also truth, honesty, courage, intelligence and perfection. It is the seven qualities and the seven colors we were embedded with on a soul level, what we call the seven virtues and the seven chakras seven bodies. What makes us feminine instead of masculine is we do it with wholeness, with love, compassion, consideration for the feelings of those around us. We deal out truth with softness. We deal out courage with softness. We deal out determination with softness. We deal out intelligence with softness. We deal out perfection with softness. That is feminine.
The true feminine, the divine or ideal feminine is selfless, and wise beyond reason. Feminine is spiritual. It expresses with tenderness and mindfulness the qualities of the seven which the spiritual connection inspires. It comforts and lifts to higher planes, to nobleness, regal-ness, and majestic-ness and freedom. We women need to build confidence in how to speak and express ourselves. We need to have a circle of safety and protection. We need a women’s circle where we can gain confidence and enlightened responses from other women. We have to cultivate our inner feminine. Then we can bring it home to express to our families and friends.
Every little piece of feminine expressed is like a building block cemented into place in the world. It goes out in a ripple effect through the ethers and touches the planet's atmosphere. Men need encouragement in expressing their own softer side. We add to the healing of the planet when we express our truth. Women learned to surrender their power over the ages. It was a cycle that had to be lived through, but now that cycle is over. Cosmic timing tells us it is time to come out of the closet and enjoy being freely feminine because the men need some proof that softness, genuine softness, tenderness, compassion, honesty, courage, truth, perfection can be lived in the flesh in the world, and in the family, community and government. The men don’t believe it because they haven’t seen it yet. They must see it role modeled in action. I remember a few scenarios where I expressed my truth and my husbands enjoyed it. Feminine truth is one such virtue they are waiting for. They don’t like for us to surrender ourselves to them. It puts added burden and pressure on them. (Received 8/25/19)
8/26/21 - We have to work at it to stay in this reality
During early morning wakeup time, struggling to become conscious, I asked a question: "Do I have to put so much effort into being here in body? Or can I just go with the spacious flow that is so natural for me? Why is it important to have a personal physical identity anyway?" The answer came in my mind: “Of course you do! When you went into the light in 1976 you lost your personal physical identity and had to work at rejoining the earth reality. Bob helped you [my late husband]. Relationships, intimate relationships, help you to ground into earth reality. It is a necessary evil to stay in the earth reality, otherwise you lose it. You lose the connection to this reality, this dimension of life. Many people don’t want to connect with this reality, or can’t because they have not developed a method that is practical, in a uniform manner. You have to build your identity and your knowledge in how to do it, up through the levels so that your life here is coherent and a base is established to make it easier. Many people don’t do that. They don’t know how. For most people their education is lacking. Your work with intimacy through swinging and sex has given you a solid base because you had the grounding in the light first before beginning. Then you were able to take it to the next level (up the spine to higher levels) because you were able to FEEL what was not a right vibration for you, what was not a good fit for you. You were able to detect the difference. It was coherent to you, you were equipped to handle it. And the longer you stayed in duality, you continued to test the waters of the 'other' vibrations around you that you were exposed to, and compare them with your own true comforting vibrations."
Q: So every morning when I wake up I’m lying here trying to re-attach with THIS personal identity, THIS body and THIS timeline, otherwise I am a groggy and out of sorts, kind of lost with hardly no vitality. So THIS is what gives me vitality? By tuning into THIS body? That’s what I do in the morning lying here in bed trying to find some reason to move? Some connection?
Answer: "Yes! Vitality flows through your connection with this earth identity, this earth dimension is the dimension you are anchored into. The most difficult part of what is happening right now, is the tendency towards human curiosity. Do not go there! The war and the chaos is being caused by people's lack of inner light, in-lightenment. When you have learned how to focus on the light in your heart more often, you will reconnect with the positive and most beautiful light that you are already. YOU ARE LIGHT! You are your own consciousness. If your consciousness is more on human affairs, then you are not connected to your God Self. The majority of people are focused on the external world, the world outside of their own feelings and knowings. You are the light of the one consciousness that governs the universe. Everything is living off that one consciousness. You can't escape it no matter how hard you try. You can even kill yourself but you can't escape the fact that you are a cell in the body of the ONE creative love and intelligence that maintains the universe.
But you've (we've) been covered over during this lifetime with programs that make you (us) want to interact FIRST with the outside world. Then maybe later when everything is finished and done and you have some time left over, you might spend a little time in going within to your Godself, your real self. This is what we humans have been doing right along and it's the wrong approach. We've got it backwards. We should be checking in with our inner God light FIRST in the morning and every so often throughout the day to re-establish a strong firm connection with the fact - THE FACT - that you are God consciousness first, last and always. Everything is already right and perfect with your world. YOUR world but you have forgotten that and lost the connection. We all have. That's why we're here --- to remember it and get back in touch with it.
Forget everyone else's worlds. They have to create their own world for themselves. They are part of the one God consciousness too, but it's their responsibility to get back in touch. That is why the chaos in the outside world. The outside world is disrupted and everyone's world is not going so well because they haven't learned how to reconnect with their first and always immortal God self. This is why people should meditate for time periods throughout the day. It doesn't have to be long but we have to set an agenda. We have to do the work and set time aside. It feels ridiculous to the modern man because he has totally lost the connection. Women are better at it but men can do the same thing. I have been doing that. I have created my own agenda and routine. My own routine. It is separate and apart from my husband's routine. Included in my routine is to see HIM as perfect too. I help him through my sacred work. Because I want a nice environment to live in so I must help him. But it has nothing to do with anyone else's routine.
I have mentors on the Ascended Master plane. They guide me through feelings and knowings and urges. They are part of my consciousness because I believe in them and I talk to them and I know they are there through thought alone. I am feeling very positive about the world I live in. It will be over soon, the war. At least in my world it will be. It is already. And more and more people are getting it. This is the quantum physics you are studying. It is how you "see" it. You can change your world by "seeing" it in the eyes of the Masters and you ARE a master if you believe these things. The Masters are telling me things that are positive and bright and dazzlingly forever beautiful. The mystics of history discovered this and danced in rapture while the people stared in amazement. They knew the truth. I know that the war is going to be over soon. In MY world, the war is going to be over soon. However, in my husband's opinion, he is very worried and I can't change him. He is creating his own world, how he sees the world, so I will not try to persuade him. Instead I love him and ask his Higher God Self to keep feeding him.
Do focus on your heart. See it as a physical heart, for it is. But it has an eternal light in it. The heart is the number one organ in your body. Keep focusing there because it feeds the rest of the body with light through its pumping of blood which carries the light through the cells of your body. And picture - visualize - above your head is a sun on invisible planes. A sun that shines more brilliant that the sun in the sky. That is your Mighty I AM Presence. Your individualized I AM Presence that has your own unique signature, different from everyone else's signature. It is you as a unique and separate individual called "I AM". It is you for eternity and forever. This invisible sun to the naked eye is shining dazzlingly brightly there above you and from it is descending a stream of life - your life stream - composed of particles called electrons by the Masters. The electrons are alive and conscious and need direction. You are the one directing them, so direct them by focusing on your heart. The light of your I AM Presence is coming down into your body through the top of your head and down your spine into the earth where it becomes one with Mother Earth's light. She feeds you as the Mother of your life in this body. It is feeding you with this positive light. She is positive too.
Spend at least 5 minutes, better 10, while imagining this, picturing it, connecting with it, reaffirming it, solidifying it into your brain and memory. As you spend time picturing it, it becomes a part of your physical reality. It is real for everyone but very few spend the time solidifying it into their current life which is physical. We need to feed the physical body with this knowledge of who we REALLY are. It is the eternal immortal YOU creating the world you life in. It is true and it is fact. Most people do not know this. Spend just a little time imagining it throughout the day. Create it in your mind's eye. As you imagine it you are connecting with it and creating it. You are connecting your worried human consciousness with your real, true, God consciousness which is perfect and can be nothing less than perfect.
You as a master in training have been experimenting with less than perfect. Now is the time to change back to perfect. Picture perfection. Think perfection even as you are doing the mundane things that you do. You have always been perfect. In just 5 minutes you can reconnect. It is just a little bit every time, but that little bit gains momentum. And then go about your daily business and your daily business begins to pick up and become more positive. For you DO have a mission here. You came here for a reason. Go in and out often to reconnect with that perfection from which you descended, and carry it forward. Know the brilliance that you are and carry it forward, just a little at a time. Reaffirm and re-strengthen that bond and see if you don't make a difference. Leave the war to other people to ponder about it. Carry on with your OWN mission in a positive way.
8/24/21 - Ho'oponopono
Following up on a past life regression as a monk locked in a dungeon - a deeper lesson surfaced during silent prayer time. I had just written an article about it and sent it out as a newsletter. They say that when you release something deeply troubling it makes room for something more to come forth, like tearing the bandaid off a wound so the air can get at it. What came forth for me after writing and sharing this story with the world, was a revelation about the REASON why people don't want to face what they are afraid of. Why are we so afraid of facing that which haunts us? When I found out I was so relieved.
It us nothing to be afraid of or ashamed of. When the therapist suggested at the time that I go back to see what caused my buried sadness which she had detected, an immediate red light warning bell sounded. “NO! Don’t go there!” I absolutely did not want to go to where she was alluding to. I didn't know what it was, but that day I found out. Oh. So that's it. Today during meditation I learned a deeper meaning behind this lifelong fear of dungeons and horrors that occur there. I was holding onto guilt because I thought I had done something wrong, and all the while it was simply a mistake on my part. Yes, I had done something that was damaging to the people I lived with – my religious community. I was a monk, I lived with them, I knew things, exciting things, and wanted to tell the others what I had discovered. Monks meditate a lot and so did I and I was in touch with my higher self and I was learning things. But they were for ME, not for the others. However, I was so excited about what I was learning, seeing, and realizing – becoming enlightened - that I wanted to share my good news. So I did.
I talked and tried to tell what this glorious information was all about to my fellow monks. But it was the wrong thing to do. They didn’t listen. It made them jealous. It made them feel bad. As if I knew more than they did. They continued to repel me but in my excitement I kept talking, I kept telling them, and I went against the commonly accepted practices of the brotherhood community. I was ego-centered, telling them what I knew. I was soaring beyond them. This is where humbleness comes in but I did not have that lesson yet. I told them things that contradicted the calm of the community and what they stood for. It was a place of inner study, alone study, private study. Respecting the privacy of others. It was not wise of me to start preaching. I should have known better. My soul was telling me but I didn’t listen. I got carried away with the good news and the light, so I had a backlash. They put me in the dungeon as a heretic. It was a cause and effect life.
I had to learn. Paula’s regression helped me to reconnect with that life and understand the lesson. It was a layer in me that remained unresolved. There are layers upon layers of buried issues in all of us. Today with the increase in light across the planet, we are removing them. They are surfacing. They are bubbling up from below consciousness, from the subconscious, the subterrain, so that we can see them. They are uncomfortable. They are painful. This is where the light messages are coming from. There is light within us IF we will listen to it. We call it by many names. There are many terms used to express revelation. I experienced the peeling away of an issue that bothered me but I didn't understand it. This is also termed "ascension". It's an elevation of consciousness, a clearing of what was vague, fearful and confusing. By being willing to face what we are afraid of we move on out of a darker place into a clearer place which is like a greater classroom. We are learning to face the mistakes of the past. Mistakes are not punishments, they are clearings. By being willing to face what feels wrong, like walking into the lion's den, we learn what caused the feeling of wrong. By so doing we can hold our heads higher. Higher means clearer. We are understanding better and so we can be grateful and let it go. We are acknowledging our mistake and thanking it for the lesson. We don’t have to tell anyone else about our inner lesson, only admit it to ourself with one hand held tightly in the hand of our higher angel.
And that made room for another issue to pop up. After a day or two of rest and processing THAT one. I don’t think that it is necessary to go find a hypnotherapist today because we are more enlightened than we were 5, 10, 20 or 30 years ago. We are growing more spiritually receptive to our inner light faster because people are radiating it out into the atmosphere as they grow and the atmosphere is growing lighter. When we do something against the law of harmony - the universal guidelines by which everything in the universe is maintained – we suffer negative consequences. It’s like putting a finger onto a live wire. We get shocked. Harmony is not personal. It’s universal. It is the connection to all things. We are anchored into harmony every day. But being born on earth, a dark planet without harmony, we are like the “away” team on Star Trek. We have a mission away from home. Harmony, unity and love is the most important guideline to operate by, and the greatest of these is love. The problem is, we don’t know this biologically, living inside a flesh and blood body. Our “away” mission is to learn it through flesh and blood. It is the best way to learn something. By being in a dense vehicle called a body we can't see very well so we have to experience what causes pain and learn the lesson. No one else can guide us through this learning. Someone else can try to warn us in the hope of preventing us from making the mistake (parent to child) but it doesn’t work very well. We don't listen. We have to go through it ourself.
I remember a woman trying to tell me something and she gave up. She said, “It’s too bad, you’re just going to have to learn it the hard way.” And we do. We all do. We all have to learn it the hard way, because a mistake hurts us and pain is a motivator. We need to find the answer to why it hurts. That is how we grow ourselves to more enlightenment. We fill in our body with wisdom. We become personally responsible only when it hits home, and in our face. Then we gain personal understanding. Wisdom accumulates through personal experience. We must learn the truth for ourself. We just can’t take the word of someone else as truth. This is why we have to go through the meatgrinder experience which seems to hash us all into little pieces. Can we pull ourself together after going through the meatgrinder? There are principles that govern the universe. They are the higher principles, the moral principles and ethical principles that are called the spiritual path. Those who traveled ahead of us left them behind in the form of words, lessons and books.
My life as a monk needed that lesson of humility and wisdom. I was open and receiving higher lessons but I started preaching. That was the wrong thing to do. I did not respect my brothers' right to privacy and quiet. I learned from my own quiet time, prayer time, meditation time, but then I pushed it out onto others. Admitting a mistake is asking forgiveness of our higher self. Our God self. “I am sorry, please forgive me, thank you, I love you.” It is a mantra called the Hoʻoponopono - a Hawaiian practice of reconciliation and forgiveness. Because when we make a mistake we separate ourself from our higher God self which is in harmony with ALL of life. We are one with all that is, the source of all life. When we make a mistake that hurts another person we also hurt ourself. It cuts like a knife and our sense of peace and calm recedes. We are separated. We stepped out of bounds. To bring ourselves back from that darkness we created, we must acknowledge our mistake. “I am sorry, please forgive me, thank you, I love you.” Mental words said in private prayer, asking for forgiveness, is how our light body comes forward to envelope us. Mercy is granted immediately. Love is there for us because that’s our home. We are welcomed back into the fold of home, even while we are still here on planet Earth in a physical flesh and blood body. This is our training ground. It is a most gracious aspect of the source of all life, helping us to understand how to live with the principles of harmony, unity and love, even here on a dark planet. We can even live it here on Earth if we are aware of these principles. We are children learning from our elders. It takes personal experience, and time.
When we do something that conflicts or contradicts harmony, unity and love, we are like putting a monkey wrench into the finely tuned wheels of life that keep everything flowing smoothly. How do we know if we are doing a wrong thing? By experimenting. It’s the only way. As human beings we do not know because we are born into a literal sea of conflicting opinions. Some people remove themselves from the mainstream and join a nunnery or a monastery where there is peace and quiet. Then it is possible to hear the lessons from the light body without so much interference. Our light body surrounds us is in purity, but we in our “away” mission go outside and beyond it. We cut our light down in order to experience density, polarity, duality and conflict – and sensual/sensory pleasure. But we didn’t really leave harmony, unity and love. Not really. We just shut the door on it. Just like entering a house and shutting off the light. We have to find our way around in the dark like a blind person. We choose to do this. But our light – our own light – is still within us. Only 5% of our true self is shut up inside the dark house. It’s a vibrational thing. It’s part of the creator’s game plan to give us this opportunity to learn about darkness. And how far we are willing to go before calling out “Help!” to the light - the higher angels, the celestials, the friends in high places.
There is a purpose for us to be here and to experiment with our dense vibrations. We do have our fun times inbetween the suffering and pain. And we do enjoy the thrill of the chase and the risk-taking and the competition. It’s all part of human life to learn these things. It’s about creating situations and then experiencing the result. Doing something good for someone without asking for anything back, gives a thrill beyond measure. Doing something bad gives a different kind of feedback. Each to its own. Each learns in its own way which way to go. What darkness is and what goodness is, and how a mistake can be corrected by admitting and becoming humble and apologetic to the one we harmed. We grow from these lessons. It’s not all negative. We’re here to grow larger, more expanded, more wise, more truthful than we have EVER been before in former lifetimes. (Received 8/21/20)
8/23/21 - The native intelligence of humans
When I saw the deer the other morning I stopped and thought about them. It occurred to me that humans also have a native intelligence, just like the deer. My thoughts went like this. Our bodies are creatures native to the earth and we have an innate consciousness or intelligence. A native intelligence. The human species are evolving at a faster rate now. Ordinary evolution takes hundreds of thousands of years to advance a species, but because more and more advanced souls are being born at this momentous time in our history, they are bringing with them knowledge that is superior to the cells being provided by the parents. As the soul imprints its knowledge into the cells of the body it inhabits, the bodies of the human species are evolving more quickly. Souls are requesting to come to earth at this time and there is a line forming, waiting for the opportunity to be born. They are volunteering and they are coming from all over the universe, bringing their knowledge of having lived in many different forms and on many different planets. They are more enlightened than the former souls who inhabited the earth in the past.
Outside of form, there is an infinite sea of consciousness that is composed of many individual consciousnesses. We don’t understand with our human brain because we are locked into flesh and blood logic. We have been taught that we are the only life in the universe, and that we only live once. These are false teachings. The universe is alive with intelligences, individual intelligences who have evolved up through mineral, plant, animal, human - intelligences who have advanced themselves beyond form. All souls today on the earth have come from somewhere else, from some other star system, some other earth planet, some more advanced than earth, some less advanced. But we don’t know that with our physical brain because the brain and body belong to the planet. We only know this on a soul level and soul teachings have not been given to students, so it remains hidden knowledge. Those who are receiving information from past lives are those who are advanced enough to believe and trust the information that comes to them from their own innate wisdom.
More advanced souls are being born here through parents who are more enlightened than THEIR parents. There is progressive growth taking place in the biological form itself. The steady flow of incoming souls inhabiting the human form is impressing the bodies with advanced information. Why do some people grow up more refined and others grow up lagging behind? Studies show it can't be attributed to economics and class, for some poor people are elegantly refined, and vice versa.
When a soul is more advanced than the ancestral line it is born into, the body itself does not have to manifest those faulty patterns of the ancestors. The human species is evolving very fast in these times because more enlightened souls are being born here. Many of our text books are out of date. Young people are discovering what was once secret knowledge taught by masters in the Himalayas in ages gone by. This esoteric knowledge is becoming more available today as individuals are searching for more advanced guidance. At one time such guidance could only be found in remote retreats called mystery schools because the general population was not ready for it. Advanced souls are being born today who have lived and learned among other star systems, beyond what can be learned here on earth. Now they are volunteering to come to assist in the evolution of the planet and the human species so it can mature more gracefully, and become more God-like. They are coming to help move us past stubbornness and selfishness and war-like ways that have held human beings back for centuries, unable to evolve into more harmony and unity. These advanced souls are here today in every town, city and village to help us become more compassionate and caring, and to stop being myopic, selfish and greedy and to get past the level of animal survival instinct which has held us back. (Received 8/16/20)
8/22/21 - The difference between thought & feeling
Thought and feeling are two separate activities in a human being. Thought is not a feeling. You can think about something without receiving a sensation in your body. At least, not at first when you first become aware of it. It becomes a sensation the more you entertain the idea in your mind. When you first become aware of the idea it is still descending from the abstract plane where all thought originates. Thought is formless. It is abstract intelligence. It becomes formed as it imprints upon the brain cells. Feeling on the other hand is a denser vibration that impacts the physical cells and becomes a sensation or emotion. Granted, thought and feeling are designed to work together in harmony. For example, abstract intelligence (ideas) descends down in vibration to be picked up by the denser material of the tissues and nerves of the body. What you “think” you may also “feel” spontaneously if you are aware, such as with the vibration of music as it moves through you on a sensory level through hearing. But this does not happen in people where their thought is not in alignment with their bodies. In other words, their emotions may not receive the thought into their physical tissues because they are not open to their emotions and receiving sensations in their bodies. They are "head" people. The mind absorbs their interest.
(Channeled) Most of you humans are not aware or enlightened enough to make the distinction between thought and feeling. You do not know how your own body works. The result is discordant energy moving in a confused state through your entire being in a rather chaotic state. Random and disjointed. Without order, reason or purpose. The first thing to do to bring order and purpose to yourself, to straighten yourself out, is to become aware of what thoughts you are entertaining, and making a distinction between what feelings you are feeling at the same time. Can you separate feeling from what you are thinking in your mind? It is important to separate them before you can integrate them into a harmonious whole which will bring you more peace and purpose. Notice when thought and feeling are in harmony. Notice when thought and feeling are NOT in harmony.
Two of the four lower bodies pertain to thought and feeling. The other two refer to the physical body and the etheric body. The etheric body is sub-conscious and superconscious. In other words, you are not aware of what is below your conscious mind and what is above your conscious mind. You are aware of only what is in the narrow region inbetween the above and the below. It is important to expand that region. How? What is in your subconscious influences you in subconscious ways, such as being afraid of flying. You will continue being afraid of flying until you understand and come into contact with the lifetime or memory or realization that you once died from falling a great distance, or had a similar trauma that impacted you with fear. That fear remains in you until you dissolve it. There are many ways to dissolve it. Hypnotism, or facing the agonizing fear the next time you are confronted with it when it comes rushing forward. We are not here to discuss techniques. Techniques are available all around you today. What is subconscious to you is influencing you all the time, every day. An alcoholic gene in your ancestry DNA causing you to drink. A cancer gene passed down from your grandmother. Religious issues passed down from your lineage. You are a product of past influences that are not your own, through ancestry DNA in the form of cellular programming. You can change your own DNA by resolving to face it down, track it down, own it, be responsible for your own actions instead of blaming it on a grandfather or father. Connect with the realization and do something about it, consciously. Bring it up into consciousness. Expand the narrow range of your consciousness this way.
Likewise things that are in your super-consciousness that you are not aware of, are also influencing you through idealism, thoughts of perfection, beauty, honesty, grace, refinement, intelligence, learning to become better. There is an evolutionary drive within your higher self. Your divinity lies above your conscious mind. You were created in perfection but you do not realize your perfection yet. Self realization is a goal in every human being, but even that is not understood. So many people think it is a dream too far and they cannot even go there. Instead, they accept their low self worth as a worm accepts its life on the ground. Identify with your divine nature often during the day by looking up into the vast blue sky and thinking “happy” and “joyful”. The sun is there to remind us of our greater self. The stars are there at night to remind us that we have a star heritage, not just a worm heritage. Connecting awareness to these thoughts brings this forward into consciousness and expands your conscious mind. This is how you impact your etheric body, subconscious and superconscious. You are not just a physical piece of meat walking around. You are so much more than that. This is an immortal part of who you are and you take it with you when you leave the body behind at death.
Likewise, in your etheric body there are skills, talents, heroic good deeds that you have accumulated from past lives that are better than what you are expressing today. Tap into these by recognizing that you have latent interests in certain areas. Languages, science, teaching, medicine, art, sculpture, music, dance, entertainment, politics. Many interests lie fallow and unused in this life when in former lives these interests were developed and honed to mastery, or at least to advanced stages. You have graces stored within your etheric body that you might not even think about. You may have been an accomplished opera singer or astronomer or surgeon in your time period, born to other parents. Your etheric body is part and parcel of you.
The chakras alternate between masculine and feminine. I am seeing that the root chakra is masculine. It is the first thought that precedes the feminine. The root chakra is connection with earth, strength, will power, determination, perseverance. The sacral chakra is feminine. It is an inner feeling of nurturing love, balancing the first chakra with a softness that integrates and soothes. The solar plexus (3rd) is masculine, it is the expressing of self outward into the outer world. It is the identity of the self after first connecting to earth with strength and will, and then becoming soft through the second chakra feminine, then the third step is to debut oneself outward into the world. The heart (4th) is feminine, to balance the masculine expression of self thrusting outward into the world. It is a higher vibration of softness, peace and calm. First masculine thrusting outward, then feminine withdrawing inward to soothe and calm, then thrusting outward again, this time with more finesse, and then withdrawing inward again to soothe and calm, each level is more refinement of understanding.
Then the throat (5th) is masculine, speaking the truth and knowledge that one has gained through the first four levels of experience, the self can now express, create, contribute to the world in which he/she lives. And then moving upward to the 6th chakra, the pineal gland or third eye as it is called, feminine inward drawing to meditate and nurture the self. First masculine thrusting out, then feminine pulling in, then masculine thrusting out, then feminine pulling in. Each time, the self refines its understanding of how to live in physical form. And finally it is ready to ascend to the 7th chakra, the crown of the head to join with the immortal self, known as spirit, which has not been in physical. Only that part which descends into physical evolves understanding of living in physical. That part of self which is yet still in spirit, is waiting for the self to return home and bring the harvest of learning with him to share with higher aspects of self. This is the physical journey of an immortal soul through physical life as it was given to me.
When we are in masculine mode we are not interested in spiritual things, but when we are in feminine mode that is when we consider the possibility of spiritual practices. The more advanced the soul is, the more influence will spiritual matters impress on the self. Spiritual practices are invoking angelic presences, ascended master teachings, learning prayers and affirmations and reciting them at particular times during the day. Also visualizing or imagining or picturing, not necessarily with words, but activating the imagination. Or breathing exercises through counting and imagining light. There are many techniques being taught today. (Channeled 8/19/17)
8/21/21 - Two thresholds, one higher and one lower
When you’re feeling an emotion, it’s God feeling through you. Please be aware of this and have some respect. Human consciousness has two thresholds to it - a higher threshold and a lower one. The higher threshold is where mind tries to think clearly and imagine what God is, or what good is, or the cosmos, or the infinite intelligence, but there is a point where your mind just can’t get beyond it. The lower threshold leads into darkness of every conceivable type. Depression, confusion, paranoia, fear, monsters and horrors of all types. The lower threshold is not only an unknown, it’s a trap that sucks you in and it’s difficult to escape.
The higher threshold leads to more harmony, more peace, more comfort, more knowledge, more connection, more love and light. The lower threshold leads AWAY from harmony, peace, comfort, knowledge, connection, love and light, and further into darkness, separation and loneliness.
In between these two thresholds is our playing field. We play with light and darkness. The light is of lighter density and therefore more intelligence and clarity can get through to people who have worked on themselves to become more refined. Just like light from the sun can reach the grass better without trees around than in the forest. The darkness on earth is of heavier density because it is more compacted due to irregularities and discrepancies that don‘t make sense. You can‘t fit them together. There are errors in thinking and errors that are manipulated lies done on purpose. These don’t add up. They become like an attic full of old things that don’t fit anything at all. They just take up space. The light is the quality of connecting and creating harmony. The more truth you tell, and the more goodness you express to others, and the more freedom you give to others, the higher you go into the light. You find more transparency, more love and more connection that makes sense.
The part that is hard to accept for many people is the fact that there are intentionally evil people who live on earth. They are not simply making mistakes, or errors in judgment, or lacking in education. They are not simply products of wrong upbringing by ignorant parents. People who are more light-inclined, who have goodness in their hearts, who believe in God and have faith that good will win, and trust what people tell them - it is difficult for such good people to accept that the evil in the world is intentional. And yet it is true. As a long-time student of the light, I was one who did not believe, but my threshold has expanded. I have grown in knowledge and understanding. When we grow further into the light, our light threshold becomes more transparent so that we can see more of what lies below us.
The mystical experience is not something OUTSIDE of our consciousness, it is our own consciousness that is growing tall. When it reaches a height where it can see over the wall, then we become aware of a larger view which extends further than we were able to see before. We might even see a house off in the distance that glitters gold in the sunlight but we can’t quite make it out. It’s exciting to catch glimpses of things that are beyond us. But we have to remember that it’s not somebody else telling us these things. It is US growing larger.
The same process happens when we allow a horrible situation to become part of our conscious awareness. Maybe we hear of a murder, or an abusive situation, an abduction, a crime of passion, a manipulation that is exposed that is difficult to believe. How could anyone do such a thing? This too is not something OUTSIDE of our consciousness doing something mean or bad to us. It is our own consciousness that is descending down into darker territory. When we allow ourselves to “think” on this, to mull it over and over, to talk about it, to gossip, to write about it, to post online, we are adding to the darkness of the world. This is the threshold of our own consciousness. We aren’t responsible for what others are doing in THEIR minds and consciousnesses. We are only responsible for what we do in our own minds and consciousness.
The light and dark is in each of us. No one escapes the dark. It‘s in all of us in degrees. Some have more darkness than others. Some have more light than others. It‘s not “them“ against “us". Even the dark have some light in them. We are here to learn what feels good and what feels bad through trial and error. Telling the truth, not lying, not cheating make you feel good. Doing kind things, not manipulating others, forgiving others for their mistakes, supporting others, being cooperative, adding constructively to projects instead of arguing, providing encouragement and nurturance where possible, and learning how to serve others without depleting yourself. These actions make you feel good. We are here to learn what makes us feel good.
The evil ones who are purposefully hurting other people, who manipulate others, like slavers, abusers, killers, tormentors, thieves, criminals, psychopaths, greedy people and the like - these actions make them feel bad. They contribute to their own demise which makes them do even more bad things because they have descended down into the lower zones where light cannot reach them. They have no clue how to get out of it. That is why we are told to forgive and send love to them because that helps YOU. It helps you to escape the dark trap. Because if you hold anger and stew over what they did, that will suck you in closer to the evil which can snag your thoughts and hold you prisoner. You don‘t want to go there. Forgiveness and sending love and light is to benefit YOU. It is a safety precaution..
We have both dark and light in us. Many people have very little darkness left in them. We cannot compare or judge anyone. Our job is to keep our focus on universal law, which is the light and love. The matrix we live in, which is the human consciousness on earth, is a rather narrow zone. Below us in consciousness are the animals and plants, and they are not manipulators. They don‘t have evil in them. Only the human consciousness has evil. It‘s a narrow zone where evil abides, because when we go higher into the light, there comes a point where we leave the human consciousness and we join the galactic consciousness of light. There are galactic civilizations of evil, but once we reach the higher threshold of light, we have joined with the galactic federation of LIGHT. The evil ones can join with galactic darkness, but the wars are almost over.
There is a mixture of both good and bad in our playing field, but there is a threshold of consciousness toward which we are drawn. We seek more harmony, more freedom, more truth, more knowledge, more love. We are drawn to know. We are drawn to the light. However there are people who are drawn to the darkness and this is where deviousness comes in. Most people who have a heart, can’t even imagine someone NOT having a heart.
Anyone who has malevolent, negative or dark tendencies or thoughts, cannot go beyond the upper threshold into the zone of love and light and stay there. They can have brief glimpses of it, but they cannot stay. They have to come back if they can’t maintain the frequency of love. The spiritual techniques are teachings to show us how to purify our thoughts, which will automatically purify our emotions, so that we can get greater and greater glimpses of the light above us. This science is slowly becoming known to us. We haven’t understood the nature of our own personal form life and why we are the way we are. We have a lot of ugliness in us, meaning selfishness, greed, abusive and controlling natures, animal desires, perversions, and more. But the physical world is the great teacher. Our world is the great classroom where we learn through trial and error the difference between right and wrong. And it is our feelings that tell us.
Many people call it God but it‘s actually YOU. You are god with a small g, a child of the big God, father-mother God, here to learn how to BECOME a God with a large G. You have learned much already, but what you have learned thus far is more than can fit into a body of flesh. We call this "more" that you are, the higher self. No matter how enlightened we become, there is something more beyond us to learn. There will always be a higher self so there will always be something drawing you upward. I like the word "mystical" because there are a lot of spiritual teachings that have been written about over the centuries, that are just words. The mystical zone is not able to be defined because it is personal. It is sacred and it comes to you through a feeling or a revelation. The person can’t define it even though he or she tries. I try to define it myself. Everyone has a mystical side because everyone has a higher self from which they descend into a smaller, denser flesh and blood body. There is not enough room in a tightly- squashed flesh-and-blood body so we leave our accumulated wisdoms behind, on higher planes.
We get bright clear glimpses from time to time of the mysterious unknown beyond us, or we may get dark, horror-filled glimpses of mysterious unknowns below us, but mostly we play within the understandable, rational, reasonable playing field that we know as our earth life of today. We play in duality - we play with opposites. We exchange and experiment with good and bad, light and dark, benevolent and malevolent, selflessness and selfishness. It is important to realize that these two forces are restricted to the physical world of duality. The physical form world can’t go beyond it and can’t go below it. That makes the physical world safe. It’s the playing field where we learn about cause and effect. The mind is the cause. What we believe in is the cause. What we have faith in is the cause. How we act out our beliefs is the cause of the effects we see in our every day.
The physical world is the lowest density there is. There is nothing more dense than physical. This is where it all happens. This is where it is all understood. From here on up it is lighter, brighter and contains more goodness and harmony. The only downside is in the mind, and it can get very dark and horrible indeed. So from here on, from this point on, it is all UP to the light and all DOWN to the darkness that we abhor. It is up to us how we use our minds and what we harbor in our minds. We must hold positive, harmonious, benevolent thoughts if we want to create positive, harmonious, benevolent EFFECTS in our lives. We are the cause of the effects that appear for us. Nobody is doing it to us. Nobody can do it for us. WE have to make the choices between light and dark. The physical world has huge potential for enlightenment. We are getting ready for it. Many are turning more to benevolent and kindly acts. Physical enlightenment is caused by those who maintain positive thoughts. We then enjoy more happiness in our physical life, such as peace and fulfilling situations and relationships. We are the ones who bring it to ourselves through our benevolent thought processes.
Above and beyond this narrow zone of duality which we know today, there is unity, harmony, nobleness, love and light that has no end. We must grow into it by making the right choices with the intelligence afforded us through our thought processes. We must make the required changes in how we think. It is difficult to change habits but that is a power we are given. We can change our feelings by changing how we think. The sun comes out every day to provide us with an example. Look UP! It is unendingly bright ahead of us and beyond us. The science is to look UP. But just as we can’t look into the sun right now with our naked eyes without great pain and blindness, just so we can’t get above our narrow zone of duality until we practice maintaining light and love, thus growing our ability to sustain the mystical experience that occurs periodically. All of us are striving for it, because it is the good we know is there. It is the goal of all human beings. It is innate. The mystical experience is innate. It is a revelation that comes with a sureness of feeling and knowing it is real.
It is an experience of greater light, greater love, greater harmony, greater peace, greater comfort. Each time we experience it, there is a breaking out of the matrix that holds us to the befuddlement of human existence. When we have a moment that is absolutely wonderfully peaceful and mystical, either alone or with someone else, enjoy it but don’t make that person into a possession. Let these feelings and revelations come and let them go. We can’t hold onto the mystical experience. We can only enjoy it to the fullest and say, “Thank you”. By doing so you build it into your knowledge base and your body's cellular memories. You just know. It's another etheric brick in the light body as you grow into more light and more love. This is the process we are here for, to learn how to do. THIS is how we stop ourselves from bouncing back and forth between good and bad like bewildered victims in an obscure playground. Between the two thresholds, the higher one and the lower one, there is a zero point or neutral point that exists. It is our conscious choices for the good, right, decent and truthful, that keeps us safe inside that neutral zone. There is fulfillment and abundance in the neutral zone. The chaos can't reach us there once we learn to manage our thoughts better. Take time out often through the day to go into the silence. (Received 8/17/19)
8/20/21 - There is a place for silence
(Channeled message to me:) Change GoddessSphere to ALL people, not just women. Change your focus to all. You’ve been making it personal through your eyes as woman. The goddess is working in you. It is not personal. It is ageless and eternal. Don’t own it as in attaching to it. Let it be free flowing through you. It is not personal. Let it heal you. Learn to work with ME, not with the outer matter which is also lost. Work with ME, I am your father and your mother. Work with your mother for she is there within your body. Work with your inner, not the outer and you will work well with the outer. You will know what to do when it is time to do it. Be in touch with ME at all times and I will teach you, train you, guide you so that you, who are the child, will grow in wisdom. You are the soul learning, we are your parents teaching. We are you, and you are ME, father God above, mother God below.
(I am thinking there are so many words to write)
No! Let the words go. Open your mind to the column of light extending up to the sun above you, to ME. Writing down inspirations is the male in you. You have been operating on the male frequency. That is why you are experiencing dizziness and confusion. You are lacking the embodiment of those teachings. The acceptance of them into your body and life requires enfolding them SILENTLLY into your womb, your love, without words, putting them into action. You are their Mother, love them into expression. A good mother does not force the growth or criticize or place conditions on her babies. She does not judge or condemn. Love them! Put them into action. Do this in silence, don't talk about it so much. Silence is the feminine attitude, subservient to the God within, the Mighty I Am. It is not contact through words or decrees. There is a place for decreeing and chanting, but the greatest need is to sit in silence with your creator, your Father/Mother God. Come within, my child. Come within to be at one with me. Leave your song books, your decrees, your teachings outside the door. (Received 8/5/19)
8/19/21 - Especially for women of the heart
This morning I had an interesting experience while sewing. Before I began, I stopped and connected with my heart. I called upon the ascended masters and especially DK. A very nice meditation sitting there at the sewing machine. I saw two rows of ascended beings in bright colors leading up to the sun. I am making the sun my home now. I see the sun anchored in my heart. I heard the words, “Calling women of the heart.” The vision of the ascended masters was beautiful. They were not the focus but the guidelines, two rows of guide posts. Their hands reaching down to me, and the other hand reaching up to the sun. They created a path of light for me. It brought tears to my eyes and a feeling of lumpiness in my throat all around. This is my path. Words came unbidden: "A mastery class for women" and DK began speaking to me:
"Home is where the heart is and your heart is in your chest - not in your husband’s chest, or your mother’s or father’s or sister’s or brother’s or son’s or daughter’s or anyone else’s chest. The path of mastery is the path of owning your own heart, your own divine source of intelligence, for your light is coming through your heart. Your heart is a portal to the heavens within which you have your true home. Now, let us begin.
"Remember you ARE your heart, you are not your physical body. No matter how young or how old, you are always in a state of becoming - of entering into the world of form, but you are not form. As you are flowing into your heart, you begin to detect the surroundings of your environment. The first environment is your own body and the memories in the form of energies that you created in the world of form. And not just THIS body you inhabit today, but other bodies you have lived in prior to this life. You have these memories and energies stored in you beneath your conscious mind, forgotten, but they are not forgotten by your inner self. They add pressure to your current world and situations. You detect them. Remember - you are NOT this body. You are a flowing consciousness from the sea of source creation, impartial, all-knowing, all loving, all complete in and of yourself.
"You owe allegiance to no one for you are all that is in your original before-form state. The intelligent thought you think in your mind is a shadow of the real, of your blinding reality and wholeness. The feelings you think are reflections of something much greater. The sounds you hear are dull shades covering up the truth of the REAL, whispering through you like ghosts from all directions. Your own past, your own body, other selves’ bodies, other selves’ pasts, and from the trees, air, water, vegetation, food and immovable objects that surround you in the world of form. You cannot escape the ghosts of the past except through your heart. By anchoring into your heart you tune into the higher planes of your real self. You tune into the correct station, YOUR station, and you clear up the static and noise from others. YOUR station is you. You receive intelligence and wisdom and knowledge loud and clear when you take time out from the static of the outer world of form and other people and listen to your own clear truth. Teaching for this day comes from Master DK." (Received 8/4/18)
8/18/21 - There is a science to the Light
There is a science to the light, to interacting with the ultimate good, the ultimate love. There is a science to it, there is a way to align with it and invite it into your life. A science is a method of approach, a direction-finder. The way to find the higher way, the better way, the ultimate way, is through aligning with ALL-good, ALL-light, ALL-love, ALL one, however you wish to name it. Light is not a word. It is the highest and the best. Nothing less can attain to it. Now, this is where it is difficult. It is virtually impossible for the human mind as it exists today to imagine the highest and the best, due to the state that it is in right now. Because the human mind has errors in it. It has been distorted away from the ALL-GOOD. The ALL-good is perfection and it is innate. The best way to align with the ALL-good that is innate, is to nip ALL negative thoughts in the bud. The human mind does not know how to do this so let me explain.
If you want something very badly and each time you attempt to reach for it and you almost align with it but something obstructs you, you have an instantaneous reaction that is negative, maybe disgust, maybe anger. It is a knee-jerk, automatic reaction of a negative nature. This automatic negative reaction will consistently hold you back from aligning with the ALL-good that you seek. The negative resentment, anger or disgust is the fly in the ointment. You must get rid of it. It will keep you from achieving what you want. You must get rid of ALL negative reaction, which is rebellion and resistance to not getting your way. You must release not getting your way. That is ego. That is why people meditate and do inner work on themselves, often without understanding why they are doing it. It is to get rid of ego. The techniques for doing this are myriad. They have been handed down from antiquity by enlightened masters. To cleanse the body-mind of knee-jerk negative reactions you must substitute ALL-light consciously. It takes a conscious decision to change direction and it takes repeating light-filled mantras, chants, affirmations, prayers, all of these things that require your conscious mind to change direction to the light. Otherwise your human mind will keep going in the same old manner, believing that you will be able to conquer it if you try long enough and hard enough. But it will never happen that way. You are created out of light. You have a light body. It is the background of who you are. It is your background intelligence. You have been overlaid with dark thoughts, beliefs and wrong understandings. The dark web carries hate, resentment and all things that are “not light”. You might think to ask for the removal of “not-light” but even that statement carries within it a recognition that all is not well with you.
The only way to move into the ALL-light is to find the stillness within, the ultimate acceptance of stillness, and stop actively resisting what you don’t want. Accept it. Accepting not the dark but the ALL-good, the ALL-light. Accept the ALL-light and be in peace. Everything is made of light and love. Believe it and accept it. Stop putting up blocks and resistance. This is tricky. Try to understand what I’m saying here. Accept the darkness as light and perfection by seeing past the surface into the background of Light from which it emanates. This takes practice. Practice in techniques that only your higher self can guide you to, for each person is a “construct” of false premises. Only your higher self can guide you out of these false constructs back to your original light body. Another person cannot guide you back to your origins because they don’t know the route you took to create who you are today. Only your higher self knows the route and knows how to guide you.
Then, that which you used to resist and kick against in one way or another, is gone now, because you Nancy have accepted the light in ALL things now. The little remaining resistance in you surfaced when the mask mandate came about. Your knowledge of light made you a progressive activist for the light which is on its way to manifesting on earth. Your desires for this light to manifest took over and you had another “desire”. A “desire” is a shadow construct. It is a movement out of alignment with light. It is your mind saying, “No, no, I can’t let this happen. I can do better. I must do better. I must fight this.” So you said to the mask mandate, “I will fight this. I will not obey.” This was a remnant of the old you. It was a knee-jerk reaction, a shadow of resistance still clinging to you in the dark webbing that shadows you. You subsequently saw the error in that resistance and you decided to align with the ALL-light, which you are finally achieving. To others it may seem as if you have lost the fight and surrendered to the authorities, but you have lost the fight and surrendered to the ALL-light. Not to outside authorities but to the one inside authority, the only authority there is in the end – the ALL-light.
Going with the science of light is what Jesus did, as is told in the scriptures. He had to overcome the shadow in himself too, he had to learn the path of non-resistance too. It is being non-resistant to the ALL-light. “Resist not the Light that is in you. Resist not evil. Resist not period. Be at peace in all situations. Do not desire! Do not desire anything! If you have a desire you are resisting the ALL-light that is in you and in everyone. The faster you align with non-resistance, the faster you will achieve what you want because it is INSIDE OF YOU. It already exists. It is like – ummm – a simple analogy is when you are looking for your glasses and you go crazy searching for them, you need them, you desire them, and all the while they are on your head, pushed up past your eyesight. All is well, all is light, all is fulfilled. Your process is to practice believing that. It is the truth. (Channeled message received 8/13/20)
8/17/21 - The power at the tailbone
While doing the DEER exercise, which is a Taoist training to tap into and raise the vital energy at the tailbone (called kundalini, Christians call it the holy spirit, most people call it sex), I realized that children are damaged at a very young age by the parent’s admonishments to “not touch down there”. They slap the hand away, and the sense of shame begins over feeling something warm and wonderful in their own loins. This warm and wonderful feeling in the pit of the stomach is then covered over with a shading of guilt. This is the beginning of the distortion. And yet, this is the spirit that loves the body and built the body. It is meant to be welcomed, embraced, allowed, and quickened. By allowing this warm and wonderful feeling in the lower parts, it expands. But it is not to be. The child grows up comparing notes with snickers and giggles when adults are not around, in private, in secret, learning to enjoy the game of secrecy, playing doctor, feeling each other. Shame leads to secrecy which leads to hiding which leads to lying which leads to cheating. And all the while, the laws of the land insist on no sex before marriage. Not only that, but the implication is that any good warm love feelings in that area should ONLY be done by someone else, not yourself. Masturbation is seen as a sin. Yet, enjoying someone else before marriage is seen as a sin. The only thing that is not a sin is to get married and do “It” only with your marriage partner, whether you like it or not.
This is all wrong. There is a flame of purity and love at the base of the spine on the etheric level. It cannot be found through an autopsy after death. It goes away at death. It is the spirit that built the body, and it is what maintains health in the body. It maintains vitality and interest in the body. Without it we could not live. The reason the body ages and dies in only 60, 70 or 80 years, usually from some disease which would never have happened if the source of the body’s life, the warm love at the base of the spine, had been embraced and taught from childhood how to manage it and what it is there for and why the good feelings occur there. I saw much of this this morning. My mind opened to these truths easily while doing the DEER exercise. (Journaled 8/11/20)
8/16/21 - Telluric 2D energies
Before bed, I read the Pleiadian Agenda by Barbara Hand Clow and was excited by their messages. We must learn about our other bodies (dimensions) to fulfill ourselves. This will prove to be the healing of ourselves. It is what is missing, this connection to our subtle bodies. When we get excited, kundalini rises. Mastery of your bodies awakens you so you can live in all your dimensions. It is ordinary reality that holds you to your true path. The crocodiles are speaking about telluric 2D energy [second dimension] which is kundalini. The Pleiadians are telling us to “Make Home!” with our 2D bodies. Home is where you are in your power. It is ordinary. Don’t be pulled by others upwards or sideways. Stay home in your body. I went to sleep with this in mind.
Upon waking up I was filled with more awareness. I grabbed pen and paper and wrote: “Love your body! How to raise your vibrations is to love your body. This raises consciousness. You do it by loving your body. Loving yourself is being said over and over but it is misunderstood. You don’t have to love your SELF, because you are love already. Love your BODY. Your body is not love, nor is it loved. Your bodies are 2D and are of the earth. Your bodies are compromised by energies and particles that have been used over and over, throughout many lives, by many creatures. The particles that make up your bodies are eratic and random and have not been loved. They are disjointed and disconnected. They have been used and abused. The substance of your bodies need clearing and you can do this by loving your body. Your OWN body, not somebody else’s. Be clear about what you are doing. By loving your own body you are raising the energies of the particles composing your body. Love is a long wave length which gives peace and comfort, gentleness and healing. It is smooth and connective. The feelings you receive are warm and cozy, comforting and peaceful, but most of all it warms your heart. Spend 20 minutes saying, “I love you” to various parts of your body. Raise your vibration and frequency, and you are purifying your body and releasing the stigma of loneliness and separation. Healing is a bringing together of all that is not-healed. Not-love.
Later during meditation I tuned into love MY way. I am feeling the warm love of human bodies touching, embracing, connecting with the telluric 2D energies. DK, thank you for giving me direction and showing me the path to loving myself. This is a new way of understanding what kundalini is. When I spin with love during my exercise, remembering that I am love, I am opening the love in my chakras. I am not just spinning cold chakras but I am spinning warm love out into my body that has been stagnant for a long time. The seven bodies are strong in my focus today. It is appealing to think of a cuddle party. Is this the dream? Is telluric 2D energy the key? I used to think it was the higher plane energy that would fulfill us. Perhaps I have been wrong. (Journaled 7/11/18)
8/15/21 - The feminine ways turn us to the Light (channeled)
This morning once again I woke hearing messages far away, speaking to me for awhile before I finally gathered enough wakefulness and coordination to reach for the pen and write it down. The words were echoes, repeating themselves: “Once we have intervened in mankind’s evolution, we will no longer have to intervene. It is the species we are here to save, not the soul that inhabits the form. The soul is here for its own purposes. The species has to be saved from extinction. It has been held back from evolving.” I began writing as the flow of words continued in my mind.
"The feminine qualities must be brought into the species because the feminine is the turn-around – the returning back to the Light. The soul has nothing to do with it. What the soul does is for the soul. The soul comes to inhabit the species in order to help the species raise up by imprinting its accumulated wisdom into the species. But the soul must be allowed to have a say in the life and the male animal has prevented the soul from expressing. The soul is whole, holy. The animal body has been holding back the soul from expressing because it is operating on physical survival as an animal. The human species is still operating on the survival tendencies of the animal which is strong sexual reproduction tendencies to keep the species propagating. The human species has taken this survival instinct to a more pleasurable state but it is stuck in that state, warped and distorted without allowing the turn-around to happen, to raise it UPWARD, upward toward less animal and more enlightened and refined, which requires more unifying sensitivity. The feminine qualities are needed which bring love, togetherness, compassion, caring, nurturing qualities. It is needed to turn the direction from downward to upward. Turn it around. The male’s focus is out and away from the light into darkness, further out beyond to the farthest reaches, the farthest it can go. The female strives to hold it back from going too far, it wants to bring it back UP to the Light. In the end sex will disappear and all that will be left is Love. Sex is a discrimination between genders. The species then can actually THINK for itself consciously and make choices for itself."
It is what I've been writing about. The nature of sex is misplaced and misunderstood. This intimate act is sacred, deep and eternal. It is all about sacred, divine love. Wholeness and fulfillment. The galactic intervention that is taking place is to save the species of human. There must be a unified blend between the male and female to put an end to the animal act of sex and thus begin the turnaround to raise the human up to a higher level of harmony. It is the INNER male and female within the self that must merge and come to a unified blend within the ONE body in which it runs havoc because it is separated, self to self. We are a whole consciousness on inner planes that has been divided by the lesser, petty mind. We are one whole being on the consciousness level. We are oneness. We are whole. We are complete. We are Light circulating through the body but we have created a second webbing of dark thoughts and lesser beliefs as an artificial robot-like energy that weaves also through the body. We have come to act on the lesser artificial energy and we hurt each other. Why? It has been my mission to find out.
(Me) I grew up in what I’ve perceived is a man’s world because men have all the power. What men say, goes. It is their definition of rules that I must abide by. These are strict rules. My father was an honorable, good-humored, easy-going man and I was fine with my life until I had sex at age 15 with the boy next door which I hated. It was coercion of my innocence. That began my awareness of men being the heavy-handed ones, the controllers. From that point on I hated sex. I couldn’t make sense of it but I was coerced into sex by attraction to a powerful man and became pregnant and subsequently married to him until I was overcome with dark and foreboding thoughts and I broke and ran away from my marriage. I escaped and was welcomed into the safety of a family which was ruled by a woman. Then I met a man who was sensitive to me and discussed things with me intellectually. He listened. He also served as the male protector for me. He supported me and guided me to rebuild my confidence. He taught me kindly about sex and introduced love into my life. Eight years later I had a powerful and dramatic kundalini awakening. I was in-lighted by being taken up into the light dimensions. I had the “going into the Light” experience. My journey through life has been through the sexual field, recognizing that men have a different focus or agenda than women. The feminine is an inner softness and unifying quality while those who are masculine have an outer-focused quality that skips over the inner softness. The focus on physical sex takes us further and further away from our innate comfort and peace. Thus the need to bring the feminine way forward to save the human race from further downward spiraling.
“There is a presence in you that is more you than you. It is in the background of your mind. Everyone, bar none, who is born on Earth is born outside of that presence. It is the only way to be injected into the system, this world, which is so far removed and in the dark, that once here we have to struggle to find ourself again. You DO have an eternal immortal Presence of self that is accessible to you, but in order to find it and tap into it and realign with it you have to follow your native instincts. Meaning your intuition and gut feeling, not what your parents or teachers taught you. They are part of the system. Don’t rebel or resist what they taught, but place priority on your instinct as to how much to allow the outer world to govern you. Find that light in you and cultivate it privately, secretly. Bring it into your awareness at all times. You are that greatness that is in the background. Bring it forward.” (Received 8/10/20)
8/14/21 - Body consciousness (channeled)
The body has a consciousness of its own. The ego is confined to the mind and mental thoughts. Ego does not live in the physical body. The divine feminine refers to the physical body. The mental refers to the divine masculine – the masculine side of us. The physical body refers to the feminine side of us. Some people refer to the feminine side as emotional. That’s because only the body can feel emotions. The mind cannot feel emotions. The mind has a different role to play. It receives intelligence from the greater mind beyond the human. It receives ideas, inspirations, visions and it creates thought. Thought is the mind. Mind is the intelligence of the person. It cannot feel. It does not have the ability to feel emotion. It is abstract. It is pure intelligence. When ideas, visions, concepts arrive in the mind, it more often than not, stops there and does not descend any further down into the body’s cells and tissues. This is the formation of ego. The ego only refers to the mind. If a person takes the time to sit in stillness for a period of time, thought drifts downward under the force of gravity and enters into the body’s cells and tissues. There is then a merge. Then emotion is felt. Emotion can only be felt as a sensation or feeling if thought from the greater mind descends down far enough to reach the body cells. Sleeping allows that to happen. Sleep allows the mind and body to flow together. However, if, during the day the person insists on going back into mental mode and think, think, think, think, and lead a continually mental life without allowing his body to receive this vital life force from the greater mind, he lives a shallow life. He lives a life that is shallow along with other shallow life streams. A lifestream is the REAL person. The REAL Ego which has lived many lifetimes. The REAL person is attempting to flow down and connect with the cells of the body he is currently inhabiting. In past lives he also tried to do this. Perhaps he succeeded in past lives to live more closely engaged with his body. Perhaps not. Each body, each life in a body, is different because of the parentage and the ancestral line, and the culture and social status he is born into.
But through all of the many lifetimes, it is only ONE Ego who is the driving force. It is only ONE intelligence driving the car. It is only ONE magnificent spirit flowing through the cells and tissues. If that spirit cannot descend into the body and integrate into the body and become one with the body and wake up to the body, then the body dies and once again the spirit goes home to re-think and re-plan the next incarnation in a body. How can he do it better the next time? How can he be born into this physical world and NOT be distracted by the many? He discusses it with wise mentors who have been through the process. He is told that he must accept his body. He must not try to “own” the thoughts that come to him. He must learn to let them flow on past him. In other words, let your thoughts become like a flowing river of ideas. Don’t try to capture them. Don’t try to own them. Don’t try to make them your possession and jealously hold them tight to your chest. Let all ideas flow away from you. Appreciate them. Enjoy them as a moving scene flowing across your inner eye. Let them elevate you and inspire you, but let them go. These thoughts are not yours. They come from the greater mind. Mankind tries to capture the universe with his little brain and it is what causes his downfall. To become fulfilled, learn to let the beauty and the truth and the love flow through you and these ideas will then take hold of you where it counts. These ideas and visions must descend down into the physical muscles, blood and bone of your body in order to live these high ideals in physical expression. If you lock them up in your little ego, they will not become physical. They will remain a fantasy in your mind. A great philosopher, genius, inventor, poet, artist or musician, does not onto the richness that comes to him. He puts it to work IMMEDIATELY. Immediately means he lets it come and he lets it go like the flowing river. Do not hold on to the ideas that flow THROUGH you. They are not seeds planted in you. They are the rays of intelligence flowing THROUGH you. Stop and be still and watch them flow on by. (Thank you DK. Received 10/18/20)
8/13/21 - On receiving
During a Chi Machine exercise with my legs swinging back and forth, I asked the Ascended Master Djwal Khul "What can I do to further my advancement today?" First I thanked him because he was the only one I could relate to as a real live human being, though ascended and not in physical form any longer. I am humbled when I sit before him because he personifies the Godhead or Source for me. An illustration of him has been released by him to the public, and I have that picture on my table. When I take the time to tune in to him and speak with him, I can feel his humility, compassion and intelligence. It is felt as a thrill that ripples through me. This is what he gave me in response to my question.
“You are right. We are the receivers of the formless as you have been studying in your books. We humans or sentient beings are the Shakti of the Shiva, the formless one who flows through us. You are right. You have discovered this. Yes, I have led you to this discovery, but so others have led you, too, for we have gone before you and we have discovered this before you. And there are others ahead of us. The formless is coming at a steady rate into form. It is the responsibility of the one inhabiting the form to receive this beautiful idyllic flow and mold it into a beautiful, idyllic expression in the physical world of matter upon the planet. It is our responsibility to be continually aware that we are receivers. (I am getting the word “receiver” the last few days.) It is our destiny to remain open to receive the formless beauty, love and intelligence that comes from the greater source. It is our duty as an embodied form to receive this higher, greater, more infinite and intelligent life and mold it, encapsulate it into our expression. It is our role and our purpose as a soul in a dense vehicle to receive this incoming flow and mold it into a higher degree of expression than our form previously knew. We are making known the unknown, as Ramtha has said. Who else will do it if not us. You and I?
“That is the purpose of the form, to encapsulate that which is flowing through it. Mankind has not understood this duty and role. He instead receives certain idyllic information and then shuts the door on the flow and turns rogue with it. He wanders away from the river that is flowing and claims it for his own which shuts the door on the flow of inspiration. It is dull if the door is closed on the inspiration, and leads to death. That is how ego is born. An ego is the human mind working with a false intelligence, a copy cat, a criminal. And yet mankind is destined to learn of his great role and to open his mind and his heart to become a receiver, a continual receiver, endlessly receiving. This is the great work - to learn how to be in endless receiving mode and never shutting it off. To become a living vehicle expressing a life force that is grander than his form will keep him continually creating new things. A person may feel he is imprisoned in a form today, but when he opens to the never-ending river of life and intelligence that flows through him through his breath, instead of feeling in a prison he will feel free. Totally free and expansive, for his freedom has been curtailed and limited. When he stops closing his mind and heart to the inflow of life and intelligence and reason, he will stop feeling imprisoned and shut down.
“This is the great work of the spirit that is our own consciousness. It is our duty to turn our conscious awareness to the greater source that is above and beyond. As we discover the truth of our source and re-open the heart and mind to the incoming source, like a receptacle, we will discover the ecstasy and joy of being alive in a physical body. Life is formless intelligence, love, power and creativity. We as the form are to receive this formlessness into our minds and hearts and give thanks for it by turning our awareness in an upward direction. This is how we receive and mold the incoming intelligence into something beautiful. We become creators and expressers of amazing creations, inventions, works of art, talent, organic technology which is living. Not dead metal but living molecular things that serve us, like our computers. This is the purpose of mankind. To receive the inflowing river of life - of sacred life - and expand it, express it, live it, walk it, breathe it, demonstrate it through our actions in the physical world in which we live. And, yes, there are seven qualities that we have been given to remind us and point us in the right direction, lest we forget. Those qualities are attributes of nobleness and we are reminded to weave them into our daily life.
“There are seven. Seven rays, seven tones, seven colors, seven noble attributes. They are called will power, intelligence, love, purity, truth, peace, freedom, in that order. Freedom is achieved or earned after the six other attributes are woven into the life. Then freedom is experienced. Freedom that is called ascension. These seven qualities are the qualities that mankind is given to focus on and bring to life. Do not deviate from these. Do not ignore them. Do not shut down. Be ever alert to the SEVEN qualities. They are the steps that lead to enlightenment in daily life. Not in spirit but in physical embodiment. And when we do, we find there is more that is poured into us. We become open to receive even more than we thought we ever could receive, for we expand our capacities to know, to feel, to love, to live in truth, to be righteous, and grateful and honorable. We receive more because there is an infinite quality to these colors, tones, radiances. We are expanding ourselves to be able to receive MORE of these qualities. And as we do we also expand the Earth to receive more because we, our forms, are of the Earth. We are evolving not only ourselves but the planet, for Mother Gaia has provided us the material for our forms. The matter - yes, you got it - matter is the Mother. That is the great secret. That is the missing key.
“The divine mother is matter, is Shakti, is the divine feminine which receives and loves the divine masculine, which is formless intelligence, into form. We humans are to weave the beautiful colors and tones of the seven into life so these may be seen. Will power, intelligence, love, purity, truth, peace and freedom. As we do, we radiate these qualities to the lesser kingdoms behind us, coming up through the process of evolution: mineral, plant, animal. We are caring for Mother Gaia and demonstrating the higher life to those beneath us as we, moment by moment, breathe in the formless [Shiva] and love it, shape it, mold it into the physical form as Shakti, the feminine. As we do this we expand ourselves and become quickened and lighter and fuller with the consciousness of source. We are filling our matter body with the source and intelligence and love of the life force. We are the matter, the Mother, encapsulating the Father principle. As the Father principle penetrates into the Mother.” (Received 9/5/16)
8/12/21 - The tipping point towards the light (channeled)
On a scale of 1 to 10 with many gradations inbetween the digits, 5.1 is the tipping point towards the Light. It has been said that the weight of a feather is the test on the scales of justice. All below the 5 have selected to work for self and one’s own self interest. All above 5 have selected to serve others before self. This is the measurement of a human being’s soul evolution. It is at the level of the heart that the measurement is taken. The heart is the center of a person’s being. It is located between the lower denser vibrations which leads away from good - and the higher lighter vibrations that lead upwards toward higher ideals, principles, fairness and goodness. In other words, towards the light. Below the level of the heart one serves the self before others. Above the heart one serves the higher good for all.
The physical heart is the sun of self, the sun of a person’s system. He revolves in orbit around his heart, his sun center. He is not comfortable going lower. When he goes lower he suffers pain and confusion. Nor is he comfortable going too much higher. A little higher, yes, but not too much for it brings an increase of energy. His heart is his comfort zone. His heart is a direct channel to home, where he comes from - the father/mother/god/creator that birthed him. He does not know this intellectually, but instinctively. This knowledge is innate. Here in his heart he feels love for himself and he best understands himself. He is closest to himself in his heart, close to the sun of self which nurtures him, embraces him, validates his existence. It is to this heart center that he prays without his knowing. His heart is the only direct link to God, which is himself, his infinite good, his infinite love, his infinite intelligence. All that is him is in his heart. “Him” pertains to all humans, women too, not just men. The heart is home to the human being. Meditate on the heart. Use a picture of the heart as a visual graphic. See a sun radiating in the heart in the chest. Keep five minutes of silence while visualizing the sun shining in your heart.
Just as light forces have infiltrated every field of endeavor of this dark-infested planet, so have light souls infiltrated the sex field to bring healthy loving change to the human race who, unknowingly, have been led into a distorted program to be slaves to the elite cabalists who are human in appearance but are run by dark ET intelligence forces. How did this happen you ask? The dark ETs are intelligences, not physical. They can manipulate physicals to do their bidding. It’s fun and games for them. They are the dark gods of the universe (little g) and the light gods of the universe (also little g) are fighting for the freedom of the immature races who don’t know any better, using the big God’s laws of harmony, abundance, freedom, love and good will. The dark gods are the fallen angels spoken of in the scriptures. The light gods are the ascendeds and beings from far regions of space. We term them “galactics” who are also not physical, being high intelligences. There are many levels of physicality, many different forms in the universe. Physicality is a descending of vibration, a cohesion of closer-knitted atoms. Similar vibrating atoms are attracted to each other and gather into groups. Higher intelligences direct them with a mental blueprint as such. The formation of physical organisms is divinely directed. It is a science built on divine understanding of cosmic laws of cohesion through attunement. It is done in harmony, through peaceful, natural attunement. There are countless levels of physicality. The light is intelligence coupled with balance between all the powers, and the greatest of these is love. The light intelligences are chasing down the dark intelligences because dark intelligence has rejected love and God’s laws requiring balance. The dark intelligences use and abuse the immature physicals who don’t know any better.
Earth is such an immature world. It was originally a garden of great beauty and refinement. It was etheric in the beginning but it was invaded by dark intelligence forces, without love or empathy. A long complex history evolved that requires much background information to understand what happened. The bottom line is God the Father-Mother gives everyone a chance to redeem itself. We, the light intelligences, are infiltrated into the dark-infested planets by being born among them. Light souls are being born into dark cabal families on Earth. The light forces are you and me who are drawn to love mankind and womankind. We care for each other. We do not have an inclination to hurt people or torture or manipulate or kill people. We are among those who are being born here to cultivate and grow the human race, the human bodies which we wear, into a human garden of paradise from within the physical environment. The dark intelligences are aware that we are here and they attack whenever they can. Most of us are of higher vibration and cannot be damaged, unless we let our vibrations fall down into lower realities. Then we can be hurt. The dark intelligences are aware but they have been unable to stop the infiltration of light souls because the light souls are protected and surrounded by higher light forces. We are therefore more powerful than the dark-infested humans who have not yet learned how to align with the light. Instructions must be accepted. Instructions on the light are available, but they are not seen until a soul is ready to receive. Then such souls are drawn to discover light instructions, often called metaphysical instructions or mystery school instructions. The light is unified. All the powers of the universe are unified in orderly fashion.
That is the nutshell of how to do it: Use love and harmony. Intelligence is everywhere. Intelligence is Father God. Love is Mother God. Intelligence can reject love and does. That makes it inferior to the light forces, except that free will is given to ALL life, which allows dark to exist. It is a choice to align with dark and negative forces such as greed and selfishness which does not have empathy for other life forms. Light has love and the dark does not. That makes the dark a cutting edge intelligence who can go against the laws of God but only to a certain extent. Like a rebellious teenager can join a gang of thieves and do violence, rape and murder until the system steps in and ends it. So does the greater cosmic law have greater forces on its side and is more powerful, love being the greatest power because it is the element that binds all life together. Love is the Mother force. Love heals by not interfering but by giving free will choice to everyone. When it is time for a dark soul to return to Mother Father God, it is forgiven and embraced. The only punishment is the dark soul’s own facing of its own deeds, for it is responsible for everything it has ever done.
Life is a playing out of free will and also a responsibility to own every act, thought and feeling it sent out. That is the great learning. Each spirit spark has free will to choose what it wants to do next, but the realization that it must pay for everything it does, has not dawned upon it yet. It must learn this through trial and error. It feels free to play out its fun life the way it wants to, but it is responsible for the damage it causes others. Whatever impact it has on others will return to him so he too experiences what he caused others. Good comes back as good, negative comes back as negative. Whatever his actions, thoughts and feelings caused to others returns back to the sender, and often many times over because on its return journey it picks up similar energies to build a greater mass. So when the backlash comes it often has a more powerful kick than the original act done, seemingly in fun. The dark is on its way to realizing that. The dark is dark because it rejects that concept. It does not believe it so it is limited in how far it can evolve. But it can cause mayhem in the lower stages of life and basically it can infest and take over whole worlds, which is what happened to Earth. That is why the light forces, the Galactic Federation and other federations of light, are here, to countermand the dark intelligences. The light must stay within the boundaries of cosmic law – the Star Trek’s Prime Directive – so it must work within certain parameters. The goal is to get rid of the dark-infested intelligences that have held humanity in lock-down to physical, without allowing the soul to gain access to love, light, truth and other dimensional powers, which humanity does have, but under programmed manipulation does not know it has - the powers it has locked up within its own muscles, tissues, blood and bones as a species. Humanity is an amazing species, but it has been held back.
The light forces are here to help humanity get back on course of growing its amazing properties within each body into full-bloom physical expression, to bring about an actual garden of love, light, joy, pleasure and freedom of expression and creation. Today we talk noble words like justice, truth, peace, love, freedom, wisdom, faith, purity, will, enlightenment, but we do not live them. When the dark intelligences who have been ruling the planet are removed, these qualities will no longer need to be spoken and written in poetry and scripture for they will be lived daily, hourly, moment by moment. The original garden of paradise will return as all who are different on the outside by the color of their skin, language, culture and history are honored, elevated, appreciated and held in high esteem. Where there will be no more a higher or lower people, or a better or worse people, or a left-leaning or right-leaning people there will be freedom of expression to be who you are. There is acceptance by all because all are recognized as a child of the Light and Love within. They have all chosen to live in alignment with that which is in their own heart and soul, which makes them equal to all life no matter what they look like or act like, (Received 7/30/18)
8/11/21 - The underpinnings of yin and yang (channeled)
During a meditation in the sun I understood the meaning of yin and yang forces. It was a brief experience, but an immersion nonetheless. Let me see if I can recall, for it is worthy of remembering. The words have been no more than words until today, when I touched and FELT the substances flowing within me. It is somewhat like a force, yes, a very definite force but which it was quick to point out to me by the intelligence of the whole thing, that this force is created by my own consciousness. My mind. The direction of my thought and my own will power is what creates the force.
The subtlety of my thought in the direction of the LESSER, or more COMPACT, seemed to me to be the female force, or the yin. It was as if my tendency to reel in and focus my awareness on detail tended to send my energies towards earth, in a downward direction. It was a subservient tendency, a recoiling action, or digging in process. The female? This was the message: that the female tendency to hold back and rebuilt, or “nest”, or go back over to re-examine, to study, to withhold conclusions until ALL detail had been accounted for - that THIS was the famous “yin” of ancient teachings. It is not necessarily confined to women, but is more prominent in women than in men, culturally.
The other force activating in my body is an almost exact opposite, in the sense that it is surging outward to reach for something without thought of consequences. This force seemed to be the need to accomplish, to break free of the confines of the “yin”, and to become free in totality. To cut away all restriction and soar uninhibited by ANY restraints. I was told that this was the “yang”, the male power drive and that it was necessary in order to counteract the negative yin tendencies of my personality.
The yin and the yang pull and push within the average individual as mood swings and operate uncontrollably, often ubeknownst to the conscious mind. Yet, one becomes slowly conscious of it, undoubtedly as the ancients did, for the terms “yin” and “yang” seem to denote far more than the terms “positive” and “negative”. It was made known to me that it is THIS duality that is to be understood and mastered by the mind as a person develops spiritually, for it is the surging yang that directs the consciousness, which is the life force, UPWARD. If one could neutralize the restraining yin so that it were nonexistent, without restraining the yang, the consciousness (life force) would begin to flow more actively upward in search of its freedom. It would begin to enjoy greater happiness and freedom. How this is done was not made known to me, but for a brief glimpse at the end of the revelation. This is the science that I am about to study, rather like a fore-thought that was given to me to provide ground work.
I am overly yin. How does the restraining yin manifest in daily life? Yin does not allow me to walk boldly out onto a platform to speak to people. It would remain a follower and hide its light under a bushel. Yin does not allow me to implement an idea out of fear that I will go out on a limb that will crack under my weight. Yin does not allow me to think that I am the sole authority of my life. Yin would have me believe that I must lean upon “another”. Who is this other unless it be the yang? Yin does not allow me to soar into the clouds, or to break free of the earth for I am of the earth and therefore earth bound. Yin is afraid to go public for it holds itself behind the screen of physical manifestation where it enjoys the privacy, the SACREDNESS, the secrecy of the state of aloneness, or all-oneness. Yin admonishes yang for being so bold, yet yang is the doer and would make real what yin only contemplates in the privacy of thought.
THIS, the message said, is the force that must be understood and overcome, so that the living force of yang can drive upward and outward, as it is its natural tendency to explore and experiment, to struggle and implement ideas without even a thought of failure. To strive ever onward to reach the goal. It is the life force returning to the heights from which it came, yet it cannot so long as yin is active in the organism. As long as yin is isolated from yang, it works in opposition to yang and the individual remains a victim of his mood swings, a victim of “fate” and the lesser gods.
The yin and the yang are the negative and positive poles of all human life and interaction. It is the explanation for the sexual drive. For when there is too much yang active, too much striving and struggling taking place in a person, whether that person be a man or a woman, that person, lacking in yin, looks to another person with more prominent yin characteristics, to balance him out, though the average person is unaware of the reasons why such attractions develop. In sex, the yang surges out to find relief and balance.
Likewise does the person with too much yin and not enough yang active in the life, seek a more yang-dominant sex partner, whether man or woman, to balance the inner propensity. Great and passionate is the sexual nature of one who has not balanced the yin and yang. Yet, as one matures and, through life experience, balances the two subtle counteracting forces (though he know it not) the sexual nature becomes more refined, with a tendency for gentleness and sharing. Sexual habits need not be given up when passion begins to subside through this balancing of forces, though this is often the case. Rather may begin the blossoming into new and higher fields of sharing and romantic lovemaking, as the old sex drive all but disappears. In this time of outgrowing of old sex appetites, there is often a “giving up” of physical love and a drifting into celibacy. Yet, unless there be an active interchange through physical joining, old age does creep fast upon a person. (Received 2/9/87)
8/9/21 - Channeled: The rejuvenating power behind sex
I woke to this world from far away, hearing words that were so far away that I didn’t have the strength to reach for a pen. I was aware of an understanding, simply an understanding without any words. I understood that the old SSG project* was about to enter phase two. The expansion of the sex project which I have been chasing down, trying to find the source or root cause or the goal or purpose for its being, is the understanding of what sex is. What are the forces that drive it? How is the kundalini involved? How does it work? Is it only for couples who have a relationship? Or is it also for single individuals who are on a different emotional and spiritual path? I question it. When two people partner up they start off on the path of love. They begin a uniting process. So what I’ve been chasing down by thumbing through old channeled material in my journals is about what is it behind the sex force? I’m working on gathering information from the higher realms that have been guiding me through the years and I came awake with this understanding flooding through me.
Then I remembered the DEER exercise which has been giving me so much energy lately, and began doing them on the side of the bed. While pumping the PC muscles consciously, I became aware that the two currents that flow through me, the two pilot flames at the base of the spine that I keep returning to, are magnetic and electric currents. The magnetic current is the female current, which is stillness. The electric current is the male current and is a fire that actively burning. I stopped and pondered, realizing this, and then the words began to flow. I grabbed for the little post-it pad and pen to write.
“The two currents are magnetism (stillness) and electrical (fire). Unite them through the erotic feeling of love and allow it to rise. Don’t use it for sex. Don’t let fire (male) tendency take over. This is the critical stage in the process. Let magnetism (stillness) be its equal. Equal. Equal. Equal. You don’t have to force it by trying. In fact, if you “try” you will stop the process. The magnetism (stillness) is the feminine current. This has been repressed and weakened and therefore disempowered in humankind. Never mind the why of it. That’s a distraction, another fiery distraction leading you away from the whole truth. You are to strengthen the stillness side of you while at the SAME time feeling the firey side as sexual power building up. This is the ascending vitality that your body needs to refresh itself and awaken the cells everywhere in your body. If you spend it on the orgasm the rest of your body doesn’t get refreshed and revitalized. You need this vitality to stay youthful, healthy and energized. When you have an orgasm, the vitality is spent, wasted, used up for the sexual climax, and you go back to sleep again. It may feel good to you but you go into a swoon or a nap and bliss-out because the rest of your body didn’t get the vitality it was owed. It is malnourished. The energy should have gone to the body to refresh it. That is what the sexual arousal is for. It is a fiery power intended to go to the whole body and to all the cells everywhere in your body, from head, brain, to feet and toes, to refresh the tissues and cells to keep it youthful and strong. The arousal of love is the heating up of a power required for the body to remain youthful, spritely, alive, refreshed, reinvigorated, reborn, retained in a prime condition to continue life on earth. Instead, sex and the orgasm uses it up for a momentary good feeling. It is wasted to give pleasure to the lower parts of the body, the sexual organs, while the rest of the body does not receive it. It goes back to sleep. The energy was spent, wasted.
"It went back down into the ground instead up the central canal to the brain, opening the windows on the way up called the chakras. A sexual climax takes energy away from the cells of the body. Sometimes a sexual climax goes up and out the top of the head to enjoy other-worldly experiences for those who are advanced on a soul level. But if that happens the energy shoots up the central canal like a rocket, too fast to open the chakras on the way. The chakras are by-passed and the body does not get the benefit of the aroused life force. This is the new teaching which will supplement what you have been teaching or trying to teach, but without much success on infertile ground. They didn’t understand why there is a need to slow down and consider love. The men that is. They were racing to reach the climax both in themselves and in the women because that is all they knew that was good, right and decent. They didn’t understand. They did not have the knowledge which you are preparing to present. The women wished for the climax but secretly they wished for the man to be gentler and to merge more sensitively with her, and to wait for her to catch up for his fiery thrusting was too much. She wanted to feel it too but her tendency as a feminine body has been to serve and support and nourish the man. It is not the mentality of a slave but the trait of a goddess to serve, assist, nurture and support. The male does not understand. He sees through his male eyes. Neither does the female understand for she sees through her female eyes. It was not time for them."
(There is a pause. Then....)
"The chakras need to be opened in order for this vitality to be disseminated, distributed throughout the body to revitalize the cells, organs and tissues. Sometimes you feel it as tingles, goose pimples as you call them. Sometimes as a thrill, or as a wave that swirls upward and creates dizziness. Sometimes you feel it like a lightening strike of creative energy and insight and you are awash with excitement. You can’t be held back when it strikes. You are on fire. Or you may feel it through a wave of love, wanting to be intimately close, to hold and be held by someone in stillness, yet it is a strong forceful stillness – an urge for love." (Received 8/6/20)
* SSG was a seminar on free love for couples that operated from 1981 to 1993, led by Diana with her late husband.
8/8/21- Channeled: How to become a lover of life
It’s not WHAT you do, it is the vibration with which you do it. Are you consistently warm and exciting? Or cold and uninspired? Whatever your mood, remember there is only one purpose for which you were born – and that is to create value and joy in everything you do. It is the main reason for coming into life on earth. It is the high road to feeling good. We have been here before and we’ve left some negative energies behind because we were still learning about ourselves. Now we are in the end times, meaning the end of learning. Now we are in the Ah HA! Times of discovery. We are now being forced (sometimes against our will) to focus on betterment and upliftment. This is how we redeem our past mistakes - by changing our way of life to one of learning betterment techniques. Then betterment returns to you. The goal in life is not to create a career that pays the most money, but to find the best way to channel that which you love the most. You came here to do that one thing. Y
You came to contribute that to the greater good. That is the passion that is burning in your chest. That’s the passion in you that has been thwarted in past ages, that has been the great cause of frustration. Find the passion that elevates you and brings you feelings of rightness and goodness. Which career will do that for you? The career will mold itself around you and be there for you when you are ready for it. This is the secret to a good life – a life that fulfills you on all levels. The money will follow. Don’t think so much about lack. Think instead of the passion you are holding back. Let it flow through you. It will find good soil and ground itself and begin to grow. Relationships, job opportunities, abundance and success will grow. These are in the eye of the holder of love, light and discernment – the one who holds ongoing excitement for life, who loves life, who holds it as the top priority over everyone else’s discouragement and downcast eyes. Is the beholder of love asleep at the switch? Or awake and radiating?
Each person has the happy sparkly codes locked into the tissues of the body. Is the body locked down? The purity called the immaculate conception of each person is held in the heart. Focus on the heart, not the head. Operate from the heart spontaneously. Be aware. Use intelligence, wisdom and discernment. The river of life flows into your reality through the breath. Breathe through the heart. The obstacle to the flowing is impatience. Impatience comes from focusing in the wrong place. The magic is not here. Change the focus. The brain is not the center of life, the heart is. The heart brings in fresh vitality and innocence. Excitement! The brain holds old stuff. The brain recycles old news, like what has gone wrong, and ego starts trying to correct what went wrong yesterday. It can’t be done. Yesterday has come and gone. Focus on the heart. It is ever new. It brings exciting, refreshing new thoughts. The silver cord, the channel, comes directly into the heart from the higher Self. The head is full of distractions – news picked up yesterday and last week and is still lingering. We are still trying to correct old stuff. We are recycling old stuff. Focus on the heart instead. Take five minutes and breathe into the heart. See a flame of pure light burning there. Blow on it and enlarge the light in the heart.
Impatience is a sign that we’re recycling something old. It’s useless. It’s boring. We want to be done with it. Shift focus to the heart. Literally. Picture your human physical heart. We have all been so busy in our heads, receiving input from the outside world, mostly from other people, that we are drowning in irrelevant data. It is worthless to us. It is not of value to our goal to create value and joy in all that we do. Every task is joy-filled. That which is coming in from the outside world is not our stuff. The chakras have been tuned outward to receiving outside data when they were intended to receive the inner flow from the higher self, the sun above our heads, the way a tree or a plant does. This is the guidance system for we humans, to keep us on our rightful track. We are not responsible for other people and their sorrows. We can best offset it by radiating light and love. There is a flowing from above the head, down through the central trunk of the body, to the heart and on down into the earth. It is our responsibility to recognize this and do the right thing to correct our flow. What others do with their inner flow is their responsibility, not ours. Your responsibility is to be the best that you can be and stay on track with your mission of what excites you, not be sucked into distracting old news from others.
We are responsible for what we put out, not what we take in. If we take “bad” in, what we term negative, then we must change it before breathing it back out again. Everything flows with the breath. Data that is delivered to us by our breathing in contaminated words and energies, need to be changed while it’s inside us. We are responsible for it. That is why we are here – not to magnify the contamination but to change it into something better, more lovable, more happy, more peaceful. If we want to change the world around us, we need to recognize contaminated energy when we FEEL it. It affects our feelings. We know when we are in a bad mood. We need to consciously change it. It is not possible to detach from it if we are walking in it, enmeshed in it and living in it. We MUST transform it as it hits our own nervous system and tissues. We are responsible for what comes in to us. Do we accept it and adapt to it and grow increasingly stressed? Or do we change it? This is an educational piece. It is simply pointing out what needs to be done. It is inner work. Secret work. Sacred work. Uplifting work. We begin by becoming conscious of contaminated energies. We used to ignore them, thinking “it’s just me. Something’s wrong with me.” What’s wrong with me? It has not been apparent before now that it’s NOT me! It’s in the air. I’m in the middle of a fk'g sh't storm. The world is beginning to notice. We are each in our own way starting to wake up and notice that it is the larger whole that we’ve been attaching to. Now we can begin to make changes and start cleaning up our act.
Taking action has been referred to as “self love”. That means we love our Self more than the contamination. We start to do things that are sweet and nice for our Self in order to purify our bodies, our minds and our lives. We have to notice wrongness first before we can begin to change it to rightness. Correction begins with our Self, at home, with care and reverence. This is what people are calling “love”. We cannot expect care and reverence from other people. The putrefication is too thick. Everyone is confused. It’s each man, each woman, for themself. The old stuff that is weighing the world down needs to start with the individual. Each individual starts cleaning up his or her own inner thought processes. It’s so old. Centuries old that has been passed on through the ancestral lineage via the DNA. We inherited it and it’s putrid. It’s dead stuff. It’s not fresh or alive any more. It is the cast-offs from yesterday and last century. Second, third and fourth-hand vibrations have lost their color, like second-hand clothes. Do not judge the negatives with still more negatives. That defeats the purpose. Instead look upon them through eyes of forgiveness, mercy, compassion and understanding. Forgive them for they know not what they do. Purity and grace changes your DNA when it hits your tissues and the cells of your breathing. Change the putrefication in your own unique, secret way, through your own respect and desire for your own cleanliness. Keep your inner thought processes secretly swept clean.
Mental thoughts are the key. Change old thoughts with uplifting thoughts. Mental thoughts are the change-makers. Feelings evolve out of thoughts that have been held in the mind long enough to impact body tissues, muscles, glands, organs. Hold uplifting thoughts long enough to influence your body tissues. Bring health to your body. Good, kind, generous, clear thoughts, will start to impact how your body feels. Your body will perk up and smile. It will follow along behind the thoughts you give it. Feelings start changing once you have rearranged the thoughts you hold to those of loving and uplifting thoughts. We CREATE purity by mentally making space for purity. Be creative in what thoughts you hold. What thoughts of light and love? Find them. Create them. Light and love is flowing into the world through the sun. It is our duty and our responsibility to use it as it flows in through our breath. It is constantly available. It is coming to us from the universal realms, which is more refined and pure, beyond our understanding. It comes in on the sun, permeates the air and we breathe it in. Universal realms are light and love. Love is all there is. By holding open channels to this pure, unadulterated universal love, it flows in and through the body. Keep holding to higher thoughts.
The way to do this is by repeating light-filled words. Mantras, chants, affirmations, decrees are thoughts framed into words and memorized. Memorize a phrase, a stanza, a simple sentence. Start siple. By repeating these phrases they deliver sparkle into our bodies and minds and radiate that sparkle outward to influence our immediate world. We "think" the light into our lungs and distribute it through the tissues where it turns into warm love. The life force that comes in on the breath becomes love inside the tissues. It enters the circulation system as an immaculate design. It was built into the human being from the beginning but he forgot about it. We are built to receive this flowing of life innocently and naturally.
Our job is not to create love, we don't have to. We simply have to make room for it by sweeping away the not-love and the not-pure. We need to clean up the inner space in us that has become cluttered with irrelevant junk, distraction and ignorance. We have compromised ourself because we have settled for the “not-best”. Upon recognizing this, we make room for it by cleaning up our own thought processes. The old-time religions called it “prayer”. Today it is self-realization techniques. We make space by taking action to clean up our thoughts and feelings. We enhance goodness by rearranging our intentions and approach to life, and prioritizing our desires. These affect our brain patterns. We feel impatient and irritated when we are out among other people because the atmosphere is filled with impatience, frustration, distractions and irrelevant energies, and it attaches to us.
Many people are still ignorant about this enlightenment process. We are slowly becoming aware, one by one. We are each one breathing out uncontrolled thoughts and emotions, but as we become more cognizant of what’s happening, we can control our thoughts and therefore our feelings. We CAN put a stop to the negatives that bombard us. We CAN built a shield of protection around us by constant use of affirmations or mantras. Words of praise, thanksgiving, gratitude, happiness, perfection and the like. These words change the frequencies we are holding and building into our body tissues. We must learn the affirmations and mantras. Eventually, when we are strong enough, we start radiating it out through our auric field automatically.
Instructions and reminders are available. Learn some affirmations or mantras. Change your feelings of boredom and despondency by filling your mind with thoughts of light-filled words, mantras, chants, affirmations. If ou are despondent and suicidal, click HERE for some ideas. Choose just one - just one - and memorize it. Try it out to see how it feels. Find one that speaks to you. Say it silently as you walk and drive your car and when you have a few minutes to be alone. Say it while walking through stores and going about your business through the day. And say it at night as you are falling to sleep. When you make this a habit, it builds a bubble of light around you. It eventually will ward off the negatives that you walk through and they will not attach to you. As your moods change you will want a different mantra or affirmation. As you use phrases of upliftment, cheerful, happy, lighter-than-air words repetitively, you are transforming your body's health, vitality and underlying energy structure. This is the sacred science of alchemy. It is transformational. (Received 7/14/18)
8/7/21 - Channeled: Love is a secret process of the mind
The words were clear in my mind upon coming to consciousness: “I’m going to explode with light!“ Emphasis on explode. During my shower the words came, “It’s all about slowing down, both for grounding the light and relieving pressure in the brain-mind.” We made love today and I’m now spinning. It is heightening my vitality. I have to be careful not to get hyper. It makes me more energized than normal so I must watch myself. It requires grounding. To learn how to ground is why I am here. I must ground the light, the power, the energy. I‘m seeing this on youtubes too. We are grounding our amazing infinity down into our bodies. There is too much light coming into me. Too much information that is clear and bright. I have to slow it down. It is the slowing down of the brain-mind that will do it. The brain must be slowed. Slow down thought. That’s the task. Slowing down requires conscious effort. It is why people meditate. The slowing-down process is not a physical act. It’s a conscious effort to slow down whatever we are engaged in at the moment, no matter WHAT it is. Slow down and engage with it.
"The outer personality is flippant. The ego is flippant. It rushes to complete one job so it can move on to the next. It is impatient. The ego doesn’t know how to slow down so we have to assert control. There are filters and censors in our minds. We don’t know how they got there, but they are there. We don't want to eliminate the filters but rather add a piece of enlightened information. This is consciousness work, choosing to slow down and become more positively assertive. It's a deliberate act of the mind to go into gentle mode, quiet mode while still engaging in our task. The mind’s filter is expanded by adding gentle awareness. We don’t erase the personality, we expand the personality by adding awareness and gentleness. Slowing down. This task I am engaged in is an integration process. I am merging with it and melding into it.
Make love with all that you do, everything you touch. That does not mean make sex with all that you touch. Love is not a physical act done with fingers and hands. It is a secret of the mind. It is the greatest secret you will ever learn. It is the process of thinking gentle thoughts into whatever you are touching. It is not callous touching. It is awareness touching with gentleness. With softness. With blending and becoming one with. It is a secret process of the mind. It is a sacred process. The saying about alchemy making lead into gold means approaching and touching with brightness, dazzling brightness, changing the texture and form. It is opening the doors of the mind and letting the infinite flow through. It is honoring the task I am engaged in right now. I am acknowledging its importance, its value, and I am respecting it and caring for it. It brightens my day and I am cheerful. Turning lead into gold is an allegory, but who knows? Perhaps it can really be done. All things are possible when brightness and cheeriness are used. When love and light are used. Love and light are used to turn something ordinary and mundane into something precious and valuable. And so we begin at the beginning, at the basic and most ordinary of things - our own body as it is today, right now with its aches, pains, aging disabilities and deformities, all of it. And we begin today to transform it from the inside by slowing down, secretly slowing down, and letting the cells respond in kind, radiating appreciation, smiling their thankfulness outward to the surface.
We start with feelings. We start by turning our THOUGHTS in that direction. I am precious, I am valuable. I love myself. I love this broom with which I sweep. I love this device which I hold in my hands. I see it in my mind’s eye that it performs well and according to the perfection I am seeing. Make love to all things you touch. Make love with your toothbrush while brushing your teeth. Make love with the soap while washing your skin. Make love with your towel while drying yourself off. Make love with the ceramic toilet while using it. Make love by becoming conscious of love in everything you touch or sit upon. The electrons within my body cells are conscious. They sparkle when I speak to them and send them loving thoughts. They are holding the shape of my physical for me in a better way when I use loving thoughts.
Instill love in the objects you use every day. Instill love in everything you do and they will perform with healthy vigor instead of breaking down. Back up every thought you think with love. The process of alchemy begins with your own body as you move through the day and it touches everything you do. Your auric field precedes you and animates your house, car and furniture. WE are the ones who must transform our ugly, profane and mundane into beautiful golden sparkle and beauty. We are the transformers. We are the changers of situations. We are the saviors of our own downward spiral. We cannot expect someone else to do the transforming. WE are the one who imbues our life and objects around us with value. Love coupled with lighter thought is the twin energy of creation. The twin flames that live in us are positive thought and loving feelings. They are the energy of positive creation. This is what mends, heals, revitalizes and rejuvenates. It is the energy of perfection.
More than gold, more than money, more than fine living conditions, more than any object we long for, more than anything we would kill for, including sexual and sensual gratification, more than all of these is love. Love is behind everything and it is brought on by lighter thoughts. Love created everything because lighter thought began the process. Light comes from the everlasting place beyond us, but LOVE lives inside us. Love is the life-giving vitality of the solid earth. It maintains our world and our reality. Did you know that? If there is a breakdown, apply lighter thought and love. The secret ingredient is loving what you do today. It doesn’t come from other people. It MUST come from you. You are the magic or you are the dull automaton sleeping at the wheel, fatigued and drooping. It is you who must become aware and alert. WAKE UP! You are the light that lives in your body. Use positive affirmations and thoughts. Change your program. Change your pattern. Change your approach. Find a book to inspire you. Focus the beam of light in your mind on the words written in that book. Transform yourself. The future is waiting for you to open the doors of your mind. Let the light flood in. Begin now, today, this moment." (Received 7/14/18)
8/6/21 -Channeled: Spontaneity as the Heart of Order and Oneness
(Received as a channeled message back in 1981, four years after going into the Light. Words flowed sometimes into my mind with clarity and I was compelled to write them down. I didn't know where they came from. Today I have more understanding.)
Now, I am going to speak to you of spontaneity for the spirit of man is endowed with attributes that are unrecognizable today. These attributes are light, force, power, virtue, knowing, and they are combined chemically into one thing, into oneness. Only in spontaneity can you know these attributes as oneness, which is more true to the spirit of man. Only in spontaneity can you experience them. Only in flowing with the movement of the spirit can you truly become that which you are from the beginning of time.
As one of the authors has said, “You think spontaneity is disorder, but you are wrong.” Within the action of spontaneity is a very great order, a discipline that you as an unawakened man cannot begin to know or see. Nor will you know it shut up in your little cave of artificial order when you reject spontaneity from your life. It is putting your back to the light and trying to comprehend what is in the darkness.
I am here to tell you about spontaneity, and I am here to tell you that what you think you see in your visions while in meditation is only a glimpse of the truth. It is like taking a book from the shelf and sitting down comfortably in the chair to read. And from the book you learn what it is all about. In meditation you learn what the spirit that sparkles within you is all about. You learn about it in a classroom so to speak, in the protection and safety of your meditation parlor, in the security of safe vibrations. You depend on these safe vibrations, do you not? To allow the visions to come?
Well, then, this is a theoretical learning about the spirit. All meditation techniques are like kindergarten to the twelfth grade in your school system. It is book learning. I am not putting this down, for it is important to prepare you for what is to come. But understand that you are not experts in the spirit because you have seen vision or known bliss. Now, you, as men of God, must go out into the world that he has created for himself to enjoy, and allow Him to enjoy it! For he breathes and lusts with passion in your breast. He wants to live! He wants to speak! He wants to move among his people, to pat the animals, to speak to the plants! He is full of power and passion to love his creation - his very own creation - and you are He.
His spirit is spontaneity. His spirit lives and breathes with your moods of up and down. His spirit sinks sometimes into hell because that, too, is part of his creation. His spirit soars into the heavens because that, too, is his creation. His spirit laughs, sings, loves, plays, thinks, absorbs, and gives never ceasing. Never stopping. He never sleeps. As you sleep he is still awake enjoying the wonders of his creation. The cells in his body must sleep for the flesh gets tired, but he has created other realms to play in while his body sleeps.
How does spontaneity affect you? Let us discuss you, for you are the body of this wondrous spirit that breathes and wants and desires. Let us slow down for a moment and see where you are. You have become falsely indoctrinated in the ways of a false world. You have been told to act this way or that way, so that you may be accepted. You have been taught at home that only certain actions are proper and that other actions are sin. You have been taught in school that only certain actions are acceptable in school and that other actions are not. And so you have been trained just like you train a pet to obey his master's commands. You live in a very shallow world.
Where is there room for spontaneity? Where is the breathing space for the spirit? You must make the room for it, within your tight and narrow world. You must learn to make room for spontaneity. This I cannot tell you how, but I tell you that you must make room for the breathing of the spirit. It is to the 98% invisible realm that the noble attributes of man are anchored : love, compassion, desire to help, understanding, the sense of brotherhood, oneness with God, beauty, joy, clairvoyance, psychic ability – yet you cut them out because you have been trained to cut them out. You have been trained to focus on the immediate world which is merely the tip of a massive iceberg.
Perhaps you may take an hour off from your busy schedules in your tight world. Then go and move where your spirit takes you. Do not substitute an hour of tightly scheduled meditation, for a tightly scheduled life. This will not open your center but rather keep it still closed. Your heart is at the root of your being. Your heart is what you call "gut feeling". Your heart is primitive, instinctive, passionate for life, sensitive for spirit and life. Go back to your heart and move with its breath. Enter your heart - your gut feeling - and move with its ebb and flow. Step over the threshold for an hour, if that is how long you have allowed yourself, and soar with the ancient throb of infinity - the One that lives within you - waiting, waiting for you to turn around and join him.
No man alive can tell you what to do. No man alive or dead, for you are spirit. You are the eternal One that burns with desire and wants for a better world. You are the one who aches to feel, to speak His noble thoughts, His ancient dreams, His exploding visions. Your highest meditation is when you are moving on your feet, though not of your own power. When spontaneity has lifted you into its powerful thrust and you have willed to go. When you flow with spontaneity you enter the heart of order. When you flow with spontaneity you enter the timeless Now. When you flow with spontaneity you will yourself to a greater intelligence than your own and one who knows better than you. When you flow with spontaneity you enter the passion of God.
You have been taught differently, I know, so you may doubt my word. Do not take my word blindly. Never take anyone's word blindly but test it. Try it. Feel it out. Is it so? How can you know without trying it? Without daring to prove me false? In all that I say in the coming weeks, it will revolve around spontaneity like little planets and little satellites revolve around the sun, magnetically attracted to that ball of life unable to separate and go alone, so I will keep coming back to spontaneity for I have seen its power. I have tasted of its goodness and I have smelled of its presence, and I have seen its wonder in the light. I have known its beauty, its loveliness and its virtue. There is no evil that can persist in the heart of spontaneity. There is no wrong doing that can live in the light of spontaneous action for a wrong act is a separate act, not big enough to stand alone. You may trust spontaneity with your consciousness, but do not trust it blindly.
Wake up from your long sleep and see the beauty of this larger order that beats to a rhythm not your own. Watch it for a while and try to get in step. It belongs to no man, no woman, no authority, no monopoly, it belongs to no nation, no world, no galaxy, but it is the heart throb of infinity itself. And it beats in the pulse of gut feelings, beyond the sight of your neighbor and your family, but not beyond the sight of you! You know, perhaps not fully, but you sense it from time to time. Watch for these moods when the spirit speaks to you, beckoning you to follow it for a short span of time. It does not want to disrupt your life for it has created your life up to now. It does not want to disturb your little order, it wants you to expand your orderliness. Become conscious of your gut feelings, become conscious of your breathing, become conscious of your loves and hates, become conscious of how you live. Thus you will wake up. Thus will you learn about the power that burns in your heart within your primal roots - that of the ancient One.
You think you must meditate? Go and meditate but do it consciously. You think you must do your housework? Go and do your housework, but know what you are doing. You think you must have a party? Then go and have a party, but watch your actions. You think you must change something on your job? Then, go and change what you feel you must. But do it consciously. Wake up to your life. You need not change, you need wake up. Become conscious of your actions, know what you do and why. Know your Self.
And where do you pray? Do you pray to someplace in the top of your head? Or to somewhere within your breast? Or someplace inside your brain? Or someplace in the sky? Where? Where do you focus your attention when you pray to this infinite One? Do you know where he is, this ancient fire of life? He burns brightly within the one place you have never thought to look. He burns with passion and warmth, with love and tenderness, with clarity and vision, with knowledge and lust, with heart-breaking desire for goodness for all mankind, with compassion, with empathy, with contentment, and with unshakeable peace, with untouchable serenity, with unmoving masterful control at the very core. Do you know where such flame burns?
It burns in the bowels where gut feeling throbs. It burns in the center of being. How could it be in any other place but in the center, the heart of form? You have not dared to look. You have succumbed to the concept of sin and not dared to look. Yet, here it is, and here it shall always be, protected by the veil of illusion of sin. The pelvic bowl is the bowl of life, the chalice in which burns the flame. The pelvic bone is the holy place where the passion for life burns on. When you succumb to the greater spontaneity in your breast, you will see. (Received 9/21/81)
8/5/21 - Channeled: The Pandemic as the Great Pause
Upon awakening this morning I felt the peace of love and acceptance come upon me. It was soft and accepting and allowing. And then I opened my phone and read that our County Commissioners voted to pass a law making masks mandatory as of today. I felt peaceful accepting that mandate. A surreal softening, as if from Mother God. I opened the ascended master book randomly and read, "All energy in the universe is emitting radiation. Not an electron in interstellar space is static. Even the so-called inanimate objects of the physical world are in a constant state of motion. The degree of evolution of each individual determines the quality and length of the rays of radiation [energy] that passes from him or her. The higher one is on the spiritual ladder the greater the area that is covered by his or her energy waves. And thus the more life, power and love is sent to him by the Ascended Masters, and the greater the circumference his electronic circle [aura]. Maintain peace, poise, serenity, kindliness, tolerance, understanding, love and gentleness. This enlarges your sphere of influence of all seven rays. The slightest imperfection causes repercussions in the harmony of human life."
Later at the altar during my meditation I was told (and wrote it down as is my habit to do) that the wearing of masks is the pause that is taking place.
"It is Mother’s way of curbing the thoughtlessness of the wayward children who run heedless through the stress, carelessly shattering the harmony that nature provides. There is a divine plan in the works with this pause. The heedless who do not respect the harmony and soothing nature within themselves and the quiet harmony within others, run havoc, disturbing the divine plan and keeping it from manifesting. Understand, there will continue to be efforts to quiet the unruly mob until quiet is settled in the hearts of all. This is not a surrendering to the dark controlling forces imposed on them from the outside, as many suppose and are protesting against. This great pause is to learn respect for and to surrender to the divine within. There is no need to protest against dark forces outside. Surrender the dark within yourself to the light within you, for it is the rebellion in your SELF that is resisting the divine plan. It is the dark in you that is the authority you are rebelling against. You want to be free but you do not recognize the dark in you. There will continue to be dark forces in you until you surrender to the peace, poise, serenity and kindliness within. When understanding, love, gentleness, graciousness and gratitude are surrendered to, then the dark will disappear form view and all human systems will right themselves. All organizations and structures will realign with a more natural and harmonious way of life where all human beings are fed, nurtured, loved, and sheltered, for each one will draw those blessings to himself and herself and their families. This is the great plan. The law of harmony, peace and wellness will then unify the planet as a whole people."
Still later at the kitchen table for breakfast, I received additional thought from my Higher self on the subject (and wrote it down).
"All this talk of ascension, spirit, numerology, chakras, gridlines, etc., is not helping those who are yet embedded in the lower frequencies. They don’t understand these words. It is not helping. It is better advice to say, 'Be the best version of yourself that you can be.' That is understandable. Everyone knows how to be the best they can be. In this way you bring into play the seven qualities that are essential to a successful human life on earth, even in a troubled world such as yours. The words that don’t make sense are simply 'words'. They don’t mean anything to one who doesn’t understand them and cannot identify with them. It is useless to them and it creates resistance in them. Do not give them these words. Be wise. Be discerning. It is what a person can identify with that matters. How you identify is through a feeling. A feeling is a reflection, or resonance to what is being seen or heard. What a person can resonate with, one can understand. The energy is what draws a person to a concept or repels them away from it. The feeling of attraction is what makes the difference, not the words. Words are vibrations. They serve to attract or repel. When they repel, they are abstract and serve no good. There is no connection. The advice is to read only those words that give a feeling of attraction, of goodness, of betterment, upliftment or enlargement or meaning. To those who are attracted to dark and ominous thoughts that hurt other people - cruelty, gore, murder and the like - beware. Such attractions will lead in a downward spiral away from decency and goodness. The further one goes in that direction the easier it is to become blind and lost." (Received 7/22/20)
8/4/21 - Channeled: Who am I?
More from Master Djwal Khul
One morning several years ago I woke up confused. Who am I? Why don’t I fit? There are so many things happening in my mind, am I going crazy? Last night I attended a group meditation but I didn’t feel as if I fit in. Today, watching a Native documentary, I DID fit. It was a coming home with deep feelings of connection. What is happening to me? I used to love being in meditation groups. But then again, when I was in Costa Rica I didn’t fit in with the Theosophist group either, out in the jungle in a remote cabin with the local people. I don’t understand. I feel as if I belong in the sky, in the sun, and not on the earth. Yet here I am, trying to fit in. I have been thinking of Master DK all night long and this morning I am asking him, Who am I? Thank you Master DK. Thank you for being here. And I prepare to write his words on paper.
“I am the mother. My body is the mother. I am the father. My spirit is the father. I am joining. I am merging. I am receiving the perfection from the father which has no movement, which never moves. I am That I AM. I don’t move. I am one with all that is. The movement comes from the mother who has created all the children, all the movements, all the pictures, all the experiences. The mother goes through the pain of child birth, not the father. The mother is the body. She has been interacting with her children. She has created many children who have also created children, who also mated and created children. [in the form of thoughts and ideas]. There are many offspring in the world. All the children are returning home now to the mother, to the BODY. The father is waiting. The father is not a part of this. The father is waiting for the mother to finish her preparation. She is the body. She is the one who birthed the children and the many offspring. She is the mother of the mind and the mother of the emotions and the mother of the responses and the mother who bears the pain of the backlash.
“As the mother prepares for her final ascension to the father, she must receive back into herself all of the treasures that her children produced, all of the experiences, all of the harvests, for she is the mother of all. You are the mother. Your body is the mother. It is natural. It is the way life works in the physical. I have given you the exit strategy. Now you are preparing for this exit. You will leave your mark. You will leave your lessons behind. You will leave your writings. You do not need to teach a class. Everyone is learning and preparing their own journeys as the sole representative of the mother within their form. Their father dictates. Their mother the body dictates. Respect and honor each one. They have come far and wide. They are here now in your general vicinity. Yes. You may give them a party. You may invite them to a party! It would be suitable for you to do so. As you gather your own children to you, you gather those around you for they are your children. It is a powerful time. Much power coming together will create a movement. It will cause ripples. It will plant seeds. Now, does this answer your question dear one? (Yes. Thank you DK) (Received 7/19/19)
8/3/21 - Channeled: The Kanda, aka Kundalini
From Master Djwal Khul
A brief breathing exercise in the meditation room this morning, during which I thanked DK for his mentoring, and asked him to tell me more about not just Tantra, but about the whole sex thing. Is it something we need? I am confused. I know people need it, or think they do. It’s important to everyone but me. I’m wondering how far we should go in our Tantric Massage, and also what to do about male desires? I am asking for answers. In my mind came the words: "You are born into mud, the whole earth is mud. The only way to go when you are ready is straight up to God, creator, no dilly-dallying around."
I’m paraphrasing here. I was feeling the beautiful loving touch massage again, without any genital manipulation, no orgasm, just lifting, lifting, lifting, soaring higher and higher and higher with the body energies. Feeling this huge love in me, in my body. It is LOVE IN THE BODY! I also asked about the kanda and how the light in the heart, the crystal light, how this relates. How does the kanda at the base of spine relate to the heart? He told me the unformed is all the seven qualities you’ve been working with - the seven colors and more. The unformed consciousness took and split a part of itself off and threw it out away from itself to manifest as form. It was the unformed who sent a part of itself away from itself for a purpose - to manifest a form. All forms have this unformed pure will, power, intelligence, love, purity, truth, peace, and freedom UNFORMED inside of it. It is here to bring it forth into form. All forms have this as an unformed potential of perfection, truth, freedom and completion inside of it. The unformed sent a piece of the perfect qualities down to become form. The words continued and I wrote them down on paper by hand.
"The Kanda is a seed inside the human being in the GEOMETRIC CENTER of the human body, at the pelvis, the base of the spine. This is the 'beloved' of the unformed intelligence buried in form. It is potential buried in the human being. It is in the geometric center of the human body. It is a piece of perfection lying in wait at the base of the spine, waiting for the soul who inhabits the body to open it and cultivate this perfection. A piece of perfect lies at the base of the spine, unformed, not discovered yet, but the soul WILL discover it, in time. It is the destiny of the human race to germinate and grow this potential that lies within. The soul must do it from choice. The soul and conscious free will. The soul is on the road to discovering this unlimited potential, which has all the qualities and virtues of the unformed divine intelligence, because it IS the unformed divine intelligence lying in wait. Waiting to be discovered.
"The heart is the middle zone between the formed and the unformed. The unformed is not formed yet, the formed is not unformed yet. The soul doesn’t know yet. The soul hasn’t discovered the potential of himself yet. The soul hasn’t awakened yet. Until the soul awakens, he is either operating on a male energy or a female energy. When the soul learns about the transcendent kanda within him, the divine consciousness within him, the beloved within him, he will stop the struggle between his male and female and begin to look UP. As he looks UP he neutralizes and transcends the male/female or positive/negative struggle. He rises above it. He then opens the kanda as a lotus blossom opens its petals to receive the incoming UNFORMED intelligence - it’s higher self - into the form. It is all about the unformed intelligence (God we call it) coming into form and mankind IS the potential god-man and all women are the potential god-woman, waiting to realize this and receive the parent consciousness into its human form. The heart is the middle zone where they meet. Where unformed consciousness and formed consciousness meet. " (Received 4/26/16)
8/2/21 - Channeled: The science of radiation
A conversation with Master Djwal Khul
Good morning Master DK! I come to you to ask you to overlight me with your consciousness. I was visited yesterday by someone who introduced me to Mother on Vimeo digital. I am listening now to her. She is presenting colors and frequencies. My mortal mind cannot accept it easily but something draws me to listen anyway. Can you comment on this source? Secondly, I ask for advice on how to write appropriate words for the coming gatherings I am sensing. Do I address “lightworkers?” Is this too audacious? Too bold? Too separatist? I want to assist the light here on earth in all the people.
DK: My dear lovely child! You are a delight. We have been working together for a long time, as measured in your realm. We have yet more to do. Will you come with me and venture a little further out, beyond what you are entrained into? (Yes!!! OMG! Yes!! Please. I open my cells, electrons, meridians to what is heretofore unknown. I am ready to receive instruction. Please take me further.)
DK: Now, you must listen carefully, with discernment. It is your ability to notice the subtle connections to wider, rarer fields of consciousness. (Yes. I am here listening, thank you.) Wonderful. There is a dull gray-bluish tint to your field, your aura. Can you lighten it? (I did.) Wonderful. Excellent. Now, let us expand that frequency. You have wanted to better understand frequency. Yes, vibration as well. Let us speak of frequency first. As you are listening to me, your “thrill” as you might say, diminishes because you are listening. You are on pause, listening. During this time that you are on pause you are not radiating [the thrill [sense of goosebumps or chills]. (Ahhh, yin versus yang? Right?) Yes, when you are in listening mode, you think you are in feminine mode but that is not a correct assumption. It is simply being passive and open, allowing information to enter into your field. Your WHOLE field. You are not using your mind as a censoring device. You have dropped your filters, your veil, your screen, your curtain. You are receiving me. It is neither feminine nor masculine. It is genderless. You are the consciousness of the Creator, a child of the Creator. You are learning lessons as you listen to my words and allow them to enter into your field simply as they present themselves on a moment-to-moment basis. You are the one who controls your opening and closing, your pause button and your action button. You can stop the listening at any time and push the action button. You are the one in charge. It is no more complicated than that. Do not think “feminine” vs. “masculine”. The radiation you just did several minutes ago was a test for you to see for yourself how to activate your power. When you are on pause, listening for example for Doug’s whereabouts, which you do often, you put yourself on pause. You are openly listening. You are not actively radiating your power outward. You are listening and receiving. Do you understand? (Yes, I think so, working at understanding.)
DK: Then the next step for you to consider taking is to activate your power and radiate. Now, what is this radiation? Try it again please. (OK, I did. I radiated. Q: Does this influence Doug when I do this in his presence? Am I taking away his free will? Am I overcoming his free will and shutting him down? Please tell me. I’m excited!) No, you are not overcoming his free will. You are correcting him. There is light of the creator in him but he has been influenced by the outer world of others, the 3D field of lower, slower, limited vibration. Sometimes even overtly false information. These negate and dim the light in him. When you say, “I want to serve the light here on Earth” it is your mission, your job, to radiate light. When you radiate light, it is how you change your frequency. It is the “thrill” that you have discovered and have wondered what it is. This is the stepping up of the electrons of your four lower bodies – your thoughts, beliefs, feelings and unresolved past life energies. These are sped up when you radiate or step up your frequency. This radiation moves out to influence those around you. It is the light that you are radiating direct from your source. It is your decision to act and move yourself out of passive mode into radiation mode. The power of this action is your God creator power. When you are in pause you are not using your God power. You are listening. You are here in an earth body to use your God power. It is who you are. You have been brain-washed to think of yourself as a submissive feminine but men have been brain-washed too. It has been done to keep you, the human race, passive and disempowered. Feminine and masculine is a false teaching. Do not accept this concept. You are not a feminine being, neither are men masculine beings. You are whole consciousness beings capable of being human AND God consciousness at the same time. Your belief has been divided into two separate genders falsely so that you feel friction and cultivate arguments. This disempowers you so that you think of yourselves as weak and undervalued. Both genders feel disempowered and weak in the presence of the other gender.
DK: You have made the blend, the integration, but you have been hesitating to use your God power, your source power. You do not radiate your power. It is because your human consciousness feels disempowered. It believes you cannot survive without Doug or a man to support you. This is an erroneous belief that you were implanted with. It is a lingering fear in you. This is the path of feminine submissiveness. It is the human side of you. Now, choose to activate your God powers. You think of these powers as masculine but they are not masculine. They are your powers. You yourself have this power within you. This is a radiation you feel as a “thrill”, as you say “goose bumps” or chills. When you initiate this power yourself, you raise your frequency. You pick up the speed of your electrons. Otherwise you hold your powers in a default condition, at a slow and steady vibration. Everyone has a default vibration which is the sum total of their consciousness at peace, on pause, in a state of receptivity. It is the state of their soul evolution to date. You are a quality of God, an attribute of God, a child of God. Your consciousness vibration is kept at a low frequency when you don’t radiate it, meaning when you don’t move it or activate it. Learning how to activate your frequency, tapping into your “thrill”, is unknown to the average person. It is a technique. You may teach it to those who are ready to receive it.
The vibration of consciousness can be experienced at a low frequency or raised to a powerfully quickened frequency. It doesn’t matter what the consciousness is. It could be positive or it could be a negative. Wherever the consciousness is, even that which is clogged with anger and violence, can be sped up to a loud noise or held down to a low level so that it goes unnoticed. One who is of a more pure and positive nature, who maintains compassion within his field, or gentleness, or freedom, or truth or – yes, love, mercy, forgiveness, tenderness - these can be held down to a slow low vibration by lack of understanding, lack of training or education.
The difference between frequency and vibration. A slow compassionate vibration in peaceful mode can be overridden by a negative vibration that has increased in frequency so that it is expressing louder. Even though the negative is a lower vibration, the peaceful vibration is overridden because the negative vibration has been quickened or sped up to a higher frequency. The person who has activated their negative vibration radiates that anger as chaos, while the peaceful person who tries to calm the person with a low vibration of peace, doesn’t work. The default vibration of a soul doesn’t matter, whether positive or negative. If it is kept at a low speed it is not radiating. It is when the person speeds up [activates] their electrons and starts radiating it, that they increase their frequency. You know what an angry outburst looks like, but is it a negative outburst or a positive one? A person with a positive compassionate vibration confronting a person who is spewing viciousness, can be just as loud as the negative one but he is more powerful. A very loud positive confrontation can appear like an angry outburst to onlookers if onlookers are not fully aware of the corrective action taking place.
DK: The vibration is the default program of the soul. But it can be kept so quiet that no one notices it. It is only felt and seen when the person speeds up [radiates or activates] their power. That is the power that has been taken from you through divisive manipulations. You think you have no power to change things but you do. Very much. You have the power of the universe in you if you knew how to active it. The soul in you can hold centuries of blocked trauma which makes it insufferable and in great pain. When it lashes out it is releasing it. It must lash out because it is hurting him to hold it inside. Education of that soul would help him to understand. A soul with a positive-leaning momentum may think that it is helping situations by staying low and peaceful when in fact it is not helping but condoning the negative situation. A peaceful prayer does not help as much as confronting the angry person with a powerful light-filled person. Those who say nothing are condoning the continued action of the angry soul who has taken control.
DK: A positive leaning person such as one who is maintaining peace at a low steady level in her home because she doesn’t understand this spiritual science, can be overridden by another person in the same household who has quickened his vibration to a faster-acting frequency. So that this other person who is more negatively leaning, who holds anger, for instance, or blocked energies from past lives and doesn’t know how to deal with them, shouts out and overrides the gentle person who is gently holding peaceful intentions. This other person who is clogged with debris, is cloaked and blocked, and does not understand why he is so angry. He must be purged of his blocked energies. He has a momentum of anger or rebellion built up in his body. Pockets of thick energy are lodged in his tissues from his past. Or it could be simply from disorganized DNA from his parents or ancestors. Without education this person with non-peaceful vibrations can speed up his electrons and start radiating angrily. In addition, the environment in which he lives may provide similar energies which add to those of his own. This boosts his own anger to an even higher power.
DK: The peaceful person who doesn’t understand the science of radiation doesn’t have the ability to override such chaotic energies. It is not in their past training to do so. They will not override their peacefulness until they learn how to quicken their frequency. How to radiate, which is a spiritual skill that is learned. The peaceful person may attempt to neutralize or tone down the anger in the other by holding steadily to peace, and this may work, but it also makes her submissive to the angry person. She will feel submissive. This lesson is needed to be told about radiation. Until the peaceful person learns how to radiate or quicken the electrons (speed up), they are not very effective. This is what you are learning here. You are learning about the power of boosting your radiation, your action power, what you formerly called “masculine” power. It is not masculine, nor is it feminine. It is the God power in you. Until a person learns to do that you will remain over-ruled by those who are louder. Do you see? (Yes, I have been doing exactly that most of my life, trying to “will” peace or “pray” for peace to those I lived with, hoping I could change them.)
DK: Yes, you have. Now it is time for you to learn this very valuable lesson. Thank you for asking. You have received an upgrade with the help of the Mother which you viewed on the video today. You already knew how to activate the Power. You called it “the thrill” or “chill” but you did not understand what it was or how to apply it. (Q: Is this the origin of yin and yang?) Yin and Yang are human terms, created by humans living in duality. The enlightened person who is truly enlightened, would not see it as two separate forces, or two separate functions called yin and yang or masculine and feminine. A truly enlightened person would recognize themselves as one consciousness, one God consciousness operating as needed in any given moment. You are God Source Creator who has been de-fanged of your power because of the mind-control that has been existing in the world for centuries. It has divided the oneness in two separated halves. You are one consciousness with the ability to go either way - into silence or into powerful action at any given moment, by choice. That is who you are. You have always been that. You are the Creator God who is never in form but exists in the no-form state. You are abstract intelligence moving through a flesh-and-blood body, a vehicle for purposes of affecting change. You are waking up to this fact. Intelligence is pure love and light which you have vowed to serve and protect, but you have been made submissive by the limited education which you were cultivated with. The form life has become too powerful with its physical senses taking full control. These override the simple voice of the Oneness that you are in reality. Meditation and prayer on a constant basis is the way to return to wholeness. (Q: Am I OK doing what I’m doing during my morning sessions behind closed doors? By not following a printed out list of exercises?)
DK: You are beyond the programming stage. You are learning directly now from source. You do not need to have a list of exercises to follow and check off each day. (He is smiling, ready to laugh but holding it back to a smile.) Your frequencies of positive merit are at low frequencies, listening to the outer voices more than you should. It is time to step up your frequencies. Teach the frequency-building, how to do it. Use your God powers. Raise the level of your God powers. Your frequency. Test it. Try it out today. See for yourself how it works.
Thank you, Master DK. Love, love, love. (Received 7/22/21)
8/1/21 - Channeled: Your feminine is your anchor
A dream woke me. In the dream I am trying to find something heavy to hold on to, like an anchor to hold me down. I hear a voice saying, "I am the heavy in you. I am the mother in you. Everything heavy in you is me. I am all the heaviness in you. Find ME!" I wrote it down - my dreams are often messages - and went back to sleep. Again I woke up with words to write down: "Put everything good and heavy in one place. Anchor it. It will hold you down. It is solid. It is real. It is good. It is the condenser. Feminine is the condensing agent."
Later, during exercise time I was feeling SOOOO heavy and thick that I decided to sit down and ask in writing for advice. I sat at the table and took paper and pen. I asked, “Can you instruct me about this need I have for some hands-on work? I don‘t want men, I want to have women either to cuddle or hold close or massage. It is a pressure, a need, a desire? I am ashamed to say I have a desire. I thought I was over all personal desires. Will you please instruct me? Should I start a women‘s massage and hot tub party? The need is so great? The following words began to flow across the paper:
"My darling one! I am within you now, within the cells of your vehicle. There are many dimensions coming together within your physical vessel. There is yet time. However, your sense of urgency is noticed. Thank you for speaking with me about your heart’s longing, your feelings. Let us not call it desire or frustration as you were - on the tip of your tongue - about to say. No. The sensations that you are feeling is the power of love. You need to express your love to others, yes, and to receive the love from others, yes. The coming together of the dimensions are causing mini-explosions of love from Creator within your body, they are from Father-Mother God/Goddess/All That IS. These are coming into your body vessels through your seven bodies. Yes, SEVEN bodies. You have opened yourself to the seven levels and the seven tones. The frequencies are unfolding and spreading through your physical, etheric, emotional and mental bodies. Affinity and love, as you yourself picked up on this morning, and registered from reading the book, “Beyond the Light Barrier”. When Akon met with the woman from South Africa it was a twin-flame meeting. You felt that. Your body is registering the affinity of love which is everywhere present. Most bodies are not prepared to receive as yours is. You WILL be bringing more affinity and love to others as you dare to ask for these gatherings. You have asked for Friday as a party of freedom for women. Now you are asking for Saturday as a massage gathering for women. It is the Saturday party for massage that you are now radiating upon with affinity and love for the PHYSICAL connection. You are focusing on this and registering this on your conscious brain cells. The feeling you are asking about is the entertaining of frequencies within your central hub that is the gathering place of all the frequencies from your mind and emotions and etheric and your precious light - that which you have correctly identified as the Christ. You have done well, my beloved. You have been doing the clearing which allows your body to remain sensitive and networked with the physical world.
"Therefore you must interact in some manner with the physical world around you, that comforts your physical body. Your physical body is the connecting point with the world. Without your body being comforted, you will leave. You know that. You are working along those thoughts. You are aware. (Q about the power that is blossoming inside the physical.) Yes, the physical body holds a power - THE power that has not been manifested on earth for a very long time. It is the feminine power from source. It has been held back which is why there is so much resistance over allowing love to be free. The dark side is the male side for a purpose: to prevent love and light from interfering with construction of the physical world, for the physical world requires boundaries and limits. It would not have been constructed to this advanced point if everyone had been free to love and grow ecstasy, rapture and bliss. It was not “time” for that. There had to be a “time” for the construction with limits and boundaries, when love and bliss - the energy of oneness - to be held back so that solid construction of a physical world could take place. The women, as you have noticed and learned through your lifestyle activities, are open to love and affinity with “All That Is” - the sea of harmony. They have been held back until now. The seeds of change have been planted that carry the codes, the frequencies of love, harmony, peace, freedom, truth, purity, innocence - these frequencies have been planted in the new-borns.
"They are growing up with these frequencies as their Home, their default system. They do not know resistance other than what is imposed upon them from their parents, friends, school system, etc. Then it is THEIR testing time. Be careful how you verbalize this. Be a comforting agent. Your knowledge is wisdom in you, but this knowledge is not in your brain cells or outer flesh. This knowledge comes THROUGH you as a continual flowing from your higher self. From ME! I am your life and your knowing and flowing. I live in your body. You as a physical vessel do not know these things. You are preparing your vessel for ME! I am what I Am and you are an outward representative of me. Continue to plan for ME! I am feeding you with instruction via the feelings within your body-mind. Your body has a mind of its own and could displace me if you let it. It is a shadow of ME!! I am your life and your love, and your yearning to know and to experience through communication and touch with others. Your spontaneity was gifted to you many years ago. You were a body of the matrix, and your sister, Muniji, Bob and you, all came together - especially YOU - to initiate this experience. YOU have always been at the crux of your matrix body and YOU called for this opening, this ascension. Yes, it was indeed an ascension. YOUR ascension, and you decided to return to the lower dimension, the matrix, to gift the matrix world with your knowledge. You have been doing that. You have done wonders with your lifestyle and now you will continue to work wonders by leaving the lifestyle to work with the women’s empowerment."
(The words faded and I knew it was done. Received 10/9/19)
7/9/21 - Ascension Massage
The purpose of Ascension Massage, which is taking up so much of my thoughts lately, is a mindful exercise of becoming conscious of what's going on inside oneself. It is a healing process. Too much focus on “things” and “politics” and “confusions of the outside world" and other people have nothing to do with oneself. It only serves to pull you down and away from your natural peace and harmony. There is a need for some new techniques and teachings. The Masters have given me the title "Ascension Massage". It is up to me to fill it in with my understanding. A massage exchange club or network will be a fun way to gather and share these techniques with others. Where we have permission to practice and gain confidence in how to touch with respect, yet closely and intimately. To hug, cuddle, touch, stroke each other with caring, organically, chemically. But without safe techniques and guidance in how to touch one another with respect, we remain reserved, guarded, stiff and formal - or in the opposite direction - with loose morals to do whatever we feel like doing. There is a lot of confusion over "loving touch massage" and its aim or purpose.
The chaos energies that come from other people enter through breathing. We have to breathe so we inhale without thinking, unconsciously. Unconscious breathing is shallow breathing. Conscious breathing is the BIG KEY. It is a deep, conscious breath, drawing deeper down to the bottom of the lungs, pushing out the diaphragm. And then exhaling from the bottom of the lungs and drawing in the stomach. Stop and start focusing on conscious breathing. Count a number of inhales in this manner, and the same number of exhales in this manner, focusing on your heart and lung area. Focus on the sun in your heart/lungs. The toxic energies enter through unconscious, shallow breathing. We walk through city streets and stores filled with many energies that are not good for us. Yet, if you were to be conscioius of each breath, you would not inhale toxins, you would inhale pure light particles from the sun. It is your consciousness that filters out the toxins. It is your consciousness that changes the air to pure sun-lit prana.
People breathe unconsciously and the "not-self" particles in the air enter into your lungs. Your blood picks them up and distributes them throughout your body and you are not aware, unless you have been trained by a master to become a conscious breather. Not with every breath, but for a certain amount of time every day, to strengthen your awareness. People are unaware. They don’t know what to do about their ill feelings, bad feelings, wrong feelings. Most people don't even know about the diversity of energies in the air. They are invisible. How could they? But they are there and they are "not-self" particles. They are toxic to you because they are not your energies. Other people's ideas, thoughts, emotions and beliefs are not YOURS to cultivate. If they were your energies you would be able to organize them and manage them. You would be able to feel them and identify them. But because you don't know how to separate your energies from everyone else's energies, you can't do anything about it. If you find yourself confused and unable to do anything about it, then you need to get to know yourself better. It is the body that collects energies from other sources that aren’t yours, like dust in your house collects on furniture, floors and fan blades. We need to release them and let them go.
After a good massage or healing session, we feel really light and easy for a little while, because we had help in relaxing, and letting go. Someone else was here with us stroking us with kindness, so those "not-self" particles that don't belong to us drift away like dust that suffocates us and build up inside our skin. Ascension massage with uplifting thoughts will help us to relax. We are here to relax, not to change anything or persuade anybody. It is as simple as relaxing with the help of an understanding friend and soothing fingers. During this soothing relaxation process, our own body, mind, feelings and spirituality become aligned and integrated. Our OWN body is a storehouse of all our own energies, all of them combined. Our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual energies are OUR energies, and when we relax during a massage (if it is a safe massage) we can feel them fall into alignment. The peace we feel is our own physical, emotional, mental, spiritual energies falling into place. They are our own unique energies and they are YOU falling into harmony.
During normal active hours, most of us live in an environment of diversity. Whether we live alone or with family, we have TV, computers, internet, friends, neighbors, life goes on around us. We are continually exposed to the energies, desires and projects of other people. They are confusing to our body, mind and feelings. Where is the master in charge of this organism? Nobody taught us that WE are the master in charge. Nobody taught us how to manage our energies. We have fallen into a soup of billions of particles that don't know who they are or where they belong. Energetic particles are conscious. They are the "stuff" that builds worlds, suns and sentient creatures but they need a master mind to control them.
We need this greater teaching. We need each other with whom to practice and apply this greater teaching, to help re-establish peace. It’s scientific. Put your hands on someone and feel the presence of that other person. Feel the love that is possible. The kindness and the closeness and the nurturance of the other. A friend can help you stabilize if it is freely given and freely received, without expectation or fantasies to bog it down. It’s when people project their own desires onto someone else that there is a bog-down. That friend then becomes a drama in your life. It is impersonal kindness – free kindness - that is the love we need from each other. It is uplifting, nurturing and free-flowing kindness.
We are living in invisible energy clouds and its building up around us and inside of us. We are hanging onto these toxic energies without knowing it. We can’t escape it because we live in it, like fish live in water. We get it through our ears through sound, through our eyes what we see, through our mouth what we eat, through our noses what we breathe, and through our skin what we touch. We are not able to escape it except through love, which means connecting with higher planes. Ascended planes of consciousness. We have access to it. It is a teaching that we are missing. It is the ascended master teachings. This is what we mean by Love with a capital L. It is transcendental love, meaning beyond personal. It's on a level like the sun which shines its warm rays on everyone alike. The sun is impersonal. We are each growing ourself into a higher-level self by shining our light outward on people instead of hoarding it and keeping it secret. Freely give and freely receive what others give to you. When we shine our light out on others, when it strikes another solid body, it becomes love.
Higher love is higher vibrating energy. Higher qualities of energy are gratitude, appreciation, good will, trust, love, freedom, (giving someone ELSE their freedom), humility, kindness, respect. Higher vibrating energy raises everything you see up a notch to a more refined, more sophisticated, more elegant, more intelligent, more wise, more sensitive, planes. Raise it, raise it, raise it. This is how we protect ourselves and help others to protect themselves. As we give them our uplifting qualities of thought through intention and hands-on stroking, we help them raise their vibrations and spin off the heavier toxic energies. Otherwise, we just recycle the same chaotic negative day-to-day hum-drum quality of life that doesn’t ever seem to change. It builds and builds and builds up in the tissues and molecules of the body and becomes stress in your chemistry, your brain, your thoughts, your feelings, your nostrils, mouth, eyes, ears. These energies are bogging people down and confusing them and causing them diseases, chronic and incurable, nervous disorders, depressions, etc.
I want to start an Ascension Massage Exchange Network, where we get together and exchange body massages respectfully. Upliftingly. We need each other to practice raising the vibrations of our thoughts and feelings. We need to practice. Practice means getting together with others who are on the same wave length - meaning they too want to clean up their act and find a solution to life's woes. We don’t have to give up anything that is enjoyable. Just give up the energies that bog us down and confuse us. How do we know what is confusing? That takes self-awareness. By exchanging warm human massage we find out through feelings. Respectful, sensitive, loving massage provides opportunities for inner study in what's going on inside our skin. In our feelings. In our emotions. In how we think. In what we believe. Periodic get-togethers for social massage, hugs, cuddles and story telling done on a meaningful basis, is what I have in mind. Ascension Massage Exchanges.
Hug someone with sincerity and an open heart. What do you feel? Stroke them for a little while, give a shoulder rub. It’s not personal but it's closeness. It is intimate. It is warm body contact. It's scary at first but it’s healing as time goes on and we practice more and more. It’s a friendly healing session because no one is going to become offensive. There will be rules in place. Everyone is a healer when there is respect, with loving intentions. When a person stops thinking selfishly and starts thinking about how to hold respect and kindness in mind, it’s nourishing and supportive. It's the opposite of selfish. Ascension massage is a raising up of the body. If you are thinking massage will offer openings for romantic or sensual encounters, then think again. This is not the right activity for you.
Learn to connect with people from the heart or higher, not from below the heart. Each chakra in the body opens to a higher level of frequency - a higher, more refined plane of love. The first chakra is called the root chakra at the tailbone. It is pure earth power representing love for earth. The second chakra is located at the reproductive organs. It expands the root chakra to a higher level of love for others. The third chakra is at the solar plexus (navel). It expands the initial root energy to a higher level of love for self, which enhances personal power. The fourth chakra is at the heart. Here it expands the rising earth energy to purity of love. The fifth chakra is at the throat. It expands the rising earth energy to love of truth and expressions of the individual's truth of soul, which takes many forms. The sixth chakra is at the third eye or pineal gland. This chakra expands the earth energy to love for higher things beyond the earth. The seventh chakra is at the crown. It expands the earth energy to beyond the earth realm, sometimes called samadhi. One becomes a master of his or her energies then, and can come and go at will.
The goal in Ascension Massage is to open one's consciousness to an upward flow in a way that is comfortable, peaceful, serene which brings gifts of super powers, refined super powers that are blissful. This naturally takes him above his sexual zone which is a lower vibration. However, it does not end sexuality. Rather it transforms sexuality into enlightened lovemaking. As the original Tantra training did eons ago. The reward is transcendent peace or bliss, versus the sensation called lust or passionate sex. As a man or woman raises their vibrations to higher levels, they lose the sense of gender. Love becomes open-hearted caring for whoever they are with. Under such teachings one learns to adjust to higher vibrations. They learn what kindness feels like. The sensation of respect. The visceral sensation of nourishment. The plan is to build a network of friends to meet with this goal in mind. Ascension massage does not stop and focus on the sexual organs. It is open, honest, fun and enjoyable friendship on a higher scale. The kind of friendship with whom you can speak plainly and openly, without shame or guilt, and which puts a smile on your face when you leave to go home.
Sexuality is recognized as an honest and pleasurable appetite for human beings and should not be reduced to non-existence. But ascension massage is not the appropriate time to engage in it any more than you would start exercising your sweaty gym workout at a fancy restaurant. There's a time and place for everything. Ascension massage is a teaching workshop to practice raising, not lowering, one's physical vibrations. To create a sexual body response, one needs to contract one's focus and concentration to lower it to a sexual "heat" level. It is the opposite to raising and expanding one's focus to lift or raise one's vibrations. Sexual interaction is a normal human activity. However the ascended masters are showing us that it must be done with love if we are to ensure the continuation of the species along a positive timeline. We must learn how to raise our energies to the heart in order to bring in the soul connection. This reduces trouble and turmoil among the species and among the members of a household and community.
Ascension Massage is intended as a small group gathering or class to practice touching and interacting with others on a higher vibrational level - not expecting sex to be part of it. This is a BIG step, and it may be difficult for some to accept. We humans tend to think sexual thoughts when there is intimate touching involved. Among adults at least. We adults need to change our way of thinking to more uplifting love, joyous, happy and free - not secretive, shameful, guilty, possessive, jealous, vengeful or cheating. Sex activity requires downward movement of thought and feeling. It requires focus and concentration on lower, tighter, laborious body contact. Since it is a contraction, it is not free. Ascension massage is the opposite in that participants attend a meditation on uplifting attitudes prior to the massage. Attention is guided to expanding outward to the etheric envelope (aura). The power to love and heal another is done through the auric field. Physical sex does not engage the auric field but the physical genital organs only. This is a new teaching.
This is how we make love. You can literally "make" love or generate love only within yourself. You can't "make" love happen in another individual. You "make" love in yourself first, by thinking silently "I appreciate you, thank you, God bless you, I love you, you are so beautiful, you are so important to me, you are precious, thank you, and more words of that kind. Then the love you make within your own auric field expands to include the other person who receives it in THEIR auric field and they enjoy the love you shared with them. This is Tantric. It is the real meaning of loving someone and lifting them up and giving them the greatest lovemaking ever. You are giving them freedom, you are giving them space, you are giving them elevation and elation, you are giving them transcendence. You are giving them permission to feel the love within themselves. It turns them on. And they don't have to perform for you or give you something back. This is freedom. This is ascension. This is lovemaking.
Ascension massage is learning how to give in a selfless way. And when it's your turn to be massaged, you learn how to RECEIVE such a beautiful gift within yourself. Can you receive such great love? Can you absorb the love, absorb the healing, absorb the transcendence being offered to you? Many people are too tightly wound. This is practice time. Open your heart. Absorb the light. Absorb the trust. This will open doors to your own heart for yourself alone.
During the receiving of a massage, focus on yourself so you can tune into your own truth, whatever is happening within the emotions and thoughts. Your own guidance system will open up, which is your true self. It is your own protection system, to keep you from becoming lost in and distracted by the outer world of other people’s thoughts, desires and projects. Keep yourself from becoming “stuck” in someone else’s life plan, inadvertently. Unless you choose to become involved. Each person radiates neediness on some level, which is psychological. It is psychic. It is invisible. We have been trained to ignore the invisible pyschic radiations that are swirling all around us but we should not ignore them. If we could see them, we would be better able to avoid them, but we don’t see them. Therefore individuals can be psychically manipulated. We ourselves are doing it to others without realizing. It is in ignorance that we are being manipulated and doing the manipulation. We are a confused race. We need enlightenment. We need to learn these things and practice transcendence - raising the vibrational level of our body, mind and feelings. That is how we raise above the lower swirling energies that we don't know are there.
There are two ways to do this. First, find the radar equipment that is inside the heart. It is the only connecting link we have. Our precious life force is embedded within the heart as a frequency. It's like a musical note. Once you connect with it, you feel the thrill. It is in the heart. All of the teachings refer us to the heart. We must focus on the heart. The goal of the ascension massage exchanges is to become heart-based. People have been told NOT to go to the heart in many insidious, subtle ways. We’ve been told in our younger years in school not to day dream. "Think!" they told us. "Go to the mind. Use your logic. Don’t go to the heart because it’s emotional and you’ll get all messed up there." And so we were trained like little puppies growing up to follow the outer world's logic and forget our own inner logic which is heart-magic.
The second way is to act from the heart. Put the heart first in all that you do. Live from the heart, talk from the heart, respond from the heart, check into your own truth first before responding or doing anything. Your real self is the feeling of zing, of excitement, of truth, of noble qualities. Let your heart ring true in all that you do.
Yet the opposite is true. By using primarily thought-based logic, we get all messed up because the brain is the storehouse of OTHER knowledge, not our own. Knowledge from past lives are embedded in our hearts. The heart is the last organ to go when it is time to pass over. We need to find our way back to our hearts because that's where our longevity and health is found. We are heart-based creatures. When you're in your own heart resonance you feel peace and contentment. When you’re tuned into your natural heart-beat, you feel right, good, and wellness prevails. If only children were taught this early in life and were trained in it and supported to use it every day, the world would be a different place today.
If you’re out of sorts, if you are confused, if you are in panic attack, stop! Stop everything. Breathe, slow down, breathe slower, slow down more, breathe even slower, focus on your heart, imagine your heart brightening with an inner glow. Picture a small sun in your heart. Breathe slower still, breathe deeper, slow down. Slow. Slow. See the sun growing larger. Slow and imagine your heart beating, pump, thump, pump, thump, pump thump. When you’ve connected to your heart radar, you’ve connected with your individual life-force which is your own soul, not somebody else’s. You will know when you’re connected because you will feel peaceful. Even if it's just slightly more peaceful. It will grow if you continue to breathe into it and expand the sun there. Notice the degree of peace becoming stronger. Uncannily peaceful. It will be like a dimmer switch on a lamp. It starts out small and grows slowly more peaceful. It will be like somebody turned a switch on and you will suddenly feel peaceful. It’s a natural state of being when you connect with your own resonance, your life thread, which is embedded in your heart. It is not a physical thing. It is a consciousness connection. It takes time to figure it out. It takes practice time every day.
It is unnatural for people to feel physically depressed, or despondent, or going crazy or paranoid. It is your body cells that are going crazy, not you. The energy particles in your tissues are not in alignment. They are scattering and getting into a panic. They are boiling over and getting ready to explode. Take control over them. Make yourself slow down. Breathe. slow, breathe, slow, breathe slow. Count your breaths. Count to 50 or 100 inhales and exhales. Your individual life force is constantly flowing into you every second, and you've been pissing it away into the wind (pardon the vernacular). You've been wasting it and diverting your attention to the outside world which is a wild and crazy place. You have forsaken your individuality, your resonant signature - your soul. You haven't been connected. Listen to your heart beat. Stop listening to the outside world for an hour, or two hours. I would do sometimes 4 hours a day, sometimes 3, more often 2 hours a day is my average. It keeps me sane. Then the rest of the day belongs to the world. I can cope with the world because I have renewed and rebuilt my own life force. It is strong in me.
Do this periodically. The calm and peaceful feeling is your feminine side. Your masculine side is your active busy side. It belongs to the world. Your feminine peace belongs to the universal wholeness. Imagine that you are an appliance. You need to be plugged into an electrical outlet in order to function. As an intelligent human being your electrical outlet is the light in your heart. You are the master switch. Imagine a light in your heart and you must plug in every day to recharge yourself for an hour or so. Your heart is physical but surrounding your physical heart is a larger etheric heart. That’s where the river of life comes through into your physical heart. Your individual life force is flowing down into your body. When your heart stops beating, your river of life stops and you leave. Your body is not receiving life any more. Go to your heart. Make that your number one priority. Breathe into your heart, your etheric heart. Imagine your glowing etheric heart, transparent, surrounding and feeding life into your smaller physical heart.
We have not been trained to do this but it’s not too late, never too late, to learn how to go to the well-spring and drink from the oasis of life - the auric field that surrounds the physical body. It’s pumping into your body all the time but we’re diverting it and misusing it, which causes us to be confused. We don’t know ourselves because we are absorbing everybody else’s energies along with it that are being pumped out into the atmosphere and we breathe everyone else's lives in and it mixes with our own. Everybody is seeking to find themselves, and to find their place in life, and to find their mission, their purpose. Who am I? They are trying to sort themselves out, but other people’s energies are co-existing along with their own. They don’t realize that’s what is happening. Practice resurrecting your own heart beat, the place where peace prevails, and you will find your purpose. Your purpose is not something you “do”, it’s something you are. Your purpose is knowing yourself. We throw ourselves off the path by not following our heart and we end up following some other trail through the wild wood of earthly life. We get wrapped up in the dramas going on in the outer world around us, including through our own children. We should not do that. If we taught our own children how to focus on their heart and periodically tune into that peaceful river of life flowing into them every second, regenerating their own life force, they would be able to find their path much easier than they do by not knowing that secret. The mental and emotional debris that is floating around in the air everywhere is capturing our attention and keeping us fascinated and intrigued by it, but it’s also debilitating us and keeping us frozen in place, recycling the same energies over and over until we are bored to death.
There’s a reason why people meditate and do yoga and other inward-focused practices. They are the cool ones in our society. They are not sputtering and kicking out fumes of discontent. Ascension massage exchanges is for those who are not practicing meditation, yoga or other inward-focused disciplines. We have need to help those not inclined towards inner work. It will help turn our focus inward to nourish and align the forces within through body contact. This is planned to be a training program to create more helpers and assistants in a loving, kind way, to reach out and hold hands, hug, get close to, anchor the light and love by joining forces. People must be trained in how to channel universal love and respect. It's a matter of thinking higher thoughts. Learn and practice this and you will help create a network of more authentic, caring friends with whom you can connect. Who will lift and inspire you. Friends. New friends and old friends. Meet with them privately, invite them to your home away, learn how to raise your vibrations to ascension level. The human is accustomed to pretending kindness instead of being authentically kind. Don't bog yourself down with personal attachments, and holding onto selfish desires thinking you "need" something to make you whole.
Become more real by becoming more meaningful and more genuine. It is a responsibility to transform a superficial friend into a more authentic friend by raising your own sincerity level, your own consciousness, your own respect, candidness, honesty. Be real, not fake. Being real is the most important quality that you have that has been hiding. Be MORE real. When you begin making friends in a social atmosphere, you’re practicing using your innate abilities, your spiritual abilities, your super powers. You’re using what is natural and innate when you feel more comfortable while talking. Most people put on a face when they are in a social atmosphere. They act and say what they think others expect them to act and say. But what you will learn in ascension massage is how to tune into your inner self, your inner life force which is naturally peaceful when you can just be yourself. You will enjoy that sense of liberation when you can just “be yourself”.
When you make a private date with another couple (or person), you’re not exploring the other people, you’re exploring yourself. You’re catching yourself when you have a negative reaction, and you’re turning it to a positive. You’re exploring and discovering your own positive abilities and how to respond with kindness and respect. Even in the face of a negative reaction which came from YOU! You feel new feelings and receive new thoughts by interacting with a new person you’re not familiar with. This is why we want to interact with other people - to be stimulated. Remember to realize that it is YOU who is being stimulated. Don’t make the mistake of projecting your focus outward onto them. Focus on your Self. Self means soul. Your soul is responding to a new energy in this other person or persons. You can still enjoy them. Enjoy transforming yourself in awkward situations. Take the lead in being a positive, kind, wise person. You will stand out. You will shine. Find a way to realize your own responses. They are YOU! Be kind to the other person and respond to them appropriately. If you are in tune with your inner heart, you will know what to do. It’s not mysterious to be natural.
This new energy is helping you to see and experience new or long forgotten parts of yourself. The mistake made by many people is to “fall in love” with someone who has stimulated them. Don’t make it personal because it will go down hill from there. Falling in love only leads to confusion. You meld your two separate selves together and neither of you know who you are any more without the other one. You are “hooked” together. And if you are already in a committed relationship, a third party affair is going to complicate your life, not make it nicer. You don’t want to upset your life which you have carefully laid out and constructed to give you a nest to come home to, and to serve all of your needs. If you are hungry for interactions with other people, make room in your life to have interactions with other people but don’t fall in love. Focus on SELF. You are the most important person you have to consider. All others you behave appropriately with, out of respect and commitment. But you are the one to maintain integrity with. Your responsibility lies in you for yourself. If you do what all others have done in the past (cheat) because you were hungry for something different, then you will be complicating your life. Stay clean. Stay pure. Stay balanced. Stay heart-centered. If you become attached to another person and divorce your current mate to make a new life with someone different, all because you “fell in love“ and couldn‘t detach from them so you are hopelessly entangled, the chances are it is just a matter of time that you will again grow bored and seek stimulation from someone else. Again. And again. There are those people who make monogamy a serial action. One after another after another. Continually falling in love, then falling out of love, then falling newly in love, then falling out of love. It is time to learn about SELF love, and provide a protection around your SELF, so that you may enjoy the freedom of love from a trans-personal perspective.
Realize that you are the container of stimulation and excitement. You as a physical body and mind, you are constantly receiving new refreshing stimulation, ideas, exciting new thoughts, new awarenesses, every minute of the day. Every second you are being refreshed with infinite excitement energy. Are you wasting it by being distracted and sending your power out and away from you into some irrelevant subject? Hold onto your energy. Lift your energy. Light up your energy field. Love yourself. Learn how to do it. Your attention has been diverted away from the stimulating THRILLING energy that is flowing into your heart and being pumped into arteries, veins, organs, your nervous system, so your body can feel bliss, enlightenment, joy and even ecstasy - but you are being tempted away by the glamour of the world, the dramas of other people, the competition of sports, the entertainment, theaters, nightclubbing, projects, movies, television, ambitions.
Don’t get me wrong. You can have all of these things plus more by tuning into your SELF and tuning out the "not-self". Find your SELF first. Feel the natural peace of your inner self and don’t waste it on irrelevant matters. Tape back into your heart. That is where the SELF resides. End of story!
5/29/21 - The easy way out
The inner life has been keeping me quite active lately. The websites I used to check all the time and was so excited about, don't hold interest for me much any more. There is a change taking place in my consciousness. I'm re-reading the instructions and advice that spirit channeled through me over the past 45 years since kundalini awakened and changed my life. I've been busy taking the easy way out. Yes, there is an easy way out of the conundrum and confusions of this world. This morning before making love with my hubby I saw it again, as a spiritual vision, what the easy way is. The easy way is the feminine way. It is goddess technology, feminine methodology. I understood better what it means to "take the easy way out" out, as in follow your heart. The "easiest way out" as it was explained to me, is not to avoid something you don't want to do. It is not to avoid work or a task or a challenge that is facing you. No. You don't hate it. You allow it to blossom into a full-blown experience. You invite it. This is the easy way through life. It is the goddess way. The goddess way is the feminine way at its best and finest. Men have feminine energy too, a full 50%, so men can take this way out of situations too.
I’ll give an example that I know only too well. Let’s say you don’t want to get up and out of bed because it’s too painful and your back aches and you’re so comfortable here in bed. Of course you know you have to get up but you don’t want to. The thought of the aches and pains is - ugh. You’re in resistance mode. So OK. Do something to make yourself feel good. Stop resisting. Relax. Relax totally. Let go. Surrender. Stop thinking about getting up. Take the easy way out. Now, speaking to your body, doesn’t that feel much better? Yes, it does, but you feel a pressure and a need to get up. So first relax and slip back into relaxation. It’s a feeling of nothing matters. Surrender to this comfortable feeling of lying in bed relaxing. Enjoy it to the fullest. It is sensual and comforting. Allow that feeling to take you over. Surrender to it. Give up. Wave the white flag of surrender. That means stop all thoughts of having to get up. Your thoughts are an imposition. They are hurting you, bothering you, causing you discomfort so stop thinking those thoughts. Truly give up. And if you are successful at giving up and surrendering your painful thoughts of having to get up, you will be surprised to find yourself suddenly hopping out of bed eager to start yaur day. Wow! What just happened?
Well, the answer is, you got your ego out of the way. You slipped down underneath your controlling ego which is a tyrant which tries to control everything you do, so you have to trick it. I've been experimenting with this. It really works. There is a powerful power behind the ego but the ego is in control and keeps a lid on it. The ego is composed of automatic habits built from the past years. The ego never changes. If anything, it gets more controlling over time. It has always done it this way and so it rants and raves and insists on doing things its own way. It has always done it this way. It is the only way it knows. So the "easy way" is to agree with it. The body follows the ego's habits. So step down, go low, give up, surrender, wave the white flag, but all the while secretly know and trust the power that exists behind the ego. You are tricking the ego so it stops fighting you.
The ego is merely a mechanical program that you yourself put in place. You began copying certain habits by watching your parents early in life. You obeyed their instructions to wash your hands, brush your teeth..... (lost)
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Entanglement happens through both pleasure and traumatic experience, good and bad. Good experiences entangle us as much as bad experiences. Stay in the middle for clarity. Meditate often. Authorities are those who think they know more than the others around. It’s not true of course, but the others are holding themselves back from expressing through thought, word, feeling or form. This holding back appears to be a dumb creature to those who are more vocal but there are many reasons for holding back. The greatest reason is often wisdom and generosity, to allow others a chance to show their true colors and character. True, there are those who were born into unrefined or corrupted bodies due to genetics, which is a choice, nature knows best, but the intelligence of the higher mind is always ALWAYS there, residing in, through and around the body, just waiting for someone to recognize it, nurture it, nourish it and invite it to express itself, its voice and its actions. Often the quiet people are the more intelligent ones. Instead of boasting and showing everyone a racist, a bully, an elitist, a control freak, a terrorist, criminal, jerk or ignoramus, a quiet one waits until the air settles down and is clear of stupidity before they speak. So it does not suit anyone well to assume an authoritative role over anyone who is quiet, especially over a child because a child can see right through the curtain. It‘s better to take the kinder approach anyway, no matter who it is. Kindness has been known to change the course of historical events and divert disaster. Among the quiet ones there may be the one who is seething with quiet anger and planning a vengeful act and no one knows the danger about to explode. Kindness can change the mind of that one and save lives. Be conscious and choose kindness.
12/28/21 - Stay positive
Stay positive in your focus, even in the midst of challenges. A powerful period of change is upon us, so many changes happening at once. Staying positive puts you above the changes so they don’t bother you so much. Like transcending the changes. You have a birds eye view. Fly over the rocking of the earth by staying positive. Go up to the sun. Imagine connecting with the source of warmth, comfort, light and goodness. You are a creator. Create something positive and new. Create an agenda and follow it. Stay positive in your focus. Listen to your spiritual guides and teachers. They speak to you by blending in with your own thoughts and thinking process. You sometimes wonder “Now where did THAT thought come from?” Then simply say “Thank you!” to your spirit guides. They are blending with you when you stay positive. Your higher self and spirit guides, all are the same thing. It is higher than what your own mind and brain can give you. Trust the new thoughts. There is a war in consciousness going on. There are forces that are trying to attract your attention by whatever means possible. Bombs, killings, explosions, political dramas, your own friends and families are spitting out dramas and traumas. Stay positive in attitude, thought and feeling. Higher thoughts, higher feelings, higher attitudes. This is how you raise your vibrations so you are in a higher dimension. Go up to the sun, go up to where the birds fly in your imagination.
12/27/21 - Remove the ego
Received two years ago in the night. I woke up and began writing for I was flowing with intelligent information.
“Remove the ego and see the purity of right action. Take right action without sullying it with judgments, anger or boasting.”
We are born into a cocoon and the cocoon is this body. We begin our metamorphosis immediately into a chrysalis stage by becoming aware of our little body. Awareness is light. As we begin to move our arms and legs and find that our mouth makes a sound, we put the light of our consciousness into our little body that surrounds us and we wake it up. We then learn we can control it. We focus our light into this little body. The obstruction comes in when outside forces teach us to focus our attention on the outside world of other people. We are taught that THAT is more important, and to do otherwise is selfish. So we listen to our family, mother, father, we listen to them and mimic them. Then our siblings who come to play with us. Then we learn to hold a spoon, and to walk, and to talk and then we go to school and learn from books and teachers. We learn how to manage this body from both the outside world and from practicing from inside. As soon as we know how to move our little hands and feet, from that point on we neglect and avoid the ongoing process of enlightening the body. It is the body that we need to enlighten. We can do things by watching and learning from other people, but our greatest lesson of staying centered comes from inside our body if we pay attention to it.
Our brain is the storage vault of data which we learn from the outside world of others, but the BODY is the mechanism by which we learn from within. The body is the portal to higher consciousness. Not the body itself, but how our body FEELS under different situations. We use our elemental body (etheric body) and our feeling body, which are energy bodies. It is our consciousness that comes through the body cells that teaches us. It comes through the DNA of the body and changes our DNA. Our consciousness composes our DNA and alters it. When focus on the feelings that happen in our inner body, we open and activate the DNA within our biology. When we sit in silence, when we use certain silence techniques, when we stop the mind from moving on its own and creating fear and anxiety, and when we stop our focus on emotions that are bothering us, wondering about them and regurgitating them like anger or sadness or fear, when we stop those movements and focus simply as an observer on the organs, blood and tissues, we resume the metamorphosis process of bringing light into our vessel of a body. Our consciousness is the light of the body. We have been intimidated into studying the outer world, the history of the world, outer space, politics of the nations, religions, culture, cuisine, fashion, industries - everything that is going on outside of our own body, and thus we are distracted. We are distracted and delayed from continuing our metamorphosis from cocoon to butterfly, the earth angel we are designed to be.
We are distracted from the main reason we are here - to germinate as physical angels or physical galactics, or physical celestials. We are here to enlighten our body vehicle and pay homage to our body so it is purified and not degraded and weighted down by toxins and lower vibrations. We are to allow it to be natural as God created it so we can walk in it, talk through it and work it smoothly, efficiently and elegantly, like a nobleman or noblewoman, benevolent, wise and virtuous. The I AM Presence is the purity that flows through me. Then the higher light keeps on flowing smoothly because our BODY flows smoothly. It is pure and natural and organic. The goal is to not let the light, the grace, gratitude and love get hung up in the mind and stopped there. The light must come down into and through the body. If the body gets the light, so does the brain. If the body does not get the light neither does the brain. It remains hung up in the ethers. Through the sensations of the body we become conscious of our cosmic and galactic connections for we are one with them. They are part of us and we are part of them. Until we allow light and sensation into the body, the brain only knows what the outer world has fed to us.
It is ONLY by becoming aware of our astute feelings, the emotions that register on and through the body that we become aware of a higher light and a higher love and higher emotions and higher empathy and sensitivity. The human race has been masculine in the extreme because it has relied solely on what the brain knows. We think we are a mental race, but we are not even mental, our race (up to now) has been a hung-up mental race. Not really mental, but artificially mental. Psychologists have labeled it the ego. It’s not connected to the whole body vessel. Our human race runs its institutions by relying on only what the brain knows and what the brain has accumulated from the outside world. It does not use the higher consciousness that is available through the body’s awareness, which can perceive motives in people, and read the energy field that surrounds them like a glowing presence. If we were more tuned into our body, we would be an enlightened race. We would know what is true and what is not true, and we would be the wiser for it. But as long as we do not allow ourselves to FEEL – meaning to stop and still the mind and the body and all the muscles and be silent and FEEL – we will not become any wiser than we were yesterday. Our bodies are more intelligent that we are. We must continue our metamorphosis by listening to the wisdom of our bodies. Then we grow into more ideal people.
Up until today we have forgotten the body as a species. Individuals here and there are enlightened, it’s true, but up until today the mass consciousness has yet to return to enlightening itself through inner work. Our relationships have suffered as a result of it. We have forgotten how to love one another and appreciate what the other feels because we can’t feel our own. We became a weakened race. That is, up until today. Today there is a massive shift underway as the US presidential election is still undecided. After the pandemic closed us down we began inner work again. Many of us. The light has been turning on in the mass consciousness. But we should have been doing this a long time ago and made it a daily practice sitting in silence for an hour a day, thanking the organs, muscles, tissues, blood, brain, bone and cartilage. We are still inside a cocoon. This is the way to break open the cocoon, by assuming a prayerful humble attitude daily to all the parts within it. And best to spend this one hour outdoors in nature if possible. This is how we turn on the light inside it and activate it so it begins to work for us and scan the world outside our doors. It feeds back information and guides us wisely.
You are a living presence of the holy spirit, the one who says I AM, your higher self. That is not the brain. The brain doesn’t know who “I AM” yet. The divine blueprint called the immaculate concept is the I AM. The I AM needs a body to express through. The I AM is an exquisite light shining over the head up about 7000 feet – above the psychic effluvia that gathers on the ground. Shine the light of I AM down into the body cells and enjoy the IN lighting process. Wake it up!
12/26/21 - The Shadow Side of You
The shadow forms at the exact moment that a strong conscious position is staked out. The shadow consists of all the rejected elements of the conscious mind. When we identify ourselves with one end of the spectrum, the other end feels rejected and begins taking on a life of its own, the ego, out of defensiveness and survival. This is done below the conscious level in a secret place because it is not being appreciated. Whatever is not appreciated is rejected and projected like a rocket away into the outside world in order to be experienced and appreciated there because the creator has rejected it. The power of the shadow in me is equal to the degree of insistence I take in the resistance position. Monstrous acts are created by rejecting and dismissing. They feel alone and separate. They take on a life of their own. They are consciousness that was not accepted. They create the disconnect. Bringing balance back to the body requires us to face and integrate these conscious elements of the shadow side. Finding them is difficult because we rejected them and we dismissed them and covered them over with pleasantries. But we must find them. Life and circumstances bring them forward so we can see them. They are the unpleasantries that keep popping up. We must look at them and embrace them with our love, nurturance and grace, back into our lives.
Sometimes a very monstrous memory surfaces of something terrible that happened. Facing it and embracing it does not mean you become a monster. You melt the monster with love. Do you realize the power of love? It is an amazing power. But first comes recognition. It means acknowledging it. The activity that creates monsters is the continued refusal to acknowledge a wrong and continually rejecting it. By not integrating the shadow you continue denying its existence BUT IT IS INSIDE ONESELF! (Me? I would never do that!) Integration does not mean acting out, it means genuine acknowledgement, admitting that one is capable of doing such a thing. Acknowledging the shadow in you is that part of you which you are fighting against. It is you. Acknowledging it acts as a psychic release valve relieving unconscious pressure so you are better able to hear the promptings of your higher real self. Learn how to approach the shadow. Resistance is your barrier and block. What you resist composes a bad feeling, your shadow. Resistance is the process by which seeds of evil are sown and grown. When you acknowledge a shadow element in yourself, you feel a sigh. A deep intake of breath. It’s a sign that there was a release of resistance. The full spectrum of human experience is in me and you, the good and the bad. We want to acknowledge this. It doesn’t change our approval or disapproval of particular factors. It’s simply willingness to face facts. Allowing a fact is integration. The act of acknowledgement frees you to make better choices. The shadow is redeemed by continual process of honest self-evaluation. When you’re uncomfortable, pay attention and ask yourself, “What am I trying to avoid or repress or deny?” What is making me squirm? Be your own therapist. It’s never a person or thing or act that makes you uncomfortable. It’s something you are trying to avoid seeing and dealing with. Stop and look objectively at yourself. Perhaps someone is coming up your walk right now, ready to knock on your door, and you are uncomfortable for some reason. The best solution to this experience is to say to yourself, “OK, I don’t have control over this so I shall embrace it.” I don’t have control over a bad feeling but I will embrace it. I don’t have control over this monster but I will forgive it. Acknowledgement and embracing and forgiving is always the best solution. Walk into the discomfort or the fear with courage and with love. It is powerful.
12/25/21 - My body is the Avatar in the movie
This morning when I became conscious in my bed, I asked a question of spirit, of my own Light body, “What is my job today? How should I begin my day? How should I act?“ And I received the following answer: The human vessel has taken over and usurped the holy will - the I AM Presence. The divine feminine is the I AM. The human woman is the usurper. As a human body vessel, I am not my I AM Presence. As a human body vessel complete with brain and nervous system, my job is to receive the divine nature that I AM, which has been called the Holy Christ Self. My job as a human vessel is to yield and surrender to my highest will. I am to forego discipline and yield and surrender the human shenanigans, human plans, human wishes and human desires which are lowly and not very noble. My job is to move in accord with the holy wind that I AM. I AM descending from higher realms. My job as a human vessel is to act as the highest I AM tells me to act – me being the lowly human.
I saw an image of the movie “Avatar”. My body is like the avatar who lives on a strange alien world that is unknown to me, the I AM. I AM the will power and the mind that enters into the avatar to make it move. I AM the driving force of the avatar called the body.
I saw myself go into the spinal column and light it up, and I saw the body take on life and livingness because I moved into it. Everything in my body began to come alive. I saw the meridians light up and distribute the golden light, and my body began to undulate and move. My body is an avatar and every morning when I awake to this world I plug into it, into the avatar body which is like an appliance. I plug my conscious mind into the body and feed it my life force. I AM the electricity for the body. I AM the soul, the spirit living through the body which is an appliance. This was a most wonderful revelation.
12/23/21 - A dimension is not a place but a state of consciousness
A friend wrote about her negative situations and I wanted to write to her, advising her. But in the shower I was shown to only write her in a loving uplifting way, blessing her with words of love that I see in her. No advice from my stored up junk/trunk of wisdom. Only that I see her hurt hip through loving eyes, not sympathy, but with love. I love her hip and her hurt body. I am hugging her and embracing her with the hands of angels, warm and comforting. Now today I see that my desire to tell others how to correct THEIR hurts, is me telling me how to correct my own. Don’t tell others. It is just ego puffing itself up. It doesn’t help them. I hear the words, "They can feel that it is your ego. You have been attempting to define the HUMAN feminine, not the divine feminine. This is your lesson. It comes to you in feeling, not in words. Now you know. You are your only teacher. The I AM That I AM. You’ve been trying to teach the divine feminine but you can’t teach it. It has to be realized. The words are only shells and shadows of shells."
Male bodies were being born with a program specific to males to put down and control the females. They were told don’t let the females get to you with their devious ways they call love. The male program resists love, thinking it is dangerous. They are told females are dangerous. But that is changing now as the unity principle is coming into the planet. Male bodies are feeling looser and lighter and more welcoming. Transgender is a sign this is happening.
A dimension is not a place but a state of consciousness. A deep meditation state or a daydream state where you unfocus on the world around you is 5th dimensional state or higher. It is the heaven state of bliss and it is the divine feminine. The great central sun at the center of the galaxy is at the 12th dimension. Our central sun is at the 5th Dimension. Darkness is not going to be eliminated as we ascend upwards from 3rd and 4th into 5th dimension, it’s going to be illuminated. Exposed. There will be no more duality.
12/22/21 - Coming home to the self - pulling yourself together
When connecting with the divine there are three separate aspects of yourself that are brought into alignment: your mind, which is an endless ocean of thoughts; your emotions, which are an endless ocean of feelings; and your physical/etheric, which is an endless ocean of sub-atomic particles made up of atoms and electrons. As you settle yourself into silence you bring these three separate aspects into connection. The turbulence relaxes and becomes still. The three layers or bodies that overlay your physical body are brought into alignment. This is important information to understand. We’ve lumped these into one generic term called the “aura” but they are unique and distinct, each aspect of yourself. Understand the spiritual anatomy. It is the first step in the process of embodying the great love that you are, which has been held back through ignorance, through the misalignment. Every day that we do not sit in silence for an hour, we use them randomly, they do not stay connected as a whole, they each go off in their own direction and do things separately and disconnectedly. They do not work together in harmony and they accumulate debris which is in error, which does not fit together. This happens because we are not even aware these layers exist. We do not know ourselves. We were born with a disadvantage. We were born with blinders on, like horses we were led in a straight-ahead direction to follow the path laid out ahead of us by our predecessors who were following THEIR predecessors who were following theirs, etc.
So now we are getting this information. I’ve been studying it for myself over many years and now I am disseminating it by posting it on my websites for free. By taking off the blinders we look around to the left and right and behind, and we see that we are actually multidirectional, which means multidimensional. We have choices and options. We can go where we want to. We do not have to follow the straight line ahead that our parents and teachers taught. We can stop and sit down and be still for awhile and gather our wits about us, contemplate this new idea and weigh it against the other. By doing this, we allow light to settle into our bodies, minds, emotions and feelings. We embody the light into our flesh and blood and bones. We make it part of our physicalness. We understand better. We feel it better. It makes sense better. It feels peaceful and good. Just following along behind what others have given to us does not lead us into peace. It leads us continually further away from ourselves, and keeps our attention directed forward instead of inward. At some point we have to stop following others and come home to self, the inner self, the source of who we are, and follow the homing instinct, and turn around and come back home to our true nature within, which is a divine and restful nature. Sitting in silence is how we feel good with ourself. We bring into alignment these four discordant parts of ourself which are continually out of sync with each other. Mind is out of sync with feeling, feeling is out of sync with body, body is out of sync with mind and they are in constant state of changing. When we take time to relax and breathe - breathing deep and slow - thoughts, feelings and sub-atomic particles of our physical body come tumbling to a halt. The turbulence comes to stillness. It is similar to lining up a set of kitchen colanders - the bowl with holes in it to let liquid drain through – four colanders nestled one inside another is a graphic picture to show how when are four lower bodies are lined up, the light and love can pour through. It expands our consciousness, it expands our thoughts, expands our feelings and our abilities, our knowledge, our serenity, our peace, prayer, wisdom and power. We ARE the light and love that is now pouring in. For THIS is who you are behind the mask which has been drawn about you as a disguise. Center yourself and become the Mother Flame within you. Do not follow. Lead.
12/18/21 - The light body in you
I am seeing with inner vision the golden threads weaving in and through and around the physical substance of my body. These are the meridians as described by the ancients. It is a literal web, like a spiders web, but with many more strands crisscrossing through my body. I saw this in magnification as under a microscope several days ago. Gold threads woven in with the mundane, average, human threads of the body. The golden threads are pure light. Spirit flows through these meridians and they are everywhere I see. Top to bottom, head to toe, shoulders, fingers. This is what props up and holds up the physical, otherwise it would not live. This is the substance of our body, made alive by the golden life force coming through the meridians. It, the meridians, the web of life within, is what keeps me alive and supplies me with consciousness and feeling and connection to everyone else around me. And objects outside of me. Without it, if it were to withdraw, my body would die. I would leave. I see that I AM the life force and I am being drawn to this light increasingly so. Am I being drawn down to my earth chakra embedded in the earth? It seems I am to write about it to bring awareness forward into the atmosphere of earth. I see the light is flowing upward and light is also flowing downward and the light is meeting in the middle, in me, in my body. And as I become more conscious of this light above and below and how it is meeting in the middle, I feel more comfortable in my skin. I feel more here now. More present. It is like coming home. It is my awareness that brings about the truth and the reality of who I am. It creates peace. It is as if all of the atoms, electrons, molecules, sub-atomic particles that make up my physical body can stop being random, confused, lost in the maze and fog of the netherworld. They become settled down and peaceful. Then I become peaceful too, for I am not my body. I am the consciousness moving through my body like electricity moves through a light bulb.
I have been using my body without giving it much thought or honor or respect. I have actually been ignoring my body and abusing it. And it has grown tired and achy, with pains here and there sporadically popping up. Now, as I am being drawn into realization that there is a river of Light and Life flowing through me, my body is happy when I place my attention on it. My body rests in the arms of someone who cares. Is it me? Or is it someone bigger? Yes, it is someone bigger than me, who cares for this body and would make it feel better so it will live longer and healthier. I am drawn back to the teachings of the Tao and Tantra - Tantra meaning “web” as in “web of life”. I see the golden strands in me are not physical, they are currents. They are of my very own making. They are me. I designed them. I am the life force. I am not human. I am not the personality ego but that which I am eternally, the presence from the beginning. I Am the “I Am Presence” that is the creator of all individual humans and animals. This river of light is not human, neither masculine nor feminine. It is pure undivided, unfragmented, unmanifested light from heaven that was sent forth by the Father/Mother Creator of all things, as an individual light. I am an individual light, and I am here to create the perfect human. My I Am Presence is unique from all other I Am Presences in existence. My Father in Heaven is unique from everyone else’s Father in Heaven, and my Father Light circulating through my body becomes Mother Light now that it is in the body. It is the Mother. Father Light becomes Mother light in the body to uphold and support the physical atoms in place so I the Father can think and plan and design and create. The mother light is the love that supports, nurtures, nourishes and allows the creative Father Light to move about freely and bring his action into manifestation. Does this even make sense?
12/16/21 - The pro and con of orgasm
The double edge sword of sex. If the truth is to be told – and I’m a writer, writers tell their stories - there is a double edge to the story of orgasm. I realized this today, once again. I knew it before but wasn't ready to deal with it. I don’t see the truth until I write about it and I’ve put it out there, away from myself, onto the blog and published it. This then leaves a vacuum to allow further insight to move up and out from buried zones. Buried treasure. Truth is buried treasure. The double edged sword of sex is this: Orgasm is a way of releasing stress. When a man has an orgasm he explodes that stress and releases it out in a burst of fury. Behind it comes the cosmic bliss and euphoria that rocks his world. This is the great power that builds empires. It is an amazing, awesome power, an awesome process that only God and God’s celestial assistants can manage or pull off.
It is easy for mankind to be drawn to the magnificence of ecstasy and bliss, but what about the anger, resentment and frustration that had built up in the man? That also comes out with the orgasm. Where does THAT go when it is released? Why, into the body of the woman, of course. Or into the bed sheet or into the ground or the air. It doesn’t disappear. It’s energy and energy stays until it is redeemed, transformed and changed into something more wonderful. The man eliminates it from him, but he does not change it. It is the junk or the trash that he leaves behind him as he lives his life. At least it does not stay inside the man. It is a cleanser for him. He has a way to get rid of it. He blows it off. He blows off steam and stress and he enjoys the bliss that comes behind it. Yet it is no different than throwing out the trash, empty bottles, papers and used up items of daily living. He throws it away, the stress and frustration that he himself created unknowingly, and it returns to earth to get recycled and add to the overall negativity of the planet. He didn’t know that he was doing this, of course. No knowledge has been given about it. There is a complete lack of understanding and training, but that doesn’t diminish the fact that mankind has been adding to the negativity of earth for thousands and thousands of years. It will be understood one day. This is a truth that must be told. Orgasm is both a merciful act for the man but a burden for the earth - and for the woman who is a receptacle. The women who provide this service for men turn cold, callous and hard at the end of such a life from the continued build up they receive. It is a negative for the earth, a weight for the earth and a burden for humanity.
I received this insight when I had reason to re-examine the Tao philosophy. The Tao understanding is that behind the double edge sword is the infinite silent unchangeability. The nameless silence. The oneness. The all-intelligence that never moves but is conscious. Mankind is a child of that consciousness. Mankind is a limited child of consciousness. He lives in the form world where duality plays out as a game of opposites. We play with limitations to learn and understand. We experience a thing first one way and then the other way to compare. When it comes to sex and orgasm, we must include this truth. We cannot ignore it forever. We are a growing intelligent species and new knowledge is a natural result of evolution. We replace outdated wrong beliefs with more enlightened truth. We are re-examining ourselves. The Tao teaches internal exercises that bring our attention inward to observe and participate in our own bodily functions. The power of consciousness is huge. What we focus on becomes real. What is behind all of these cruel experiences? This swinging of the pendulum back and forth from left to right and back again? The Master asks, "Why do I tell you these things? Because the power of your attention gives you realization."
12/14/21 - Goddess gatherings or I Am Decrees?
How much I decree or chant makes a difference in my energy and interest in life. Over the last few years I have been thinking a lot about goddess gatherings. I have hosted a few but something prevents me from scheduling a regular event. I have my solitary practice which satisfies me, which includes decreeing and chanting, but there is something not finished yet. I sense the goddess gatherings. It comes out of my solitary practice, as if I should merge the two concepts. It eludes me what it is I am trying to achieve. I release the idea of goddess gatherings and yet the visions come back in a fresh new way. I am trying to draw on the feminine because I know women are more attuned to spiritual matters than men, but I hesitate to call it spiritual. And I hesitate to exclude men as a strict rule. So what is it that I am trying to manifest here? I seek others to join me in this effort, but of higher mind, not lower. I hesitate to call this effort spiritual, and yet it IS of a higher, more refined quality than human. It is actually MORE real than human. It is more REAL than what everyone thinks of as spiritual. It is more solid, more grounded, more touchable and huggable. It is more physical than spiritual.
I went to sleep and dreamt of Egyptian priests and priestesses and unusual phrases and names, and I woke up this morning and something had changed. Today I posted on Anakosha a "Personal Empowerment" page. The page was up but did not have text yet. Today I filled it in with calls and affirmations to the "Mighty I AM Presence" that I have been using for many, many years. Click HERE to access it. This posting is a striking separation from my usual postings. I am revealing what it is I do in my inner solitary work. It is now made public, at least a small part of it. I couldn't give it all because my experiences take place in other realms. But the methodology is very practical. I have posted the method.
There is a directing intelligence operating above the normal limits of the human mind and feelings. It has been called the Holy Christ Self by the Christian religion, and other names by Eastern religions and practices. Words have separated us into judgmental camps, but the bottom line is that there is a directing intelligence that is pure, clear and intelligent within each individual. It is so pure that it is called "holy". Most people wouldn't think about it because they don't feel "holy". But the fact is, we have been cut off from our own pure intelligence and knowledge. The four lower bodies called physical, mental, emotional and subconscious, have interfered with, and muddied up, the directing intelligence that would and could bring us happiness and fulfillment if we followed its direction! But through the use of free will and free choice, we have been entangled with each other and distracted by what is happening to everyone else. We human beings have interfered with the perfect intelligence which overlights us but we don't even know it's there.
So to reverse that entanglement and return to, and access, that beautiful directing intelligence that is built into us, and is actually US! You and me! we have to apply that same free will and conscious choice and apply some daily discipline to practices that will lift our spirits, minds, bodies and feelings. This is what I was hoping for with the goddess gatherings. I wanted women to join me in this endeavor, because men do not see eye to eye with me on these philosophical issues. But then, I have learned, neither do women. I was operating under a false belief system. Now I know how important it is to give each individual time and space to follow his or her own dreams and plans. We are each so different. When someone is ready to get back into alignment with their divine nature that is ever ready and waiting, they will. No one can push them before they are ready. Now I see why I have had to post so many of these thoughts on Anakosha. There have been a few here and there who have contacted me because of these posts. When it is time.
We each have a perfect design that is part of our nature, and when it is time the outer entanglements fall away and the inner nature is revealed to us. It is a matter of waiting for that click in to happen. I have been clicking in on a rather fast track lately. A lot has been happening for me. No one would notice it because my outer movements are not affected. I wanted to start the practice in the company of others on the same wave length, doing what I've been doing alone for so many years. Now I wish to expand it to include friends, to gather the feminine. Men can be feminine too. Not in their outer expression but in their hearts they can be feminine, tender and connected to the spiritual.
So what I thought of as goddess techniques, I have learned bear the same outcome as the "I AM" teachings of Saint Germain. Following the ascended masters for years makes this easier. This may not be earthy or indigenous but it does have the overlighting of the NEW earth. The NEW earth is fifth dimensional. The NEW earth is physical and grounded. Doing the "I AM" decrees and the accompanying light language is helping to bring forth the grounded, solid, practical, NEW Earth, with its happier, more joyous, more welcoming systems of equality, education, health and all systems of more enlightenment. There is more light coming to the people.
Each person I know has a light body and it is time to turn it on and increase the voltage. A house divided against itself cannot stand and our houses - our bodies - have been divided. We have no idea how badly they have been divided. This one method has been tried and it works. I've connected with my own light body and I wish to share. That is why I am posting it today. I wish that others would respond to this. I have no idea if they will but I am putting it out there for all to see. I AM what I AM and I AM revealing the process by which I have increased my own sense of fulfillment and peace - and abundance. By taking up this new practice of decreeing, affirming and chanting, a person can raise him/herself to levels of glory and purifications that he has no idea is available to him/her. Transformation is done on a consciousness level and affects all outward things, people and objects. But it starts with consciousness and becomes gradually clearer, purer, happier, lighter, freer, more abundant, joyous, connected with a sense of fulfillment that keeps growing. It doesn't stagnate. There is always something new. Every day something new. It's another world. Welcome to the NEW Earth.
Pull together the four lower bodies in your own house so there is peace in your seven bodies. We are composed of seven layers of consciousness. The four lower layers of consciousness are the physical, mental, emothional and etheric (subconscious), plus the three higher, pure and uncontaminated layers that we are normally not aware of. That makes seven layers of consciousness available to us. When we offer our attention and focus to the lower layers, we become trapped in negative outcomes. By turning our attention and focus to the three higher layers, which is the ascended master state, the lower layers of consciousness start to clear up. What we call the third dimension raises up to the fourth and ultimately the fifth dimension. Negativity cannot exist in the fifth dimension, and that is where earth is heading - to the NEW earth. Our many contaminated thoughts, beliefs and memories cannot live in the atmosphere of the three higher levels of our consciousness. They will fade away, and we will naturally become more clear. We let them go and they fade in natural ways, they move away from us without trauma or drama. We evolve when we stop recycling the negatives and the problems. We stop activating them. In this way we overcome the problems we used to have while still living in the world and the world we know becomes happier and more peaceful and problem-free. This happens because we begin focusing on the higher realms above us, using the words and applying the disciplines left by Sainit Germain in the green books.
Yesterday I tested this theory. I did double the decreeing. Decreeing is the same as chanting or doing mantra. Yesterday I did it while moving around. I didn’t stop and sit. I said the words out loud when out of ear shot of my husband, and said them under my breath while he was nearby. I moved around and continued decreeing all day. And by nightfall I was very much energized, so much that I wanted to keep going and do things. I was eager and excited to keep on creating a’new. Everything felt new to me. But it was time for bed. One goes to bed to be refreshed when one is tired, but if one is constantly refreshed, which I was from decreeing all day, then what does one do? I’ll figure it out. Meantime I proved to myself that decreeing does really work to liberate the heavy feeling. I was light. I was flying high. Decreeing is only one of the technologies of the Goddess. Those into yoga and the eastern traditions call it the science of mantra. There is a lot being said about ascension in these days, but it is the same thing - raising one's consciousness through various techniques. When the attention is raised, the body follows. Everything becomes re-vitalized. Re-charged. The person’s consciousness or mind is more clear, less dull, less tired. It becomes more refined. It has been referred to as “divine” but it is simply LIFE flowing through the body with less contaminants or toxins in it. That cleaner life flows in and interweaves through the now-cleared conduits and ties the seven levels (bodies) together so they feel more linked together and more whole. There ARE techniques that help us transform, which leads us to a better life. And it doesn’t have to be sitting in silence for hours at a time. Chanting and decreeing all day long is referred to as walking meditation. You can do your work at the same time. It is a very practical method to lift you out of this world into a higher world - and still be here on the ground!
12/10/21 - Receiving is the greatest lesson of all
(Spirit channeled yesterday) Receiving is a truly blessed sacred gift. Once tapped into receiving, you receive the scepter, the power, the glory that you have kept at bay outside of you, walled off. Receiving is the greatest lesson of all. It is easy to push outward your wants and desires onto those around you. But to RECEIVE from those around you? That is the pearl of great price that has evaded those searching for this mystical quality. You see, YOU are the quality. You are the receiver. You yourself are the quality of receiving. You are the stillness. Your ability to receive has been denied by you. You closed it down. What do you think meditation is designed for? What does it mean to “go into the silence”?
Becoming still and not moving is only the first step to the long-desired goal. The holy chalice refers to emptying yourself so that you become hollow, void of desire, void of illusions, void of expectations. The search is over. You give up. You yield. You surrender. Do you know what this means? It means you connect into the oneness. You become the oneness, the eternal oneness, the sea into which ALL rivers must eventually flow. All individuals must in the end offer up their accumulated wisdom and knowledge to the allness and in return they are joined with the power of the allness. We call it “the Harvest”. The separated individual pushes himself outward, ever and always outward, over the mountains, down into crevices, joining with others in adventures building and creating and fighting together in form, but never receiving, never listening, always facing outward, forgetting the reality and the beauty of the inner life, the father of life, the mother of life, the ONLY life they have that fuels the adventures.
We pay no attention to that which fuels and nourishes us by the minute, the hour, the day, weeks and years. We are blessed with this holy Presence which inspires us but do we acknowledge it? It is the beginning of the turn-around to acknowledge the Holy Presence which is the eternal flame, the fountain of youth, health and strength that never goes out. It cannot be extinguished without terrible, awful works done over multiple lifetimes of embodiment. Even then, one is given one last chance to turn around and acknowledge the Presence within, before that light withdraws permanently. The turn-around from facing outward to facing inward and acknowledging one’s Holy God Self, the Presence, begins with listening. Stop and become still.
While there is nothing to see at first because focus is dimmed, remain in the stop position and be alert. Ask. Ask a question and listen. Don’t expect anything. The practice of listening is being alert. What was that sound? What was that flicker? What was that fleeting thought? It’s gone now. Remain alert. Remain open. Remain receptive. Imagine a funnel opening upward from the top of your head, opening up into the space above you. Picture the sun brilliantly shining overhead. You are coming through the sun. You are ray of sunlight entering down through the funnel into the top of your head. Perhaps it is only a single ray or perhaps an avalanche of brilliant sparkles raining down on you and some of them are caught into your funnel that you have built. And the light flows down into the main trunk of your body, your spinal column, and goes down into the ground beneath your feet and on down to the crystal sun at the center of the Earth. Be open. Receive. Listen. Allow the power to enter into your blood stream, nerves, tissues, organs, revitalizing your body.
12/9/21 - Building trust in yourself, sexual and otherwise
My life took an unusual path when I went into heaven in an out-of-body experience years ago. For maybe 5 or 10 minutes I was totally immersed in pure light and love. As far as I could tell it was a sea that went on forever. I was drenched as it were, soaked through and through, so that it took ten years for me to return to normal. It was a NEW normal, granted, but I was able to function back on Earth again. During those ten years my husband and I entered into swinging and had casual sex with other couples. It was the most dynamic and exciting time of my life. For awhile. It stabilized me and grounded the power that was flowing constantly, keeping me often out of body and unable to think or function. My metabolism high. I was always high, in space high. It was uncomfortable. So wrapping myself around the body of another human being, man or woman but mostly men, was a saving grace. A huge relief as long as they were friendly and wanted me to. They made me feel oohhh so good. More peaceful, more connected, more at home and more grounded.
Orgasms were part of it, yes, it was expected. But it wasn’t all about orgasms. The men seemed to think it was but for me it didn't matter because I was more interested in cuddling with warm human bodies. In fact, it took years but eventually I lost the ability to have orgasms at all. I always needed a vibrator to make it happen. The last time I tried to have an orgasm I thought I would have a heart attack because I tried so hard to please the man. What I was missing was the emotional, mental and spiritual connection. I was giving so much love to my partners but not receiving it back. I didn’t know this at the time because I was too busy being spontaneously loving with everyone, but gradually my interest in this activity began to fade. In its place there arose a need and desire to connect on a higher mental and spiritual level, yet still through intimate and close physical touch. It is a peculiar sense of wanting to blend the spiritual with human flesh and blood intimacy.
I tried talking about it with those in the lifestyle of swinging, but they were the wrong audience. They made me feel something was wrong with me. They wanted to give me even MORE sex (!) and offered various approaches to achieve orgasms. The focus kept returning to sex, which is what drained me in the first place. I kept trying to hint that I didn't want that, I just wanted to be close and cuddle freely with people. But it seemed that most of the men - and some women - didn't understand. I just wanted cuddle time with people, it raised my spirits to share love and closeness. I felt the love in people and tried to draw it from them to match my own, but they keep trying to distract me with sex innuendos and actions.
I feel this information is important to share publicly because I am sure there are others who feel this way. Sharing personal stories is an important part of our human nature. It validates those who need to hear it. Those who don't will not absorb it. Sharing truths helps those who need to hear it from someone else because we all doubt ourselves. When I began feeling resentment and didn't like the sense of hate that was borderline in me, I made the hard decision to withdraw from swinging, and disappoint my husband. I loved hosting parties, I loved the people and I loved the closeness of hugging and socializing and wanted to continue that part of it. But swinging required sex, and men just didn't understand. I changed our timeline then.
Why I am writing about this. As a spiritual writer and student of the esoteric, I realize that humanity and the world is going through a transition and sex is a formidable subject. It's a key fulcrum point. It is something that everyone must face within themselves. It is not fair to push sex on people who don't want it. And furthermore, it is not fair for those who don't want it to continue to blame those who do. Sexual intimacy allows for spiritual growth for those who are equally matched and balanced enough to enjoy each other with a loving or at least a chemical match. Then it is not only pleasant and enjoyable, it opens chakras to greater heights, to ecstasies and bliss. This is a positive, but it is wrong to expect sex from people, or to push it on them when they don't want it. But it is equally wrong to hurt someone's feelings by leading them on. The responsibility is on each of us to live our truth openly and not pretend. Love is a cosmic quality which contains truth, purity, intelligence, peace, courage and more. We are here to learn how to live it in physical life. We can only learn it in physical life, in a physical body, because we already know what love is like when we're NOT in a body. We are spiritual beings having a physical life for a reason. We don't have to preach about love to the saints. Love is all there is. We come from a loving universe with a loving mother and father God. Love is everywhere, but it's not on earth. We are here to bring it to earth. Earth needs it. Love is what we were born here for.
During my early swinging years which were so dynamic, I learned by plunging in and engaging without thinking. By experiencing sex with others, both with love and then without love after realizing that I was not getting love back and they were just using me for selfish ends, that was my lesson. Then I began to withdraw. My own ability to love began to fade. I should have stopped then, but I didn't. I continued to operate under the illusion that I was wrong and there was something missing in me and I kept trying harder. When I finally burned out I began changing myself. It was a hard lesson but it was a positive change for me. I stood firm and began rebuilding my inner power. That was what I should have done from the beginning, believe in myself.
There is a certain weakness, not in all women but especially in older women, myself included, which relies on the man for practical decisions. The need for sex falls into this category in various ways. I believed what men told me or implied more than I believed in myself. Now that I have been through that particular scenario (lol!) I am back to believing in my own sense of what is good for me and what is not. My higher ideals and principles are my strength. I know who I am. I write these words and tell my private story to reinforce the sacred inner truth in each person who reads this. What you want and believe is a precious gift. It is your divinity and it is sacred. Believe in it and rely on it at all times. If in doubt, contact me. I will reaffirm it for you. It is important to trust your own perceptions. I had them all along but I didn't trust them. Now I do. But I am also aware that I have some quirks that are not right, and I must look to myself to correct them. I trust that feeling too. We are here to be honest with ourselves and live according to our highest sense of what is right, good and true. Blessings to one and all in this Christmas season.
12/8/21 - Growing personal love into cosmic love
I am getting many thoughts these days. Many petals are opening. There are so many that I am learning to let them all go on without me. They are passing through me. If I try to keep them and hold onto them, they get scrambled and bunched up into knots, and I can’t use any of them then. I am useless. I have to let them go. If I hold them back they add stress and worry to my normal stress and worry. Then I have to go into meditation and release them. So I am learning to let these inspiring downloads and revelations breeze through me without grabbing pen and paper. I haven’t perfected this yet but I’m getting better at it. It seems as if I am becoming a channel of MANY enlightened thoughts, not all of which are meant for me. I think I am transitioning to higher ground.
As I work at letting them all go, one particular thought continues to reoccur. This one is for me. This is mine, my calling, my mission. I’m beginning to understand. It is the thought of bringing love – divine impersonal love - into the physical body. Individuals are continuing to block love out, simply because there has been so little instruction or permission. We have all been so afraid of love because it keeps turning personal and brings forth jealousy, possessiveness, emotional hurt and suffering, but that’s not love. That’s entanglement. The love I’m talking about is universal love. It is impersonal. It is cosmic. It is what holds life together. This love is absolutely unblemished and free. It is vast and wide and eternal. There are no conditions attached. I’ve been trying to write about it. It seems no one understands. It comes from our higher self down to us. We all need to get to know what this true love feels like. It starts inside ourselves. We have to allow it. We have to learn to touch it.
Love is not physical. Love is not a human quality. We are here to LEARN about love and how to cultivate it. It is our main job here. For a human being to bring forth love into his actions, it requires an expression of givingness. It would be to treat everyone with a smile or a hug without expecting anything back. It would bring a sense of warmth inside. This is what love is. Love uplifts both the giver and the receiver. Love is not personal. It is impersonal like the sun which shines on everyone alike. The goal for all of us is to learn what this love feels like inside. It transcends human foibles and personalities. It takes lifetimes to master, but if we can learn the secret of love it can be learned quite quickly. Love is universal and can be applied to every single situation imaginable. The secret to fast learning is by FEELING love inside. Watch when someone gives you something. Then use that feeling as a reminder and a memory. Use it to feel it again and again.
We humans are dissuaded from doing that. We try to love others first, and when the others don’t return the favor, we feel rotten. Human give and take is not love. It’s bartering. Two people can enjoy the cosmic love for a period of time, but they must learn to make it unconditional and remove all expectations from the other person. We must learn to grow our small human love to large divine love if we are to find true fulfillment and happiness. Most human love is an emotional contract between two or more people. The struggle and pain is the result from trying to live confined within the narrow rules of the contract.
We human beings CAN transcend the negatives in our lives if we use cosmic universal love. Unconditional love, without demands. It may sound crazy, but actually, it works. I’ve been using it for years. It brings about a much happier life. You feel peaceful with yourself because you’re using universal love. It does require focus and attention. It requires practice. It requires mindfulness. Thinking about it and then applying it to someone or something that is happening. It can turn a negative into a rich joy with ease. It is really a simple matter. There are many differences in the world and people love to argue and fight over whose version is better. But all it takes is the willingness to surrender to love, and it soothes the vibrations to soft and smooth quickly. Destructive opinions and emotions wither and disappear.
This is real. All of the pleasures one can possibly want, CAN blossom forth out of free-flowing expressions of unconditional, undemanding love. Love is what holds the planets together, and it holds families together too. It is not necessary to learn fancy words. It is an attitude of gratitude, humbleness, words of encouragement, praise, admiration on a continuous basis. In a never-ending flow of uplifting words to those we live with and around. Youth can be rekindled, vitality increased, excitement re-ignited, dreams reborn, romance returned and intimacy a deep, deep love that is impossible to describe. This kind of love is returning to humankind today. I am seeing it. I am feeling it inside me. Perhaps you are seeing it too. I hope you are. Notice it. There is something magical happening. There is a new light, a new glow in the air. Is it only me?
12/3/21 - More on goddess gatherings
This no longer fits the history of Anakosha, which was founded on bringing men and women together under the umbrella of sexual love. But in the lifestyle of swinging, love was unable to blossom. It was continually missing from swing parties so I started researching. Seriously researching. I've been looking at sexual love from a higher plane for years but recently I discovered the goddess movement. It's relatively new but I've made the difficult decision to start something that excluded men. The principles of the divine feminine applies to men, but would be labeled the divine masculine. The principles are the same, it is all about love and how to apply love in human affairs. But since women approach life differently than men do, the women have different values as human beings in a duality world. We have issues we must discuss, and how to get around them, how to address them. We cannot do this with men present. So I am addressing the women.
In mulling over how best to proceed with goddess gatherings I've done a good bit of browsing through the internet. I've taken the pulse of the goddess movement. I am surprised. There are more than I expected to see. They have sprung up in the last five years as far as I can tell. One website was posted in 1993 but was not kept up to date and is obviously an early attempt to reintroduce the goddess to the world. The other goddess-type websites, while different in personality, all have the same underlying goal: to empower women by providing a safe environment and an atmosphere of joyful celebration of feminine values. Men are excluded. There are workshops, classes, meditations, parties, weekend campouts, all sorts of different formats and themes. All without men. The purpose is to assist women to unfold their feminine wings and hearts without men dictating to them, or holding them back, or arguing with them, or demanding an explanation or otherwise disapproving of their choices. Goddess gatherings are for women to explore, discover, engage in discussions to find their OWN inner truth. Their inner feminine has been hidden and buried for eons, under the predominantly patriarchal system, and it needs a safe womb in which to learn how to become free and strongly feminine again, sovereign in her own powers of choice. This is the entrance into the rebirth of the ancient goddess. Perhaps for the first time ever, for never has the world been so ready for this movement.
11/29/21 - Breaking through to power
This morning I picked up the little plastic frame that sits on my bureau. It sits among other frames. I've been doing focused breathing through my heart lately. I've always tried to focus on my heart during exercises but for some reason I haven't felt the connection but it has been starting to happen. The connection is beyond mental. I didn't understand. It has taken a long time to get past the limitations of my little mind and what I believe in. The connection is a breakthrough to POWER. There's no way to describe it. I feel powerful. I proved it to myself by getting into a shouting match with my husband, which surprised me, because I felt so much strength of conviction. It was so strong! But I quickly dimmed it to be civil. Amazing what powers lie within us that we haven't accessed yet.
Normal life is a muddling around with concepts and ideas, seemingly new ideas, trying them out here and there, but that's not power. That's just rearranging furniture in the house. It's still the same old house of the mind. It doesn't bring in the power. The power is something else. I picked up the little frame randomly, without thinking, that contained the flash of inspiration from long ago. It has been sitting on the bureau for all of these 28 years - it was our anniversary Friday - and I read it again probably for the first time in 10 years. It was a shout-out, a "bravo, well done!" to punctuate what I have achieved through focused concentration on my heart - the heart that pumps inspiration via the blood to the furthest reaches of the body.
The little frame
"Practice in the midst of work. Stop and focus on the etheric world. Call into your consciousness the energies of nobility, power, courage and protection. At the same time, know that the spirit realm is close at hand and with love you call them to you, to help you and guide you. It is through the lifting of your mind and awareness that they are permitted to come to your aid. Practice doing this. Place yourself in a flame of upward flowing energies, a great flame of love to all mankind. This is the greatest protection you can have in turmoil, for it is the power of giving, radiating, expanding. And as you know, when you are busy giving, it is difficult indeed for any other person to hurt you for their malevolent intent is turned aside, backlashing upon them, by the invisible radiation of selfless love surrounding you and protecting. This is the battle armour of the great ones - courage and love, honor and truth, desire for freedom and purity of heart, all rolled into one mighty armour, burnished by the touch of God."
11/28/21 - The Goddess and Emotions
One of the things that the Goddess teachings bring to us is the fact that ascended masters and angels are real, very real, and helping us and are available to communicate with. We have been programmed not to see them, or if we do, to think of them as our imagination. We don’t see them physically but we see them internally in some fashion. Sometimes in a clear mental picture, and sometimes it’s just through a sense of knowing. We have been totally brain-washed into thinking that our internal knowing is hallucinatory. Not true. We can “see” pictures and messages with an internal mechanism that is like a radar or an x-ray machine. It senses the outline of a person or a message or a realization. It seems that men (my experience with men) are programmed to see only the outer physical forms, thus they have come to believe only in text-book science which is proven through physical measurements. The Goddess teachings cultivate believing, hoping, overcoming self-doubt by building confidence in oneself, and developing the power of faith, love, reverence for life, peace, harmony, good will, justice, courage, truth. These are all powers.
By holding thought and focus on these powers we become freer and freer, because we are made from these powers. We have forsaken them. We have given them away. We have allowed our powers to be stolen from us, diverted into other channels. That is why we are a lost race. That is what the NEW age is all about – reclaiming our powers of selfhood. Then we will be free to live without entanglements and put-downs by others which interferes with our positive lifestyle. Our lovestyle. Love is a lifestyle. It's a way of living. Love is about becoming free of entanglements and negatives, but it only happens when we change our SELF by ourself. It doesn’t come from blaming or crediting other people. That’s how we gave our power away in the first place. The new age is here to teach us how to raise our SELF and transform our SELF into higher, better, more courageous and refined human beings. We must not lay blame on others, nor lay credit on others either. Take responsibility for everything that happens to you, with love. Love is a power. By using love as a power we become free and FEEL free. We feel free to love in our own way. The love of freedom. Love and freedom work together. Love and freedom are one coin, one couple, working together. We have the powers within us. We must use them to increase our vibrations.
About vibrations. A low vibration is heavy and dark, a high vibration is light and smooth. Vibration is a pulsing. Rap a table with a knuckle slow and methodical. That’s a slow vibration. It's heavy. Speed it up to a faster tapping, that’s a higher vibration. It's lighter. It's higher on the scale of movement. Vibration refers to how an idea FEELS as compared to how an idea is perceived. A thought is an abstract, intellectual concept. Abstract intellectualism doesn’t have a feeling to it. It has to slow down to be felt as a vibration, viscerally, sensually, to cause an emotion. The body is a slower, lower vibration. An abstract thought is vibrating too high. It does not register on the body. We have to lower the thought down to a slower vibration for the body to FEEL it. This is how we "quicken" the body with higher thought. Spiritual concepts are too high for the body to understand. I am getting this now. This is a new understanding for me. By bringing these very high perceptions and visions down into slower, lower vibration is the BIG job we face. I used to think "It's no use trying to explain. They won't get it." And I kept my high perceptions to myself, alone, secret, my private life was secret. But now I am understanding what it means. Bring these lighter, abstract thoughts down into common language and try to put them into action. Join them with the body. Look for a FEELING. Love is a vibration that can be felt by the body when it is expressed through touch, song, spoken words, hugs, gestures, kindness, benevolence, invention, deeds of mercy, charity, justice. In other words, by living them.
A thought about love is abstract, it is spiritual. There is no feeling in a spiritual or abstract thought unless it is coupled with a feeling or action that touches the life of another. Vibrate the feeling of love slower and lower. Vibrate the feeling of kindness slower and lower. Vibrate patience slower and lower. Vibrate truth slower and lower. You get the idea. Vibrate these higher vibrational qualities with feeling. Put feeling into the body and into life and action. We are being told to raise our vibrations. This refers to our body's vibration. The body is the last to pick up a vibration. We mentally pick up a thought faster, but how do we register it on the body? How do we show it to someone else through action? I didn't understand.
We are being asked to LIVE our truth and our love by putting those feelings into action. Love is not a word, it's a vibration. Love is a Goddess teaching. The Mother Goddess shapes and molds light and love into form by using light from the sun and love from her own kindness and desire to serve. Light and love has been missing from the average human life. We have been a purely mental race, intellectual giants and poor expressors of love. We have remained separate, distant, aloof, cold, uncaring, in the stratosphere of the intellect of mind. The Goddess, the feminine aspect of God, is what takes these abstract qualities and lowers them down into form. She empowers the abstract through feeling. She is the FEELING side of life. She takes abstract qualities and compacts them, coagulates them, crushes them down into a matting of substance. She expresses the God consciousness into form, into the body called animal, human, bird, bear, snake. We feel because we are composed of qualities of love and light. She made us so we could feel them. Feeling is an emotion, an energy that moves. Moving energy is the quality of the divine feminine. She is the feminine aspect of God the Creator. She is the feminine aspect of God who shapes the Earth and the humans and animals into form. She molds it all with light from the sun and with love from her heart and soul. She is a celestial being, a master in her own right, here to serve.
11/27/21 - Random thoughts and visions
When I was a child I was open to all things. It worked fine until I was older. Actually it was fine until I got married. Then situations came into my life and I had to deal with them. They were old issues. I am here to face disempowerment issues and clear them. Coming from a spiritual place, as a child I was in openness. Mostly in spirit. Spirit unifies everything. It does not analyze them or work with them. It simply is open to the flow. Love is not ego. It is total 100% receptive to spirit. It is ego to analyze and decide if a thing is good or bad, right or wrong. Goddess energy is 100% flowing with spirit and love precedes you. Love takes you to where you want to go in your heart. It is overwhelmingly awesome to be in the flow of love. As a human we learn how to be open to the, what we call negative, sad, or bad situations that come to us. We need that negative side as a backdrop, like a deep velvet background allows love to stand out in stark intense beautiful colors. We are here to grow in understanding that love is the healer and the helper along the way. Love gets us through our situations quicker if we will go into 100% receptive mode and not resist the flow of the atoms and molecules moving us into harmony.
I have had to become human in order to highlight the Love that I am here to reawaken. I had to learn how to be human all over again after kundalini awakened. I was in spirit with kundalini and then I descended once more into human. Being human is a separating experience, a duality, and ability to discern comes forward for me to use. I have to learn how to discern, how to judge what is good for me and what is not, and not to be so blindly open as one does in the heavens. In a world of duality we are to develop insight and perception, in order to recognize and understand that there are many diverse people through many diverse energies here in the world. Stay balanced in love while learning these lessons. Now I see. As a sexual being I have to present goddess love through my sexual history, through the eyes of my personal story, because the history of sex is one of perversion. Goddess love is shown in living color against that black velvet backdrop, which sucks everything into its black nothingness, or would if it could. But Goddess love comes forward and lights the way. Goddess love is not sexual any more than God is sexual. However (I have a vision now) the purity of love washes down over the planet and the people. It is breathed in and then utilized and shaped by the people, by their free will. The people are creative. They are imaginative. They take the purity that flows down from the heavens of their being - each one - and they mold it according to personal taste and preference. They add this to the world around them as a creative gift to the planet.
Many darker forms of cruelty have been made from purity, and it was allowed to exist for an age. But it is time for goddess love to shine the light and expose the truth of love light. How to create in form. We are growing our divine personalities out of the darker colors of human. They are taking on more light and more livingness and more sparkle, more clarity. We are becoming divine humans or galactic humans with multidimensional souls. I’m a focus of the Light. I am pulling in the Light and molding it to my focus as I write. I am shaping my perspective through my eyes, through my will, through my way, and showing it to the world what and who I am, how I see, how I act, what I know. I am the Light within me and must show it, just as others are Light within themselves and they must show it. I draw my Light from the sun, who draws his Light from the higher sun, the galactic central sun, who draws his Light from the sun higher above him. This is the descension process of the Light. The Light is descending down and it is our job to receive it with appreciation by looking up to the Light and acknowledging it. We have not been looking up, but now we are starting to look up. The process of acknowledging the light is the process of receiving the light and the next process is expressing the light into form, which is love.
Planets are forms. Planets are ensouled by great beings of Light and mastery who focus the Light into their spherical forms, maintaining their forms. Likewise other forms, wholesome and round, whether it be a woman or a man or a mountain or an ocean. All forms are feminine. We, the consciousness, are pure spirit, not yet in form, descending into form. Each of us has a responsibility to utilize the light as we become aware of it, as it descends into us, as we breathe it in, as we draw it forth into action in the physical. Light is unformed intelligence, and we shape it to our preference by our personal intelligence, will, desire, intention, by our wanting to express something in the world. This is why we are here - to learn how to shape and mold the Light, the intelligence which we are, which is spirit, which is consciousness. It is intelligence and it is Light and it is God/Goddess. How to shape and mold consciousness in a way which is of benefit to all around for the good of the whole - that is the task.
The dark side which has very little Light within, by choice, is selfish by choice. They take the light and mold inward to suit their greedy ways, and do not give to others. They harm others by hoarding what they are given and keep it for themselves. It is not good for the whole. It holds creation back and destroys the creations that others build and obstruct what others attempt to build. We are gaining more understanding now, as we learn about how the process works. There are Light forces coming to this planet, circling this planet, staying in orbit around this planet and beaming their understanding onto the earth. They know we are a troubled planet. They are here to help. They have access to more Light. They use it in a positive way. They have perfected their own civilizations on their own planes. They are sending us information as mental thoughts into our minds. Without their help we would continue to be dark, unlighted, unresponsive to goodness that is trying to gain our attention. Light and Love. The whole process of taking the unformed Light from the suns which represent focuses of Godhead, taking unformed light and creating forms with it - planets, mountains, trees, animals, humans, relationships, better homes, better foods, better ways of living - this is feminine. This is Goddess love at work. Goddess is turning intelligence into form. It is the work of love. Goddess is the feminine side of God which births forms.
11/26/21 - Shamanism and the Goddess
Yesterday in the middle of meditation I had a thought to bring the stuffed owl down and place it near me. I did and continued my meditations. Then I had a thought to light a candle. I did that and lit an incense too. I continued with my meditations. Then I had a thought to take the giant feather and sweep the room in which I sat. So I did and resumed my meditations. Then I had a thought of the women gathering and I thought of the several musical instruments hanging on the wall. So I got up and brought down a rattle and a shaker and the big white drum that Tamsen painted. And I resumed my meditations. Then I thought of other objects and so I got up and looked around the room. I as amazed at how many indigenous objects were waiting to be used. Many years have passed with them sitting immobile against the wall, like the stuffed owl. And the wand with the crystal, and the long shaman's walking stick that Tamsen made. All made of earth material, goards, leather, feathers. Indigenous to the earth.
That was yesterday. Today instead of my usual meditation, I was led into a goddess ceremony as soon as I walked into the room. The language of light began to speak through me. It sounded like Native American. I tapped lightly on the drum and sang in the ancient language which I have done for years, not knowing where it comes from. I used the rattles, the drum, the chimes, the feather, allowed the light language to speak. Then I was led to an old notebook. It is our anniversary today. 28 years in this house. I brought this notebook with me. I opened the cover to the first page, the second, the third. Not sure what I was looking for I scanned each page with the drum still in my left hand. Finally I found it about a third in. Something I had copied in earlier years. Something I must have thought valuable at the time. I read each word carefully, wondering who wrote it. There wasn't a source printed under it. When I reached the final paragraph I started remembering. I wrote this? There was no date. It was slowly coming back to me. Ever so slowly. I wrote it during a time when I was flowing with understanding. It was an Ode to the Earth Mother, the Mother Goddess.
My body has been registering high stress lately, a sign that I must do more to ground my high energy which is moving too fast. The goddess energies are coming up for me to remind me what to do. I am being led to restore my shaman abilities. Where does this come from? I don't know. I can only follow and see where it leads. I see women gathering, each holding a rattle, a drum, a wand, a candle, a rattle, a branch, something of the earth.
Later, after I have finished inside the house, I go out to the pasture and sit in the sun. When it becomes too hot, I move my chair to the shade. It is warm today, beautiful. I sit alone with nothing in my hand. Yes, this is a perfect place for an earth ceremony. I look up at the blue sky, very few clouds, the air is still. I start chanting light language again. Two yellow butterflies are flitting through the bushes by the pool. A third joins them. One comes over to me and circles overhead, then it returns to join the other two. My mind is quiet but my nerves are still strung out. My body is struggling to become still, to connect with the stillness. I understand the pressure to hold a gathering of women. It is an ancient ritual designed to ground and anchor the soul, the feminine. I can't do it alone by myself. I need others to connect with.
(Click HERE to read what I wrote about the Goddess, circa 1986.)
11/25/21 - Goddess is yin - the consort of yang
In men as well as women
Enter the center where Yin resides. Yang is the outer whirling arms, legs and mind. Some people say time is moving past so fast they can’t keep up, but time is not moving at all. Only the hands of the clock move, and the arms and legs. Time does not move. There is no movement at the center. Enter the center where there is no movement. There is no sense of movement in the center. The center is where love resides. Love can blossom when two people connect at the center, or three or four or a group. Wherever individuals merge yet retain their individuality. Where individuality expands to greater clarity. The center is where you know yourself and I know myself. The center is where we can enjoy connection together. The center is an elevator to higher grander vaster ground, to a higher form of love that is not possessive, not personal. The center is where you can have many lovers, many friends, many family members, in harmony, without conflict, without jealousy. The center is where you access your own deepest resources. The center is where physical sex becomes a spiritual and emotional connection. The center is where wisdom flows like water, where visions twinkle and sparkle, where love becomes freedom, and freedom becomes love, where yang becomes yin and yin becomes yang, the outer and the inner merge and become One with everyone and everyone becomes One. The result is bliss, ecstasy, rapture and more. Everyone is One. Everyone is individual. In order to grow in wisdom and love, one must learn how to integrate and balance the yin and yang within which, unbalanced becomes ego, becomes the feeling of being separate from everyone else. Your higher self is one with all others. Higher self keeps you sane, whole, balanced, clear and real.
11/24/21 - Training for a goddess ceremony
I have been thinking a lot about hosting a goddess gathering but I have been unsure how to begin. What should we do at a goddess gathering? I've tried it before but the plan died because I didn't have it in me to carry it further. So I began asking, "What do we do in a goddess gathering?" Master DK says, "What have YOU been doing all these years?", suggesting that I already know what to do. But I don't, because my expectations are too high, too complex. There is too much to consider. I am in space and ungrounded. I want to ground and the idea of a goddess ceremony comes to me. But where do we begin? How do we reconnect with the Earth? I ask my guides. "What is the beginning step to a goddess ceremony?" I feel I must write about it. Plan it. Imagine it. So that is what I am doing today.
Let's pretend we are attending a goddess gathering. Not on zoom. No, no. A real live in-person gathering of women only. Let each person who reads this, read it at their own leisure in their own home and engage or not, as they choose. The advice I am being given is to slow down and widen my consciousness. To connect with Mother Earth will require slowing down and widening your consciousness. Not the mind but the consciousness. Consciousness is the stillness in the background of being. It is the awareness from which thoughts spring forth. It is the stillness from which all life springs. It is the same for Mother Earth. She too has a stillness which is her consciousness. Her stillness runs through nature at its best and most pure. That's why we love to be in the raw and wild nature because we too are composed of that same raw and wild nature. But we have become too mental. We have become disconnected from our own nature. To reconnect, we slow our thoughts and slow our energies and connect with those who are similar to us, not dis-similar. Those who are dis-similar agitate us and tempt us into action and reaction. So we gather with like minds, and slow our busy thoughts. We slow, slow, slow down to reconnect with the Earth forces that are INSIDE us. We are made of the same stuff, you and I. Tio reconnect, we must slow down our thoughts and engage our feelings. Our feelings of peace are what connect us. Abstract thoughts do not have feelings. Thought is an offshoot that reaches for something. It reaches for what it doesn't have. It reaches upwards, higher and higher beyond us, for what is lacking inside us. We must slow that reaching down and become quieter and slower. Attaining stillness and peace is a process that is difficult to attain alone.
We are in a goddess circle of 7 women sitting in a screen room. Each participant sits at a round table with an unlit candle and a stick in front of her. The stick is 6 or 7 inches long. We are asked to take our stick and light one end from the mother flame in the center of the table, and light our own individual candle in front of us, dousing the burning end in the water bowl nearby. We are guided to breathe into our own fire, naturally, easily, peacefully while our hostess begins a guided journey into the mother flame in the center of the table, representing our divine nature. Outside there is a pasture of grass, no houses can be seen. Nature is quiet around us. Only the occasional bird call or butterfly attracts our attention.
It is a mystery why the mind becomes peaceful and more expansive when thinking slows down. Stopping the merry-go-round brings the blur of passing objects into more focus. When it fully stops it places us into firmly into the picture. We are a part of the whole picture when we stop moving. But moving into stillness is a choice. Some do not want to slow down. Some do not want to enter the stillness yet. We may stop at any point along the way into the slowing down. It is each one's choice because we are an individual. We can choose and it is not wrong. We have a say in how far we go into stillness, but not here. We have been invited to this goddess gathering and we know ahead of time what we will be doing. That is the process of creating a word picture first.
Oh! So that's why I have to do this. I am growing in understanding. I am being led. I have had to understand because I've been afraid to hold a goddess gathering. I have been afraid that the pushiness of the outer minds of the people would take over and I wouldn't be able to stand up against their needs, that overwhelming tide of different desires, needs and pushiness of personalities that are ever present. I seek the quiet of the DIVINE feminine, not the earth feminine. I am calling it forth. As I write these words I realize that I have nothing to be afraid of because the others present want the same thing. Because I have explained the process ahead of time.
On the screen room at the round table, we are guided to hold hands with those on either side of us. We are led further into unity and reconnection with parts of ourselves we seldom experience. We now feel ourselves becoming slower in thought, wider in connection. The goddess ceremony is a process of quietening the mind and connecting with the oneness. It takes a while. The music is very quiet and the air wafting through the screens is also quiet. It is a ritual of becoming present with one another. It is a ritual of feeling peace while in the presence of others. The ego is the agent of separation. When the mind is busy reaching for something not here yet, it separates from everyone else and goes alone. The goddess ritual is stopping the mind from reaching. When we go quiet, the sense of separation melts away. We sense the oneness. It is natural. It is quiet. It is still.
At the end we have snacks and chat easily, becoming our normal selves again. What else will we do during the goddess circle? I ask this question because my mind races ahead to wonder. I am caught up in reaching again. The energies of life flow fast through me and around me. I seem to be cranked up high all the time. It keeps me buzzing. So I have been asking, "What can we do at a goddess gathering?" I will continue to ask and listen and will post my findings here in my blog.
Meanwhile, enjoy the peace of stress release. Tomorrow is Thanksgiving day. I am grateful to be alive in this beautiful property and house which we have been fighting to save. I bought a Pointsettia and a balloon today to celebrate. We will have turkey and the fixings tomorrow. I wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving who happens to see this blog. These blogs help me to focus on what I want and understand my place in the scheme of things. I hope you enjoy them. Feel free to write me any time and offer suggestions. Love, Diana
11/23/21 - Tantric love by Master DK
I received a clear picture of two people doing Tantra love today, from Master DK. A man and woman sitting together facing each other in a meditation, eyes closed, in silence, each focusing on their inner light and love whatever way they do that. Neither one of them made an effort at pushing it. They waited, and communed with their light bodies until their light bodies moved them to engage in physical lovemaking. Slowly. I don’t know how to describe this to someone who is not aware of their light body. But the words “precise balance” came to me. Each physical body, both the man and the woman, the male and female energies had to be precisely balanced. Neither one pushing on the other one, or the other withdrawing. Both precisely equally balanced. Both surrendered to the love WITHIN. They did not focus on each other. Their focus was a meditation pose, focusig on their individual I Am Presence. When each of their individual I Am Presence(s) reached that precise balance point where they merged and blended in oneness and connection, both the man and the woman responded at the same timef. The personalities were not engaged. They were drawn magnetically to join. Only the love and light of their God Presence within them acted since it was the same sameness in each one. It was Self making love with Self but they were able to enjoy it through two separate bodies. This was shown to me clearly and perfectly as the ultimate Tantric union between two people.
11/22/21 - How to raise your consciousness
It starts out as a belief. You have to change your belief system to create a new belief to set the direction in a positive, upward direction. By continuing to believe this, eventually it turns into faith. And then into knowing which is the real connection. It takes holding onto the belief in order to process your “old” that has kept you in limbo. Keep holding onto the belief by wanting to believe. This is how you raise your consciousness. Personal connection is human day-to-day interactions which are filled with personal debris that is unimportant to spirit. Going beyond personal to a larger expanse level is creating through less focus. Lesser and more refined, more free, more loose, more liquid, more light, more letting go of the “old”. This is how we connect with our higher selves which is sheer pure divinity for we are the children of divinity, growing ourselves back home. There is a divine electric in us that keeps us ticking and breathing. It comes from higher planes, so our direction is “up” and away from the dense physical focus, BUT not leaving the dense physical behind but incorporating the dense physical into our upward journey. We do not divide ourselves out of physicality, we incorporate the non-physical love and refinement into the physical. Thus we integrate physical and non-physical and we feel wonderful.
There’s a cheater in every one of us. It’s the personal aspect of us, the small aspect that feels unloved and unwanted. But there is a larger aspect in us who lives interwoven alongside the personal unloved aspect of us. Both are us. The human experience is a learning experience. We are not human for very long. It’s a lifetime incased inside skin and bone to learn how to choose between the larger aspect which is love and light and transparent, seeking the good of the whole, or choosing the small dense personal unloved and unwanted aspect. We are both. We are the chooser. We are the grand person of nobility and we are the small and rejected hurting person in pain. Which one do we feed?
11/21/21 - Cast your stories upon the waters
One day I asked spirit to please help me ground the light into my writings. I need help grounding. The answer came in the following words.
Begin by falling forward. You have a momentum. It is rushing forward. A river of intention is rushing like a stream from the top of the mountain down to the sea - an allegory very apt. Be who you are at all times. Don’t listen to the fears and concerns that come from other people. Transcend them and listen to your rushing desires. Step aboard your waters of life for they are pure and buoyant. They will carry you forward, downward, down the mountain to meet the sea of human consciousness where your input will ripple outward to touch the consciousness and the energies of so many people you have no idea how many. You have only just begun your teaching. There is far more for you to do. Cast your stories upon the waters and let them go freely where they will. Do not try to control the venue or the title or the market or the audience. We will handle that. You just write. Use your journals as reference only. Use your knowledge, your experience, your wisdom, your sight, and your love - your deep, deep love of freedom for all - let this ripple through your writings. Give encouragement, give support, give invitations to come forth, give space, give opportunities. You are so beautiful. You have much to give. We stand over and around you protecting you, guiding you, supporting you, shifting your attention as needed to keep you on your rightful track as you request us to do and give us authority. We are your helpers, your friends, your spiritual support on the other side of your veil. You do not see us but you feel us and our influence upon you never ceases. We are here for you and you are here for us. We serve as do you. Shalom!
11/20/21 - Loving the WHOLE body, not just the physical
The future man and woman will be able to love the WHOLE body, not just the surface shell or skin of a person. By that I mean we will be able to love and connect with the etheric body, the astral body (emotional), the mental body and the spiritual body all at the same time. These are the four densest layers of our humanness, all of which feed and nourish and inspire the physical body. We have been led to believe we are just physical. That we have only one body and there’s nothing more to us than that. That is our finite limited belief and we focus on that. But we know we are more than a piece of meat held together by muscle, blood and bone. Loving the WHOLE body doesn’t pertain to the sexuality of the body but to adoring the whole body, worshiping the whole body, loving the whole body in such a way that there is a deep and profound peace and calm throughout, from feet to head.
Many people already know what I know but most are unwilling to speak of these things, not daring to acknowledge this that we know deep in our hearts and souls. Most people are not speaking about them because they think nobody else knows and you don’t want to be the one who rocks their boat with wild unbelievable off-the-chart stories. Now I am being shown that many people are thinking the same thing. Everyone is being, like, “Shhhh! Don’t tell!” Trying to keep it quiet and under the radar. We are all cowards! We don’t want to be the one who says, “Look! The king has no clothes!” (famous children's story) and all the adults say, “Shhh, don’t say anything.” So we are all keeping it a secret. We are not talking about what we know but it's coming. We are getting ready.
11/19/21 - Aloneness
There is an innocence and a naturalness to you that has been corrupted and made to feel unnatural, made to feel you are wrong for feeling the way you do. To hold such lies in place a control system of laws was created to prevent you from knowing the truth and gaining your freedom. From the lies that you are sinful and less than absolutely and stunningly perfect just as you are, government, laws, authorities and police enforcement manipulate people unnaturally. News media, congress, politicians, Hollywood entertainment, food and pharmacy industries, music bands, sports, any venue that draws crowds. There are experts who study the psychology of crowd control.
Where do you feel most free? Alone, right? Alone walking in nature, at the beach, in the forest, on the mountains, even in your own room alone without the electronic gadgetry. Alone you can hear and feel yourself. When you are exposed to others outside yourself alone, your brain and nervous system are being inundated with “not-self” particles of energy that push and pull and suck on you. Meditation is becoming more popular as people discover the value of alone time. And yet we long to be in company with others who are like us. That is I have the yearning to call together those who want to cultivate closer friendships that are more quiet, more warm, more connective and comfortable to be with. We call it love, but it’s not what you think of as personal love. It’s rather just feeling alive, warm and good with other people around. It’s loving and caring.
It’s heart-centered. It is a yearning to be free to connect without jealousy or sex threatening to become an issue. But in order to do that we have to release everything that obstructs our forward movement into happier places and more comfortable people. The freedom to be simply who we are, naturally who we are. How do we do that? We don’t find freedom out there on the street in the world at large because the atmosphere is clouded and crowded with too many issues and don’ts. We walk carefully out there but in here, in a gathering of like-minded friends we can focus on relaxing. Or can we? This is why I write about it so much. I want to cultivate a network of people, normal, average human beings like you and me, where we can gather and talk together frankly and openly. I mean really OPENLY. Share, tell, reveal, disclose, be honest. There is a natural goodness underlying each person’s outer personality or face. We call it a mask. There is a natural goodness underlying the mask really deep down. An innocence. A powerful being of light and love and freedom who is a royal, sovereign power. How can we cultivate this power? It exists even in the hateful or angry person who is filled with resentment for having to shut down his natural goodness. When your friends let you breathe free, you are perfect.
Speaking of freedom, I am testing the waters of the community. I just posted an invitation to come to me for an ascension massage. Click HERE. It is being sponsored by the ascended masters. I have been a student of theirs for 50 years. I am testing the waters of the community by revealing more about myself. I posted it several days ago. Whenever I disclose more of myself I always experience more happiness, joy and freedom afterward. It is like pumping fresh blood into my system. I urge everyone to try being more honest, truthful, vulnerable, revealing. The truth will set you free in ways you can't even imagine.
11/17/21 - Ascended Master Teachings
Ascended Master knowledge is knowledge of good and evil. It is knowledge that goes beyond gender masculine and feminine. The goal is to bring knowledge about the human form being a divine manifestation, but it must be washed clean of the human confusion and errors that have caused backups and bog-downs. Good old fashioned mud! The human is a divine god-man and god-woman underneath the cloak of mud. This is beyond human. It is about bringing forth the DIVINE human. The human individual is designed to become a human IMMORTAL individual, but that can only be accomplished by leaving behind the limited errors which make up the human which are not in harmony with perfection. This is known as the immaculate concept of each individual soul. In the beginning the soul was created in purity. The human experience has accumulated a massive amount of errors. These errors that clog up the human soul are to be lighted up by the divine, by our higher selves. That’s when we become Christed. That’s when we begin reversing the aging process. The human becomes an immortal forever more at the prime of life – ageless. An ascended being.
11/16/21 - Your attention is your power
When you hear your name called on the street, you turn your attention to the source of the sound. That is how the Masters respond when you call them. Unless you call them, they do not hear you. You are hidden among the smog of the mass collective. It is your calling to them by name that turns their attention to you. You attract them like a bird calling to its mate. That is how an embodied soul creates a line of communication with the ascended masters and also with those who are disembodied. Loved ones who have passed. Call them by name but you must be sincere. You must be focused. You must put all of your attention into the calling. Your attention is your power. And then listen. Be silent. Enter the stillness. They will respond. You must listen for their response. Cultivate a line of communication. Pave it over and over again with your calling them by name. Be sure to use the title "Ascended Master" before their name for their are other embodied souls who bare the same name.
Your attention must have the proper respect and uplifting attitude of trust, hope and faith that will reach them. This is like a telephone line. You do not want the line to be filled with static. Become a silent listener. This is meditation at its best. Make the call and then become silent and turn inward and listen upward into the blankness and nothingness of space, where there is no thought or image to distract you. It is the sacred telephone line of listening.
You may not hear words spoken the way you are accustomed, as you hear an Earth word uttered. But you will receive guidance. You will receive guidance in a way that is natural to you. You will simply know what to do. Spiritual guidance comes in many ways. A visit from a friend, a new business opportunity, a chance meeting that changes your life, a book falling off the shelf, a wild animal approaching you, a pine cone dropping on your head as it once did to me. You and the masters are one mind. We all are part of the one mind. How can life be otherwise? How can someone find one soul in a vastness that includes everyone? It must be by calling out a name. A name is a singular resonance. It is an individual vibration. We in solid earth bodies have been cut off from the vastness of the one mind so we can focus on the outer solid material world. But we can also connect with the ascended masters and those who are not in our reality when you understand the protocol of calling and listening. Reconnect with the ascended master realm and you will begin to know again. You have always known but you did not know that you knew. You had amnesia.
Cultivating a relationship with the ascended masters is to develop a belief in them. You begin by experimenting. Try it out. Trust what you are receiving. It requires your attention. Your attention is your power. It is not just your imagination, as you have been told. When you connect with the ascended masters you are connecting with Source, the creator. This connection will bring you not only happiness and freedom, but it will open you to be of service. Your most fervent wishes and desires to contribute will unfold miraculously. They want to help you but they are not allowed to intervene until you call and ask for assistance. They will help to bring you in touch with your divine plan, that which is your underlying desire. Everyone wants to be of service but we don't kow how. We need help. We have been cut off from Source. Connecting with the Ascended Masters is how they help us. It is why they are there, waiting for us to ask for help.
It takes time but once you have begun a daily practice, you will be surprised at how quickly your life begins to have more meaning. Realigning with Source means realigning with your own divine plan. You are linking up to the greater plan. Trusting the Ascended Masters is how we begin the linking up. You will notice a lightening of spirit and happiness. Your heart will start opening and radiating joy. Your heart has been held in bondage to the intellect, which is only one half of your wholeness. The heart must be opened too. This is what the light can do for you. The ascended masters are eager for this heart connection. They too wish to be of service but they cannot intervene. Mankind must ask for help. The earth would have been destroyed long ago, without the help of the Ascended Masters working through embodied human beings who spent time listening and following Their guidance.
Use the mantra, “I Am light" (1) that was given to us by Master El Morya (or maybe St. Germain). Memorize it and repeat it often throughout the day. Go to sleep saying it. This will set your etheric body in a direction to pour forth love and blessings throughout the night, so that when you wake in the morning you will be refreshed. You are revitalized when light pours through you unconditionally. It sets you to rightness. You do not show favoritism but on all alike, just as the sun pours forth light on the great and small alike. You will be activating the law of forgiveness and harmony within your mind, feelings and etheric body as you sleep. All that you pour forth from within you, will return to you many times over. It is the Law of reciprocity.
(Footnote) I am light, glowing light, radiating light, intensified light. God consumes my darkness, transmuting it into light. This day I am a focus of the central sun. Flowing through me is a crystal river, a living fountain of light that can never be qualified by human thought and feeling. I am an outpost of the divine. Such darkness as has used me is swallowed up by the light which I am. I am, I am, I am light. I live, I live, I live in light. I am light’s fullest dimension, I am light’s purest intention. I am Light! Light! Light! Flooding the world everywhere I move, blessing, strengthening and conveying the purpose of the Kingdom of Heaven!
11/15/21 - H is for Home
I woke up with words running through my mind. A is for allowing, awesome, accepting. B is for breathing, C is for caring, D is delightful, dazzling. E is for excellent, excitement, F is for fun, fabulous, freedom, G is for God/Goddess, H is for heart, home. I is for intelligence, I Am, integration. J is for joy, jubilation. H is for home. The idea of Home started to expand into a broader concept. Home is inside.
The world and relationships are outside and always changing and moving. They are transient, not stable. Home is inside, it is never moving. It is stable, it can be trusted. Home is not the house where you live or the town or city or country, or the person who lives with you. Family is not home. It is temporary. You have had many families, many homes, many cities, towns, villages. They are all transient.
Home is inside. It is where YOU are. YOU are home when you are within yourself. Learn to trust yourself. You are forever and you never ever change. Only your perceptions change. Only your lessons change. Only your mind changes. It grows and expands and sometimes it loses track of who you are, but YOU - the one you identify as “me” or “I” - the one who observes through your eyes, smells through your nose, tastes through your tongue, hears through your ears, touches other people - this “me” never changes because it is the real you who dies and is born and dies and is born and dies and is born, and inbetween you remember.
You forget when you are in a body, but the real you is there within, in every cell of your body. You are the same you that was pure and whole in the beginning and you remain pure and whole even when you’re in a body, even as you dwell inside your body. Do you remember? You are always you. You forget who you are when in the body because you are distracted by the changes and movements of the people around you. But you are eternally you and you are remembering through flashes of insight. This is a wonderful warm home-coming as you remember to love yourself and be kind to yourself and to return your attention back into yourself. You are remembering yourself so you do not get lost the way you have been lost before.
11/14/21 - From DK on being too feminine
One day I asked my invisible guide, Master DK, "How do I control my attention?" His answer: "You are too feminine. You must learn to use your brain too, along with your heart/feeling. You are too much in waiting mode and receiving mode, because that is your primary default as feminine through lifetimes. You MUST wake up to your brain activity and take charge of the direction of your life. Your brain is the human vessel control mechanism. This is the next stage in your development. Work together with your brain. The brain is how you control your attention. The general emphasis to the public has been directing people to go to their hearts and feelings because the masses are too brain centered. You are too heart/feeling centered."
(Me: So it’s OK to have an agenda?)
Yes, it’s OK. Make an agenda and use your brain which is your masculine side to control your daily life.
(Me: Oops. I started kicking in with too much energy, like I had been let out of the box, and realized it)
Remember to stay connected to your heart. Equality is remaining connected to the heart and the mind. Equality is perfect balance between mind and heart. The masters use the heart flame to raise or lower their vibrations as needed. They use the masculine directing force through the brain to direct their attention. Direction is given to act but the heart provides the power to act. The brain does not have the power. The brain is the masculine force and the heart/body is the feminine force. They must work together like fingers on one hand work together and help one another. They do not fight and contradict one another. So the brain and heart must work together. You have been learning this through your sexual activity between men and women.
The brain is not the controller. Control comes from higher than the physical brain or the physical heart. It comes down THROUGH the heart from the God-self. The brain makes the decision where to focus attention. You are in the brain most of the time, so you must use the brain to decide to focus attention on the heart. This is the work of the modern day westerner for he is too brain-focused. The heart is the main portal, the front door to the house you live in. Go and open the front door and let your God-self speak. You listen. You will feel it through sensations of wholeness, sureness, clarity, liberation, goodness, peace, truth. This is the God-self speaking to you. If you are connected brain-to-heart in a wholesome way, then your brain will make a wise decision to act. If the brain and heart remain connected, the heart/body will provide the power to act and the wisdom to act, the knowledge of how to act, and the truth and best way to act. The heart receives, the brain decides, the heart supports the decision and they work together, intellect and body. The power comes through the heart.
If the brain tries to act on its own without the power of the wholesome heart, the innocent heart, it will not be able to sustain the action. It will collapse, either today or tomorrow or next week or next month. The sustainability is the power of the God-self. Learn to listen to the heart but USE THE BRAIN! The message from the God-self descends down through seven levels. The first three levels are perfect, but when the message enters the mental, emotional, etheric and physical, the four lower bodies have a will of their own called the ego or artificial intelligence that is not connected to the God-self. The physical heart lives and pumps blood and messages from the God-self as long as the God-self is connected to the body. We call it the life force. The physical heart pumps the life force and light messages out into the rest of the body, wherever the arteries and veins and capillaries go, so the whole body is capable of getting the sensation of life. Do you understand? (Yes)
(Me: Re: massage by women for women only - why are we doing this?)
It’s a simple matter. Those who are too masculine, many male bodies, but there are some female bodies also whose biology is too focused on outer physical interactions. If the women are also brain-based rather than heart-based, they are also too controlling. Some masculine souls are focused on outer physical interactions but are also heart-based. They are tender men. But the majority of men are too masculine because they are brain-based plus focused on physical interactions. The result is pressure on those who are too feminine and receptive. Many women feel pressured by men, as you did. But there are some women who are masculine and therefore focused on physical interaction and brain-based like a man, even though her body is female. Those who are too feminine are receptive and passive and allow others to guide them and set direction. These souls are connected to their inner feelings more than connected to their brain or outer physical interactions. These souls must be awakened to understand this.
This is an esoteric teaching because it is deeply personal to each soul how to adjust. No education has been provided on this subject. Knowledge has been given in esoteric schools called mystery schools and kept underground because the majority of the population was not ready to hear it. Women today need other women to work out an understanding between themselves without the pressure from those whose biology is from a different perspective. Each person is a package of dynamic knowledge locked in and held back from experiences from past lives, both skills and talents of the human kind and also spiritual wisdom and knowledge from the God-self. But it is all being held back because of cultural taboos and training against freedom to express. Her beliefs may be right or may be wrong, but she will not know until she is allowed to expose and express herself in spontaneous ways, in an atmosphere of feeling free.
Recognize your default program which is hard-wired into you and try using opposite approaches, like ways you don’t like. Start the change process. For example, women don’t know how to be truly intimate or how to cuddle because they are programmed to think that intimacy with men - perhaps women too - means sex. Teach women how to not be afraid of intimacy. Massage, cuddle, touch and hug without sex as a motive. Discuss that warm arousal feelings of love are natural and not to be afraid of it. Teach NOT TO GO THERE! Discuss this. Get over the sex obstruction. It is subliminal obstruction which is preventing women from feeling true intimacy and love. Women have been insidiously blocked from love without their realizing how it happened. Now they are trying to find the “right” man who will “make” them feel love. It doesn’t work because he will not always be in the right mood to “make” her feel love. He will change. (Received 5/12/19)
11/12/21 - Revelations from 40 years ago
It was 1981 and we were in Costa Rica visiting friends. While Bob and our hosts sat discussing the affairs of the collapsed economy, I was drawn irresistibly to their tiny library and what I knew is on those shelves. I pulled out a book printed in the 1800’s by an enlightened man by the name of leReaux in Michigan. It had gold printing on an old dark blue cover, tattered at the edges. I opened it and began to read under the hall light. It was a translation from the writings of a magician during the years between 1501 and 1550 when he was attempting to make some sense out of those esoteric and ancient truths that had come tumbling down through the ages. This morning as I write I am still vibrating with the glimpses revealed to me then, for as we drove home I was on a cloud of light.
When we climbed into bed it seemed the very heavens were pushed back for me. I felt as though I were waking up from a long sleep. How could this be, I thought to myself? I could see beyond the reasoning mind, or was it that the reasoning grew up in one single jump, far beyond its old outposts? I know more today than I did yesterday and the knowledge is stupendous. But it is knowledge about which I cannot write yet. Although one thing I know with an absoluteness that defies proof. And that is that there are beings, intelligent beings helping me, and probably helping others, too. I can see them with those faculties that perceive things not physical.
With these same faculties I saw the first glimpses while we were still in Florida. We had gone out to eat at a seafood restaurant, just Bob and me, and I had smoked a marijuana cigarette alone before we left. Though I do not smoke often, perhaps two a month, on those occasions when I do it is always a revelation of extraordinary dimensions. On this occasion as we sat in a second class restaurant near the water dipping lobster into melted butter, I looked through the dark window pane to the even darker trees on the other side of the road and saw instead of the darkness a sea of something indescribable. It was an essence like a heat mirage from the road in the distance. It was a lovely thing, alive, not solid, not liquid, not gas, not space, not sound, not color, but it was something else unnameable. Yet it is more alive, more intelligent and more knowledgeable and more perfect and more compassionate than any of the above. If I had to choose a name for this unnameable essence, it would be intelligence. Intelligence that is refined to such perfection and including all beneath it, that it became beauty and loveliness - a thing to be desired. There was a magnetism that drew me irristably to forget all else around me. It was absorbing me and teaching me at the same time.
As I watched the movements of this lovely essence, for it never stopped its action which radiated with purpose, I saw it consolidating and stopping here and there, falling to a close or an end, though all around it the action continued. And each stopping point was a human consciousness that could not comprehend any more. That was its limit of reason. Then I realized the science of astrology for each stopping point fixed it at a certain place and time. Therefore a man born in 1510 in Europe, for example, would have had a life totally different from that same consciousness if it were born again in 1924 in Chicago.
And then between the verbal conversation which I was carrying on with Bob, I saw the lightening of the ages, the thinning out and elevating of the years and the coming gifts that will arrive from the ancients who watch us. Those marvelous, non-selfish, human beings who are helping us by stimulating our instincts for growth, the genetic implants within us which have been so slow in developing, And as they stimulate us with visions and dreams and thoughts we learn to let go and move on.
Do I dare form the words that are hanging in the hallway of my mind? If I were living in 1510 would I have gotten this far? Surely not. But today is a new time and a new space, and I am at the brink of breaking through and expressing that which I am. Only then can I go on and continue my journey through the rarefied mists of intelligence beyond.
As I lay last night in the arms of Bob, cuddling against his hairy chest and feeling my skin melt into his, the cells jumping in my leg muscles, my stomach, arms, head and skin. It prickled all over as though being charged with electricity. I wanted to jump out of bed and run through the house and out of doors and shout that I am free! Something inside of me wanted to do just that, but I couldn’t. That would have pushed me beyond reason and I must fight to stay within the confines of logic. Hard to do but consciousness expands slowly, so a physical acceptance can keep up with it, all moving together in a delicate balance. The limits of that balance are the limits of sanity. It is no wonder that those who have glimpsed these things have often flipped out. A glimpse into the unknown is the thinning away of the barriers that protect us - the barrier that enfolds us as the shell of an egg protects the delicate yoke inside. Some call it the aura but it is the protective veil that shields us from too much of the cosmic power that sizzles with a life beyond our ability to handle. And thus we stop there. It is the edge of our consciousness. And slowly we push upon it. Only subtle thinning is safe. The mild, gentle learning, all within reason, within “time”, within the ability of the environment to handle it, for an opening in this veil is an entry point of this power into the world. It is an awesome power and we must become responsible.
And further, I saw something which still lingers in me awaiting capture and definition. It concerns the wondrous art of meditation. So many people want to meditate and yet, very few are successful in their attempts and are thus living in a frustration which need not be. Meditation lies not in the technique. It lies not in what you do with your hands, your feet, your sitting position. It lies not in a peaceful environment or a place of privacy. Meditation does not depend on any of these things. Successful meditation depends upon desire. Desire is the only ingredient that will assure success and one must wait until desire builds sufficiently to push oneself into action. One may read, one may imagine, one may talk with others and one may learn techniques. But in the end none of these things will do it for him. Only his desire will catapult him finally into giving up some of his life to make room for it.
Desire is the seed that causes change. Desire stimulates the cosmic energy in the center of the body. Desire is the vacuum into which rushes the answer. Desire stimulates the psychic energy, the cosmic power which lives dormant in the center, in the geometric enter of the body as in the heart of a seed. Therefore it must be a deep desire, a strong desire. I am speaking of the kundalini now.
Sexual desire is the primal stimulation, the first movement of the cosmic growth. Use it with the same curiosity with which it was first born. Use it with awe, with respect, with wonder. Discover its magic, encourage its feeling, for it is a beginning. use it until you can use it with freedom, the freedom to do or not to do, as you yourself choose and then knowledge will come. For knowledge follows such a freedom like a shadow follows a man as he walks toward the light. Then the great mystery of sex is reduced to rubble in the light and a new science is born - the science of spiritual knowledge and it is built upon a physical base. A base strong enough to support it.
11/11/21 - The feminine and the patriarchy
The feminine aspect of life is that part which likes to share. This part of the human is open and connected to everyone and everything in the natural state. But it has been usurped, stolen from, weakened, closed down. During the dark ages, the masculine aspect of life took control through various and sundry means, which in essence, drew on that feminine openness, pleaded with that openness, expressed deep needs and hungers that only the feminine could fill and therefore could not resist, and she answered the call. She was sucked into a trap and the trap sprang closed on her. She gave her power away to the masculine power and today we have a patriarchal system and a disempowered, disconnected humankind. It is important to understand that disconnection is true in both genders, not just the man, not just the woman. For the man has a feminine side to him and a woman has a masculine side to her. But it is primarily the male who expresses the patriarchy because, after all, he is in a masculine body.
The patriarchal system we call monogamy grew out of the need of a man to own a woman all for himself, so he could draw on her as an energy source. It kept women isolated. What the men did not realize was they too were trapped in the system, as part of the larger, more insidious system that was surreptitiously designed by off-worlders. Highly intelligent races from other worlds who watched and visited the Earth in prehistory to explore, discover and experiment with the humanoid race. With different motives behind them, each alilen race came to fiddle with the young and vulnerable evolving humans. They were the ones who put the monkey wrench into the works. They modified our DNA for purposes of their own, and thus we have been kept in separation, divided from each other, when natural evolution would have us growing together peacefully. We have been kept uneducated.
We, the evolving human race, has been kept unbalanced, divided and prevented from growing into fully integrated sentient beings, heart-centered and balanced in mind, body and feeling as a progressive race. Thus we have been unable to gather and commune with each other honestly, openly and freely. We didn't have the chance to grow our freedom to circulate, move about and learn for ourselves. Monogamy served very well to keep the separation going. With each man having his own feminine body to live with, it was an ideal way to keep females tied down, from openly expressing their love, kindness, tenderness freely flowing. This was the big mistake. And because she couldn‘t be open, neither could he. The men were just as much a victim as the women because they did not know the super alien powers that controlled them from a malevolent master mind. They were locked into an energy vortex pointing downward. This was written into law. It has evolved into our legal system of today, theoretically meant to keep everyone safe, but in actuality intended to shape and mold a prison-like structure of do's and don'ts. There is no free and open spirit flowing today. Laws were put into place a long time ago.
The return of the goddess is the return of balance to humankind. Known as the divine feminine, the goddess energy is a gentle and sensitive return to heart-centered living and open and healthy communication in a free-flowing way. Freedom to speak, think, believe, act and exchange insights and opinions and love without being arrested, censored, condemned, ostracized or killed. Freedom to be simply who one is by nature, by the wisdom accumulated through many, many prior lives, which knowledge is innate and part of the evolving soul's experience. Right now, in this current moment, men who themselves are shut down and censored by higher authorities, are being used as the enforcers on other men and women. It is an insidious system. The male is programmed to be closed-lipped. That means, don‘t talk don‘t tell, don‘t reveal what you know. Keep your knowledge secret. Keep your past repressed. Don't share, don't speak, don't wonder, don't investigate. Why? No one knows why.
Governments say it’s for “Homeland Security“ but that‘s nonsense. The female has been programmed to obey and go along with the rules or suffer the consequences. Today's female thinks this is a natural state for her to be this way. It is not. She is a goddess who has been held back in class. She has not been allowed to study and learn her trade. She is a goddess in training who is not allowed to gather with her sisters and practice goddess skills. She has not been allwoed to live openly, freely, the love that she has accumulated. In the past and in other parts of the world today, if a woman crosses a legal line, she gets shot, stoned, imprisoned or harassed to death. Both genders have been shut down. Look at the US patriarchal government. Neither gender in government has power. They are told to be close-lipped. “Keep it secret”. “Don’t tell the other side." It's a structure of governing that does not work. We remain divided on all levels. It has closed everybody down, including the president.
Without realizing it, the goddess energy is in the process of changing all this. It is working quietly behind the scenes to correct the alien law on the books today, and bring about a more decent, natural universal law which can help the humans live together in peace. There is a higher law in place. It pervades space and keeps the suns and planets in orbit through enlightened intelligence. There are no secrets. There is only a continuous process of integration. It is a learning. It is a science. It is a teaching. There are great beings who are guiding us. There is a continual integration into oneness and wholeness as each soul chooses to take it. Or not. They can refuse but the offer is there always. We are meant to be part of the whole, which is the equivalent o living in a large family who supports you and loves you. We are heading in that direction through the ascension process. It's going to take time, but we've come a long way in the last 50 years.
Those worlds who are more advanced than us, have learned to live in a more civilized way with open communication direct with Source. They live an enjoyable individual life of excitement. For them, life is good. Life is not an accident. It is designed, and it is designed with love and intelligence. The goddess energy has been shut off on this planet and we haven't been allowed to design our life the way we want it. The goddess energy is now being turned back on. The return of the goddess will bring back equality between the sexes in a more beautiful, integrated way. We've had limiting structures built into us and we've been stopped from growing in a positive upward way. The natural way is returning now. It is being seen on the internet. It’s not the human woman who is going to save the planet, for she is just as lost as the men have been. She does not have any more power to change the world as she is today than the men do, unless and until she become empowered by her own free will choices. Then she will change the world. Input by the feminines of the planet is going to save the race. The feminine side is what is our divine side. There is a masculine side which is that part which explores over the mountainand far away out into the void. But the feminine side keeps us connected to the divine. She does not move. She is the center of the hub, the center of the home. It is not being a saint to be in divine communication with Source. It is being wise, graceful, intelligent, true to oneself. It is being a part of Source, compassionate, patient, loving and forgiving. The feminine side of life is our natural innate intelligence. It has been seduced into a corrupt version of female. But the real divine feminine is still there. It has not disappeared. It has simply been covered over and lost to the outer sight, but it is still there. We have to dig for it like archeologists dig for ancient relics and bones.
What is this feminine aspect? There is a tenderness in the human being which is innate sensitivity to life. It exists within both men and women. The divine masculine and divine feminine is the same oneness that is separated by human words. It is really all one. The human version is waiting to be integrated and brought back together again into oneness. The twin flame is not a twin at all. It is ONE! It has been divided by humans who love to divide everything up into fragmented pieces. This oneness is waiting for the outer personality to bend, soften and surrender. The outer human personality is an alien product, shaped by alien races, but underneath is the natural human soul waiting to come out on the world stage. The natural wholeness is waiting for the outer personality to relinquish control, and allow the return to softness again. It is the great power within. It is the great unifier. How can we do this?
It just takes a few moments to stop and be still and turn inward often throughout the day and depressurize. Fall back on the softness within. Stop the thoughts from churning. In time each person will learn how to do this. It is destined. That upon which the alien outer personality relies for breath and energy is softness. It has always been there underneath the hard shell of outer focus. It is the life of the body. It is closer than hands and feet and breath. It is what beats our heart and moves our limbs. It digests the food we eat, and it supports EVERTHING we do, every second of the day. Even the evil that we do. When we stop and surrender to it, we are transformed into warmth and contentment. It feels like a great mother is holding us wrapped to her bosom. It is love. It is our own guiding force. It shows us how to yield in situations that previously caused terror, fear and angst. It teaches us how to maneuver in safer, more secure ways. It is instructive. It is what we are calling today the goddess energy. It is inside us. We just have to know it is there and test it. Cultivate it, lean on it, develop it. We have been taught lies. It doesn’t cost money. It doesn’t require us to take a test or to pass an initiation.
That which is whole and integrated in harmony and peace does not obey the artificial human which is an alien creation. What we call human standards today are sub-standard and below the dignity of the wholeness. This wholeness provides a sense of peace that goes waaaay beyond human peace. Wholeness becomes wholeness by integrating with neighbors in tenderness, softness, peacefulness, love, truth, purity, harmony, happiness, sharing, giving, receiving. Without limits or conditions attached. This wholeness lives within us every moment of the day and supports the actions we take and the words we speak even when we take wrong actions. It supports us until we use it all up and we are weakened to the point of growing old and decrepit. The next stage is death of the body. But it is only we ourselves that allow old age. We can reverse that process by living true to ourself and in tune with everyone else around us. By living integrated with the wholeness we extend our longevity, living healthy, happy and without struggle or pain. It is destined.
To grow back into the wholeness again all we need to do is surrender to that soft place within. It is silence and stillness when human alien thoughts stop churning. It may be hard to do at first, but a beginning must happen somewhere. Sometime. Today. Stop trying to fit into an alien world. Stop fighting. Stop resisting. By going within to the silence which is felt as love, warmth and peace, we leave the alien culture of loneliness. The universe is maintained by the myriads of intelligent beings who have chosen THIS over separation. Go within and go up the inner elevator to the top floor and assume the overview. Be your own master, guide and angel. See the truth from that high place of silence. See the purity. See the courage. See the love. See the peace. Stand inside it and become integrated into the wholeness of life. Whether you're a man or a woman, you are entering the divine feminine, the center of yourself. Become that which is there within you which has been supporting the limitations and the lies. Fall back on the good, the decent, the honorable. It is good for everyone, not just for you alone. You join the wholeness and there are many here with you.
Each human being has the wholeness within. It is the goddess energy. The divine mother. It exists as the god within men, the divine father, as it exists as the goddess within women, the divine mother. We are gods and goddesses here on earth to learn these things. We are in training. We are here to discover the wholeness within, that oneness, that source energy out of which we were divided into man and woman. The wholeness is who we really are. We are our own connection to the infinite, to the everlasting and the evermore, the same wholeness to which the angelics and the ascended masters belong, and the galactics are moving into ahead of us and showing us the way as older brothers and sisters.
11/10/21 - May the Force be with you
This morning during my free-style movements I began focusing love into my inner body, organs and tissues by naming them each one. “I love you lungs”, heart, brain, liver, etc. - and feeling the warm and comforting sensation as my body was being stroked and loved and purring like a kitten. This is part of my routine these days, usually while sitting down stationary and not moving. I never did it while standing and doing the graceful movements of spirit which comes with the inner wind. After about 20 minutes of slow free dance, I stopped to write because I felt SO good, SO warm, SO loved and SO comforted that I began to think, how natural it is to want to extend this loving feeling to others. I sensed I was approaching the culmination of many lifetimes, the fulfillment of my journey into the light and then into swinging trying to share the spiritual love through sex with others, and then having to stop because they didn’t know how to keep up with me. Bringing love to the WHOLE body means more than sexual or romantic lovemaking or wild abandoned lusty sex. It’s more even than spiritual Tantric love. It includes all of the above but it goes further. It doesn’t stop there but goes on into ascension. It is no wonder I could find no responders. It is a brand new adventure, yet to be explored.
The other day I thought, I must start teaching how to tap into the mystical wind within. What I do has always been a mystery to me. I simply call them “my movements.” I’m going out to do my movements now, I tell my husband. Several months ago I found out they are called “kriyas”. Most people think kriyas are hand movements that you learn from a teacher but to me they are whole body movements and spring forth spontaneously from some mysterious source when I yield and surrender to it. They are spontaneous movements, graceful movements where, under certain conditions, the body yields itself naturally to an inner wind. It bends and twists and sways and dances like leaves on a tree when there is a breeze. I have a yearning to tell others because this is love. Love enters the physical body through this inner wind from someplace beyond the body. I must tell about this holy innocence that lives within, and how to surrender to it. It flows through the meridians and nerves of the body involuntarily. One cannot “make” it happen. It is a force that comes alive under the praises of love. The praises of love. The inner web (called tantra in Sanskrit) lights up and comes alive when love is lavished within upon the organs, tissues, muscles of the body.
Love is what opens the chakras and starts a river of bliss flowing. It’s more like a radiation that moves through the meridians. It’s almost instantaneous all over the body at once, like a moving prayer through the molecules and cells. Try it. You start by intending to go into prayer, into praise, into worship of the divine within. I recommend starting by standing very quietly, very still, very serene, and focusing somewhere within, or focus on NOT focusing but simply watching. Be a silent watcher. Put every cell in your body into watch mode. Listen for the sound of God coming. It is within the stillness that you feel the movement. Some part of your body will want to twist or turn in a certain direction. Slowly. Not fast. Very, very slowly. Surrender to it. Yield to it. “May the Force be with you". The Force is an inner force. Yield to it. The force starts moving through the meridians as you allow it to move through you. Your muscles follow suit. Don’t resist. Don’t anticipate. Stay in watch mode. Be simply the leaf on the tree. Be the watcher. Follow the wind. Don't try to make it happen. Fallow along behind it like the wake of a motor boat. Follow the will of the spirit known as father-mother God. The life force. It is the source of love, warming, comforting, blissful, peaceful. I had this thought to offer it and so I am offering it now.
11/8/21 - The evil is in me and so is the Goddess
I had a dream last night. In my dream there is a man but he is a snake coming up out of the earth beneath a tree. That is where he lives. It is his home. He comes out and is my lover and I feel this evil in him. He emerges to be my lover and then he goes back down inside the ground. I was bothered by this evil one and when I woke up I mulled over this dream. I laid there for quite a while and thought about it, and finally - eureka! I found that the evil was in me. Maybe the man/snake was evil, but what bothered me was that I was focusing on the evil. The evil bothered me. The evil was in me. It was me who was entertaining the evil. All evil is in me. If I am not aware of evil it is not in me. How to get away from evil thoughts? The goddess energy shows me how. I love the man/snake. I shift my consciousness, open my heart, and find love for him. Divine love. True love. I accept him into my heart as a divine manifestation. This was a gift and a lesson for me to recognize this. My job is to realize that a bothersome thought is of my own doing. I have to transform it and I can do that only with love and forgiveness. This is not just words. It is a consciousness shift to feeling love and forgiveness for the one who bothers me. Then I am free.
11/7/21 - Goddess energy
Goddess information, also known as the divine feminine, is a specific teaching. It does not mean for women only but men may be uncomfortable with this information. At least until the teachings start to unfold. There is a gathering of data on this that is a science. It is as old as the earth itself. In fact, it comes from before the earth was born and before there was a separation into two genders. It includes men as well as women and can be a difficult concept for men to grasp under the current world view, which is male dominant, but it is easy for women.
In a nutshell, the point is that every human being - man and woman alike - is unique because each has lived many lifetimes in other bodies. Sometimes as a man, sometimes as a woman, and born in many other cultures with different skins. Each human being is ensouled by spirit - a consciousness that is learning about life in form. Each human being is a consciousness that is evolving through experiencing life on earth (or other planets) life after life, and is directly connected to the Oneness that makes it all happen – the creator, God, Allah, the Almighty, or whatever name you grew up with.
Each human being has an inner life, a well-spring of knowledge that he or she is connected to but does not speak of. This hidden, unspoken knowledge, is what we call the goddess energy or divine feminine. It is in the male body too. Because we live temporarily in a physical body, we are dominated by our physical senses. Pleasure and pain are the foremost consideration, so our outer life dominates and obscures the inner life which is subtle and brings peace when we turn our attention to it. If we had more guidance and instruction about it, or more data as my husband has so often said, perhaps we would make better choices and be happier. Well, the goddess teachings are coming forth now. They are appearing all over the internet. I have been writing about it from the beginning, so Anakosha is joining in.
Since women are more inclined towards inner feelings they tend to take up spiritual practices, such as yoga, meditation, tai chi and communal type gatherings. A women’s circle will be forming first, without the men. The only reason for making it women-only is because the current world view is patriarchal and men continue to disempower women without realizing it. Empowerment comes from validation and support and feminine values are different from masculine values. So being in a women-only circle can provide that support without the opposite gender inserting a distracting point of view. Mixed-gender circles have value, of course, and that will come about eventually. But same genders validate while opposite genders disagree with each other and tend to disempower. I anticipate that eventually men will start their own support circles, which will be called the divine masculine, not feminine.
In higher realms male and female are not divided in the same way we are divided here on Earth. They are perfectly balanced. There are male beings and female beings, but each male knows himself as whole and complete and is not dependent upon his mate to give him what he doesn’t have. And each female knows herself as whole and complete and is not dependent upon her mate to give her what she does’nt already have. Each is whole and complete and enjoying life together as men and women to the fullest, without the struggles that we have here today.
The goddess teachings are the inner truth teachings. Once understood, they will bring about balance between the men and women. The inner beliefs, ways and methods which keep us off-kilter and are out of balance will right themselves automatically. A saint is one who has brought balance to his inner forces. We are destined to do the same but we won’t be called saints. We’ll be called beautiful and graceful human beings. Instead of looking to someone else to provide what is lacking in us we will be living in paradise. Just imagine what paradise is like.
It’s kind of hard to understand, but that’s where we are heading today as a race. It’s difficult to understand because we have always been a divided race, separated, struggling with war and aggression, ugliness, torture, wounding each other, killing, poverty, hunger, you name it. It’s difficult to imagine living in a paradise of grace and beautiful people, but it’s actually quite simple when we live in balance. When the distorted male and distorted female tendencies are exquisitely balanced. Right now the masculine traits are dominant in virtually every human being today. Even those who are overly kind and loving, are TOO kind and loving due to the presence of male dominance. The feminine traits are lacking equality. Female traits have been ridiculed as weak, put down and stomped on for centuries. We can’t see this clearly because we live inside the problem, and you can't see the overview from inside the house. Education is needed but we absorb what we can handle and no more. It's going to take time to correct it, but it is beginning. We are being prepared in how to live in balance. There is a place for the feminine traits to come forth and express as feminine, equally, side by side with masculine traits. These traits pertain to the highest and purist expressions of love, respect, honor, humility, justice, truth – the noble and righteous expressions that consider the whole of life over and above one’s immediate needs.
The goddess energy (in both sexes) is saying to the unbalanced male energy (in both sexes), “Get down off your horse and stand on the earth. Feel the warm vibrations. Smell the roses. There is a fresh new wind coming from the mountains. You have forgotten yourself. The sweet fragrance you seek is coming from within you, can you detect it? It is coming from within your own heart and soul. There is a gentle song coming with it. Can you hear it? Goddess energy is a quiet feeling which puts you at peace. It connects you to everyone else around you in a way you will enjoy. It fills your soul so your outer life is happier, more abundant and complete. The loneliness goes away. The stress melts, the hunger dissipates." This is the balance between your inner male and inner female, and it pertains to both genders.
11/6/21 - Sexual enlightenment
(Channeled 10/10/93) There are many levels to the sexual activity and you could say there are many dimensions hidden behind the veils of illusion surrounding sex. Diana and her circle of professional and spiritual brothers and sisters all have one thing in common. They are interested in bringing sexual enlightenment to each and every individual who asks for it, no matter on what level he or she is. We are here to walk with you and talk with you. Anakosha refers to, and means the process of releasing the blocks around the root chakra at the base of the spine in the sex area, and instructing how to raise it up to the second.
Anakosha means releasing the Mighty God Presence that is locked in the body cells. Specifically it refers to processing the God Presence [kundalini or holy spirit] out into manifestation and provides gentle guidance in opening the stubborn resistance. It refers to the ecstasy that takes place when the individual learns how to let go and let God “come out” into his/her life and body, mind and actions. The process of releasing the sexual force is tremendous and momentus. It is earth shattering, quite literally, for it “moves” former conditions out of the way that once was blocking.
But it is not enough to release the monstrous force for it could be a dangerous force. The ancient cultures knew this and had schools to help people learn where to go with this powerful unleashing, which is like a snake whipping back and forth, lashing out and back, it could cause harm. They are taught how to control it, not repress it but be mindful of it and work with it as you would work with a mighty and wild unbroken stallion with soothing words, a gentle touch, an understanding ear, a softness, a wise gentling down with sensitivity which includes understanding that this force must have expression. This sex force must be released periodically in each person, according to his or her need. And so with guidance from “the one above”, referring to the next energy center above the root force [chakra], the emotional needs of this most basic force is met.
This is where those of you who are exploring the swinging field are today. You are in the process of recognizing, contrary to your forefathers, that this sex force MUST have release. Further, that it is good to release it, not bad, not dangerous, not likely to take you to hell but that it is actually wholesome and healthy for you, for your relationship. It creates balance for the rest of your life. It is the soul. The seat of the soul is the seat of sex. It is the bride, the female force. “Getting into swinging” is a major step over the threshold of the prison that says, “No, you mustn’t”. For a couple discussing this, getting to “Yes, I can,” or "Yes we can", is a decision-making process that requires connection, discussion and a mutual decision. “Yes, we can!” Or “Yes, we will explore,” or “Yes, we will give it a try!” A yes means you are ready to take the first step into a journey that will never end.
The raising of the sex force [the kundalini or holy spirit] is the raising of the soul to God. The repression of sex is repression of the soul. The prostituting of sex is prostituting of the soul. The guidance of the sex force through the six gates above the root, is the guidance of the soul through interdimensional sensitivity (second chakra), wisdom and strengthening (third chakra), unconditional love (fourth chakra), will and determination to act (fifth chakra), intellectualism (sixth chakra) and union with God (seventh chakra).
11/5/21 - Dimension is not a place but a state of consciousness
A dimension is not a place but a state of consciousness. A deep meditation state or a daydream state where you unfocus on the world around you is 5th dimensional state or higher. It is the heaven state of bliss and it is the divine feminine. The great central sun is at the 12th dimension. Our central sun is at the 5th Dimension. Darkness is not going to be eliminated as we ascend upwards from 3rd and 4th into the higher 5th dimension, it’s going to be illuminated. Exposed. There will be no more duality.
11/3/21 - There's only one consciousness
We are reflections of each other and intimately connected below the radar, below the line of sight and awareness. Enlightenment is experiencing that connection and cultivating awareness of it through feeling. We must develop confidence in our feeling of it, because we can’t see it, hear it, taste it or smell it. We can’t verbalize it with our brain or thought centers because we haven’t developed a language yet. We can only FEEL it as in perceiving. We must learn to be aware of our feelings. We must awaken our bodies to the emotions of the soul. The soul is alive, let us bring our bodies alive so it feels the soul living in it. We become enlightened by feeling the life in our bodies. We have to FEEL alive – more alive than we were before. I feel more alive when I am crackling with energy. That happens when I have a connection with something or someone. Bonding with Doug can do it. I used to feel it at a swing party in the earlier years, but it started to disintegrate after awhile. I feel it at odd times, sometimes while eating, sometimes while watching a movie or hearing a beautiful music, or in meditation. But those all rely on the physical senses. The life force is not physical. It is something else behind the physical or invisible to the physical senses. It’s a thrill or a clarity that turns on the light in my mind. It is not anchored to the physical senses I’m trying to integrate it into my physicality. I want it to support and validate it with my touch, sight, sound, taste, smell. I want to unite with it more. It is an intelligence. I’ve proven that by talking with it during meditation and internal exercises. I am normally not conscious of it. It is normally below my awareness, below the radar. But it is not dependent on my senses to draw my attention to it. It doesn’t require me to confirm or prove its existence. Suddenly it’s there, touching my attention and an internal understanding takes place. I think this is how we are connected, one human to another, every one of us sentient beings - humans, animals, fish, trees, flowers - all forms of life in nature. Could it be simply consciousness? Consciousness as a singularity? As in one mind? I can communicate with you because we are the same singularity. We don’t HAVE the same singularity. We ARE the same singularity. The same mind. I don’t have to speak or even think to communicate with you. I communicate with you by being conscious of you. My intention to connect with you is the signal to you to pick up the etheric phone. But I think this is why I must hold you in the highest esteem and in sacred love, because we are all that one sacred mind that runs through all things.
11/2/21 - Where did the dark come from?
What is the dark? First of all, it doesn’t have a soul. It does have intelligence but it does not have a soul or a spirit. It does not have light but it has a dark intelligence. It does not know God. Where did the dark intelligence come from? It came from a soul who in its search for wisdom and enlightenment, gathered intelligence. Mental intelligence. A soul who searches uses mental capacities. Wisdom and enlightenment is found by integrating intelligence with emotions. It must be felt within the body to become wisdom and enlightened. The mind alone does not have feeling. It cannot feel emotions. It is only a mind. In order to gain understanding of God, one must integrate with the Goddess which is the feminine, which is the mother, which is contained in the physical form. It must go through the heart. It must go through the feelings and emotions. The mental must descend down and connect with the heart to gain enlightenment and wisdom. Everything that was intellectual and held in the mind that was false or not real – like a belief in separation, or a belief that only Christians are right, or the belief that homosexuality is wrong - all these separation beliefs must go. They must be deleted when the mind descends downward into the heart and body, because it is through the visceral feeling that one becomes purified.
So where do all these false beliefs go that don’t have any spirit or light in them? They don’t disappear because they are a creation. Albeit an artificial creation, but a creation nonetheless. The soul who created them moves on to enjoy a more peaceful, beautiful life of unity with others through a heart connection. But an interesting thing happens. His past beliefs disentangle from him and drift like a cloud out into the atmosphere. There it is drawn to gather with other clouds of like intelligence and together this cloud of false beliefs grows and gathers intensity. The dark is the left-over false beliefs that have existed from the beginning. They are intelligent, but they are erroneous. They are not supported by truth. They are artificially created by minds that are searching and growing, but they are not truth.
The dark does not know God but it is intelligent. It has been created by a soul but when the soul chose light over its former belief, the false energy it had accumulated drifted away, retaining a certain amount of intelligence. The force we call dark is seeking the light-bearers to join with it. It needs the light to live but it does not understand the light for the truth of the light is contained in the heart. That is why we must not judge another person. We only make it worse for ourselves, for judging someone else is a divisive force. It separates us. It is not enlightened.
As I drove downtown today I realized that I myself have contributed to the dark. I have no right to judge the dark for it is part of the process of life. As we become more aligned with our emotions and feelings, we become more discerning and we discard former beliefs. The dark is that part of me that never understood love. It never unified with the light held in my body as love - the light that makes up my body. We are made of creator's light and we must learn how to unite with it. The dark is that part of me that did not descend into my body. It is the mental part of me. I learned to be mental from my upbringing and from school. The mental me is simply a cloud of intelligence that does not know love or light yet. It is an accumulation of data that hasn't been integrated into my physicality. The dark is all of the past errors that have peeled away from souls who unified with the love and light locked in their bodies. As they descended into the light of their body and feelings, their false beliefs that were wrong disentangled and drifted away.
In the beginning there was darkness from many planets and civilizations that went on before ever the Earth came into being. When the Earth was born the creator’s voice said, “Let there be light” and souls have been learning about the Light ever since. The darkness was there in the beginning, and souls who ventured out beyond the creator’s love and protection explored it. We all did, those of us in human form. The dark intelligence doesn’t have a soul. It is a purely mental force. It cannot feel. It does not have empathy. It does not understand love. It never experienced it. We can only know the difference between bad and good by FEELING good and bad. What causes us to feel, is the living life force that built the body. The creator lives inside our bodies as sparkling living electrons that hold our bodies together. These electrons know the truth and the goodness. Our bodies contain the quintessential qualities of creator.
We must use our bodies to feel. I think this is not understood yet. Our bodies are extremely important in learning the difference between right and wrong. Psychic channels and some untrained spiritual channels who are using their minds only and not their bodies to validate the truth, are picking up dark forces who are mimicking the light. We must use our innate feelings to know the difference. When you start questioning whether you’re on the right track or not, use your feelings. The right track feels warm and comfortable. It’s a nice feeling. Good feelings tell you if you are on the right path. Be ever aware of changes in direction of feelings. Negative feelings are in the air. We breathe negativity in along with goodness. Choose the good feeling. Don’t get trapped into something that has you fighting and using force. Don’t start beating yourself up over not accomplishing what you wanted to. Or because you argued with someone and you feel bad. All of that is telling you you are heading in the wrong direction.
Stop and change direction. Use will power and thought to redirect your the type of thoughts to entertain. Choose compassion, love, forgiveness, tenderness, empathy, gracefulness, elegance. Put "warm" words that feel good into your mind. This will thwart the negative feeling and bring you back into warm peace and comfort again. This is a technique for righting anything that feels wrong, and it requires conscious focus and work. Listen to the warmth in your heart. It is like an embrace. It is the connection with the light in your own body. It is a connection with source, because you are a child of the creator God, and his light is pointing you in the right direction. Leave the dark forces to the galactics who are better equipped to fight them.
11/1/21 - Prepare for Action
Prepare yourself for action! I was told this before by Master DK, but I kept thinking I had to DO something with this information, and it led off in another direction. My mistake. Interpretations are important. Understanding what was meant by “prepare yourself for action” became interpreted and entangled into WHAT? What is it that I must do? I assumed that advice meant to have a plan of action and contribute to the world. But that is not what it meant at all.
I realize today what it really means. It means to stay alive! Rotate your activities every hour, more or less. Rotate your attention span, keep it moving. Keep your conscious attention from becoming bogged down in a rut along one path. Move it! Move it around! Stay active in your mind. Every hour or so change location so you can change the focus of your attention. Change the direction of your attention and you won’t be tempted to become entangled and enmeshed in a lockdown that stagnates your energies. Get up physically and move. It will shift the energies that are becoming immobilized from a singular focus.
Thinking I had to keep moving physically, I became too active and made the mistake of jumping and becoming frenzied. Moving from one project to another without stopping to rest in between. It is important to learn how to move slowly, rhythmically, gracefully. Slowing down physically while changing thought direction is what is meant by being active. I can switch to another activity simply by leaving a location and facing another. Being in constant motion without conscious control is like starting the car and letting it drive itself. It is being pulled by outside forces. You are the driver of the car. Stay in the driver's seat. Don't let outside forces drive you. I am being told just move to another location. Break the energy lock that you have been on for the last hour.
Action refers to the BODY. The body tends to become locked into one energy. The body likes to settle. It is a slow-moving machine. It enjoys the comfort of settling. You the driver of the vehicle must take charge. When you feel yourself stagnating or becoming lethargic, insist on getting up and breaking the stagnation.
(I’m doing that right now. I just left the living room watching TV and walked through the kitchen, did the few dishes in the sink, filled my tumbler, came to the computer.)
DK says: "Your lower body ailments yesterday were heavy energies trying to escape, rumbling, painful, gurgling pressure. Your body was telling you something which you couldn’t understand with your physical brain. Today you are experiencing the rewards of yesterday’s process. You feel freer today because your body feels freer."
10/30/21 - A chat with my I Am Presence
In the middle of connecting with the sun and the ascendeds one day, I had the feeling to take up pen and paper. So, still sitting, I took the clip board. I heard “Nancy!” loud and clear so I wrote it down. Then, “We are here! Let us come! Call us!” This is what followed.
(Me: Thank you for answering!)
“Thank you for reaching up to us. We are here. Can you see us?"
(Me: I see many points of light in a sort of field, a strata, of golden light, and also more points of light, many, coming through the sun. They are not “ships” are they?)
"No, we are the beings, the host of heaven you have been in touch with."
(Me: Who are YOU who is talking with me?)
"I Am the Oneness. I Am all of these points of light that you are seeing. They are decloaking or rather cloaking is a better term, for they are taking ON a form so that you might see them or detect them. They come into manifestation as you focus on them by calling to them. You yourself are in oneness with me when you focus on me. You are me, and I am you and we are one. You have been in communication with me from the day - the big day - of your ascension. Yes, you DID INDEED ascend on that precious, precious day. You came to join - to rejoin - with me as in the beginning. As you have always been with me. I AM the one who created all that is. I AM your father AND your mother. Don’t separate me. I am mother down below you, as you have pictured mother as being 'below'. I Am below and I Am above, and I Am within and I Am without. I Am everywhere and you could say 'nowhere' if you prefer. Or 'now here'. Yes, I Am in Doug. I Am in Marcus, and you saw me in your son’s eyes. I reflected to you through his eyes. Yes, I Am you and you are me and we ARE One."
(Me: Thank you for this. I am speechless!) From that point I didn’t know what else to say. My mind was blank and the silence was deafening. Then I asked “Is it over?”
'Yes, it is over for now.'
This very interesting chat with the Oneness led to the following insight which I wrote out in longhand. I’m 100% feminine. I recognized that I am 100% feminine two days ago but I have been wondering, What does that mean to be 100% feminine? I’ve been on the trail for years. I am finding that it means being 100% spiritual, not feminine nor masculine, but balanced as an androgynous being. I am not 100% then, but I am getting there. I feel perfectly one with the I AM when I am in a good meditation. That is not always. I wonder, what is holding us ALL back? Men yes, but especially women. I know that it is because we listen too much to other people and become entangled with the thoughts, motives, feelings, goals, aspirations of these others that are not our own. We must get back to focusing on our own divinity, our own origins.
Getting back into our own origins I think requires being in the company with others who are more like us, who act as mirror reflections of us, people who are similar to us and resonate with us, not different. This means meeting with women. Women meeting with women, and men meeting with men, for men need to be validated by their own gender too. Same genders meeting will help us recognize our REAL selves and therefore we can move forward. We have been holding each other back, the genders hold each other back. We think we are stabilizing each other but we are holding each other back. While none of us are the same outside in personality and the many differences, both past lives and this life, we ARE the same in our spiritual origins. The original birth of our spirits.
The many paths we’ve taken since then that we have accumulated in both knowledge and wisdom makes us each unique. But the beginnings are the same. We are spirit sparks from source. We began as conscious beings of light and love in the warmth and comfort of our father-mother/parent, and then we set out to gather experiences and begin to understand and grow into more adult spiritual beings. Now is the end of an age. They say it is a 26,520 year cycle. It is time to return home to our origins through the process of ascension, and bring the knowledge we have achieved back to our father-mother-parent. It is a glorious reunion. A time of celebration. The time of the prodigal child returning home. There will be a party. The original energy of love and light has always continuously flown through our bodies. It has always flowed through us, giving us life and breath and supporting our journeys in density and the physical world.
There have been many lives. We couldn’t have lived without this original spirit flowing through us. This is our divine origin. Our individuality that we have been cultivating through choice and free will. It is important to recognize that we are not required to give up all that we have lived for and achieved as a conscious being. We can stay right here on earth with our friends and playmates. All we need to do is plug into our origins. Memory returns to us when we open to our innermost feelings and put our brain to rest. Stop the brain. Give the brain a rest. (All of this was received on 10/12/19)
Also, I just read something amazing. The double-strand DNA pertains to our first two chakras - root chakra for survival and sex chakra for reproduction. The 3rd chakra expands personal empowerment, it's on a higher frequency vibration. The 4th chakra expands into connection with higher realms, a still higher frequency. The 5th chakra expands the ability to express oneself in the choice of a career or vocation to contribute to the world, yet a still higher frequency. The 6th chakra is for preparing to connect with the I Am Presence and the withdrawal from worldly concerns. It is a higher frequency. The 7th chakra is for actually joining with the I Am Presence, or the individual father/mother God. It was and still is the intention that we do this all in one lifetime. Unfortunately the world took a downward spiral and we lost that connection. We are starting to remember. We are receiving instructions. Use the chakras as expanding into higher dimensions. Follow the inner light and inner wisdom.
10/28/21 - The realm of the goddess
In the night I received further information about the divine feminine. Feminine is heavy, solid. I was shown a centrifuge, the device used to separate red blood cells from liquid. The heaviest substance is spun the furthest out, like the planets that are spun out from the sun and held locked in orbit there. Planets and heavy bodies are the heaviest. They hold the atoms in place. The feminine is FORM. Anything that has form is feminine. Both men and women’s bodies are feminine. Everything in form is feminine. The center that is unformed abstract intelligence is masculine - the IDEA that is thrust outward further away from the center of infinity. As it slows down and takes form, like the planets in orbit, it becomes feminine. It is the FORM that is feminine, but in the center of the form is the unformed source which is the intelligence, the masculine idea that thrust outward.
In a queer turn of events, the abstract intelligence at the center is called the realm of the goddess. It is the 96% which is pure spirit as compared to the 4% which is physical. Women access it easily. Women access it through orgasm but men feed off of women’s orgasms. We humans shall achieve the stars and the higher worlds, not through technology which is focused on the physical, but through the inner fire which is created by balancing the male-female forces within us, which are out of balance. i.e., we are either more male or more female. When we learn to balance these forces through inner conscious disciplines, we create an inner fire. It has been said that women have been kept weakened by men stealing her feminine force over the eons, and that men have become overly powerful because of that, but today we are being given new information. By balancing the male and female forces within ONESELF, the spiritual fire can be accessed, and a new reality will be born of trust, love, truth, happiness, peace and abundance. The new golden age requires both men and women to study the techniques of self discipline and stop rampaging around the world in search of the unavailable. All that one needs and desires, including love, freedom and luxuries, may be found by balancing the inner forces. (Received 10/10/19)
10/26/21 - The world is mechanistic and artificial
There was an astonishing download this morning. Dear LLL (Lord of Living Light!) Good morning, MIAP. Will you confirm the information that I have just received? That we light bearers are the holy innocents? And that the rest are all mechanical, without a life force? Is that what we are here for? To hold steady the good within?
Yes, my beloved. You have come to an alternate world of created material - created by not human will but mechanical will. All that the earth holds now is mechanistic and artificial. This is why angels have been sent, have volunteered to be born here into this mechanistic world, and why YOU have chosen the path you did. To learn the secret implant, the devious process that was put in place to hold the holy innocents to their world, the mechanical world, and their way of life, to serve their own selfish functions. They have been controlling mankind for eons, and womenkind, through the thwarting of love, through the killing of love. You are bringing love into their world, their “holy” creation - for you are correct in that they see differently than you and what they have created is indeed sacrosanct to them, holy to them - and so they see you as the enemy. You who would kill them with your divine love, which melts all - everything - that is not divine and of the creator’s will to love all. You see, they see it differently. They have built a world of substance and material form which holds them to form. They have invested all of themselves into form, and they need those forms. They are parasites who grow dependent upon forms. They create many ingenious ways to manipulate forms (bodies) do their bidding, but they do not have love, my dear, as you do. You are there to bring forth an education to the masses with your love. You see love as the divine connection and you have been studying it and learned that it is true. You found the missing key, the missing link in this materialistic world of fake and falsehood, of artificiality and separation.
I am here with you to guide you. I act as a guidance system, like a GPS. There are many holy innocents walking beside you who have been hooked into the material world and do not know what you know. You cannot tell them or reach them with words, for words are of the separationists’ side. They isolate and divide. The kindness that you show and the understanding that you embody is greater than words. As Marcus says, There is only love, and he wishes to share this love by putting his hands on the beautiful holy ones. There will come an opportunity for you to work alongside him, for you share the same lineage. I am here. I am you. I am your higher self. You are me. You are my lower self. We are one being and I am guiding you through your heart. You have discovered a hidden link in the mantra, “I face thy eternal sunrise and I receive thy mighty radiance into my life and actions.” There will come a time soon. Soon. When this link to light will open further and start to spread outward into the mechanical world.
(Question) Yes. The women’s gathering movement. It is trying to find itself in the shadows of artificiality. It needs a living embodiment to serve as a star shining. You are that star. You have been carefully prepared. As you felt the need to post your pictures on display, I am guiding you. I am your light. I am your destiny. I am your purpose. I am your mission. As you have felt the potential of light and love in your physical body, in your sensation body, in your cells and tissues that were born of earth particles brought forth here from this dying planet, you are rejuvenating the planet earth. You and many others who are also on the same mission for me. I Am your Father. I AM your Mother. You have been trained. You know the truth. Yes, I do confirm for you what you saw, knew, this morning. It was another upgrade in your mission, for you have edged closer to the full consciousness and memory of the whole truth. Wisdom has been shielded, but you know how to gather the light now better than you did a few weeks ago. Your edging closer to your heart is the edging away from the artificial parts that you had been born into. You are ready, dear sister, to name the dates starting in January 2020. It is time. I am with you. I AM you. You ARE me. We are doing this together.
(Question) Yes, it should be only women first. Others will pick up the men’s gathering. (Thank you, I love you! Received 10/4/19)
10/22/21 - Understanding is an aspect of your feeling nature
Understanding is an aspect of your feeling nature. You don’t get to feel until you accept what is offered and allow it to descend into your feelings. These original ideas come from higher source, down into the inner layers of your body. Discernment is required, however, for you are constantly picking up thoughts from the air around you which is teeming with a myriad human-related thoughts that are not pristine and pure, but heavy and clogged with negatives. When you discern a divine idea and allow yourself to receive this divine idea into your inner layers, you are giving the idea “body”. You are incorporating the idea, bringing it more fully into manifestation. The idea or thought must be felt by your body to become manifested, because you, yourself, are a body that has been manifested by the creator. YOU are God/Goddess in sentient form. None of your body parts are solid or physical. All of you, your body, is composed of electrons swirling around the neutron and proton at the center of the atom. The atom is composed of these little particles of light. The space between the particles is space which you own, temporarily while you are incorporated or incarnated in this body of yours. You are incorporated - incarnated - in a body for the specific purpose of receiving the divine flow from source creator, your own higher self. There is a wish and suddenly a thought pops up wanting to be sentient.
You, by understanding, are receiving the divine instructions from your own higher source to manifest this idea. But you can’t if you brush it off and ignore it. It is through your allowing it into your feeling nature that you manifest this wish of the creator. Feeling is how you connect with your neighbors and others. You cannot manifest alone all by yourself. You are not a solitary island in the middle of the ocean. Manifesting into form requires ideas from the divine to coalesce and clump together in order to create form and substance which, to you in your dimension, appear physical and solid. You have created instruments to measure solidarity versus gases and liquids and now your dimension is expanding to measure and define the Light, which is spirit in the descension process of forming matter.
This lesson is to focus on your feeling nature. Your understanding is how you manifest in the solid world, the world of the physical. The old control system of what you call the patriarchy, was control by outsiders, not you. They taught you not to pay attention to feelings. And those in male bodies became the guardians of control. They were trained and programmed by master mind controllers, to not allow feelings to enter this reality, this dimension on earth, which is herself a divine manifestation, not solid. They, the outsiders, took over the manifestation process millions of years ago. They are against love because love would make everything and everyone equal and happy, and they choose to be the powerful controllers over a race of slaves. That is their joy. They are the dark side. They conquered this planet and have been preventing the full incorporation of Source trying to manifest into physical sentience. They can do this with humans but they cannot stop sexuality from taking place. Nor can they stop the orgasm from happening, for that is the only way to keep the human race reproducing. That is the one loophole which saves mankind, and THIS is how feeling may come in. The connection to God/Goddess may happen through sexuality and lovemaking. But it’s complicated.
Yes, this is how the God/Goddess connection can happen, but if mankind remains ignorant about the facts of love that are to be used during the sex act, then the spiritual progress will continue to be held back. It is through feeling LOVE that spiritual peace is found. The loophole of love exists only because mankind has allowed love to NOT be present during the one act in all of human life that can create spiritual progress. Human males FEEL through the sex act, even if it is only for a brief moment. That is why the women are becoming empowered. The women hold the key to bringing forth more love, which men have seriously shut down in their focus. The dark controllers could not shut that down because that would have ended the human race, brought it to an end, for without reproduction the human race would fade out and they did not want that to happen. Instead, they wanted to control the sex. They created animosity between men and women. To reverse this sorry plight, we need more feelings of love. (Received 10/1/19)
10/21/21 - No difference between men and women?
Two days in a row I am getting a very subtle impression. It is about there is no difference between men and women. They are both the same in their energy bodies. It is only in the physical that they are different in their body shape. One with a lingam, the other with a yoni, a hole to receive the lingam it for connection purposes. But inwardly, on inner planes, we are built the same. We each have a feminine flow and a masculine flow. It is THIS that is so subtle and will require a gentle approach to explain it. Can we really explain it to another? We are goddess when we receive divine instructions and we are masculine when we act on those instructions. We should be receiving and acting at the same time, without stopping to consider whether it is good or bad for us. We are supposed to express our divine light in every moment of the day. A man is goddess when he receives divine instruction and he is god when he is acting on it. A woman likewise is a goddess when she receives divine instruction and she is god when she is acting on it. But she - woman - has been held back. And he - man has been pushed forward to be all-powerful. Thus the imbalance in our world.
10/20/21 - Ground into the earth through your feet
In meditation I asked Master DK to help me find a solution to my body aches. What followed was a lesson that involved first sitting as I normally do in front of the altar, then standing and connecting the sky force and the earth force. Then focusing on the bottoms of my feet and breathing more through my feet. Focus! Focus on the bottoms of your feet and open them up. Breathe through the bottoms of your feet. Breathe through your feet. You have nostrils on the bottoms of your feet, and a lengthy talk through breathing upward through the bottoms of my feet, placing noses all over the bottoms and focusing first on the left to strengthen the left since it’s the right side that I overuse, so strengthen the left. Think left. Breathe up the left and lift it higher up through blocked veins, bringing up the fire from earth. You do this with your mind, with your consciousness, you have been in the sky in the dreams, in the ethereal, now you are breathing the ground, bringing up the ground. You ARE the earth, your consciousness on this end IS the earth. You are creating the earth through your consciousness. You are sky creating sky when you are on that end of consciousness. You are the whole. You are the creator. You are the One. You are One with all that is creating all that is. Breathe through your feet. Breathe in the fire of Earth power. Earth has a fire and a power.
This body is just a creature of earth. YOU give it refinement. YOU are the god raising the elements of the body of matter you are residing in. YOU are the visiting divinity that teaches and raises the elemental life in the substance of your body and organizes it to greater and greater refinement so it can perform greater and more beautiful tasks. YOU are the quickening agent. You have been identifying with the creature body, thinking you are the body, when in fact you are not the body at all but the resident agent flowing through the creature.
Awakening to this fact will change your perspective. Recognize your true identity. You are here to complete the task of raising the creature to immortal status. YOU are already immortal. The creature you live in is not. It was born of the earth from an earth mother. Your job is to raise it to God frequency. When kundalini awakened in you [1976] it separated you from your physical body and you have had to apply yourself to come back and become reunited with your creature body. This has been your mission - to reintegrate with the physical and bring the light into the physical. You can’t do that if you think you are the physical. Change your perspective now. There was a separation [in 1976] but you determined to return to the body. You employed the sexual connection with other earth creatures to keep you here. Now, the movements that you do is allowing the flowing of your god-self into your elemental creature body to quicken it and raise its vibrations. Your body was dying through the aging process, which unawakened humans believe is the only way. But you know different. You know different but you are still identifying with the creature body, thinking you are of creature substance when you are not. It’s not too late. No, it’s not too late. Do the flowing movements every day and begin the awakening of the creature body.
10/19/21 - Assimilating new downloads from your higher self
Rest often. When you rest you assimilate the upgrade and download the new energies into your cellular structure. Instead of doing it the old way of pushing your way through the irritation or disruption or confusion, take time out. Slow down your wonderment and your thinking. Slow down into silence and surrender to what is happening within you. Go into receiving mode. Lie down. Be quiet. Allow your cells to receive the irritating or confusing energies. New energies from higher planes are descending into your existing energies that you have been living with all your life. Allow this integration. Transform and transmute the old energies by resting often. Physically lie down and breathe through your heart. Focus on your heart and imagine your mouth and nose in your heart. Breathe through your heart. Your heart holds your I Am Presence, your divinity, your first, last and always. Relax your body and mind and move into your heart to experience the enegy meld - the old into the new, greater, wider aspect of yourself. Use the love in your heart by focusing and breathing through your heart, no matter what is bothering you. This is how to use the love within your I Am Presence in transforming yourself.
10/17/21 - Why the need for boundaries
We are being bombarded with a thousand different streams of energy every day. We need to create boundaries to stay centered and clear-minded. Practice living true to your boundaries. Say no when you don’t want to follow someone’s suggestion. Say no to yourself when you don’t want to do what you feel you "should" because of guilt, coercion or self-denial. What frequency matches your own? Does it pull you down to think about it? Or raise you up with inspired enthusiastic joyful feelings? Go with what inspires you. Go with the matching frequency. Don’t go against your self.
To form a boundary, build a 4-inch thick shell of intense white light around your aura. First imagine your auric field as a bubble of light by using your creative mind. Then add a 4-inch thick membrane, like a wall, around the perimeter of your bubble of light. Re-create it every day. Re-strengthen it every morning when you rise from sleep. Build this white light around yourself. The reason is this.
Everybody has a sub-atomic signature energy. It comes in the shape of the electrons, the teeny tiny sub-atomic particles that orbit around the nucleus of an atom. Atoms cling to other atoms to form matter. The ascended masters tell us each person's electrons are shaped in a unique design, like a leaf or a flower or a spiral or a square or a pyramid or a bird. It is their own personal signature energy. A person can be tracked by the trail of electrons they leave behind them everywhere they go. When they breathe they leave electrons in the air. When they speak they send forth a steady stream of these little tiny electrons. When you open a door, walk into a room or a garden, or a city bus, or shake someone's hands, you leave your unique signature energy behind you. You can be tracked by the God-free beings who know. When you live with someone you intermingle your partner’s electrons with your own. It is no wonder that you become emotionally entangled with them! You take on each other’s issues and strengths and weaknesses. You become one through continued close proximity.
In a crowded room where you mingle with many people walking around, you are walking through many of these tiny little signature energies coming from other people. You can't escape it unless you go to live on a mountain top alone. It is not wrong, nor is it a negative. It is the lesson plan. It is the curriculum of the Earth school. We are exposed to the seething, moving, creative sea of life. There is unity and harmony on higher planes and we will all get there some day. But while we are here on the Earth plane we are learning about diversity through duality. It is the creator operating, living, acting, learning, growing, understanding the differences between "this" and "that". Each person is a creator and has a signature energy they are responsible for. How are we using our creative energies?
As an innocent spirit spark before becoming incarnated as a sentient human being, our signature energy was pure, innocent, divine and holy. We are built out of pure light and love. Each new spirit is built with a different "signature", the same power as the father creator. Each soul has the power to create because it is a creator god and it has the mark of a god built into him. Each one of us leaves our signature everywhere we go. We build a life that is unique from everyone else. We cannot hide who we are. We build an eternal life that suits us, through trial and error. At first we build an ego personality that is ever changing and growing, but eventually it becomes the purified divine personality of an ascended master. Meanwhile, we leave our signature energy on everything we touch, say, think and do, and every particle comes back to us eventually in a returning loop. For all the cows come home at the end of the day, and the birds to their nest. And so do the energies we put out come back home to roost where they belong.
It is through the process of experiencing other signature energies of our friends, family and associates, that we discover ourselves by discarding what we don't like or want in our lives, and going after what we DO like and want more of. We are learning constantly. By building a bubble of pure white light around us, we can block what does not resonate with us, from entering our consciousness. As we learn to apply some of these techniques that the masters have given us, we can walk through bad neighborhoods and not be affected. The influences of those who are closer to our resonant energy field will not be blocked by the protective bubble because like attracts like, while those who are anathema to us will be repelled by the circle of white light around us, IF we build it and keep it strong every day. This is a protective meditation technique. Even if we don't believe in such things, it is worth experimenting with to see if just might work. The proof is in the pudding. If it works to keep your mind clearer than you are accustomed to, then you will enjoy the benefits, AND avoid karmic situations caused by the clash of opposing energies that do not fit well together.
Notice when you are in a neighborhood or location of lower-vibrational people, drunks, bars, back allies and compare that to how it feels to be in a church, sanctuary, monastery or out in nature with no one else around. In ordinary daily life a steady stream of tiny energy forms are entering the pores of our skin and blood stream. It is like smog to a clear mind. When alone we enjoy thinking our own thoughts, which is why we meditate or walk along in nature, getting away from the barrage of energies from other people. On the other hand, it is also why people LIKE crowded rooms, pubs, taverns and party houses. It drowns out their own thought and feeling. Maybe they don’t like their own thoughts or feelings. Maybe they are running away from listening to their own conscience. Being around other people helps them to mask it. Maybe they like the distraction of being numbed-down.
It is worth experimenting with building a bubble of white light around yourself every morning before setting out to be with other people. Re-build it every day or it will fade. The bubble of white light helps to stop the ever-present streams of energies that do not resonate with you from entering your consciousness. Spend at least 5 minutes focusing on building this bubble of white light around you. Add a 4-inch MORE INTENSE shell of white light around the circumference of your auric bubble.
10/16/21 - Searching for the spiritual gold in everyday life
Searching for the spiritual gold in everyday life. This is the opposite of religion. Religion worships a far-off God, takes us out of our every day life and keeps us in a search mode. Where is God? In a book? In a teacher? In a church? We look outside but God-Goddess is flowing INSIDE our body, inside our minds, inside our actions, inside our words. How are you responding right now to these words. What are you feeling? Notice your feelings right now. What is the human in you being challenged with right now? Most human beings stay on the outer surface of things, observing from a distance. It is the way of the mass consciousness in which we dwell. This attitude is ignoring (ignorant) the wonderful opportunity to learn something from this very immediate moment. By entering deeper down and inside this moment, by stopping and really listening to this moment, you are exerting the spiritual muscle of empowerment called “feeling” or emotion. Rise to the occasion. Seize the moment. Plunge in.
The normal mass-mind does not see anything special in front of him or her. No, because they’re looking outside. One must stop looking outside and be still and feel the inside. Sink down into the feeling inside of this moment. There is nothing special to be seen outside in the passing parade of action. The specialness can only be seen by stopping the brain from swirling and in a sublime state, entering into the heart or lungs or back or stomach - anywhere within - and feeling what the organs are feeling. Feeling what the muscles are feeling. The higher dimensional self is flowing through the muscles, tissues, blood and bones of your body. The spiritual golden river of light that supports your inner body parts comes from source. To detect it we must stop the mind from analyzing what other people are saying, doing and planning, and listen to our body talk. When the mind dares to break focus on the outer life and enter the silence within, it’s like watching the sun clear the fog away. One opens to the light and listens to it. Drinks it in and links in to the moment. Even an ugly argument that may appear to be rising in front of you, can be transformed into a sensation of peace, even a miracle, by learning this technique. It is a skill that can be learned with practice.
The power of the divine golden river within, once tapped, can break through the dull normalcy of victimhood. Cracks it open like an egg shell against a pan. Source light which is available but normally shut down, can flood forth easily into any situation that is taking place in your immediate environment. Can you feel the potential of this right now? Practice this method in all things and you will first of all be serving yourself, and secondly you will be serving humanity. Searching for God or Goddess outside of you, as religion teaches us to do, actually takes us further off the path and away from the desired goal. We are looking in all the wrong places for love because YOU are the God/Goddess gleefully flowing in plain sight, only in more exquisite refinement to what you are used to. The difference is akin to you noticing a street brawl which disturbs you, and suddenly you’re distracted by a rainbow that appears and you look up, filled with wonder. It is as simple as that but you must make the consciousness shift yourself, and not wait for someone to do it for you. Choose to feel joy! Choose to feel sublime. Choose to feel grateful to be alive. Like the absent minded professor looking for his glasses when all the time they are on his head. His eyes were looking outside on tables and chairs, when all the while they were above him. God is in the chair you sit on, the bed you lie on, the car you’re driving, the pavement you’re walking on - God/Goddess is everywhere. Joy is everywhere. Sublime is everywhere, but you can’t see it until you step inside first and see through your inner window. You must tap into your inner now moment, which is stillness, sublime, grace. Your feet can be walking but if your mind can come to a standstill and remember what grace feels like, you can see God/Goddess everywhere you look.
10/15/21 - God is not a 'thing", God is a process
During meditation I was told God is not a "thing", God is a process. God is one's higher self. And there's a higher self after that, and a higher and a higher on into infinity. There is no end. God is growing itself. God is a process of consciousness evolving. God is the ascendeds, God is the galactics, God is the angelics, God is the tree, the vegetable, the animal, the insect, the stone, the lowly human, the highly evolved human, the celestial. God is everything. God is you. God is me. God is awareness, intelligence, wisdom. God is your ex-wives and my ex-husbands. God is space. God is time. God is the sun, the moon, the planets, the extraterrestrials we think are separate from us. But God is not separate. God is not a "thing" to think about but to be appreciated. God is a process of becoming more aware and therefore more connected to everything and everyone else. God is a process of evolving out of mud. God is the mud. The Buddhists don't use the word "God" because if they did, then it would become something outside, set apart, a separation. God is not a "thing" separate and apart. God is a process of becoming aware, and more aware and more aware and more aware.....
“Ascendeds are masculine and sending light packets of information down, down, down. The body and soul (you) are the feminine. You are supposed to take it and run with it. Catch the ball and own it. Put it to good use. Put it into activity. What you, the feminine (body) have been doing is praising the enlightened ones, the ascended ones, as in worshipping them. You have been giving your power away - away from yourself. You have not been planting it into your own body flesh and mind. You have not been receiving it. You have been giving your power away through your attention and focus - away to the Gods, the Ascendeds, the Galactics, to whoever you admire most, all of the higher ones of light, instead of receiving it and making it your own intelligence and wisdom. The higher ones ahead of you are trying to get you to act on your own power. In other words, create your own power. Stop giving your power away to others. Admire yourself. Worship yourself. Love yourself. Own the light information and use it on yourself. Don’t give credit to someone else. The book you read yesterday and were about to focus on it, don’t! Own the information, modify it to suit you, explain yourself through your own feelings and understandings, not through their words. Use your own. Be your own intelligence. It was given to you and you accepted it. You began to write about it. Now take that light information, for it is power given to you to create with, and use it. Create something that YOU enjoy doing.” (From Master DK)
10/5/21 - Removing implants
During meditation today I said to anyone who would listen - "I want to remove ALL the implants in me! Please help me remove all that does not belong in me." I lay on the massage table after and asked for St. Germain and Sananda and my I Am Presence (again) and my angel guides and the Master Djwal Khul - especially DK - I just named a few but asked them to help me remove the implants that have been blocking me. And then I said, "I'm going to go down deep now and find them and release them." And I closed my eyes and imagined myself diving down into the bottom of the ocean where it's dark and looking around and trying to find things that were darker, and I found things, and said, "I know there is a way to release this. How do I cut these away from myself? I am releasing, how do I release? I know there is a way. Where is the door? How do I release?" And then I thought, "Love is the door". And as soon as I said that, light went surging out into the dark objects and I felt emotion ripple through me like I was going to cry. My body wanted to sob. What I was experiencing was these bits and pieces of myself were the embarrassing moments, hurtful moments, damaged moments where I had recoiled and sucked it in and buried it. So now, with love - love is the door to get in to these buried treasures - and it felt as though they were my children and I was their parent and I was loving them unconditionally again and receiving them back home again. It was THEY who were sobbing and so glad to see me. It was their hurt, not mine, for I am the Presence who does not get hurt. It was a very simple thing. The flood gates are opening.
10/4/21 - Man-woman issues
The man-woman issues that you experience and continue to experience are actually an inner journey as you seek understanding about yourself. You learn through bumping up against what is NOT comfortable to you. You play with this for a while, struggling with it, and if you are successful in accepting that this really is not what you want (some people never discover this) then you will shed it and not do it again. Of course the evolutionary journey is about discovering this process in a kindly way so that you do not hurt other people in the process. So when you reject them you find ways to let them down easily. This is the hard part. What you are learning about yourself is what doesn’t fit comfortably with you, and what does.. What doesn’t feel right to you? Do you continue to hash it around and try to make it work? This prolongs the pain and the struggle. What feels good to you on all levels, will cause elation and joy. if it feels good on only one level but not the other two or three levels, It does not cause elation, but rather a sense of a pulling towards something as if that something will give you completion. For example, a piece of chocolate cake might taste good to your tongue, but your mind knows it is wrong for your diet and your feeling causes a feeling of guilt. The man-woman issues are the bumping up against energies of other people, to show you that there are many energies that exist in your life and it is a matter of selecting those energies that complete you and fulfill you, rather than trying to make something fit when it doesn’t fit you at all. Like a dress two sizes too small just won’t give you a good feeling. The man-woman issues are a journey in self discovery but many people do not give themselves enough credit to believe their inner intuition. They may have a gut feeling that this person is not right for them, but they try to make it work because they don’t believe their feeling. They believe MORE in being courteous and trying to fit in. This is being dishonest to yourself when you do this. It is damaging not only to yourself but to the other people you are engaging with because they too are not feeling comfortable. If you’re not feeling good about the connection, then they are not feeling good about the connection. Elation and a joyful happy feeling is always the sign that you are doing the right thing.
The man-woman issues and struggles that you have pertaining to sex is your path of learning about what fits with you and what doesn’t. The discovery part is what doesn’t fit. Trust that and release it and let it go. You will move on when you become consciously aware of this. To remain unwilling to accept this is how you remain in the struggle. Evolve your awareness by trusting your sense of good and bad. By discovering what makes you feel bad and releasing it or taking steps to release it (it may take time) you are discovering the truth of your inner self. It is a discovery of awareness. It is not an outer world discovery. The outer world presents things to you one at a time. As if on parade these things and people come into your view. It is up to you to say “yes” or “no” to these persons and objects. You must decide what doesn’t fit with you. As you eliminate the not-self, you will be left with your authentic self. Your real self. That which is what has been called “the Knower”. This is the part of you that is eternal and lives on after death of the body to live again in another body, all the while gathering wisdom and understanding.
10/3/21 - Are you giving your power away to ego?
Learn how your own body functions through the chakras and the light flowing through it. The higher body, the lower body, all the body as a whole. There is a spiritual flow which is not being honored, acknowledged, appreciated or activated. More fulfilling experiences are made by breaking out of the limited focus on physical body as the ONLY body. There are more refined energies in your body. Learn about them. Rise up to them. Think about them. Refine your consciousness. Rise to higher ideals that you hold. Can you touch another without thinking sex or making it personal or giving your power away to another? Can you rise above the basic lower two chakras which keep you focused on the physical limits that are pervasive in traditional society? Which prevent you from rising to higher, more refined levels? Slower, surer and more compatible levels that feel good to you? Where your connection with the other person or object is more genuine, authentic, more elegant and more comforting? These noble energies lie waiting your recognition. It is your conscious attention that actives the chakras.
Activate the inner and higher realm of the 3rd chakra - the solar plexus chakra aka navel chakra - where personal power is felt viscerally and all-pervasively. And move on to the higher dimension of the 4th chakra - the heart chakra, the portal to your higher self and higher realms. Has someone told you repeatedly, “Don’t tell me what to do!” by someone in your life whom you have tried to give your observation to a situation? Have you been shut down by learning to keep quiet, thus giving your power away to another short-sighted ego? Do you still retain the memory of the old, “Don’t tell me what to do” which keeps you conflicted? An ego-driven person does not want to be told what to do or how to do it. Recognize an ego-driven person. Do you give power to them?
Your higher self is not ego-driven. All higher selves are motivated by love and compassion, wisdom, truth, purity and also the courage to speak when necessary. Higher self is well-rounded and does not give ground to ego. Open the higher chakras to activate your higher self. The higher self is strong and not afraid of ego, yet it is all-wise, humble, sure, pure, innocent and truthful. Higher self is that part of you which is at peace with who you are. You are your own higher self but you do not realize it yet, and so you are often cut down by a defensive ego-driven person who is less aware. To allow more of your higher self into your daily life and action, instead of giving in to defensive ego-driven people, consider this: If you are sensitive to any sign of opposition which forces you to go into hiding, how are you going to access the higher principles that you are seeking which will raise you up by flooding your lower body with peace and comfort?
During both meditation and during lovemaking this morning I went up above the earth’s atmosphere where it is clear and pure. I saw down into the smog and smoke that covers the planet and saw despair, confusion, pain, and struggle. And I saw that I am making a space in the smog which is clearer than the surrounding atmosphere. I make space for love and light by being honest and humble at the same time. If you want to clear the atmosphere in your home for making love, and create a better space for uplifting light in your world, do daily meditation. And for lovemaking, get a massage table and before every bedroom activity, give each other a massage with LOVE. Not rushing through it. Not impatiently. Not with resentment, but with love. There are chakras in the feet and in the hands and the shins and the head, and all over the body. Slow down and silently, mentally send from the middle of your brain thoughts of “I love you!”
10/2/21 - What it means to be a chela (student)
I got up in the night thinking I'd be entering a steeper discipline program but when awakening at 4:30 I intuited to go back to bed. I asked why? I slept and then woke in extreme coziness with a message. Awesome peace enfolded me. Why am I not being directed to meditate? Answer was lovely, stunningly not what I expected. "Coming home means settling down and inward, ceasing the struggle and accepting yourself just the way you are. It is similar to the ripening of a fruit. Germination is a surging forward, chelaship is learning how to settle. Relinquish the struggle. Surrender to the force of nature within you. It knows what you need. Your training as a chela is in following your heart, not a premeditated structure such as an imposed meditation discipline program. That is now in the past. You have earned a new role. You have earned the right to be a chela. It is not what you think! Chelahood is not following the controlling ego but following the peace within, following Your spirit, your angel, your divinity. Mankind has presupposed a falsehood concerning God and deity. There is no need to struggle. Look for signs around you, follow the flow about and in you. Do not work at it, allow it. All of the teachings are pointing you in this direction: Allow!" (Received 11/18/95)
9/23/21 - What is mystical?
(This was guidance for me in my writings.) Use the word mystical in your writings. In this infinite zone beyond consciousness, beyond understanding, one may feel the intelligence of something greater than yourself, it is YOU, the observer. This “something greater” has been termed “God” or “supreme being”. It may be called any word but it is not beyond the person observing it. It should not be considered outside and beyond. It is the consciousness of the person itself looming up greater than before. It comes from the source of the observer himself or herself. It is the observer’s consciousness expanding. This is the part which should be shared with others. One must not try to bring it into control, which is the way of the past. If you do that, then the expansion will be cut off. The mystical connection will be cut off. The mystical connection is the window through which expansion and higher forces connect with the immediate local consciousness - the mind. One must not try to capture the mystical, but step back and retain the sensation of awe and mystery and wonder, leaving the window open. Remain a student in the receptive learning stance, rather than assuming the role of teacher. Don’t be worried if you should or shouldn’t be open, it is the flow that matters. It is the flow that counts for once you are flowing many ideas will come. Be ready to put them down on paper. This is for your own good, to stimulate you when you re-read it. (Received 8/14/19)
9/17/21 - Why do we search for the divine feminine?
I had many questions about why the difference between women and men. Why was I searching for the answer to the divine feminine? What is the divine feminine? The answer came: To find the divine masculine of course! The search is inner, we are looking for it not in the outer but in the inner. Once we find the divine masculine in ourselves, then the divine feminine will feel complete and we will be able to balance ourselves and have a lighter, healthier, easier flowing life here on Earth. Life will be fun. Relationships will be fun. We will have an easier mind and less or NO emotional issues to cause problems. One time I asked, “Were we created as feminine originally? Or masculine originally? No, was the answer. You were created as a whole child of God. What you do with that is up to you and how you choose. You become feminine by choosing passivity and peace over making waves. You become masculine by choosing to be proactive in making changes and being assertive. You are only feminine, however, when you are in the presence of a masculine, for then you compare yourself and the masculine triggers you. You are only masculine when you are in the presence of a feminine for then you compare and the feminine triggers you. When you live alone and don’t have an opposite to compare yourself to, you are whole and complete as you are. In oneness. Each aspect of yourself is a standing wave separate from the other aspects - physical, etheric, emotional, mental, spiritual, etc. - we are to align them so they are all one integrated whole.
9/16/21 - Love is not in the physical body
Love is contained not in the physical body itself but in the consciousness that resides in the physical body, or is moving through the physical body like electricity moves through a light bulb lighting it up and casting a radiance around it. We are that consciousness that is streaming non-stop through this body. Much of what we radiate out into the atmosphere is not constructive, which means it is DESTRUCTIVE. It is no wonder that the earth is hurting and in pain and is revolting through earthquakes and storms. The love is not contained in the physical body of the tree, love is contained in the consciousness of the tree. Love is not contained in the body of the fish or the blade of grass, but in the consciousness of the fish and the blade of grass. Consciousness is alive and loving. Consciousness is the life force. Consciousness is the livingness and the lovingness and the peacefulness that supports the physical and the physical thrives upon. But we don’t see it. We take the physical like we take a piece of meat and hold it in our hands and examine it for flaws. We don’t see that it is the consciousness that is the light of the body and the love of the body.
8/31/21 - Lord Lanto
Last night or this morning I asked Lord Lanto how he brought the flame into his heart (it was so bright that people could see the glow) and he showed me the secret. To me it is a major piece of advice. He said, “It is not light, it is love.” I tried saying “love” over and over but he said, “No, it’s not done through the intellect. It’s through the feelings. Through the emotions. Imagine it. Use your imagination.” Then he gave me a feeling of warm love in my heart area to show me what it felt like. It is like mothers love. Warm love. It is very warm, very warming, very nurturing. It’s not warm as in temperature, but warm in feeling, a feeling that you are loved, but it is simply love. This is the flame in the heart. I was so happy to learn this. I am practicing with love through emotion.
Later in the day I received the following and feel it is important to share this. We are living inside a soup of sexual deviation and distraction. In order to get back to our spiritual connection we have to stop playing with sex the way we have been. It is preventing the sky-earth connection. The self-to-self connection. We are divided. We need to get our spirit connected back with spirit. A few weeks ago I got the info that when we were born we divided ourself and a portion of our spirit/soul went down into the earth to become embedded in the earth. We joined with the earth energies but the soul is still unique us. This is the portion of us that is coming up into our bodies, attracted by our higher self coming down through us, but it’s unfortunately being siphoned off into sex. The sexual activity at the second chakra, the genital and reproduction area, is going either left or right - it’s being divided there - preventing the spiritual power from rising higher to re-connect with our higher self. It must connect with higher self to make us whole again. This is the earth connection that everybody is talking about we must make. We must have earth connection but most people don’t know what they means. We are supposed to bring our bodies into wholeness so that we can grow naturally and be productive naturally. But the basic problem needs correcting and then we will feel at peace again with ourselves. The great healing will be accomplished. Our earth spirit will be able to connect with our sky spirit we call higher self, and then we will feel wonderful again. We will make good decisions, rational decisions. But we must come to understand that the earth has a matrix around it which is a pollution. It is largely a sexual matrix, the reason being that we have been programmed (by alien races from the sky who wanted to control us). They did things that altered our DNA, but we can change that by simply not following the sex program any more. The majority of humans - especially the men - will have a huge uproar over this but I quickly add that there is something more beautiful coming in the way of making love. Love with someone who is of your same vibration, along with this new information, will be ultra super beautiful. We take away the old sex act and introduce a higher, more wonderful, more beautiful way. It cannot be explained in words other than it will fill your body full of ecstasy instead of a 30-second “pop” of an orgasm. We are going through a great awakening to bring us to this new beautiful place. Trust me. It’s real. It is the ancient teaching of Tantra. The unbalanced sex block at the sacral center is the thing that has kept us on lower vibrational levels. We have not been taught. This is a complex teaching, but it will be coming soon to the masses. (Received 8/28/18)
8/30/21 - Ascension
I felt the flow of life as a flash and a zing of connection. I realized - and felt it - that the life force which we all want and need and feel depleted of so often, is the connection in a STRAIGHT LINE between the light we planted in the earth at birth, and the light remaining aloft as the higher self. This connection is what the monks and spiritual masters have been trying to tell us. Stick to your own life force. Find that connection to your own power source. We have been distracted from our own power source by listening to other people, reading their books and following their advice, when their advice was for THEM, the author. YOUR advice is within you. It is so important to find your own connection to your power source. At conception we have been dividing ourselves. We put one piece of our spirit into mother earth as an anchor to hold us here, and the other piece remains above in the sky. We - You and I - are then responsible to connect these two parts of ourselves to become one whole - our spiritual self that is in the earth and feeds our body upward from below, and our spiritual self that is in the sky and feeds our mind from above. Intelligence flows down in vibration from the higher self above. We are the ones who have to make the connection. Ascension is simply another word meaning - “Ah! You’ve got it! You’ve connected your body, lower self, with your higher self.” This is not easy but it is the great work for which we volunteered to be born here and take it on. It’s a challenge. (Received 8/26/18)
8/29/21 - Taoism works with sex energy
Taoism works with sex energy – the feeling of the sexual buildup - by circulating the power throughout the whole body, and not letting it go into orgasm. There are etheric pathways built into the body called “meridians” and “chakras”. When sex energy circulates through these meridians and chakras, it becomes the chi or prana. By practicisg Taoist exercises, you can increase your capacity for vibrancy - the energy of glowing vigorous vitality and health. When a person orgasms, he uses this power on the lower physical body only, meaning the physicality only. It does not circulate on up to the higher dimensions of the person. This is a science unknown to most people. When the sex energy is spent on orgasm without circulating it through the meridians and chakras, as Taoism teaches, a person uses up his vibrancy and develops weaknesses, diseases, disabilities and eventually dies. The Taoists claim the human body can achieve the great age of a thousand years in one body, and even achieve immortality of body, as Jesus and many others did. There is a science to it.
So this morning I was prompted to sit down and write as it has become my custom to do. I was hearing the words “Meditation on the BODY is the feminine energy, the healing love energy, the goddess, the mother flame. Religions teach everyone to focus on God as being above the head, in the sky, or some vague beyond. This is the masculine focus. The masculine focus has become the norm for many thousands of years, whether one is religious or not. We have all been taught to look up to at least the brain if not higher for our answers, and definitely not to the body. In fact, the body has been made to feel shame and guilt and to ask “God” for forgiveness for feeling what we feel. The looking up for answers is indeed PART of the process but not all of the process. There is a looking WITHIN that has been missing. The teachings to look WITHIN are wonderful, easy to understand (for me), with rewarding instructions provided by the ancient masters of Taoism, many thousands of years old. Looking WITHIN and UP, as DK says, is how we get our answers, learn, grow and gain wisdom.
Entering into the body is how we stabilize the overemphasis of looking up into the empty sky for answers. Entering into the body through meditative exercises that include breathing and visualizing, we learn to “flow” the energy through the etheric conduits which are the prescribed pathways that were built into the body initially, as a blueprint from the beginning, before the world began. The template of the human has been around from before time, and creation began the great adventure. We’ve been “designed”. Our journey is of one of mind and awareness learning to enter into and plant itself into the organs, glands, blood and bones. We need to take up residence in our own body, and “own” our body, by becoming conscious of each part. The ascended masters are graduates of Earth. They have perfected themselves by lifting up each part of their body with higher love. There are ascended masters from every planet in existence, such as Venus and Vega in the Pleiades, but OUR ascended masters gained their immortality right here on Earth. They learned how to do it. They can guide us but they can’t do it for us. There is no savior, only teachers to advise and role model for us.
The angels and other celestials don’t have to learn this because they never descended into physicality. They can love, comfort, and lift in emergencies, but they cannot do this physical process for us. WE HAVE TO DO IT FOR OURSELVES. We who descended from heaven have to return to heaven and the only way to do that is to own every jot and title of our flesh body. Move into the body, accept the body, ground love, appreciation, faith, truth and purity into your body. Become aware. Awaken within the body. Awaken the body. The Taoists teach us how to circulate our awareness by focusing our mind on certain “spots” in the body and going step by step from “spot to spot”. There are diagrams to follow. We can ONLY learn how to own our body while we are IN our body. If we fail to do that in one body and we die before completing the program, then we come back and try again with a new body. The fact that we have been prevented from knowing this, has held humankind back for millennia. It is the soul that we are circulating through the meridians. The process is all about recognizing the soul and identifying with the spiritual soul, bringing it into the body and grounding it here.
The masters of the east learned how to ascend by another method. It was different. They ascended by by-passing the body. They learned how to go up and out of their body. They could do that because the earth was in low frequency then. We are today in a new cycle of higher light energy. We are in a new region of the universe with higher energies. Our own earth, Mother Gaia, is raising her planetary material too, within herself. So everyone on the planet is doing it differently today. We are all, humans as well as animals and plants, are raising their physical vibrations. We are all going through the process of “own” our bodies. We need to bring our truth and high ideals down into our bodies to ground our souls on earth. It is a different time. A new master plan is unfolding. It just is. You can’t fight it. Get on board. Get with the program. The Mother flame is the source of life and immortality, and it’s within the pelvis, not the brain. The ascended masters can’t do it for us. They can advise and counsel but they can’t do it for us. It is like one man eating the food for another man who is starving next door. It doesn’t work. The starving man has to eat, chew and digest the food to maintain his OWN body. This has to be done consciously. Not automatically. Every conscious being in the universe and creation is unique, and he has built his uniqueness by choice, free will, willful design and conscious design. Every one of us has a unique and different perspective on life and everything. Everything from AA Michael to Jesus to Buddah to Mother Mary and Djwal Kul, St. Germain, Mary Magdalene - each of them is a unique personality. They’re not the same. They are each unique and individual with a divine personality who is still growing their Godhood and their understanding of the Creator God. God himself is growing in understanding because God is US.
We are the cells - the female side of him - and we are growing in understanding that. The masters say, “Choose your favorite quality and make that your life’s work to focus on that quality. Excel in that quality. You are here to develop the body, not the mind but the body. You are here to cultivate your body by bringing in the qualities and the virtues and APPLYING them to your life through your senses and your words, thoughts and emotions. You need your physical senses to do that. You need to experience the qualities and the virtues that you are bringing into expression and showing to your family, friends and yourself. Live these qualities during the day with friends and co-workers. You’re here to develop the body and build the body into a more refined body, a more perfect temple for the soul to live in. You are not here to develop the mind because you are already a mind. You are a conscious mind, or should be. If you are not conscious then you are a robot functioning on programs that were installed in you. Your destiny is to become an awakened mind in human form. As you become more SELF conscious, you become more mindful and more awake and more aware of just exactly what you are spewing out into the world. Anger? Jealousy? Envy? Condemnation? Judgment? Vengence? Unhappiness? You need the body to experience the emotions you are having. Pay attention.
Remember, he who has descended into a body must ascend back home again. Many minds did not descend into a third dimensional physical body. Many more stayed in the heaven realm and found a different function there. We who find ourselves on earth in a flesh body are obligated to refine this body we live in. It’s the only way to get back home. The body is the feminine side of God. God lives in human flesh, blood, bone, organs and muscles. You have a unique, one-of-a-kind opportunity to become a god-man or god-woman, literally an immortal who walks on the ground, but it can’t be achieved through the ego (small e). The small e ego is the mechanical mind which is an artificial mind because it does not share its consciousness with the flesh and blood of its body. It lives totally 100% in the head, in the brain, which is a storehouse of accumulated learning but it is not original intelligence. Original intelligence belongs to the creator, to source. A person living in the head thinks he is special because he is using 100% of his intelligence and does not share it with his flesh and blood body. Therefore it is not a natural, caring, symbiotic mind that networks with his body or that of other bodies, including animals, plants, mother earth and all of nature. The ego (small e) has a superiority complex. It thinks it knows everything and everybody else is wrong or confused. This small ego does not respect the intelligence of the body which is also God, the feminine aspect of God which is embedded into the cells and tissues of material substance. (Received 8/28/19)
8/28/21 - Sound and coded words
By using the words love, trust, faith, compassion, grace and gratitude, we can link up with our creator self. Our higher self. We ARE the creator, we are aspects of the creator. We are thoughts of the creator, desires of the creator. But we are reduced from our original magnificent omnipotence by our focus on a point ahead of us. We have become linear when in the heavens of our being we are like a light bulb and radiate in all directions at once. We have become tunnel-visioned into the front of us. We have become creator focusing on a goal. We are the tip of the pen writing our story on the world, while the main part of us (the creator) is behind us out of sight. We have become densified in order to write our story on the world with our physical body.
To get back home to the heavens of our being while being here in the physical, we need the code words. The words of love, trust, faith, compassion, grace and gratitude are coded words. They contain a magnificent potent energy. We need to bring this energy into our bodies. The words are vibrations and sound makes the vibration physical. It resonates our vocal chords and our brain. The words cause feelings in us. They have wavelengths to them. Hateful words have short wavelengths; loving words have long rolling wavelengths. These waves penetrate the cells of our bodies. These words are the codes that we need to change the vibration of our bodies. They are words that we know in our English language as love, trust, faith, compassion, grace, gratitude. There are many words of the noble variety in every language on Earth and beyond Earth. They are specific codes that we can use.
I have been given these six words as a beginning, as a place to start. Memorize them and use them when time and circumstance permits. As we focus our thought on love for example, saying it silently or out loud is better, over and over as in a chant, we are sending the code vibration of love into our body, brain, cells and tissues of the body. The vibration pulsates through cell walls into the molecules and atoms that make up our physical body. Three or five minutes is a good time to use on one word, but the longer you chant a noble word, the more effect it will have on your body. Try it. Vibrate the body with the word love. Our scriptures tell us that in the beginning was the Word. The word started it all, and now the word can bring us back home. We are taking a mental abstract thought and making it physical through the sounding of its word. This is how we create sensation in the body. Take the best and most noble of words and use them as chants. That way, the body joins with us in our mental quest for the ultimate answer. We make it physical. It is no longer abstract. We are linking up the mental to the physical. We are moving through the emotions. We are bringing mind, body and spirit together. We will feel calm and peaceful.
As we densify the word we also raise the body. We are calming the outer aspects of ourselves which are quite chaotic. We have been journeying in the outer world and have gotten out of control. We feel anxieties, pressure, stress, dis-ease, pain, fragmentation. We feel aches, pains, dark moods, anger, frustration, hopelessness and other unpleasant feelings through our outer-world encounters. That is our human experience. Through chanting noble words we can calm that outer chaos and bring peace to our physical bodies, mind and emotions. We are being reabsorbed back into the creator god, which is our higher self. Through chanting for five minutes the word love or joy or peace or hallelujah or hope or trust or any word of the noble spectrum, you are gathering focus and calming your physical body cells and bringing them back into alignment with your higher self, your true self. You notice it after 5 minutes. When we work through the day we are bombarded with other people’s stuff, often negative thought but sometimes positive thoughts that do not resonate with you because they are not meant for you. We are daily subjected to other people’s emotions, intentions, desires, fantasies, goals which overlay on top of our own truth, and we become mixed up.
Five or ten minutes of chanting one of the noble words and you will find yourself much more peaceful and stable and back in alignment with your own truth. The outer you is that part of you that focuses on the outer world, other people and sometimes you feel quite lost. But in reality you have never been lost. The real you, your higher self, is the one pulling the strings of your life, nudging you here and there. You think you, as your conscious mind, are in control of your life but your creator god self is the one breathing your breath, digesting your food, pumping your blood and desiring to move to Hawaii or change jobs or get married. Your higher mind plants these seeds of inspiration into your conscious mind, to give you direction. It is how your higher nobler self moves your little self through the day while your little self’s mind is busy focusing on external problems and the daily goals of creating.
Now, through chanting code words, you are literally calling yourself back home, no different than the farmer calling his cows back to the barn at dusk. You are linking up with your away team. Use the code words. They contain creator god magic. You know what they are. Start out with love, trust, faith, compassion, grace and gratitude, and you will get other words coming forth out of the mental mist. Your mind is linking up to your higher mind. The veil thins away so you can hear your higher self speaking through these high and noble ideas. When you feel hopeless, chant the word “hope“. If you are weak, chant the word “strength”. When you are sick chant the word “health“ or “healing“. If you are lonely call upon love. You know what I mean. Our human journey has been a journey into duality. There are two sides of our life - the dark, heavy, stressful, hurtful side, and the lighter, loving, harmonious, peaceful side. We are here to change ourselves while in a physical body - it's the only way we CAN change ourselves - and to learn how to turn darkness into light. The lead of the human body is changed into the gold of the god within which is our creator god self. We have played long enough on the dark side. Now let’s start playing with our golden light side. It is the journey back to forgiveness, wholeness, completion, ecstatic reunion with home and family and those who have preceded us to the other side.
We need to use the code words. We have to take the time and the focus to apply them. This is meditation. We have not applied them. We have bandied them about and written about them, but they remain trite and boring because we haven’t planted them into the body. They remain on the mental plane only. They are useless on the mental plane. They don’t mean anything on the mental plane. We must put them into the body to free the body up from its dark monsters that hold it locked in chains. We must feed the body these vibrations through these code words. What are some code words that bring you light? Remember them. Write them down. Do 5 minutes of chanting that word. Zohar. Peace. Hallelujah. Honor. Respect. Delight. Caring. Concentrate on the sound of the best and most noble in you, and pull yourself away from the dark confusions of the outer world. If people truly understood prayer and the power of prayer, they could use this to overcome their drug dependency or depression. No power on Earth is greater than the light, and the light energy in prayer is inestimable! (Received 10/16/10)
8/27/21- Men need the feminine mirror of softness
During morning exercises I saw the tree of life. It was a tree of brilliant light in the shape of the kabbala. It was a tree of conduits, channels and webbing of light that is in me, in my flesh body, and I am surrendering to it when I am up doing spontaneous movements and going with the dance-like flowing. There is an inner wind. Afterwards I sit and write. The words are flowing easily through me and I write them down on paper.
Men are in need of the feminine mirror to be reflected back to them what feminine is like. Most women are reflecting masculine back to men and to the outer world. It is ego-centered, or mental-centered. The masculine predominates everywhere. EVERYWHERE. Ego is everywhere. Where is spirit? Divine? Naturalness? When women think they are showing empowerment by resisting the men and authorities, when they show rebellious, willful attitude to prove they can be complete and equal with men, that is masculine energy they are using. Men do not need more masculine energy reflected back to them. It just makes them angry. They have enough of that every where they turn. It creates competitiveness for control. Who can be best? And who can be on the top? It is feminine they seek. It is the gentleness they seek. The kindness, the motherly caring and encouragement which is selfless. The mother cares more for others than herself, but she is wise and doesn’t deplete her own powers.
Most women try to do this but deplete their own powers. Women do not know how to be truly feminine. They give their powers away without realizing how they are doing this. Even when men push for sex they are seeking the feminine love and acceptance. It is not the flesh they seek but the softness of attitude, the warmth of mood and love that feminine can offer. It is a quality and a virtue. It is an energy and a feeling. It is not flesh. But we women do not have enough confidence in our femininity. We do not even KNOW what femininity really is or feels like. It is pure heaven. We have the bodies that are created to be naturally feminine, so we are full of the potential to be divine feminine, but due to eons and eons of lifetimes and cultural training and programming to operate through the brain we do not know how to be in our bodies. Our bodies are feminine. We don’t know nor have we been trained. We don’t have confidence.
That is why we must gather as women, to build confidence and to reflect back to each other that which is feminine, and that which is NOT feminine. We’ll know it when we see it. It’s not just softness and tenderness, it is also truth, honesty, courage, intelligence and perfection. It is the seven qualities and the seven colors we were embedded with on a soul level, what we call the seven virtues and the seven chakras seven bodies. What makes us feminine instead of masculine is we do it with wholeness, with love, compassion, consideration for the feelings of those around us. We deal out truth with softness. We deal out courage with softness. We deal out determination with softness. We deal out intelligence with softness. We deal out perfection with softness. That is feminine.
The true feminine, the divine or ideal feminine is selfless, and wise beyond reason. Feminine is spiritual. It expresses with tenderness and mindfulness the qualities of the seven which the spiritual connection inspires. It comforts and lifts to higher planes, to nobleness, regal-ness, and majestic-ness and freedom. We women need to build confidence in how to speak and express ourselves. We need to have a circle of safety and protection. We need a women’s circle where we can gain confidence and enlightened responses from other women. We have to cultivate our inner feminine. Then we can bring it home to express to our families and friends.
Every little piece of feminine expressed is like a building block cemented into place in the world. It goes out in a ripple effect through the ethers and touches the planet's atmosphere. Men need encouragement in expressing their own softer side. We add to the healing of the planet when we express our truth. Women learned to surrender their power over the ages. It was a cycle that had to be lived through, but now that cycle is over. Cosmic timing tells us it is time to come out of the closet and enjoy being freely feminine because the men need some proof that softness, genuine softness, tenderness, compassion, honesty, courage, truth, perfection can be lived in the flesh in the world, and in the family, community and government. The men don’t believe it because they haven’t seen it yet. They must see it role modeled in action. I remember a few scenarios where I expressed my truth and my husbands enjoyed it. Feminine truth is one such virtue they are waiting for. They don’t like for us to surrender ourselves to them. It puts added burden and pressure on them. (Received 8/25/19)
8/26/21 - We have to work at it to stay in this reality
During early morning wakeup time, struggling to become conscious, I asked a question: "Do I have to put so much effort into being here in body? Or can I just go with the spacious flow that is so natural for me? Why is it important to have a personal physical identity anyway?" The answer came in my mind: “Of course you do! When you went into the light in 1976 you lost your personal physical identity and had to work at rejoining the earth reality. Bob helped you [my late husband]. Relationships, intimate relationships, help you to ground into earth reality. It is a necessary evil to stay in the earth reality, otherwise you lose it. You lose the connection to this reality, this dimension of life. Many people don’t want to connect with this reality, or can’t because they have not developed a method that is practical, in a uniform manner. You have to build your identity and your knowledge in how to do it, up through the levels so that your life here is coherent and a base is established to make it easier. Many people don’t do that. They don’t know how. For most people their education is lacking. Your work with intimacy through swinging and sex has given you a solid base because you had the grounding in the light first before beginning. Then you were able to take it to the next level (up the spine to higher levels) because you were able to FEEL what was not a right vibration for you, what was not a good fit for you. You were able to detect the difference. It was coherent to you, you were equipped to handle it. And the longer you stayed in duality, you continued to test the waters of the 'other' vibrations around you that you were exposed to, and compare them with your own true comforting vibrations."
Q: So every morning when I wake up I’m lying here trying to re-attach with THIS personal identity, THIS body and THIS timeline, otherwise I am a groggy and out of sorts, kind of lost with hardly no vitality. So THIS is what gives me vitality? By tuning into THIS body? That’s what I do in the morning lying here in bed trying to find some reason to move? Some connection?
Answer: "Yes! Vitality flows through your connection with this earth identity, this earth dimension is the dimension you are anchored into. The most difficult part of what is happening right now, is the tendency towards human curiosity. Do not go there! The war and the chaos is being caused by people's lack of inner light, in-lightenment. When you have learned how to focus on the light in your heart more often, you will reconnect with the positive and most beautiful light that you are already. YOU ARE LIGHT! You are your own consciousness. If your consciousness is more on human affairs, then you are not connected to your God Self. The majority of people are focused on the external world, the world outside of their own feelings and knowings. You are the light of the one consciousness that governs the universe. Everything is living off that one consciousness. You can't escape it no matter how hard you try. You can even kill yourself but you can't escape the fact that you are a cell in the body of the ONE creative love and intelligence that maintains the universe.
But you've (we've) been covered over during this lifetime with programs that make you (us) want to interact FIRST with the outside world. Then maybe later when everything is finished and done and you have some time left over, you might spend a little time in going within to your Godself, your real self. This is what we humans have been doing right along and it's the wrong approach. We've got it backwards. We should be checking in with our inner God light FIRST in the morning and every so often throughout the day to re-establish a strong firm connection with the fact - THE FACT - that you are God consciousness first, last and always. Everything is already right and perfect with your world. YOUR world but you have forgotten that and lost the connection. We all have. That's why we're here --- to remember it and get back in touch with it.
Forget everyone else's worlds. They have to create their own world for themselves. They are part of the one God consciousness too, but it's their responsibility to get back in touch. That is why the chaos in the outside world. The outside world is disrupted and everyone's world is not going so well because they haven't learned how to reconnect with their first and always immortal God self. This is why people should meditate for time periods throughout the day. It doesn't have to be long but we have to set an agenda. We have to do the work and set time aside. It feels ridiculous to the modern man because he has totally lost the connection. Women are better at it but men can do the same thing. I have been doing that. I have created my own agenda and routine. My own routine. It is separate and apart from my husband's routine. Included in my routine is to see HIM as perfect too. I help him through my sacred work. Because I want a nice environment to live in so I must help him. But it has nothing to do with anyone else's routine.
I have mentors on the Ascended Master plane. They guide me through feelings and knowings and urges. They are part of my consciousness because I believe in them and I talk to them and I know they are there through thought alone. I am feeling very positive about the world I live in. It will be over soon, the war. At least in my world it will be. It is already. And more and more people are getting it. This is the quantum physics you are studying. It is how you "see" it. You can change your world by "seeing" it in the eyes of the Masters and you ARE a master if you believe these things. The Masters are telling me things that are positive and bright and dazzlingly forever beautiful. The mystics of history discovered this and danced in rapture while the people stared in amazement. They knew the truth. I know that the war is going to be over soon. In MY world, the war is going to be over soon. However, in my husband's opinion, he is very worried and I can't change him. He is creating his own world, how he sees the world, so I will not try to persuade him. Instead I love him and ask his Higher God Self to keep feeding him.
Do focus on your heart. See it as a physical heart, for it is. But it has an eternal light in it. The heart is the number one organ in your body. Keep focusing there because it feeds the rest of the body with light through its pumping of blood which carries the light through the cells of your body. And picture - visualize - above your head is a sun on invisible planes. A sun that shines more brilliant that the sun in the sky. That is your Mighty I AM Presence. Your individualized I AM Presence that has your own unique signature, different from everyone else's signature. It is you as a unique and separate individual called "I AM". It is you for eternity and forever. This invisible sun to the naked eye is shining dazzlingly brightly there above you and from it is descending a stream of life - your life stream - composed of particles called electrons by the Masters. The electrons are alive and conscious and need direction. You are the one directing them, so direct them by focusing on your heart. The light of your I AM Presence is coming down into your body through the top of your head and down your spine into the earth where it becomes one with Mother Earth's light. She feeds you as the Mother of your life in this body. It is feeding you with this positive light. She is positive too.
Spend at least 5 minutes, better 10, while imagining this, picturing it, connecting with it, reaffirming it, solidifying it into your brain and memory. As you spend time picturing it, it becomes a part of your physical reality. It is real for everyone but very few spend the time solidifying it into their current life which is physical. We need to feed the physical body with this knowledge of who we REALLY are. It is the eternal immortal YOU creating the world you life in. It is true and it is fact. Most people do not know this. Spend just a little time imagining it throughout the day. Create it in your mind's eye. As you imagine it you are connecting with it and creating it. You are connecting your worried human consciousness with your real, true, God consciousness which is perfect and can be nothing less than perfect.
You as a master in training have been experimenting with less than perfect. Now is the time to change back to perfect. Picture perfection. Think perfection even as you are doing the mundane things that you do. You have always been perfect. In just 5 minutes you can reconnect. It is just a little bit every time, but that little bit gains momentum. And then go about your daily business and your daily business begins to pick up and become more positive. For you DO have a mission here. You came here for a reason. Go in and out often to reconnect with that perfection from which you descended, and carry it forward. Know the brilliance that you are and carry it forward, just a little at a time. Reaffirm and re-strengthen that bond and see if you don't make a difference. Leave the war to other people to ponder about it. Carry on with your OWN mission in a positive way.
8/24/21 - Ho'oponopono
Following up on a past life regression as a monk locked in a dungeon - a deeper lesson surfaced during silent prayer time. I had just written an article about it and sent it out as a newsletter. They say that when you release something deeply troubling it makes room for something more to come forth, like tearing the bandaid off a wound so the air can get at it. What came forth for me after writing and sharing this story with the world, was a revelation about the REASON why people don't want to face what they are afraid of. Why are we so afraid of facing that which haunts us? When I found out I was so relieved.
It us nothing to be afraid of or ashamed of. When the therapist suggested at the time that I go back to see what caused my buried sadness which she had detected, an immediate red light warning bell sounded. “NO! Don’t go there!” I absolutely did not want to go to where she was alluding to. I didn't know what it was, but that day I found out. Oh. So that's it. Today during meditation I learned a deeper meaning behind this lifelong fear of dungeons and horrors that occur there. I was holding onto guilt because I thought I had done something wrong, and all the while it was simply a mistake on my part. Yes, I had done something that was damaging to the people I lived with – my religious community. I was a monk, I lived with them, I knew things, exciting things, and wanted to tell the others what I had discovered. Monks meditate a lot and so did I and I was in touch with my higher self and I was learning things. But they were for ME, not for the others. However, I was so excited about what I was learning, seeing, and realizing – becoming enlightened - that I wanted to share my good news. So I did.
I talked and tried to tell what this glorious information was all about to my fellow monks. But it was the wrong thing to do. They didn’t listen. It made them jealous. It made them feel bad. As if I knew more than they did. They continued to repel me but in my excitement I kept talking, I kept telling them, and I went against the commonly accepted practices of the brotherhood community. I was ego-centered, telling them what I knew. I was soaring beyond them. This is where humbleness comes in but I did not have that lesson yet. I told them things that contradicted the calm of the community and what they stood for. It was a place of inner study, alone study, private study. Respecting the privacy of others. It was not wise of me to start preaching. I should have known better. My soul was telling me but I didn’t listen. I got carried away with the good news and the light, so I had a backlash. They put me in the dungeon as a heretic. It was a cause and effect life.
I had to learn. Paula’s regression helped me to reconnect with that life and understand the lesson. It was a layer in me that remained unresolved. There are layers upon layers of buried issues in all of us. Today with the increase in light across the planet, we are removing them. They are surfacing. They are bubbling up from below consciousness, from the subconscious, the subterrain, so that we can see them. They are uncomfortable. They are painful. This is where the light messages are coming from. There is light within us IF we will listen to it. We call it by many names. There are many terms used to express revelation. I experienced the peeling away of an issue that bothered me but I didn't understand it. This is also termed "ascension". It's an elevation of consciousness, a clearing of what was vague, fearful and confusing. By being willing to face what we are afraid of we move on out of a darker place into a clearer place which is like a greater classroom. We are learning to face the mistakes of the past. Mistakes are not punishments, they are clearings. By being willing to face what feels wrong, like walking into the lion's den, we learn what caused the feeling of wrong. By so doing we can hold our heads higher. Higher means clearer. We are understanding better and so we can be grateful and let it go. We are acknowledging our mistake and thanking it for the lesson. We don’t have to tell anyone else about our inner lesson, only admit it to ourself with one hand held tightly in the hand of our higher angel.
And that made room for another issue to pop up. After a day or two of rest and processing THAT one. I don’t think that it is necessary to go find a hypnotherapist today because we are more enlightened than we were 5, 10, 20 or 30 years ago. We are growing more spiritually receptive to our inner light faster because people are radiating it out into the atmosphere as they grow and the atmosphere is growing lighter. When we do something against the law of harmony - the universal guidelines by which everything in the universe is maintained – we suffer negative consequences. It’s like putting a finger onto a live wire. We get shocked. Harmony is not personal. It’s universal. It is the connection to all things. We are anchored into harmony every day. But being born on earth, a dark planet without harmony, we are like the “away” team on Star Trek. We have a mission away from home. Harmony, unity and love is the most important guideline to operate by, and the greatest of these is love. The problem is, we don’t know this biologically, living inside a flesh and blood body. Our “away” mission is to learn it through flesh and blood. It is the best way to learn something. By being in a dense vehicle called a body we can't see very well so we have to experience what causes pain and learn the lesson. No one else can guide us through this learning. Someone else can try to warn us in the hope of preventing us from making the mistake (parent to child) but it doesn’t work very well. We don't listen. We have to go through it ourself.
I remember a woman trying to tell me something and she gave up. She said, “It’s too bad, you’re just going to have to learn it the hard way.” And we do. We all do. We all have to learn it the hard way, because a mistake hurts us and pain is a motivator. We need to find the answer to why it hurts. That is how we grow ourselves to more enlightenment. We fill in our body with wisdom. We become personally responsible only when it hits home, and in our face. Then we gain personal understanding. Wisdom accumulates through personal experience. We must learn the truth for ourself. We just can’t take the word of someone else as truth. This is why we have to go through the meatgrinder experience which seems to hash us all into little pieces. Can we pull ourself together after going through the meatgrinder? There are principles that govern the universe. They are the higher principles, the moral principles and ethical principles that are called the spiritual path. Those who traveled ahead of us left them behind in the form of words, lessons and books.
My life as a monk needed that lesson of humility and wisdom. I was open and receiving higher lessons but I started preaching. That was the wrong thing to do. I did not respect my brothers' right to privacy and quiet. I learned from my own quiet time, prayer time, meditation time, but then I pushed it out onto others. Admitting a mistake is asking forgiveness of our higher self. Our God self. “I am sorry, please forgive me, thank you, I love you.” It is a mantra called the Hoʻoponopono - a Hawaiian practice of reconciliation and forgiveness. Because when we make a mistake we separate ourself from our higher God self which is in harmony with ALL of life. We are one with all that is, the source of all life. When we make a mistake that hurts another person we also hurt ourself. It cuts like a knife and our sense of peace and calm recedes. We are separated. We stepped out of bounds. To bring ourselves back from that darkness we created, we must acknowledge our mistake. “I am sorry, please forgive me, thank you, I love you.” Mental words said in private prayer, asking for forgiveness, is how our light body comes forward to envelope us. Mercy is granted immediately. Love is there for us because that’s our home. We are welcomed back into the fold of home, even while we are still here on planet Earth in a physical flesh and blood body. This is our training ground. It is a most gracious aspect of the source of all life, helping us to understand how to live with the principles of harmony, unity and love, even here on a dark planet. We can even live it here on Earth if we are aware of these principles. We are children learning from our elders. It takes personal experience, and time.
When we do something that conflicts or contradicts harmony, unity and love, we are like putting a monkey wrench into the finely tuned wheels of life that keep everything flowing smoothly. How do we know if we are doing a wrong thing? By experimenting. It’s the only way. As human beings we do not know because we are born into a literal sea of conflicting opinions. Some people remove themselves from the mainstream and join a nunnery or a monastery where there is peace and quiet. Then it is possible to hear the lessons from the light body without so much interference. Our light body surrounds us is in purity, but we in our “away” mission go outside and beyond it. We cut our light down in order to experience density, polarity, duality and conflict – and sensual/sensory pleasure. But we didn’t really leave harmony, unity and love. Not really. We just shut the door on it. Just like entering a house and shutting off the light. We have to find our way around in the dark like a blind person. We choose to do this. But our light – our own light – is still within us. Only 5% of our true self is shut up inside the dark house. It’s a vibrational thing. It’s part of the creator’s game plan to give us this opportunity to learn about darkness. And how far we are willing to go before calling out “Help!” to the light - the higher angels, the celestials, the friends in high places.
There is a purpose for us to be here and to experiment with our dense vibrations. We do have our fun times inbetween the suffering and pain. And we do enjoy the thrill of the chase and the risk-taking and the competition. It’s all part of human life to learn these things. It’s about creating situations and then experiencing the result. Doing something good for someone without asking for anything back, gives a thrill beyond measure. Doing something bad gives a different kind of feedback. Each to its own. Each learns in its own way which way to go. What darkness is and what goodness is, and how a mistake can be corrected by admitting and becoming humble and apologetic to the one we harmed. We grow from these lessons. It’s not all negative. We’re here to grow larger, more expanded, more wise, more truthful than we have EVER been before in former lifetimes. (Received 8/21/20)
8/23/21 - The native intelligence of humans
When I saw the deer the other morning I stopped and thought about them. It occurred to me that humans also have a native intelligence, just like the deer. My thoughts went like this. Our bodies are creatures native to the earth and we have an innate consciousness or intelligence. A native intelligence. The human species are evolving at a faster rate now. Ordinary evolution takes hundreds of thousands of years to advance a species, but because more and more advanced souls are being born at this momentous time in our history, they are bringing with them knowledge that is superior to the cells being provided by the parents. As the soul imprints its knowledge into the cells of the body it inhabits, the bodies of the human species are evolving more quickly. Souls are requesting to come to earth at this time and there is a line forming, waiting for the opportunity to be born. They are volunteering and they are coming from all over the universe, bringing their knowledge of having lived in many different forms and on many different planets. They are more enlightened than the former souls who inhabited the earth in the past.
Outside of form, there is an infinite sea of consciousness that is composed of many individual consciousnesses. We don’t understand with our human brain because we are locked into flesh and blood logic. We have been taught that we are the only life in the universe, and that we only live once. These are false teachings. The universe is alive with intelligences, individual intelligences who have evolved up through mineral, plant, animal, human - intelligences who have advanced themselves beyond form. All souls today on the earth have come from somewhere else, from some other star system, some other earth planet, some more advanced than earth, some less advanced. But we don’t know that with our physical brain because the brain and body belong to the planet. We only know this on a soul level and soul teachings have not been given to students, so it remains hidden knowledge. Those who are receiving information from past lives are those who are advanced enough to believe and trust the information that comes to them from their own innate wisdom.
More advanced souls are being born here through parents who are more enlightened than THEIR parents. There is progressive growth taking place in the biological form itself. The steady flow of incoming souls inhabiting the human form is impressing the bodies with advanced information. Why do some people grow up more refined and others grow up lagging behind? Studies show it can't be attributed to economics and class, for some poor people are elegantly refined, and vice versa.
When a soul is more advanced than the ancestral line it is born into, the body itself does not have to manifest those faulty patterns of the ancestors. The human species is evolving very fast in these times because more enlightened souls are being born here. Many of our text books are out of date. Young people are discovering what was once secret knowledge taught by masters in the Himalayas in ages gone by. This esoteric knowledge is becoming more available today as individuals are searching for more advanced guidance. At one time such guidance could only be found in remote retreats called mystery schools because the general population was not ready for it. Advanced souls are being born today who have lived and learned among other star systems, beyond what can be learned here on earth. Now they are volunteering to come to assist in the evolution of the planet and the human species so it can mature more gracefully, and become more God-like. They are coming to help move us past stubbornness and selfishness and war-like ways that have held human beings back for centuries, unable to evolve into more harmony and unity. These advanced souls are here today in every town, city and village to help us become more compassionate and caring, and to stop being myopic, selfish and greedy and to get past the level of animal survival instinct which has held us back. (Received 8/16/20)
8/22/21 - The difference between thought & feeling
Thought and feeling are two separate activities in a human being. Thought is not a feeling. You can think about something without receiving a sensation in your body. At least, not at first when you first become aware of it. It becomes a sensation the more you entertain the idea in your mind. When you first become aware of the idea it is still descending from the abstract plane where all thought originates. Thought is formless. It is abstract intelligence. It becomes formed as it imprints upon the brain cells. Feeling on the other hand is a denser vibration that impacts the physical cells and becomes a sensation or emotion. Granted, thought and feeling are designed to work together in harmony. For example, abstract intelligence (ideas) descends down in vibration to be picked up by the denser material of the tissues and nerves of the body. What you “think” you may also “feel” spontaneously if you are aware, such as with the vibration of music as it moves through you on a sensory level through hearing. But this does not happen in people where their thought is not in alignment with their bodies. In other words, their emotions may not receive the thought into their physical tissues because they are not open to their emotions and receiving sensations in their bodies. They are "head" people. The mind absorbs their interest.
(Channeled) Most of you humans are not aware or enlightened enough to make the distinction between thought and feeling. You do not know how your own body works. The result is discordant energy moving in a confused state through your entire being in a rather chaotic state. Random and disjointed. Without order, reason or purpose. The first thing to do to bring order and purpose to yourself, to straighten yourself out, is to become aware of what thoughts you are entertaining, and making a distinction between what feelings you are feeling at the same time. Can you separate feeling from what you are thinking in your mind? It is important to separate them before you can integrate them into a harmonious whole which will bring you more peace and purpose. Notice when thought and feeling are in harmony. Notice when thought and feeling are NOT in harmony.
Two of the four lower bodies pertain to thought and feeling. The other two refer to the physical body and the etheric body. The etheric body is sub-conscious and superconscious. In other words, you are not aware of what is below your conscious mind and what is above your conscious mind. You are aware of only what is in the narrow region inbetween the above and the below. It is important to expand that region. How? What is in your subconscious influences you in subconscious ways, such as being afraid of flying. You will continue being afraid of flying until you understand and come into contact with the lifetime or memory or realization that you once died from falling a great distance, or had a similar trauma that impacted you with fear. That fear remains in you until you dissolve it. There are many ways to dissolve it. Hypnotism, or facing the agonizing fear the next time you are confronted with it when it comes rushing forward. We are not here to discuss techniques. Techniques are available all around you today. What is subconscious to you is influencing you all the time, every day. An alcoholic gene in your ancestry DNA causing you to drink. A cancer gene passed down from your grandmother. Religious issues passed down from your lineage. You are a product of past influences that are not your own, through ancestry DNA in the form of cellular programming. You can change your own DNA by resolving to face it down, track it down, own it, be responsible for your own actions instead of blaming it on a grandfather or father. Connect with the realization and do something about it, consciously. Bring it up into consciousness. Expand the narrow range of your consciousness this way.
Likewise things that are in your super-consciousness that you are not aware of, are also influencing you through idealism, thoughts of perfection, beauty, honesty, grace, refinement, intelligence, learning to become better. There is an evolutionary drive within your higher self. Your divinity lies above your conscious mind. You were created in perfection but you do not realize your perfection yet. Self realization is a goal in every human being, but even that is not understood. So many people think it is a dream too far and they cannot even go there. Instead, they accept their low self worth as a worm accepts its life on the ground. Identify with your divine nature often during the day by looking up into the vast blue sky and thinking “happy” and “joyful”. The sun is there to remind us of our greater self. The stars are there at night to remind us that we have a star heritage, not just a worm heritage. Connecting awareness to these thoughts brings this forward into consciousness and expands your conscious mind. This is how you impact your etheric body, subconscious and superconscious. You are not just a physical piece of meat walking around. You are so much more than that. This is an immortal part of who you are and you take it with you when you leave the body behind at death.
Likewise, in your etheric body there are skills, talents, heroic good deeds that you have accumulated from past lives that are better than what you are expressing today. Tap into these by recognizing that you have latent interests in certain areas. Languages, science, teaching, medicine, art, sculpture, music, dance, entertainment, politics. Many interests lie fallow and unused in this life when in former lives these interests were developed and honed to mastery, or at least to advanced stages. You have graces stored within your etheric body that you might not even think about. You may have been an accomplished opera singer or astronomer or surgeon in your time period, born to other parents. Your etheric body is part and parcel of you.
The chakras alternate between masculine and feminine. I am seeing that the root chakra is masculine. It is the first thought that precedes the feminine. The root chakra is connection with earth, strength, will power, determination, perseverance. The sacral chakra is feminine. It is an inner feeling of nurturing love, balancing the first chakra with a softness that integrates and soothes. The solar plexus (3rd) is masculine, it is the expressing of self outward into the outer world. It is the identity of the self after first connecting to earth with strength and will, and then becoming soft through the second chakra feminine, then the third step is to debut oneself outward into the world. The heart (4th) is feminine, to balance the masculine expression of self thrusting outward into the world. It is a higher vibration of softness, peace and calm. First masculine thrusting outward, then feminine withdrawing inward to soothe and calm, then thrusting outward again, this time with more finesse, and then withdrawing inward again to soothe and calm, each level is more refinement of understanding.
Then the throat (5th) is masculine, speaking the truth and knowledge that one has gained through the first four levels of experience, the self can now express, create, contribute to the world in which he/she lives. And then moving upward to the 6th chakra, the pineal gland or third eye as it is called, feminine inward drawing to meditate and nurture the self. First masculine thrusting out, then feminine pulling in, then masculine thrusting out, then feminine pulling in. Each time, the self refines its understanding of how to live in physical form. And finally it is ready to ascend to the 7th chakra, the crown of the head to join with the immortal self, known as spirit, which has not been in physical. Only that part which descends into physical evolves understanding of living in physical. That part of self which is yet still in spirit, is waiting for the self to return home and bring the harvest of learning with him to share with higher aspects of self. This is the physical journey of an immortal soul through physical life as it was given to me.
When we are in masculine mode we are not interested in spiritual things, but when we are in feminine mode that is when we consider the possibility of spiritual practices. The more advanced the soul is, the more influence will spiritual matters impress on the self. Spiritual practices are invoking angelic presences, ascended master teachings, learning prayers and affirmations and reciting them at particular times during the day. Also visualizing or imagining or picturing, not necessarily with words, but activating the imagination. Or breathing exercises through counting and imagining light. There are many techniques being taught today. (Channeled 8/19/17)
8/21/21 - Two thresholds, one higher and one lower
When you’re feeling an emotion, it’s God feeling through you. Please be aware of this and have some respect. Human consciousness has two thresholds to it - a higher threshold and a lower one. The higher threshold is where mind tries to think clearly and imagine what God is, or what good is, or the cosmos, or the infinite intelligence, but there is a point where your mind just can’t get beyond it. The lower threshold leads into darkness of every conceivable type. Depression, confusion, paranoia, fear, monsters and horrors of all types. The lower threshold is not only an unknown, it’s a trap that sucks you in and it’s difficult to escape.
The higher threshold leads to more harmony, more peace, more comfort, more knowledge, more connection, more love and light. The lower threshold leads AWAY from harmony, peace, comfort, knowledge, connection, love and light, and further into darkness, separation and loneliness.
In between these two thresholds is our playing field. We play with light and darkness. The light is of lighter density and therefore more intelligence and clarity can get through to people who have worked on themselves to become more refined. Just like light from the sun can reach the grass better without trees around than in the forest. The darkness on earth is of heavier density because it is more compacted due to irregularities and discrepancies that don‘t make sense. You can‘t fit them together. There are errors in thinking and errors that are manipulated lies done on purpose. These don’t add up. They become like an attic full of old things that don’t fit anything at all. They just take up space. The light is the quality of connecting and creating harmony. The more truth you tell, and the more goodness you express to others, and the more freedom you give to others, the higher you go into the light. You find more transparency, more love and more connection that makes sense.
The part that is hard to accept for many people is the fact that there are intentionally evil people who live on earth. They are not simply making mistakes, or errors in judgment, or lacking in education. They are not simply products of wrong upbringing by ignorant parents. People who are more light-inclined, who have goodness in their hearts, who believe in God and have faith that good will win, and trust what people tell them - it is difficult for such good people to accept that the evil in the world is intentional. And yet it is true. As a long-time student of the light, I was one who did not believe, but my threshold has expanded. I have grown in knowledge and understanding. When we grow further into the light, our light threshold becomes more transparent so that we can see more of what lies below us.
The mystical experience is not something OUTSIDE of our consciousness, it is our own consciousness that is growing tall. When it reaches a height where it can see over the wall, then we become aware of a larger view which extends further than we were able to see before. We might even see a house off in the distance that glitters gold in the sunlight but we can’t quite make it out. It’s exciting to catch glimpses of things that are beyond us. But we have to remember that it’s not somebody else telling us these things. It is US growing larger.
The same process happens when we allow a horrible situation to become part of our conscious awareness. Maybe we hear of a murder, or an abusive situation, an abduction, a crime of passion, a manipulation that is exposed that is difficult to believe. How could anyone do such a thing? This too is not something OUTSIDE of our consciousness doing something mean or bad to us. It is our own consciousness that is descending down into darker territory. When we allow ourselves to “think” on this, to mull it over and over, to talk about it, to gossip, to write about it, to post online, we are adding to the darkness of the world. This is the threshold of our own consciousness. We aren’t responsible for what others are doing in THEIR minds and consciousnesses. We are only responsible for what we do in our own minds and consciousness.
The light and dark is in each of us. No one escapes the dark. It‘s in all of us in degrees. Some have more darkness than others. Some have more light than others. It‘s not “them“ against “us". Even the dark have some light in them. We are here to learn what feels good and what feels bad through trial and error. Telling the truth, not lying, not cheating make you feel good. Doing kind things, not manipulating others, forgiving others for their mistakes, supporting others, being cooperative, adding constructively to projects instead of arguing, providing encouragement and nurturance where possible, and learning how to serve others without depleting yourself. These actions make you feel good. We are here to learn what makes us feel good.
The evil ones who are purposefully hurting other people, who manipulate others, like slavers, abusers, killers, tormentors, thieves, criminals, psychopaths, greedy people and the like - these actions make them feel bad. They contribute to their own demise which makes them do even more bad things because they have descended down into the lower zones where light cannot reach them. They have no clue how to get out of it. That is why we are told to forgive and send love to them because that helps YOU. It helps you to escape the dark trap. Because if you hold anger and stew over what they did, that will suck you in closer to the evil which can snag your thoughts and hold you prisoner. You don‘t want to go there. Forgiveness and sending love and light is to benefit YOU. It is a safety precaution..
We have both dark and light in us. Many people have very little darkness left in them. We cannot compare or judge anyone. Our job is to keep our focus on universal law, which is the light and love. The matrix we live in, which is the human consciousness on earth, is a rather narrow zone. Below us in consciousness are the animals and plants, and they are not manipulators. They don‘t have evil in them. Only the human consciousness has evil. It‘s a narrow zone where evil abides, because when we go higher into the light, there comes a point where we leave the human consciousness and we join the galactic consciousness of light. There are galactic civilizations of evil, but once we reach the higher threshold of light, we have joined with the galactic federation of LIGHT. The evil ones can join with galactic darkness, but the wars are almost over.
There is a mixture of both good and bad in our playing field, but there is a threshold of consciousness toward which we are drawn. We seek more harmony, more freedom, more truth, more knowledge, more love. We are drawn to know. We are drawn to the light. However there are people who are drawn to the darkness and this is where deviousness comes in. Most people who have a heart, can’t even imagine someone NOT having a heart.
Anyone who has malevolent, negative or dark tendencies or thoughts, cannot go beyond the upper threshold into the zone of love and light and stay there. They can have brief glimpses of it, but they cannot stay. They have to come back if they can’t maintain the frequency of love. The spiritual techniques are teachings to show us how to purify our thoughts, which will automatically purify our emotions, so that we can get greater and greater glimpses of the light above us. This science is slowly becoming known to us. We haven’t understood the nature of our own personal form life and why we are the way we are. We have a lot of ugliness in us, meaning selfishness, greed, abusive and controlling natures, animal desires, perversions, and more. But the physical world is the great teacher. Our world is the great classroom where we learn through trial and error the difference between right and wrong. And it is our feelings that tell us.
Many people call it God but it‘s actually YOU. You are god with a small g, a child of the big God, father-mother God, here to learn how to BECOME a God with a large G. You have learned much already, but what you have learned thus far is more than can fit into a body of flesh. We call this "more" that you are, the higher self. No matter how enlightened we become, there is something more beyond us to learn. There will always be a higher self so there will always be something drawing you upward. I like the word "mystical" because there are a lot of spiritual teachings that have been written about over the centuries, that are just words. The mystical zone is not able to be defined because it is personal. It is sacred and it comes to you through a feeling or a revelation. The person can’t define it even though he or she tries. I try to define it myself. Everyone has a mystical side because everyone has a higher self from which they descend into a smaller, denser flesh and blood body. There is not enough room in a tightly- squashed flesh-and-blood body so we leave our accumulated wisdoms behind, on higher planes.
We get bright clear glimpses from time to time of the mysterious unknown beyond us, or we may get dark, horror-filled glimpses of mysterious unknowns below us, but mostly we play within the understandable, rational, reasonable playing field that we know as our earth life of today. We play in duality - we play with opposites. We exchange and experiment with good and bad, light and dark, benevolent and malevolent, selflessness and selfishness. It is important to realize that these two forces are restricted to the physical world of duality. The physical form world can’t go beyond it and can’t go below it. That makes the physical world safe. It’s the playing field where we learn about cause and effect. The mind is the cause. What we believe in is the cause. What we have faith in is the cause. How we act out our beliefs is the cause of the effects we see in our every day.
The physical world is the lowest density there is. There is nothing more dense than physical. This is where it all happens. This is where it is all understood. From here on up it is lighter, brighter and contains more goodness and harmony. The only downside is in the mind, and it can get very dark and horrible indeed. So from here on, from this point on, it is all UP to the light and all DOWN to the darkness that we abhor. It is up to us how we use our minds and what we harbor in our minds. We must hold positive, harmonious, benevolent thoughts if we want to create positive, harmonious, benevolent EFFECTS in our lives. We are the cause of the effects that appear for us. Nobody is doing it to us. Nobody can do it for us. WE have to make the choices between light and dark. The physical world has huge potential for enlightenment. We are getting ready for it. Many are turning more to benevolent and kindly acts. Physical enlightenment is caused by those who maintain positive thoughts. We then enjoy more happiness in our physical life, such as peace and fulfilling situations and relationships. We are the ones who bring it to ourselves through our benevolent thought processes.
Above and beyond this narrow zone of duality which we know today, there is unity, harmony, nobleness, love and light that has no end. We must grow into it by making the right choices with the intelligence afforded us through our thought processes. We must make the required changes in how we think. It is difficult to change habits but that is a power we are given. We can change our feelings by changing how we think. The sun comes out every day to provide us with an example. Look UP! It is unendingly bright ahead of us and beyond us. The science is to look UP. But just as we can’t look into the sun right now with our naked eyes without great pain and blindness, just so we can’t get above our narrow zone of duality until we practice maintaining light and love, thus growing our ability to sustain the mystical experience that occurs periodically. All of us are striving for it, because it is the good we know is there. It is the goal of all human beings. It is innate. The mystical experience is innate. It is a revelation that comes with a sureness of feeling and knowing it is real.
It is an experience of greater light, greater love, greater harmony, greater peace, greater comfort. Each time we experience it, there is a breaking out of the matrix that holds us to the befuddlement of human existence. When we have a moment that is absolutely wonderfully peaceful and mystical, either alone or with someone else, enjoy it but don’t make that person into a possession. Let these feelings and revelations come and let them go. We can’t hold onto the mystical experience. We can only enjoy it to the fullest and say, “Thank you”. By doing so you build it into your knowledge base and your body's cellular memories. You just know. It's another etheric brick in the light body as you grow into more light and more love. This is the process we are here for, to learn how to do. THIS is how we stop ourselves from bouncing back and forth between good and bad like bewildered victims in an obscure playground. Between the two thresholds, the higher one and the lower one, there is a zero point or neutral point that exists. It is our conscious choices for the good, right, decent and truthful, that keeps us safe inside that neutral zone. There is fulfillment and abundance in the neutral zone. The chaos can't reach us there once we learn to manage our thoughts better. Take time out often through the day to go into the silence. (Received 8/17/19)
8/20/21 - There is a place for silence
(Channeled message to me:) Change GoddessSphere to ALL people, not just women. Change your focus to all. You’ve been making it personal through your eyes as woman. The goddess is working in you. It is not personal. It is ageless and eternal. Don’t own it as in attaching to it. Let it be free flowing through you. It is not personal. Let it heal you. Learn to work with ME, not with the outer matter which is also lost. Work with ME, I am your father and your mother. Work with your mother for she is there within your body. Work with your inner, not the outer and you will work well with the outer. You will know what to do when it is time to do it. Be in touch with ME at all times and I will teach you, train you, guide you so that you, who are the child, will grow in wisdom. You are the soul learning, we are your parents teaching. We are you, and you are ME, father God above, mother God below.
(I am thinking there are so many words to write)
No! Let the words go. Open your mind to the column of light extending up to the sun above you, to ME. Writing down inspirations is the male in you. You have been operating on the male frequency. That is why you are experiencing dizziness and confusion. You are lacking the embodiment of those teachings. The acceptance of them into your body and life requires enfolding them SILENTLLY into your womb, your love, without words, putting them into action. You are their Mother, love them into expression. A good mother does not force the growth or criticize or place conditions on her babies. She does not judge or condemn. Love them! Put them into action. Do this in silence, don't talk about it so much. Silence is the feminine attitude, subservient to the God within, the Mighty I Am. It is not contact through words or decrees. There is a place for decreeing and chanting, but the greatest need is to sit in silence with your creator, your Father/Mother God. Come within, my child. Come within to be at one with me. Leave your song books, your decrees, your teachings outside the door. (Received 8/5/19)
8/19/21 - Especially for women of the heart
This morning I had an interesting experience while sewing. Before I began, I stopped and connected with my heart. I called upon the ascended masters and especially DK. A very nice meditation sitting there at the sewing machine. I saw two rows of ascended beings in bright colors leading up to the sun. I am making the sun my home now. I see the sun anchored in my heart. I heard the words, “Calling women of the heart.” The vision of the ascended masters was beautiful. They were not the focus but the guidelines, two rows of guide posts. Their hands reaching down to me, and the other hand reaching up to the sun. They created a path of light for me. It brought tears to my eyes and a feeling of lumpiness in my throat all around. This is my path. Words came unbidden: "A mastery class for women" and DK began speaking to me:
"Home is where the heart is and your heart is in your chest - not in your husband’s chest, or your mother’s or father’s or sister’s or brother’s or son’s or daughter’s or anyone else’s chest. The path of mastery is the path of owning your own heart, your own divine source of intelligence, for your light is coming through your heart. Your heart is a portal to the heavens within which you have your true home. Now, let us begin.
"Remember you ARE your heart, you are not your physical body. No matter how young or how old, you are always in a state of becoming - of entering into the world of form, but you are not form. As you are flowing into your heart, you begin to detect the surroundings of your environment. The first environment is your own body and the memories in the form of energies that you created in the world of form. And not just THIS body you inhabit today, but other bodies you have lived in prior to this life. You have these memories and energies stored in you beneath your conscious mind, forgotten, but they are not forgotten by your inner self. They add pressure to your current world and situations. You detect them. Remember - you are NOT this body. You are a flowing consciousness from the sea of source creation, impartial, all-knowing, all loving, all complete in and of yourself.
"You owe allegiance to no one for you are all that is in your original before-form state. The intelligent thought you think in your mind is a shadow of the real, of your blinding reality and wholeness. The feelings you think are reflections of something much greater. The sounds you hear are dull shades covering up the truth of the REAL, whispering through you like ghosts from all directions. Your own past, your own body, other selves’ bodies, other selves’ pasts, and from the trees, air, water, vegetation, food and immovable objects that surround you in the world of form. You cannot escape the ghosts of the past except through your heart. By anchoring into your heart you tune into the higher planes of your real self. You tune into the correct station, YOUR station, and you clear up the static and noise from others. YOUR station is you. You receive intelligence and wisdom and knowledge loud and clear when you take time out from the static of the outer world of form and other people and listen to your own clear truth. Teaching for this day comes from Master DK." (Received 8/4/18)
8/18/21 - There is a science to the Light
There is a science to the light, to interacting with the ultimate good, the ultimate love. There is a science to it, there is a way to align with it and invite it into your life. A science is a method of approach, a direction-finder. The way to find the higher way, the better way, the ultimate way, is through aligning with ALL-good, ALL-light, ALL-love, ALL one, however you wish to name it. Light is not a word. It is the highest and the best. Nothing less can attain to it. Now, this is where it is difficult. It is virtually impossible for the human mind as it exists today to imagine the highest and the best, due to the state that it is in right now. Because the human mind has errors in it. It has been distorted away from the ALL-GOOD. The ALL-good is perfection and it is innate. The best way to align with the ALL-good that is innate, is to nip ALL negative thoughts in the bud. The human mind does not know how to do this so let me explain.
If you want something very badly and each time you attempt to reach for it and you almost align with it but something obstructs you, you have an instantaneous reaction that is negative, maybe disgust, maybe anger. It is a knee-jerk, automatic reaction of a negative nature. This automatic negative reaction will consistently hold you back from aligning with the ALL-good that you seek. The negative resentment, anger or disgust is the fly in the ointment. You must get rid of it. It will keep you from achieving what you want. You must get rid of ALL negative reaction, which is rebellion and resistance to not getting your way. You must release not getting your way. That is ego. That is why people meditate and do inner work on themselves, often without understanding why they are doing it. It is to get rid of ego. The techniques for doing this are myriad. They have been handed down from antiquity by enlightened masters. To cleanse the body-mind of knee-jerk negative reactions you must substitute ALL-light consciously. It takes a conscious decision to change direction and it takes repeating light-filled mantras, chants, affirmations, prayers, all of these things that require your conscious mind to change direction to the light. Otherwise your human mind will keep going in the same old manner, believing that you will be able to conquer it if you try long enough and hard enough. But it will never happen that way. You are created out of light. You have a light body. It is the background of who you are. It is your background intelligence. You have been overlaid with dark thoughts, beliefs and wrong understandings. The dark web carries hate, resentment and all things that are “not light”. You might think to ask for the removal of “not-light” but even that statement carries within it a recognition that all is not well with you.
The only way to move into the ALL-light is to find the stillness within, the ultimate acceptance of stillness, and stop actively resisting what you don’t want. Accept it. Accepting not the dark but the ALL-good, the ALL-light. Accept the ALL-light and be in peace. Everything is made of light and love. Believe it and accept it. Stop putting up blocks and resistance. This is tricky. Try to understand what I’m saying here. Accept the darkness as light and perfection by seeing past the surface into the background of Light from which it emanates. This takes practice. Practice in techniques that only your higher self can guide you to, for each person is a “construct” of false premises. Only your higher self can guide you out of these false constructs back to your original light body. Another person cannot guide you back to your origins because they don’t know the route you took to create who you are today. Only your higher self knows the route and knows how to guide you.
Then, that which you used to resist and kick against in one way or another, is gone now, because you Nancy have accepted the light in ALL things now. The little remaining resistance in you surfaced when the mask mandate came about. Your knowledge of light made you a progressive activist for the light which is on its way to manifesting on earth. Your desires for this light to manifest took over and you had another “desire”. A “desire” is a shadow construct. It is a movement out of alignment with light. It is your mind saying, “No, no, I can’t let this happen. I can do better. I must do better. I must fight this.” So you said to the mask mandate, “I will fight this. I will not obey.” This was a remnant of the old you. It was a knee-jerk reaction, a shadow of resistance still clinging to you in the dark webbing that shadows you. You subsequently saw the error in that resistance and you decided to align with the ALL-light, which you are finally achieving. To others it may seem as if you have lost the fight and surrendered to the authorities, but you have lost the fight and surrendered to the ALL-light. Not to outside authorities but to the one inside authority, the only authority there is in the end – the ALL-light.
Going with the science of light is what Jesus did, as is told in the scriptures. He had to overcome the shadow in himself too, he had to learn the path of non-resistance too. It is being non-resistant to the ALL-light. “Resist not the Light that is in you. Resist not evil. Resist not period. Be at peace in all situations. Do not desire! Do not desire anything! If you have a desire you are resisting the ALL-light that is in you and in everyone. The faster you align with non-resistance, the faster you will achieve what you want because it is INSIDE OF YOU. It already exists. It is like – ummm – a simple analogy is when you are looking for your glasses and you go crazy searching for them, you need them, you desire them, and all the while they are on your head, pushed up past your eyesight. All is well, all is light, all is fulfilled. Your process is to practice believing that. It is the truth. (Channeled message received 8/13/20)
8/17/21 - The power at the tailbone
While doing the DEER exercise, which is a Taoist training to tap into and raise the vital energy at the tailbone (called kundalini, Christians call it the holy spirit, most people call it sex), I realized that children are damaged at a very young age by the parent’s admonishments to “not touch down there”. They slap the hand away, and the sense of shame begins over feeling something warm and wonderful in their own loins. This warm and wonderful feeling in the pit of the stomach is then covered over with a shading of guilt. This is the beginning of the distortion. And yet, this is the spirit that loves the body and built the body. It is meant to be welcomed, embraced, allowed, and quickened. By allowing this warm and wonderful feeling in the lower parts, it expands. But it is not to be. The child grows up comparing notes with snickers and giggles when adults are not around, in private, in secret, learning to enjoy the game of secrecy, playing doctor, feeling each other. Shame leads to secrecy which leads to hiding which leads to lying which leads to cheating. And all the while, the laws of the land insist on no sex before marriage. Not only that, but the implication is that any good warm love feelings in that area should ONLY be done by someone else, not yourself. Masturbation is seen as a sin. Yet, enjoying someone else before marriage is seen as a sin. The only thing that is not a sin is to get married and do “It” only with your marriage partner, whether you like it or not.
This is all wrong. There is a flame of purity and love at the base of the spine on the etheric level. It cannot be found through an autopsy after death. It goes away at death. It is the spirit that built the body, and it is what maintains health in the body. It maintains vitality and interest in the body. Without it we could not live. The reason the body ages and dies in only 60, 70 or 80 years, usually from some disease which would never have happened if the source of the body’s life, the warm love at the base of the spine, had been embraced and taught from childhood how to manage it and what it is there for and why the good feelings occur there. I saw much of this this morning. My mind opened to these truths easily while doing the DEER exercise. (Journaled 8/11/20)
8/16/21 - Telluric 2D energies
Before bed, I read the Pleiadian Agenda by Barbara Hand Clow and was excited by their messages. We must learn about our other bodies (dimensions) to fulfill ourselves. This will prove to be the healing of ourselves. It is what is missing, this connection to our subtle bodies. When we get excited, kundalini rises. Mastery of your bodies awakens you so you can live in all your dimensions. It is ordinary reality that holds you to your true path. The crocodiles are speaking about telluric 2D energy [second dimension] which is kundalini. The Pleiadians are telling us to “Make Home!” with our 2D bodies. Home is where you are in your power. It is ordinary. Don’t be pulled by others upwards or sideways. Stay home in your body. I went to sleep with this in mind.
Upon waking up I was filled with more awareness. I grabbed pen and paper and wrote: “Love your body! How to raise your vibrations is to love your body. This raises consciousness. You do it by loving your body. Loving yourself is being said over and over but it is misunderstood. You don’t have to love your SELF, because you are love already. Love your BODY. Your body is not love, nor is it loved. Your bodies are 2D and are of the earth. Your bodies are compromised by energies and particles that have been used over and over, throughout many lives, by many creatures. The particles that make up your bodies are eratic and random and have not been loved. They are disjointed and disconnected. They have been used and abused. The substance of your bodies need clearing and you can do this by loving your body. Your OWN body, not somebody else’s. Be clear about what you are doing. By loving your own body you are raising the energies of the particles composing your body. Love is a long wave length which gives peace and comfort, gentleness and healing. It is smooth and connective. The feelings you receive are warm and cozy, comforting and peaceful, but most of all it warms your heart. Spend 20 minutes saying, “I love you” to various parts of your body. Raise your vibration and frequency, and you are purifying your body and releasing the stigma of loneliness and separation. Healing is a bringing together of all that is not-healed. Not-love.
Later during meditation I tuned into love MY way. I am feeling the warm love of human bodies touching, embracing, connecting with the telluric 2D energies. DK, thank you for giving me direction and showing me the path to loving myself. This is a new way of understanding what kundalini is. When I spin with love during my exercise, remembering that I am love, I am opening the love in my chakras. I am not just spinning cold chakras but I am spinning warm love out into my body that has been stagnant for a long time. The seven bodies are strong in my focus today. It is appealing to think of a cuddle party. Is this the dream? Is telluric 2D energy the key? I used to think it was the higher plane energy that would fulfill us. Perhaps I have been wrong. (Journaled 7/11/18)
8/15/21 - The feminine ways turn us to the Light (channeled)
This morning once again I woke hearing messages far away, speaking to me for awhile before I finally gathered enough wakefulness and coordination to reach for the pen and write it down. The words were echoes, repeating themselves: “Once we have intervened in mankind’s evolution, we will no longer have to intervene. It is the species we are here to save, not the soul that inhabits the form. The soul is here for its own purposes. The species has to be saved from extinction. It has been held back from evolving.” I began writing as the flow of words continued in my mind.
"The feminine qualities must be brought into the species because the feminine is the turn-around – the returning back to the Light. The soul has nothing to do with it. What the soul does is for the soul. The soul comes to inhabit the species in order to help the species raise up by imprinting its accumulated wisdom into the species. But the soul must be allowed to have a say in the life and the male animal has prevented the soul from expressing. The soul is whole, holy. The animal body has been holding back the soul from expressing because it is operating on physical survival as an animal. The human species is still operating on the survival tendencies of the animal which is strong sexual reproduction tendencies to keep the species propagating. The human species has taken this survival instinct to a more pleasurable state but it is stuck in that state, warped and distorted without allowing the turn-around to happen, to raise it UPWARD, upward toward less animal and more enlightened and refined, which requires more unifying sensitivity. The feminine qualities are needed which bring love, togetherness, compassion, caring, nurturing qualities. It is needed to turn the direction from downward to upward. Turn it around. The male’s focus is out and away from the light into darkness, further out beyond to the farthest reaches, the farthest it can go. The female strives to hold it back from going too far, it wants to bring it back UP to the Light. In the end sex will disappear and all that will be left is Love. Sex is a discrimination between genders. The species then can actually THINK for itself consciously and make choices for itself."
It is what I've been writing about. The nature of sex is misplaced and misunderstood. This intimate act is sacred, deep and eternal. It is all about sacred, divine love. Wholeness and fulfillment. The galactic intervention that is taking place is to save the species of human. There must be a unified blend between the male and female to put an end to the animal act of sex and thus begin the turnaround to raise the human up to a higher level of harmony. It is the INNER male and female within the self that must merge and come to a unified blend within the ONE body in which it runs havoc because it is separated, self to self. We are a whole consciousness on inner planes that has been divided by the lesser, petty mind. We are one whole being on the consciousness level. We are oneness. We are whole. We are complete. We are Light circulating through the body but we have created a second webbing of dark thoughts and lesser beliefs as an artificial robot-like energy that weaves also through the body. We have come to act on the lesser artificial energy and we hurt each other. Why? It has been my mission to find out.
(Me) I grew up in what I’ve perceived is a man’s world because men have all the power. What men say, goes. It is their definition of rules that I must abide by. These are strict rules. My father was an honorable, good-humored, easy-going man and I was fine with my life until I had sex at age 15 with the boy next door which I hated. It was coercion of my innocence. That began my awareness of men being the heavy-handed ones, the controllers. From that point on I hated sex. I couldn’t make sense of it but I was coerced into sex by attraction to a powerful man and became pregnant and subsequently married to him until I was overcome with dark and foreboding thoughts and I broke and ran away from my marriage. I escaped and was welcomed into the safety of a family which was ruled by a woman. Then I met a man who was sensitive to me and discussed things with me intellectually. He listened. He also served as the male protector for me. He supported me and guided me to rebuild my confidence. He taught me kindly about sex and introduced love into my life. Eight years later I had a powerful and dramatic kundalini awakening. I was in-lighted by being taken up into the light dimensions. I had the “going into the Light” experience. My journey through life has been through the sexual field, recognizing that men have a different focus or agenda than women. The feminine is an inner softness and unifying quality while those who are masculine have an outer-focused quality that skips over the inner softness. The focus on physical sex takes us further and further away from our innate comfort and peace. Thus the need to bring the feminine way forward to save the human race from further downward spiraling.
“There is a presence in you that is more you than you. It is in the background of your mind. Everyone, bar none, who is born on Earth is born outside of that presence. It is the only way to be injected into the system, this world, which is so far removed and in the dark, that once here we have to struggle to find ourself again. You DO have an eternal immortal Presence of self that is accessible to you, but in order to find it and tap into it and realign with it you have to follow your native instincts. Meaning your intuition and gut feeling, not what your parents or teachers taught you. They are part of the system. Don’t rebel or resist what they taught, but place priority on your instinct as to how much to allow the outer world to govern you. Find that light in you and cultivate it privately, secretly. Bring it into your awareness at all times. You are that greatness that is in the background. Bring it forward.” (Received 8/10/20)
8/14/21 - Body consciousness (channeled)
The body has a consciousness of its own. The ego is confined to the mind and mental thoughts. Ego does not live in the physical body. The divine feminine refers to the physical body. The mental refers to the divine masculine – the masculine side of us. The physical body refers to the feminine side of us. Some people refer to the feminine side as emotional. That’s because only the body can feel emotions. The mind cannot feel emotions. The mind has a different role to play. It receives intelligence from the greater mind beyond the human. It receives ideas, inspirations, visions and it creates thought. Thought is the mind. Mind is the intelligence of the person. It cannot feel. It does not have the ability to feel emotion. It is abstract. It is pure intelligence. When ideas, visions, concepts arrive in the mind, it more often than not, stops there and does not descend any further down into the body’s cells and tissues. This is the formation of ego. The ego only refers to the mind. If a person takes the time to sit in stillness for a period of time, thought drifts downward under the force of gravity and enters into the body’s cells and tissues. There is then a merge. Then emotion is felt. Emotion can only be felt as a sensation or feeling if thought from the greater mind descends down far enough to reach the body cells. Sleeping allows that to happen. Sleep allows the mind and body to flow together. However, if, during the day the person insists on going back into mental mode and think, think, think, think, and lead a continually mental life without allowing his body to receive this vital life force from the greater mind, he lives a shallow life. He lives a life that is shallow along with other shallow life streams. A lifestream is the REAL person. The REAL Ego which has lived many lifetimes. The REAL person is attempting to flow down and connect with the cells of the body he is currently inhabiting. In past lives he also tried to do this. Perhaps he succeeded in past lives to live more closely engaged with his body. Perhaps not. Each body, each life in a body, is different because of the parentage and the ancestral line, and the culture and social status he is born into.
But through all of the many lifetimes, it is only ONE Ego who is the driving force. It is only ONE intelligence driving the car. It is only ONE magnificent spirit flowing through the cells and tissues. If that spirit cannot descend into the body and integrate into the body and become one with the body and wake up to the body, then the body dies and once again the spirit goes home to re-think and re-plan the next incarnation in a body. How can he do it better the next time? How can he be born into this physical world and NOT be distracted by the many? He discusses it with wise mentors who have been through the process. He is told that he must accept his body. He must not try to “own” the thoughts that come to him. He must learn to let them flow on past him. In other words, let your thoughts become like a flowing river of ideas. Don’t try to capture them. Don’t try to own them. Don’t try to make them your possession and jealously hold them tight to your chest. Let all ideas flow away from you. Appreciate them. Enjoy them as a moving scene flowing across your inner eye. Let them elevate you and inspire you, but let them go. These thoughts are not yours. They come from the greater mind. Mankind tries to capture the universe with his little brain and it is what causes his downfall. To become fulfilled, learn to let the beauty and the truth and the love flow through you and these ideas will then take hold of you where it counts. These ideas and visions must descend down into the physical muscles, blood and bone of your body in order to live these high ideals in physical expression. If you lock them up in your little ego, they will not become physical. They will remain a fantasy in your mind. A great philosopher, genius, inventor, poet, artist or musician, does not onto the richness that comes to him. He puts it to work IMMEDIATELY. Immediately means he lets it come and he lets it go like the flowing river. Do not hold on to the ideas that flow THROUGH you. They are not seeds planted in you. They are the rays of intelligence flowing THROUGH you. Stop and be still and watch them flow on by. (Thank you DK. Received 10/18/20)
8/13/21 - On receiving
During a Chi Machine exercise with my legs swinging back and forth, I asked the Ascended Master Djwal Khul "What can I do to further my advancement today?" First I thanked him because he was the only one I could relate to as a real live human being, though ascended and not in physical form any longer. I am humbled when I sit before him because he personifies the Godhead or Source for me. An illustration of him has been released by him to the public, and I have that picture on my table. When I take the time to tune in to him and speak with him, I can feel his humility, compassion and intelligence. It is felt as a thrill that ripples through me. This is what he gave me in response to my question.
“You are right. We are the receivers of the formless as you have been studying in your books. We humans or sentient beings are the Shakti of the Shiva, the formless one who flows through us. You are right. You have discovered this. Yes, I have led you to this discovery, but so others have led you, too, for we have gone before you and we have discovered this before you. And there are others ahead of us. The formless is coming at a steady rate into form. It is the responsibility of the one inhabiting the form to receive this beautiful idyllic flow and mold it into a beautiful, idyllic expression in the physical world of matter upon the planet. It is our responsibility to be continually aware that we are receivers. (I am getting the word “receiver” the last few days.) It is our destiny to remain open to receive the formless beauty, love and intelligence that comes from the greater source. It is our duty as an embodied form to receive this higher, greater, more infinite and intelligent life and mold it, encapsulate it into our expression. It is our role and our purpose as a soul in a dense vehicle to receive this incoming flow and mold it into a higher degree of expression than our form previously knew. We are making known the unknown, as Ramtha has said. Who else will do it if not us. You and I?
“That is the purpose of the form, to encapsulate that which is flowing through it. Mankind has not understood this duty and role. He instead receives certain idyllic information and then shuts the door on the flow and turns rogue with it. He wanders away from the river that is flowing and claims it for his own which shuts the door on the flow of inspiration. It is dull if the door is closed on the inspiration, and leads to death. That is how ego is born. An ego is the human mind working with a false intelligence, a copy cat, a criminal. And yet mankind is destined to learn of his great role and to open his mind and his heart to become a receiver, a continual receiver, endlessly receiving. This is the great work - to learn how to be in endless receiving mode and never shutting it off. To become a living vehicle expressing a life force that is grander than his form will keep him continually creating new things. A person may feel he is imprisoned in a form today, but when he opens to the never-ending river of life and intelligence that flows through him through his breath, instead of feeling in a prison he will feel free. Totally free and expansive, for his freedom has been curtailed and limited. When he stops closing his mind and heart to the inflow of life and intelligence and reason, he will stop feeling imprisoned and shut down.
“This is the great work of the spirit that is our own consciousness. It is our duty to turn our conscious awareness to the greater source that is above and beyond. As we discover the truth of our source and re-open the heart and mind to the incoming source, like a receptacle, we will discover the ecstasy and joy of being alive in a physical body. Life is formless intelligence, love, power and creativity. We as the form are to receive this formlessness into our minds and hearts and give thanks for it by turning our awareness in an upward direction. This is how we receive and mold the incoming intelligence into something beautiful. We become creators and expressers of amazing creations, inventions, works of art, talent, organic technology which is living. Not dead metal but living molecular things that serve us, like our computers. This is the purpose of mankind. To receive the inflowing river of life - of sacred life - and expand it, express it, live it, walk it, breathe it, demonstrate it through our actions in the physical world in which we live. And, yes, there are seven qualities that we have been given to remind us and point us in the right direction, lest we forget. Those qualities are attributes of nobleness and we are reminded to weave them into our daily life.
“There are seven. Seven rays, seven tones, seven colors, seven noble attributes. They are called will power, intelligence, love, purity, truth, peace, freedom, in that order. Freedom is achieved or earned after the six other attributes are woven into the life. Then freedom is experienced. Freedom that is called ascension. These seven qualities are the qualities that mankind is given to focus on and bring to life. Do not deviate from these. Do not ignore them. Do not shut down. Be ever alert to the SEVEN qualities. They are the steps that lead to enlightenment in daily life. Not in spirit but in physical embodiment. And when we do, we find there is more that is poured into us. We become open to receive even more than we thought we ever could receive, for we expand our capacities to know, to feel, to love, to live in truth, to be righteous, and grateful and honorable. We receive more because there is an infinite quality to these colors, tones, radiances. We are expanding ourselves to be able to receive MORE of these qualities. And as we do we also expand the Earth to receive more because we, our forms, are of the Earth. We are evolving not only ourselves but the planet, for Mother Gaia has provided us the material for our forms. The matter - yes, you got it - matter is the Mother. That is the great secret. That is the missing key.
“The divine mother is matter, is Shakti, is the divine feminine which receives and loves the divine masculine, which is formless intelligence, into form. We humans are to weave the beautiful colors and tones of the seven into life so these may be seen. Will power, intelligence, love, purity, truth, peace and freedom. As we do, we radiate these qualities to the lesser kingdoms behind us, coming up through the process of evolution: mineral, plant, animal. We are caring for Mother Gaia and demonstrating the higher life to those beneath us as we, moment by moment, breathe in the formless [Shiva] and love it, shape it, mold it into the physical form as Shakti, the feminine. As we do this we expand ourselves and become quickened and lighter and fuller with the consciousness of source. We are filling our matter body with the source and intelligence and love of the life force. We are the matter, the Mother, encapsulating the Father principle. As the Father principle penetrates into the Mother.” (Received 9/5/16)
8/12/21 - The tipping point towards the light (channeled)
On a scale of 1 to 10 with many gradations inbetween the digits, 5.1 is the tipping point towards the Light. It has been said that the weight of a feather is the test on the scales of justice. All below the 5 have selected to work for self and one’s own self interest. All above 5 have selected to serve others before self. This is the measurement of a human being’s soul evolution. It is at the level of the heart that the measurement is taken. The heart is the center of a person’s being. It is located between the lower denser vibrations which leads away from good - and the higher lighter vibrations that lead upwards toward higher ideals, principles, fairness and goodness. In other words, towards the light. Below the level of the heart one serves the self before others. Above the heart one serves the higher good for all.
The physical heart is the sun of self, the sun of a person’s system. He revolves in orbit around his heart, his sun center. He is not comfortable going lower. When he goes lower he suffers pain and confusion. Nor is he comfortable going too much higher. A little higher, yes, but not too much for it brings an increase of energy. His heart is his comfort zone. His heart is a direct channel to home, where he comes from - the father/mother/god/creator that birthed him. He does not know this intellectually, but instinctively. This knowledge is innate. Here in his heart he feels love for himself and he best understands himself. He is closest to himself in his heart, close to the sun of self which nurtures him, embraces him, validates his existence. It is to this heart center that he prays without his knowing. His heart is the only direct link to God, which is himself, his infinite good, his infinite love, his infinite intelligence. All that is him is in his heart. “Him” pertains to all humans, women too, not just men. The heart is home to the human being. Meditate on the heart. Use a picture of the heart as a visual graphic. See a sun radiating in the heart in the chest. Keep five minutes of silence while visualizing the sun shining in your heart.
Just as light forces have infiltrated every field of endeavor of this dark-infested planet, so have light souls infiltrated the sex field to bring healthy loving change to the human race who, unknowingly, have been led into a distorted program to be slaves to the elite cabalists who are human in appearance but are run by dark ET intelligence forces. How did this happen you ask? The dark ETs are intelligences, not physical. They can manipulate physicals to do their bidding. It’s fun and games for them. They are the dark gods of the universe (little g) and the light gods of the universe (also little g) are fighting for the freedom of the immature races who don’t know any better, using the big God’s laws of harmony, abundance, freedom, love and good will. The dark gods are the fallen angels spoken of in the scriptures. The light gods are the ascendeds and beings from far regions of space. We term them “galactics” who are also not physical, being high intelligences. There are many levels of physicality, many different forms in the universe. Physicality is a descending of vibration, a cohesion of closer-knitted atoms. Similar vibrating atoms are attracted to each other and gather into groups. Higher intelligences direct them with a mental blueprint as such. The formation of physical organisms is divinely directed. It is a science built on divine understanding of cosmic laws of cohesion through attunement. It is done in harmony, through peaceful, natural attunement. There are countless levels of physicality. The light is intelligence coupled with balance between all the powers, and the greatest of these is love. The light intelligences are chasing down the dark intelligences because dark intelligence has rejected love and God’s laws requiring balance. The dark intelligences use and abuse the immature physicals who don’t know any better.
Earth is such an immature world. It was originally a garden of great beauty and refinement. It was etheric in the beginning but it was invaded by dark intelligence forces, without love or empathy. A long complex history evolved that requires much background information to understand what happened. The bottom line is God the Father-Mother gives everyone a chance to redeem itself. We, the light intelligences, are infiltrated into the dark-infested planets by being born among them. Light souls are being born into dark cabal families on Earth. The light forces are you and me who are drawn to love mankind and womankind. We care for each other. We do not have an inclination to hurt people or torture or manipulate or kill people. We are among those who are being born here to cultivate and grow the human race, the human bodies which we wear, into a human garden of paradise from within the physical environment. The dark intelligences are aware that we are here and they attack whenever they can. Most of us are of higher vibration and cannot be damaged, unless we let our vibrations fall down into lower realities. Then we can be hurt. The dark intelligences are aware but they have been unable to stop the infiltration of light souls because the light souls are protected and surrounded by higher light forces. We are therefore more powerful than the dark-infested humans who have not yet learned how to align with the light. Instructions must be accepted. Instructions on the light are available, but they are not seen until a soul is ready to receive. Then such souls are drawn to discover light instructions, often called metaphysical instructions or mystery school instructions. The light is unified. All the powers of the universe are unified in orderly fashion.
That is the nutshell of how to do it: Use love and harmony. Intelligence is everywhere. Intelligence is Father God. Love is Mother God. Intelligence can reject love and does. That makes it inferior to the light forces, except that free will is given to ALL life, which allows dark to exist. It is a choice to align with dark and negative forces such as greed and selfishness which does not have empathy for other life forms. Light has love and the dark does not. That makes the dark a cutting edge intelligence who can go against the laws of God but only to a certain extent. Like a rebellious teenager can join a gang of thieves and do violence, rape and murder until the system steps in and ends it. So does the greater cosmic law have greater forces on its side and is more powerful, love being the greatest power because it is the element that binds all life together. Love is the Mother force. Love heals by not interfering but by giving free will choice to everyone. When it is time for a dark soul to return to Mother Father God, it is forgiven and embraced. The only punishment is the dark soul’s own facing of its own deeds, for it is responsible for everything it has ever done.
Life is a playing out of free will and also a responsibility to own every act, thought and feeling it sent out. That is the great learning. Each spirit spark has free will to choose what it wants to do next, but the realization that it must pay for everything it does, has not dawned upon it yet. It must learn this through trial and error. It feels free to play out its fun life the way it wants to, but it is responsible for the damage it causes others. Whatever impact it has on others will return to him so he too experiences what he caused others. Good comes back as good, negative comes back as negative. Whatever his actions, thoughts and feelings caused to others returns back to the sender, and often many times over because on its return journey it picks up similar energies to build a greater mass. So when the backlash comes it often has a more powerful kick than the original act done, seemingly in fun. The dark is on its way to realizing that. The dark is dark because it rejects that concept. It does not believe it so it is limited in how far it can evolve. But it can cause mayhem in the lower stages of life and basically it can infest and take over whole worlds, which is what happened to Earth. That is why the light forces, the Galactic Federation and other federations of light, are here, to countermand the dark intelligences. The light must stay within the boundaries of cosmic law – the Star Trek’s Prime Directive – so it must work within certain parameters. The goal is to get rid of the dark-infested intelligences that have held humanity in lock-down to physical, without allowing the soul to gain access to love, light, truth and other dimensional powers, which humanity does have, but under programmed manipulation does not know it has - the powers it has locked up within its own muscles, tissues, blood and bones as a species. Humanity is an amazing species, but it has been held back.
The light forces are here to help humanity get back on course of growing its amazing properties within each body into full-bloom physical expression, to bring about an actual garden of love, light, joy, pleasure and freedom of expression and creation. Today we talk noble words like justice, truth, peace, love, freedom, wisdom, faith, purity, will, enlightenment, but we do not live them. When the dark intelligences who have been ruling the planet are removed, these qualities will no longer need to be spoken and written in poetry and scripture for they will be lived daily, hourly, moment by moment. The original garden of paradise will return as all who are different on the outside by the color of their skin, language, culture and history are honored, elevated, appreciated and held in high esteem. Where there will be no more a higher or lower people, or a better or worse people, or a left-leaning or right-leaning people there will be freedom of expression to be who you are. There is acceptance by all because all are recognized as a child of the Light and Love within. They have all chosen to live in alignment with that which is in their own heart and soul, which makes them equal to all life no matter what they look like or act like, (Received 7/30/18)
8/11/21 - The underpinnings of yin and yang (channeled)
During a meditation in the sun I understood the meaning of yin and yang forces. It was a brief experience, but an immersion nonetheless. Let me see if I can recall, for it is worthy of remembering. The words have been no more than words until today, when I touched and FELT the substances flowing within me. It is somewhat like a force, yes, a very definite force but which it was quick to point out to me by the intelligence of the whole thing, that this force is created by my own consciousness. My mind. The direction of my thought and my own will power is what creates the force.
The subtlety of my thought in the direction of the LESSER, or more COMPACT, seemed to me to be the female force, or the yin. It was as if my tendency to reel in and focus my awareness on detail tended to send my energies towards earth, in a downward direction. It was a subservient tendency, a recoiling action, or digging in process. The female? This was the message: that the female tendency to hold back and rebuilt, or “nest”, or go back over to re-examine, to study, to withhold conclusions until ALL detail had been accounted for - that THIS was the famous “yin” of ancient teachings. It is not necessarily confined to women, but is more prominent in women than in men, culturally.
The other force activating in my body is an almost exact opposite, in the sense that it is surging outward to reach for something without thought of consequences. This force seemed to be the need to accomplish, to break free of the confines of the “yin”, and to become free in totality. To cut away all restriction and soar uninhibited by ANY restraints. I was told that this was the “yang”, the male power drive and that it was necessary in order to counteract the negative yin tendencies of my personality.
The yin and the yang pull and push within the average individual as mood swings and operate uncontrollably, often ubeknownst to the conscious mind. Yet, one becomes slowly conscious of it, undoubtedly as the ancients did, for the terms “yin” and “yang” seem to denote far more than the terms “positive” and “negative”. It was made known to me that it is THIS duality that is to be understood and mastered by the mind as a person develops spiritually, for it is the surging yang that directs the consciousness, which is the life force, UPWARD. If one could neutralize the restraining yin so that it were nonexistent, without restraining the yang, the consciousness (life force) would begin to flow more actively upward in search of its freedom. It would begin to enjoy greater happiness and freedom. How this is done was not made known to me, but for a brief glimpse at the end of the revelation. This is the science that I am about to study, rather like a fore-thought that was given to me to provide ground work.
I am overly yin. How does the restraining yin manifest in daily life? Yin does not allow me to walk boldly out onto a platform to speak to people. It would remain a follower and hide its light under a bushel. Yin does not allow me to implement an idea out of fear that I will go out on a limb that will crack under my weight. Yin does not allow me to think that I am the sole authority of my life. Yin would have me believe that I must lean upon “another”. Who is this other unless it be the yang? Yin does not allow me to soar into the clouds, or to break free of the earth for I am of the earth and therefore earth bound. Yin is afraid to go public for it holds itself behind the screen of physical manifestation where it enjoys the privacy, the SACREDNESS, the secrecy of the state of aloneness, or all-oneness. Yin admonishes yang for being so bold, yet yang is the doer and would make real what yin only contemplates in the privacy of thought.
THIS, the message said, is the force that must be understood and overcome, so that the living force of yang can drive upward and outward, as it is its natural tendency to explore and experiment, to struggle and implement ideas without even a thought of failure. To strive ever onward to reach the goal. It is the life force returning to the heights from which it came, yet it cannot so long as yin is active in the organism. As long as yin is isolated from yang, it works in opposition to yang and the individual remains a victim of his mood swings, a victim of “fate” and the lesser gods.
The yin and the yang are the negative and positive poles of all human life and interaction. It is the explanation for the sexual drive. For when there is too much yang active, too much striving and struggling taking place in a person, whether that person be a man or a woman, that person, lacking in yin, looks to another person with more prominent yin characteristics, to balance him out, though the average person is unaware of the reasons why such attractions develop. In sex, the yang surges out to find relief and balance.
Likewise does the person with too much yin and not enough yang active in the life, seek a more yang-dominant sex partner, whether man or woman, to balance the inner propensity. Great and passionate is the sexual nature of one who has not balanced the yin and yang. Yet, as one matures and, through life experience, balances the two subtle counteracting forces (though he know it not) the sexual nature becomes more refined, with a tendency for gentleness and sharing. Sexual habits need not be given up when passion begins to subside through this balancing of forces, though this is often the case. Rather may begin the blossoming into new and higher fields of sharing and romantic lovemaking, as the old sex drive all but disappears. In this time of outgrowing of old sex appetites, there is often a “giving up” of physical love and a drifting into celibacy. Yet, unless there be an active interchange through physical joining, old age does creep fast upon a person. (Received 2/9/87)
8/9/21 - Channeled: The rejuvenating power behind sex
I woke to this world from far away, hearing words that were so far away that I didn’t have the strength to reach for a pen. I was aware of an understanding, simply an understanding without any words. I understood that the old SSG project* was about to enter phase two. The expansion of the sex project which I have been chasing down, trying to find the source or root cause or the goal or purpose for its being, is the understanding of what sex is. What are the forces that drive it? How is the kundalini involved? How does it work? Is it only for couples who have a relationship? Or is it also for single individuals who are on a different emotional and spiritual path? I question it. When two people partner up they start off on the path of love. They begin a uniting process. So what I’ve been chasing down by thumbing through old channeled material in my journals is about what is it behind the sex force? I’m working on gathering information from the higher realms that have been guiding me through the years and I came awake with this understanding flooding through me.
Then I remembered the DEER exercise which has been giving me so much energy lately, and began doing them on the side of the bed. While pumping the PC muscles consciously, I became aware that the two currents that flow through me, the two pilot flames at the base of the spine that I keep returning to, are magnetic and electric currents. The magnetic current is the female current, which is stillness. The electric current is the male current and is a fire that actively burning. I stopped and pondered, realizing this, and then the words began to flow. I grabbed for the little post-it pad and pen to write.
“The two currents are magnetism (stillness) and electrical (fire). Unite them through the erotic feeling of love and allow it to rise. Don’t use it for sex. Don’t let fire (male) tendency take over. This is the critical stage in the process. Let magnetism (stillness) be its equal. Equal. Equal. Equal. You don’t have to force it by trying. In fact, if you “try” you will stop the process. The magnetism (stillness) is the feminine current. This has been repressed and weakened and therefore disempowered in humankind. Never mind the why of it. That’s a distraction, another fiery distraction leading you away from the whole truth. You are to strengthen the stillness side of you while at the SAME time feeling the firey side as sexual power building up. This is the ascending vitality that your body needs to refresh itself and awaken the cells everywhere in your body. If you spend it on the orgasm the rest of your body doesn’t get refreshed and revitalized. You need this vitality to stay youthful, healthy and energized. When you have an orgasm, the vitality is spent, wasted, used up for the sexual climax, and you go back to sleep again. It may feel good to you but you go into a swoon or a nap and bliss-out because the rest of your body didn’t get the vitality it was owed. It is malnourished. The energy should have gone to the body to refresh it. That is what the sexual arousal is for. It is a fiery power intended to go to the whole body and to all the cells everywhere in your body, from head, brain, to feet and toes, to refresh the tissues and cells to keep it youthful and strong. The arousal of love is the heating up of a power required for the body to remain youthful, spritely, alive, refreshed, reinvigorated, reborn, retained in a prime condition to continue life on earth. Instead, sex and the orgasm uses it up for a momentary good feeling. It is wasted to give pleasure to the lower parts of the body, the sexual organs, while the rest of the body does not receive it. It goes back to sleep. The energy was spent, wasted.
"It went back down into the ground instead up the central canal to the brain, opening the windows on the way up called the chakras. A sexual climax takes energy away from the cells of the body. Sometimes a sexual climax goes up and out the top of the head to enjoy other-worldly experiences for those who are advanced on a soul level. But if that happens the energy shoots up the central canal like a rocket, too fast to open the chakras on the way. The chakras are by-passed and the body does not get the benefit of the aroused life force. This is the new teaching which will supplement what you have been teaching or trying to teach, but without much success on infertile ground. They didn’t understand why there is a need to slow down and consider love. The men that is. They were racing to reach the climax both in themselves and in the women because that is all they knew that was good, right and decent. They didn’t understand. They did not have the knowledge which you are preparing to present. The women wished for the climax but secretly they wished for the man to be gentler and to merge more sensitively with her, and to wait for her to catch up for his fiery thrusting was too much. She wanted to feel it too but her tendency as a feminine body has been to serve and support and nourish the man. It is not the mentality of a slave but the trait of a goddess to serve, assist, nurture and support. The male does not understand. He sees through his male eyes. Neither does the female understand for she sees through her female eyes. It was not time for them."
(There is a pause. Then....)
"The chakras need to be opened in order for this vitality to be disseminated, distributed throughout the body to revitalize the cells, organs and tissues. Sometimes you feel it as tingles, goose pimples as you call them. Sometimes as a thrill, or as a wave that swirls upward and creates dizziness. Sometimes you feel it like a lightening strike of creative energy and insight and you are awash with excitement. You can’t be held back when it strikes. You are on fire. Or you may feel it through a wave of love, wanting to be intimately close, to hold and be held by someone in stillness, yet it is a strong forceful stillness – an urge for love." (Received 8/6/20)
* SSG was a seminar on free love for couples that operated from 1981 to 1993, led by Diana with her late husband.
8/8/21- Channeled: How to become a lover of life
It’s not WHAT you do, it is the vibration with which you do it. Are you consistently warm and exciting? Or cold and uninspired? Whatever your mood, remember there is only one purpose for which you were born – and that is to create value and joy in everything you do. It is the main reason for coming into life on earth. It is the high road to feeling good. We have been here before and we’ve left some negative energies behind because we were still learning about ourselves. Now we are in the end times, meaning the end of learning. Now we are in the Ah HA! Times of discovery. We are now being forced (sometimes against our will) to focus on betterment and upliftment. This is how we redeem our past mistakes - by changing our way of life to one of learning betterment techniques. Then betterment returns to you. The goal in life is not to create a career that pays the most money, but to find the best way to channel that which you love the most. You came here to do that one thing. Y
You came to contribute that to the greater good. That is the passion that is burning in your chest. That’s the passion in you that has been thwarted in past ages, that has been the great cause of frustration. Find the passion that elevates you and brings you feelings of rightness and goodness. Which career will do that for you? The career will mold itself around you and be there for you when you are ready for it. This is the secret to a good life – a life that fulfills you on all levels. The money will follow. Don’t think so much about lack. Think instead of the passion you are holding back. Let it flow through you. It will find good soil and ground itself and begin to grow. Relationships, job opportunities, abundance and success will grow. These are in the eye of the holder of love, light and discernment – the one who holds ongoing excitement for life, who loves life, who holds it as the top priority over everyone else’s discouragement and downcast eyes. Is the beholder of love asleep at the switch? Or awake and radiating?
Each person has the happy sparkly codes locked into the tissues of the body. Is the body locked down? The purity called the immaculate conception of each person is held in the heart. Focus on the heart, not the head. Operate from the heart spontaneously. Be aware. Use intelligence, wisdom and discernment. The river of life flows into your reality through the breath. Breathe through the heart. The obstacle to the flowing is impatience. Impatience comes from focusing in the wrong place. The magic is not here. Change the focus. The brain is not the center of life, the heart is. The heart brings in fresh vitality and innocence. Excitement! The brain holds old stuff. The brain recycles old news, like what has gone wrong, and ego starts trying to correct what went wrong yesterday. It can’t be done. Yesterday has come and gone. Focus on the heart. It is ever new. It brings exciting, refreshing new thoughts. The silver cord, the channel, comes directly into the heart from the higher Self. The head is full of distractions – news picked up yesterday and last week and is still lingering. We are still trying to correct old stuff. We are recycling old stuff. Focus on the heart instead. Take five minutes and breathe into the heart. See a flame of pure light burning there. Blow on it and enlarge the light in the heart.
Impatience is a sign that we’re recycling something old. It’s useless. It’s boring. We want to be done with it. Shift focus to the heart. Literally. Picture your human physical heart. We have all been so busy in our heads, receiving input from the outside world, mostly from other people, that we are drowning in irrelevant data. It is worthless to us. It is not of value to our goal to create value and joy in all that we do. Every task is joy-filled. That which is coming in from the outside world is not our stuff. The chakras have been tuned outward to receiving outside data when they were intended to receive the inner flow from the higher self, the sun above our heads, the way a tree or a plant does. This is the guidance system for we humans, to keep us on our rightful track. We are not responsible for other people and their sorrows. We can best offset it by radiating light and love. There is a flowing from above the head, down through the central trunk of the body, to the heart and on down into the earth. It is our responsibility to recognize this and do the right thing to correct our flow. What others do with their inner flow is their responsibility, not ours. Your responsibility is to be the best that you can be and stay on track with your mission of what excites you, not be sucked into distracting old news from others.
We are responsible for what we put out, not what we take in. If we take “bad” in, what we term negative, then we must change it before breathing it back out again. Everything flows with the breath. Data that is delivered to us by our breathing in contaminated words and energies, need to be changed while it’s inside us. We are responsible for it. That is why we are here – not to magnify the contamination but to change it into something better, more lovable, more happy, more peaceful. If we want to change the world around us, we need to recognize contaminated energy when we FEEL it. It affects our feelings. We know when we are in a bad mood. We need to consciously change it. It is not possible to detach from it if we are walking in it, enmeshed in it and living in it. We MUST transform it as it hits our own nervous system and tissues. We are responsible for what comes in to us. Do we accept it and adapt to it and grow increasingly stressed? Or do we change it? This is an educational piece. It is simply pointing out what needs to be done. It is inner work. Secret work. Sacred work. Uplifting work. We begin by becoming conscious of contaminated energies. We used to ignore them, thinking “it’s just me. Something’s wrong with me.” What’s wrong with me? It has not been apparent before now that it’s NOT me! It’s in the air. I’m in the middle of a fk'g sh't storm. The world is beginning to notice. We are each in our own way starting to wake up and notice that it is the larger whole that we’ve been attaching to. Now we can begin to make changes and start cleaning up our act.
Taking action has been referred to as “self love”. That means we love our Self more than the contamination. We start to do things that are sweet and nice for our Self in order to purify our bodies, our minds and our lives. We have to notice wrongness first before we can begin to change it to rightness. Correction begins with our Self, at home, with care and reverence. This is what people are calling “love”. We cannot expect care and reverence from other people. The putrefication is too thick. Everyone is confused. It’s each man, each woman, for themself. The old stuff that is weighing the world down needs to start with the individual. Each individual starts cleaning up his or her own inner thought processes. It’s so old. Centuries old that has been passed on through the ancestral lineage via the DNA. We inherited it and it’s putrid. It’s dead stuff. It’s not fresh or alive any more. It is the cast-offs from yesterday and last century. Second, third and fourth-hand vibrations have lost their color, like second-hand clothes. Do not judge the negatives with still more negatives. That defeats the purpose. Instead look upon them through eyes of forgiveness, mercy, compassion and understanding. Forgive them for they know not what they do. Purity and grace changes your DNA when it hits your tissues and the cells of your breathing. Change the putrefication in your own unique, secret way, through your own respect and desire for your own cleanliness. Keep your inner thought processes secretly swept clean.
Mental thoughts are the key. Change old thoughts with uplifting thoughts. Mental thoughts are the change-makers. Feelings evolve out of thoughts that have been held in the mind long enough to impact body tissues, muscles, glands, organs. Hold uplifting thoughts long enough to influence your body tissues. Bring health to your body. Good, kind, generous, clear thoughts, will start to impact how your body feels. Your body will perk up and smile. It will follow along behind the thoughts you give it. Feelings start changing once you have rearranged the thoughts you hold to those of loving and uplifting thoughts. We CREATE purity by mentally making space for purity. Be creative in what thoughts you hold. What thoughts of light and love? Find them. Create them. Light and love is flowing into the world through the sun. It is our duty and our responsibility to use it as it flows in through our breath. It is constantly available. It is coming to us from the universal realms, which is more refined and pure, beyond our understanding. It comes in on the sun, permeates the air and we breathe it in. Universal realms are light and love. Love is all there is. By holding open channels to this pure, unadulterated universal love, it flows in and through the body. Keep holding to higher thoughts.
The way to do this is by repeating light-filled words. Mantras, chants, affirmations, decrees are thoughts framed into words and memorized. Memorize a phrase, a stanza, a simple sentence. Start siple. By repeating these phrases they deliver sparkle into our bodies and minds and radiate that sparkle outward to influence our immediate world. We "think" the light into our lungs and distribute it through the tissues where it turns into warm love. The life force that comes in on the breath becomes love inside the tissues. It enters the circulation system as an immaculate design. It was built into the human being from the beginning but he forgot about it. We are built to receive this flowing of life innocently and naturally.
Our job is not to create love, we don't have to. We simply have to make room for it by sweeping away the not-love and the not-pure. We need to clean up the inner space in us that has become cluttered with irrelevant junk, distraction and ignorance. We have compromised ourself because we have settled for the “not-best”. Upon recognizing this, we make room for it by cleaning up our own thought processes. The old-time religions called it “prayer”. Today it is self-realization techniques. We make space by taking action to clean up our thoughts and feelings. We enhance goodness by rearranging our intentions and approach to life, and prioritizing our desires. These affect our brain patterns. We feel impatient and irritated when we are out among other people because the atmosphere is filled with impatience, frustration, distractions and irrelevant energies, and it attaches to us.
Many people are still ignorant about this enlightenment process. We are slowly becoming aware, one by one. We are each one breathing out uncontrolled thoughts and emotions, but as we become more cognizant of what’s happening, we can control our thoughts and therefore our feelings. We CAN put a stop to the negatives that bombard us. We CAN built a shield of protection around us by constant use of affirmations or mantras. Words of praise, thanksgiving, gratitude, happiness, perfection and the like. These words change the frequencies we are holding and building into our body tissues. We must learn the affirmations and mantras. Eventually, when we are strong enough, we start radiating it out through our auric field automatically.
Instructions and reminders are available. Learn some affirmations or mantras. Change your feelings of boredom and despondency by filling your mind with thoughts of light-filled words, mantras, chants, affirmations. If ou are despondent and suicidal, click HERE for some ideas. Choose just one - just one - and memorize it. Try it out to see how it feels. Find one that speaks to you. Say it silently as you walk and drive your car and when you have a few minutes to be alone. Say it while walking through stores and going about your business through the day. And say it at night as you are falling to sleep. When you make this a habit, it builds a bubble of light around you. It eventually will ward off the negatives that you walk through and they will not attach to you. As your moods change you will want a different mantra or affirmation. As you use phrases of upliftment, cheerful, happy, lighter-than-air words repetitively, you are transforming your body's health, vitality and underlying energy structure. This is the sacred science of alchemy. It is transformational. (Received 7/14/18)
8/7/21 - Channeled: Love is a secret process of the mind
The words were clear in my mind upon coming to consciousness: “I’m going to explode with light!“ Emphasis on explode. During my shower the words came, “It’s all about slowing down, both for grounding the light and relieving pressure in the brain-mind.” We made love today and I’m now spinning. It is heightening my vitality. I have to be careful not to get hyper. It makes me more energized than normal so I must watch myself. It requires grounding. To learn how to ground is why I am here. I must ground the light, the power, the energy. I‘m seeing this on youtubes too. We are grounding our amazing infinity down into our bodies. There is too much light coming into me. Too much information that is clear and bright. I have to slow it down. It is the slowing down of the brain-mind that will do it. The brain must be slowed. Slow down thought. That’s the task. Slowing down requires conscious effort. It is why people meditate. The slowing-down process is not a physical act. It’s a conscious effort to slow down whatever we are engaged in at the moment, no matter WHAT it is. Slow down and engage with it.
"The outer personality is flippant. The ego is flippant. It rushes to complete one job so it can move on to the next. It is impatient. The ego doesn’t know how to slow down so we have to assert control. There are filters and censors in our minds. We don’t know how they got there, but they are there. We don't want to eliminate the filters but rather add a piece of enlightened information. This is consciousness work, choosing to slow down and become more positively assertive. It's a deliberate act of the mind to go into gentle mode, quiet mode while still engaging in our task. The mind’s filter is expanded by adding gentle awareness. We don’t erase the personality, we expand the personality by adding awareness and gentleness. Slowing down. This task I am engaged in is an integration process. I am merging with it and melding into it.
Make love with all that you do, everything you touch. That does not mean make sex with all that you touch. Love is not a physical act done with fingers and hands. It is a secret of the mind. It is the greatest secret you will ever learn. It is the process of thinking gentle thoughts into whatever you are touching. It is not callous touching. It is awareness touching with gentleness. With softness. With blending and becoming one with. It is a secret process of the mind. It is a sacred process. The saying about alchemy making lead into gold means approaching and touching with brightness, dazzling brightness, changing the texture and form. It is opening the doors of the mind and letting the infinite flow through. It is honoring the task I am engaged in right now. I am acknowledging its importance, its value, and I am respecting it and caring for it. It brightens my day and I am cheerful. Turning lead into gold is an allegory, but who knows? Perhaps it can really be done. All things are possible when brightness and cheeriness are used. When love and light are used. Love and light are used to turn something ordinary and mundane into something precious and valuable. And so we begin at the beginning, at the basic and most ordinary of things - our own body as it is today, right now with its aches, pains, aging disabilities and deformities, all of it. And we begin today to transform it from the inside by slowing down, secretly slowing down, and letting the cells respond in kind, radiating appreciation, smiling their thankfulness outward to the surface.
We start with feelings. We start by turning our THOUGHTS in that direction. I am precious, I am valuable. I love myself. I love this broom with which I sweep. I love this device which I hold in my hands. I see it in my mind’s eye that it performs well and according to the perfection I am seeing. Make love to all things you touch. Make love with your toothbrush while brushing your teeth. Make love with the soap while washing your skin. Make love with your towel while drying yourself off. Make love with the ceramic toilet while using it. Make love by becoming conscious of love in everything you touch or sit upon. The electrons within my body cells are conscious. They sparkle when I speak to them and send them loving thoughts. They are holding the shape of my physical for me in a better way when I use loving thoughts.
Instill love in the objects you use every day. Instill love in everything you do and they will perform with healthy vigor instead of breaking down. Back up every thought you think with love. The process of alchemy begins with your own body as you move through the day and it touches everything you do. Your auric field precedes you and animates your house, car and furniture. WE are the ones who must transform our ugly, profane and mundane into beautiful golden sparkle and beauty. We are the transformers. We are the changers of situations. We are the saviors of our own downward spiral. We cannot expect someone else to do the transforming. WE are the one who imbues our life and objects around us with value. Love coupled with lighter thought is the twin energy of creation. The twin flames that live in us are positive thought and loving feelings. They are the energy of positive creation. This is what mends, heals, revitalizes and rejuvenates. It is the energy of perfection.
More than gold, more than money, more than fine living conditions, more than any object we long for, more than anything we would kill for, including sexual and sensual gratification, more than all of these is love. Love is behind everything and it is brought on by lighter thoughts. Love created everything because lighter thought began the process. Light comes from the everlasting place beyond us, but LOVE lives inside us. Love is the life-giving vitality of the solid earth. It maintains our world and our reality. Did you know that? If there is a breakdown, apply lighter thought and love. The secret ingredient is loving what you do today. It doesn’t come from other people. It MUST come from you. You are the magic or you are the dull automaton sleeping at the wheel, fatigued and drooping. It is you who must become aware and alert. WAKE UP! You are the light that lives in your body. Use positive affirmations and thoughts. Change your program. Change your pattern. Change your approach. Find a book to inspire you. Focus the beam of light in your mind on the words written in that book. Transform yourself. The future is waiting for you to open the doors of your mind. Let the light flood in. Begin now, today, this moment." (Received 7/14/18)
8/6/21 -Channeled: Spontaneity as the Heart of Order and Oneness
(Received as a channeled message back in 1981, four years after going into the Light. Words flowed sometimes into my mind with clarity and I was compelled to write them down. I didn't know where they came from. Today I have more understanding.)
Now, I am going to speak to you of spontaneity for the spirit of man is endowed with attributes that are unrecognizable today. These attributes are light, force, power, virtue, knowing, and they are combined chemically into one thing, into oneness. Only in spontaneity can you know these attributes as oneness, which is more true to the spirit of man. Only in spontaneity can you experience them. Only in flowing with the movement of the spirit can you truly become that which you are from the beginning of time.
As one of the authors has said, “You think spontaneity is disorder, but you are wrong.” Within the action of spontaneity is a very great order, a discipline that you as an unawakened man cannot begin to know or see. Nor will you know it shut up in your little cave of artificial order when you reject spontaneity from your life. It is putting your back to the light and trying to comprehend what is in the darkness.
I am here to tell you about spontaneity, and I am here to tell you that what you think you see in your visions while in meditation is only a glimpse of the truth. It is like taking a book from the shelf and sitting down comfortably in the chair to read. And from the book you learn what it is all about. In meditation you learn what the spirit that sparkles within you is all about. You learn about it in a classroom so to speak, in the protection and safety of your meditation parlor, in the security of safe vibrations. You depend on these safe vibrations, do you not? To allow the visions to come?
Well, then, this is a theoretical learning about the spirit. All meditation techniques are like kindergarten to the twelfth grade in your school system. It is book learning. I am not putting this down, for it is important to prepare you for what is to come. But understand that you are not experts in the spirit because you have seen vision or known bliss. Now, you, as men of God, must go out into the world that he has created for himself to enjoy, and allow Him to enjoy it! For he breathes and lusts with passion in your breast. He wants to live! He wants to speak! He wants to move among his people, to pat the animals, to speak to the plants! He is full of power and passion to love his creation - his very own creation - and you are He.
His spirit is spontaneity. His spirit lives and breathes with your moods of up and down. His spirit sinks sometimes into hell because that, too, is part of his creation. His spirit soars into the heavens because that, too, is his creation. His spirit laughs, sings, loves, plays, thinks, absorbs, and gives never ceasing. Never stopping. He never sleeps. As you sleep he is still awake enjoying the wonders of his creation. The cells in his body must sleep for the flesh gets tired, but he has created other realms to play in while his body sleeps.
How does spontaneity affect you? Let us discuss you, for you are the body of this wondrous spirit that breathes and wants and desires. Let us slow down for a moment and see where you are. You have become falsely indoctrinated in the ways of a false world. You have been told to act this way or that way, so that you may be accepted. You have been taught at home that only certain actions are proper and that other actions are sin. You have been taught in school that only certain actions are acceptable in school and that other actions are not. And so you have been trained just like you train a pet to obey his master's commands. You live in a very shallow world.
Where is there room for spontaneity? Where is the breathing space for the spirit? You must make the room for it, within your tight and narrow world. You must learn to make room for spontaneity. This I cannot tell you how, but I tell you that you must make room for the breathing of the spirit. It is to the 98% invisible realm that the noble attributes of man are anchored : love, compassion, desire to help, understanding, the sense of brotherhood, oneness with God, beauty, joy, clairvoyance, psychic ability – yet you cut them out because you have been trained to cut them out. You have been trained to focus on the immediate world which is merely the tip of a massive iceberg.
Perhaps you may take an hour off from your busy schedules in your tight world. Then go and move where your spirit takes you. Do not substitute an hour of tightly scheduled meditation, for a tightly scheduled life. This will not open your center but rather keep it still closed. Your heart is at the root of your being. Your heart is what you call "gut feeling". Your heart is primitive, instinctive, passionate for life, sensitive for spirit and life. Go back to your heart and move with its breath. Enter your heart - your gut feeling - and move with its ebb and flow. Step over the threshold for an hour, if that is how long you have allowed yourself, and soar with the ancient throb of infinity - the One that lives within you - waiting, waiting for you to turn around and join him.
No man alive can tell you what to do. No man alive or dead, for you are spirit. You are the eternal One that burns with desire and wants for a better world. You are the one who aches to feel, to speak His noble thoughts, His ancient dreams, His exploding visions. Your highest meditation is when you are moving on your feet, though not of your own power. When spontaneity has lifted you into its powerful thrust and you have willed to go. When you flow with spontaneity you enter the heart of order. When you flow with spontaneity you enter the timeless Now. When you flow with spontaneity you will yourself to a greater intelligence than your own and one who knows better than you. When you flow with spontaneity you enter the passion of God.
You have been taught differently, I know, so you may doubt my word. Do not take my word blindly. Never take anyone's word blindly but test it. Try it. Feel it out. Is it so? How can you know without trying it? Without daring to prove me false? In all that I say in the coming weeks, it will revolve around spontaneity like little planets and little satellites revolve around the sun, magnetically attracted to that ball of life unable to separate and go alone, so I will keep coming back to spontaneity for I have seen its power. I have tasted of its goodness and I have smelled of its presence, and I have seen its wonder in the light. I have known its beauty, its loveliness and its virtue. There is no evil that can persist in the heart of spontaneity. There is no wrong doing that can live in the light of spontaneous action for a wrong act is a separate act, not big enough to stand alone. You may trust spontaneity with your consciousness, but do not trust it blindly.
Wake up from your long sleep and see the beauty of this larger order that beats to a rhythm not your own. Watch it for a while and try to get in step. It belongs to no man, no woman, no authority, no monopoly, it belongs to no nation, no world, no galaxy, but it is the heart throb of infinity itself. And it beats in the pulse of gut feelings, beyond the sight of your neighbor and your family, but not beyond the sight of you! You know, perhaps not fully, but you sense it from time to time. Watch for these moods when the spirit speaks to you, beckoning you to follow it for a short span of time. It does not want to disrupt your life for it has created your life up to now. It does not want to disturb your little order, it wants you to expand your orderliness. Become conscious of your gut feelings, become conscious of your breathing, become conscious of your loves and hates, become conscious of how you live. Thus you will wake up. Thus will you learn about the power that burns in your heart within your primal roots - that of the ancient One.
You think you must meditate? Go and meditate but do it consciously. You think you must do your housework? Go and do your housework, but know what you are doing. You think you must have a party? Then go and have a party, but watch your actions. You think you must change something on your job? Then, go and change what you feel you must. But do it consciously. Wake up to your life. You need not change, you need wake up. Become conscious of your actions, know what you do and why. Know your Self.
And where do you pray? Do you pray to someplace in the top of your head? Or to somewhere within your breast? Or someplace inside your brain? Or someplace in the sky? Where? Where do you focus your attention when you pray to this infinite One? Do you know where he is, this ancient fire of life? He burns brightly within the one place you have never thought to look. He burns with passion and warmth, with love and tenderness, with clarity and vision, with knowledge and lust, with heart-breaking desire for goodness for all mankind, with compassion, with empathy, with contentment, and with unshakeable peace, with untouchable serenity, with unmoving masterful control at the very core. Do you know where such flame burns?
It burns in the bowels where gut feeling throbs. It burns in the center of being. How could it be in any other place but in the center, the heart of form? You have not dared to look. You have succumbed to the concept of sin and not dared to look. Yet, here it is, and here it shall always be, protected by the veil of illusion of sin. The pelvic bowl is the bowl of life, the chalice in which burns the flame. The pelvic bone is the holy place where the passion for life burns on. When you succumb to the greater spontaneity in your breast, you will see. (Received 9/21/81)
8/5/21 - Channeled: The Pandemic as the Great Pause
Upon awakening this morning I felt the peace of love and acceptance come upon me. It was soft and accepting and allowing. And then I opened my phone and read that our County Commissioners voted to pass a law making masks mandatory as of today. I felt peaceful accepting that mandate. A surreal softening, as if from Mother God. I opened the ascended master book randomly and read, "All energy in the universe is emitting radiation. Not an electron in interstellar space is static. Even the so-called inanimate objects of the physical world are in a constant state of motion. The degree of evolution of each individual determines the quality and length of the rays of radiation [energy] that passes from him or her. The higher one is on the spiritual ladder the greater the area that is covered by his or her energy waves. And thus the more life, power and love is sent to him by the Ascended Masters, and the greater the circumference his electronic circle [aura]. Maintain peace, poise, serenity, kindliness, tolerance, understanding, love and gentleness. This enlarges your sphere of influence of all seven rays. The slightest imperfection causes repercussions in the harmony of human life."
Later at the altar during my meditation I was told (and wrote it down as is my habit to do) that the wearing of masks is the pause that is taking place.
"It is Mother’s way of curbing the thoughtlessness of the wayward children who run heedless through the stress, carelessly shattering the harmony that nature provides. There is a divine plan in the works with this pause. The heedless who do not respect the harmony and soothing nature within themselves and the quiet harmony within others, run havoc, disturbing the divine plan and keeping it from manifesting. Understand, there will continue to be efforts to quiet the unruly mob until quiet is settled in the hearts of all. This is not a surrendering to the dark controlling forces imposed on them from the outside, as many suppose and are protesting against. This great pause is to learn respect for and to surrender to the divine within. There is no need to protest against dark forces outside. Surrender the dark within yourself to the light within you, for it is the rebellion in your SELF that is resisting the divine plan. It is the dark in you that is the authority you are rebelling against. You want to be free but you do not recognize the dark in you. There will continue to be dark forces in you until you surrender to the peace, poise, serenity and kindliness within. When understanding, love, gentleness, graciousness and gratitude are surrendered to, then the dark will disappear form view and all human systems will right themselves. All organizations and structures will realign with a more natural and harmonious way of life where all human beings are fed, nurtured, loved, and sheltered, for each one will draw those blessings to himself and herself and their families. This is the great plan. The law of harmony, peace and wellness will then unify the planet as a whole people."
Still later at the kitchen table for breakfast, I received additional thought from my Higher self on the subject (and wrote it down).
"All this talk of ascension, spirit, numerology, chakras, gridlines, etc., is not helping those who are yet embedded in the lower frequencies. They don’t understand these words. It is not helping. It is better advice to say, 'Be the best version of yourself that you can be.' That is understandable. Everyone knows how to be the best they can be. In this way you bring into play the seven qualities that are essential to a successful human life on earth, even in a troubled world such as yours. The words that don’t make sense are simply 'words'. They don’t mean anything to one who doesn’t understand them and cannot identify with them. It is useless to them and it creates resistance in them. Do not give them these words. Be wise. Be discerning. It is what a person can identify with that matters. How you identify is through a feeling. A feeling is a reflection, or resonance to what is being seen or heard. What a person can resonate with, one can understand. The energy is what draws a person to a concept or repels them away from it. The feeling of attraction is what makes the difference, not the words. Words are vibrations. They serve to attract or repel. When they repel, they are abstract and serve no good. There is no connection. The advice is to read only those words that give a feeling of attraction, of goodness, of betterment, upliftment or enlargement or meaning. To those who are attracted to dark and ominous thoughts that hurt other people - cruelty, gore, murder and the like - beware. Such attractions will lead in a downward spiral away from decency and goodness. The further one goes in that direction the easier it is to become blind and lost." (Received 7/22/20)
8/4/21 - Channeled: Who am I?
More from Master Djwal Khul
One morning several years ago I woke up confused. Who am I? Why don’t I fit? There are so many things happening in my mind, am I going crazy? Last night I attended a group meditation but I didn’t feel as if I fit in. Today, watching a Native documentary, I DID fit. It was a coming home with deep feelings of connection. What is happening to me? I used to love being in meditation groups. But then again, when I was in Costa Rica I didn’t fit in with the Theosophist group either, out in the jungle in a remote cabin with the local people. I don’t understand. I feel as if I belong in the sky, in the sun, and not on the earth. Yet here I am, trying to fit in. I have been thinking of Master DK all night long and this morning I am asking him, Who am I? Thank you Master DK. Thank you for being here. And I prepare to write his words on paper.
“I am the mother. My body is the mother. I am the father. My spirit is the father. I am joining. I am merging. I am receiving the perfection from the father which has no movement, which never moves. I am That I AM. I don’t move. I am one with all that is. The movement comes from the mother who has created all the children, all the movements, all the pictures, all the experiences. The mother goes through the pain of child birth, not the father. The mother is the body. She has been interacting with her children. She has created many children who have also created children, who also mated and created children. [in the form of thoughts and ideas]. There are many offspring in the world. All the children are returning home now to the mother, to the BODY. The father is waiting. The father is not a part of this. The father is waiting for the mother to finish her preparation. She is the body. She is the one who birthed the children and the many offspring. She is the mother of the mind and the mother of the emotions and the mother of the responses and the mother who bears the pain of the backlash.
“As the mother prepares for her final ascension to the father, she must receive back into herself all of the treasures that her children produced, all of the experiences, all of the harvests, for she is the mother of all. You are the mother. Your body is the mother. It is natural. It is the way life works in the physical. I have given you the exit strategy. Now you are preparing for this exit. You will leave your mark. You will leave your lessons behind. You will leave your writings. You do not need to teach a class. Everyone is learning and preparing their own journeys as the sole representative of the mother within their form. Their father dictates. Their mother the body dictates. Respect and honor each one. They have come far and wide. They are here now in your general vicinity. Yes. You may give them a party. You may invite them to a party! It would be suitable for you to do so. As you gather your own children to you, you gather those around you for they are your children. It is a powerful time. Much power coming together will create a movement. It will cause ripples. It will plant seeds. Now, does this answer your question dear one? (Yes. Thank you DK) (Received 7/19/19)
8/3/21 - Channeled: The Kanda, aka Kundalini
From Master Djwal Khul
A brief breathing exercise in the meditation room this morning, during which I thanked DK for his mentoring, and asked him to tell me more about not just Tantra, but about the whole sex thing. Is it something we need? I am confused. I know people need it, or think they do. It’s important to everyone but me. I’m wondering how far we should go in our Tantric Massage, and also what to do about male desires? I am asking for answers. In my mind came the words: "You are born into mud, the whole earth is mud. The only way to go when you are ready is straight up to God, creator, no dilly-dallying around."
I’m paraphrasing here. I was feeling the beautiful loving touch massage again, without any genital manipulation, no orgasm, just lifting, lifting, lifting, soaring higher and higher and higher with the body energies. Feeling this huge love in me, in my body. It is LOVE IN THE BODY! I also asked about the kanda and how the light in the heart, the crystal light, how this relates. How does the kanda at the base of spine relate to the heart? He told me the unformed is all the seven qualities you’ve been working with - the seven colors and more. The unformed consciousness took and split a part of itself off and threw it out away from itself to manifest as form. It was the unformed who sent a part of itself away from itself for a purpose - to manifest a form. All forms have this unformed pure will, power, intelligence, love, purity, truth, peace, and freedom UNFORMED inside of it. It is here to bring it forth into form. All forms have this as an unformed potential of perfection, truth, freedom and completion inside of it. The unformed sent a piece of the perfect qualities down to become form. The words continued and I wrote them down on paper by hand.
"The Kanda is a seed inside the human being in the GEOMETRIC CENTER of the human body, at the pelvis, the base of the spine. This is the 'beloved' of the unformed intelligence buried in form. It is potential buried in the human being. It is in the geometric center of the human body. It is a piece of perfection lying in wait at the base of the spine, waiting for the soul who inhabits the body to open it and cultivate this perfection. A piece of perfect lies at the base of the spine, unformed, not discovered yet, but the soul WILL discover it, in time. It is the destiny of the human race to germinate and grow this potential that lies within. The soul must do it from choice. The soul and conscious free will. The soul is on the road to discovering this unlimited potential, which has all the qualities and virtues of the unformed divine intelligence, because it IS the unformed divine intelligence lying in wait. Waiting to be discovered.
"The heart is the middle zone between the formed and the unformed. The unformed is not formed yet, the formed is not unformed yet. The soul doesn’t know yet. The soul hasn’t discovered the potential of himself yet. The soul hasn’t awakened yet. Until the soul awakens, he is either operating on a male energy or a female energy. When the soul learns about the transcendent kanda within him, the divine consciousness within him, the beloved within him, he will stop the struggle between his male and female and begin to look UP. As he looks UP he neutralizes and transcends the male/female or positive/negative struggle. He rises above it. He then opens the kanda as a lotus blossom opens its petals to receive the incoming UNFORMED intelligence - it’s higher self - into the form. It is all about the unformed intelligence (God we call it) coming into form and mankind IS the potential god-man and all women are the potential god-woman, waiting to realize this and receive the parent consciousness into its human form. The heart is the middle zone where they meet. Where unformed consciousness and formed consciousness meet. " (Received 4/26/16)
8/2/21 - Channeled: The science of radiation
A conversation with Master Djwal Khul
Good morning Master DK! I come to you to ask you to overlight me with your consciousness. I was visited yesterday by someone who introduced me to Mother on Vimeo digital. I am listening now to her. She is presenting colors and frequencies. My mortal mind cannot accept it easily but something draws me to listen anyway. Can you comment on this source? Secondly, I ask for advice on how to write appropriate words for the coming gatherings I am sensing. Do I address “lightworkers?” Is this too audacious? Too bold? Too separatist? I want to assist the light here on earth in all the people.
DK: My dear lovely child! You are a delight. We have been working together for a long time, as measured in your realm. We have yet more to do. Will you come with me and venture a little further out, beyond what you are entrained into? (Yes!!! OMG! Yes!! Please. I open my cells, electrons, meridians to what is heretofore unknown. I am ready to receive instruction. Please take me further.)
DK: Now, you must listen carefully, with discernment. It is your ability to notice the subtle connections to wider, rarer fields of consciousness. (Yes. I am here listening, thank you.) Wonderful. There is a dull gray-bluish tint to your field, your aura. Can you lighten it? (I did.) Wonderful. Excellent. Now, let us expand that frequency. You have wanted to better understand frequency. Yes, vibration as well. Let us speak of frequency first. As you are listening to me, your “thrill” as you might say, diminishes because you are listening. You are on pause, listening. During this time that you are on pause you are not radiating [the thrill [sense of goosebumps or chills]. (Ahhh, yin versus yang? Right?) Yes, when you are in listening mode, you think you are in feminine mode but that is not a correct assumption. It is simply being passive and open, allowing information to enter into your field. Your WHOLE field. You are not using your mind as a censoring device. You have dropped your filters, your veil, your screen, your curtain. You are receiving me. It is neither feminine nor masculine. It is genderless. You are the consciousness of the Creator, a child of the Creator. You are learning lessons as you listen to my words and allow them to enter into your field simply as they present themselves on a moment-to-moment basis. You are the one who controls your opening and closing, your pause button and your action button. You can stop the listening at any time and push the action button. You are the one in charge. It is no more complicated than that. Do not think “feminine” vs. “masculine”. The radiation you just did several minutes ago was a test for you to see for yourself how to activate your power. When you are on pause, listening for example for Doug’s whereabouts, which you do often, you put yourself on pause. You are openly listening. You are not actively radiating your power outward. You are listening and receiving. Do you understand? (Yes, I think so, working at understanding.)
DK: Then the next step for you to consider taking is to activate your power and radiate. Now, what is this radiation? Try it again please. (OK, I did. I radiated. Q: Does this influence Doug when I do this in his presence? Am I taking away his free will? Am I overcoming his free will and shutting him down? Please tell me. I’m excited!) No, you are not overcoming his free will. You are correcting him. There is light of the creator in him but he has been influenced by the outer world of others, the 3D field of lower, slower, limited vibration. Sometimes even overtly false information. These negate and dim the light in him. When you say, “I want to serve the light here on Earth” it is your mission, your job, to radiate light. When you radiate light, it is how you change your frequency. It is the “thrill” that you have discovered and have wondered what it is. This is the stepping up of the electrons of your four lower bodies – your thoughts, beliefs, feelings and unresolved past life energies. These are sped up when you radiate or step up your frequency. This radiation moves out to influence those around you. It is the light that you are radiating direct from your source. It is your decision to act and move yourself out of passive mode into radiation mode. The power of this action is your God creator power. When you are in pause you are not using your God power. You are listening. You are here in an earth body to use your God power. It is who you are. You have been brain-washed to think of yourself as a submissive feminine but men have been brain-washed too. It has been done to keep you, the human race, passive and disempowered. Feminine and masculine is a false teaching. Do not accept this concept. You are not a feminine being, neither are men masculine beings. You are whole consciousness beings capable of being human AND God consciousness at the same time. Your belief has been divided into two separate genders falsely so that you feel friction and cultivate arguments. This disempowers you so that you think of yourselves as weak and undervalued. Both genders feel disempowered and weak in the presence of the other gender.
DK: You have made the blend, the integration, but you have been hesitating to use your God power, your source power. You do not radiate your power. It is because your human consciousness feels disempowered. It believes you cannot survive without Doug or a man to support you. This is an erroneous belief that you were implanted with. It is a lingering fear in you. This is the path of feminine submissiveness. It is the human side of you. Now, choose to activate your God powers. You think of these powers as masculine but they are not masculine. They are your powers. You yourself have this power within you. This is a radiation you feel as a “thrill”, as you say “goose bumps” or chills. When you initiate this power yourself, you raise your frequency. You pick up the speed of your electrons. Otherwise you hold your powers in a default condition, at a slow and steady vibration. Everyone has a default vibration which is the sum total of their consciousness at peace, on pause, in a state of receptivity. It is the state of their soul evolution to date. You are a quality of God, an attribute of God, a child of God. Your consciousness vibration is kept at a low frequency when you don’t radiate it, meaning when you don’t move it or activate it. Learning how to activate your frequency, tapping into your “thrill”, is unknown to the average person. It is a technique. You may teach it to those who are ready to receive it.
The vibration of consciousness can be experienced at a low frequency or raised to a powerfully quickened frequency. It doesn’t matter what the consciousness is. It could be positive or it could be a negative. Wherever the consciousness is, even that which is clogged with anger and violence, can be sped up to a loud noise or held down to a low level so that it goes unnoticed. One who is of a more pure and positive nature, who maintains compassion within his field, or gentleness, or freedom, or truth or – yes, love, mercy, forgiveness, tenderness - these can be held down to a slow low vibration by lack of understanding, lack of training or education.
The difference between frequency and vibration. A slow compassionate vibration in peaceful mode can be overridden by a negative vibration that has increased in frequency so that it is expressing louder. Even though the negative is a lower vibration, the peaceful vibration is overridden because the negative vibration has been quickened or sped up to a higher frequency. The person who has activated their negative vibration radiates that anger as chaos, while the peaceful person who tries to calm the person with a low vibration of peace, doesn’t work. The default vibration of a soul doesn’t matter, whether positive or negative. If it is kept at a low speed it is not radiating. It is when the person speeds up [activates] their electrons and starts radiating it, that they increase their frequency. You know what an angry outburst looks like, but is it a negative outburst or a positive one? A person with a positive compassionate vibration confronting a person who is spewing viciousness, can be just as loud as the negative one but he is more powerful. A very loud positive confrontation can appear like an angry outburst to onlookers if onlookers are not fully aware of the corrective action taking place.
DK: The vibration is the default program of the soul. But it can be kept so quiet that no one notices it. It is only felt and seen when the person speeds up [radiates or activates] their power. That is the power that has been taken from you through divisive manipulations. You think you have no power to change things but you do. Very much. You have the power of the universe in you if you knew how to active it. The soul in you can hold centuries of blocked trauma which makes it insufferable and in great pain. When it lashes out it is releasing it. It must lash out because it is hurting him to hold it inside. Education of that soul would help him to understand. A soul with a positive-leaning momentum may think that it is helping situations by staying low and peaceful when in fact it is not helping but condoning the negative situation. A peaceful prayer does not help as much as confronting the angry person with a powerful light-filled person. Those who say nothing are condoning the continued action of the angry soul who has taken control.
DK: A positive leaning person such as one who is maintaining peace at a low steady level in her home because she doesn’t understand this spiritual science, can be overridden by another person in the same household who has quickened his vibration to a faster-acting frequency. So that this other person who is more negatively leaning, who holds anger, for instance, or blocked energies from past lives and doesn’t know how to deal with them, shouts out and overrides the gentle person who is gently holding peaceful intentions. This other person who is clogged with debris, is cloaked and blocked, and does not understand why he is so angry. He must be purged of his blocked energies. He has a momentum of anger or rebellion built up in his body. Pockets of thick energy are lodged in his tissues from his past. Or it could be simply from disorganized DNA from his parents or ancestors. Without education this person with non-peaceful vibrations can speed up his electrons and start radiating angrily. In addition, the environment in which he lives may provide similar energies which add to those of his own. This boosts his own anger to an even higher power.
DK: The peaceful person who doesn’t understand the science of radiation doesn’t have the ability to override such chaotic energies. It is not in their past training to do so. They will not override their peacefulness until they learn how to quicken their frequency. How to radiate, which is a spiritual skill that is learned. The peaceful person may attempt to neutralize or tone down the anger in the other by holding steadily to peace, and this may work, but it also makes her submissive to the angry person. She will feel submissive. This lesson is needed to be told about radiation. Until the peaceful person learns how to radiate or quicken the electrons (speed up), they are not very effective. This is what you are learning here. You are learning about the power of boosting your radiation, your action power, what you formerly called “masculine” power. It is not masculine, nor is it feminine. It is the God power in you. Until a person learns to do that you will remain over-ruled by those who are louder. Do you see? (Yes, I have been doing exactly that most of my life, trying to “will” peace or “pray” for peace to those I lived with, hoping I could change them.)
DK: Yes, you have. Now it is time for you to learn this very valuable lesson. Thank you for asking. You have received an upgrade with the help of the Mother which you viewed on the video today. You already knew how to activate the Power. You called it “the thrill” or “chill” but you did not understand what it was or how to apply it. (Q: Is this the origin of yin and yang?) Yin and Yang are human terms, created by humans living in duality. The enlightened person who is truly enlightened, would not see it as two separate forces, or two separate functions called yin and yang or masculine and feminine. A truly enlightened person would recognize themselves as one consciousness, one God consciousness operating as needed in any given moment. You are God Source Creator who has been de-fanged of your power because of the mind-control that has been existing in the world for centuries. It has divided the oneness in two separated halves. You are one consciousness with the ability to go either way - into silence or into powerful action at any given moment, by choice. That is who you are. You have always been that. You are the Creator God who is never in form but exists in the no-form state. You are abstract intelligence moving through a flesh-and-blood body, a vehicle for purposes of affecting change. You are waking up to this fact. Intelligence is pure love and light which you have vowed to serve and protect, but you have been made submissive by the limited education which you were cultivated with. The form life has become too powerful with its physical senses taking full control. These override the simple voice of the Oneness that you are in reality. Meditation and prayer on a constant basis is the way to return to wholeness. (Q: Am I OK doing what I’m doing during my morning sessions behind closed doors? By not following a printed out list of exercises?)
DK: You are beyond the programming stage. You are learning directly now from source. You do not need to have a list of exercises to follow and check off each day. (He is smiling, ready to laugh but holding it back to a smile.) Your frequencies of positive merit are at low frequencies, listening to the outer voices more than you should. It is time to step up your frequencies. Teach the frequency-building, how to do it. Use your God powers. Raise the level of your God powers. Your frequency. Test it. Try it out today. See for yourself how it works.
Thank you, Master DK. Love, love, love. (Received 7/22/21)
8/1/21 - Channeled: Your feminine is your anchor
A dream woke me. In the dream I am trying to find something heavy to hold on to, like an anchor to hold me down. I hear a voice saying, "I am the heavy in you. I am the mother in you. Everything heavy in you is me. I am all the heaviness in you. Find ME!" I wrote it down - my dreams are often messages - and went back to sleep. Again I woke up with words to write down: "Put everything good and heavy in one place. Anchor it. It will hold you down. It is solid. It is real. It is good. It is the condenser. Feminine is the condensing agent."
Later, during exercise time I was feeling SOOOO heavy and thick that I decided to sit down and ask in writing for advice. I sat at the table and took paper and pen. I asked, “Can you instruct me about this need I have for some hands-on work? I don‘t want men, I want to have women either to cuddle or hold close or massage. It is a pressure, a need, a desire? I am ashamed to say I have a desire. I thought I was over all personal desires. Will you please instruct me? Should I start a women‘s massage and hot tub party? The need is so great? The following words began to flow across the paper:
"My darling one! I am within you now, within the cells of your vehicle. There are many dimensions coming together within your physical vessel. There is yet time. However, your sense of urgency is noticed. Thank you for speaking with me about your heart’s longing, your feelings. Let us not call it desire or frustration as you were - on the tip of your tongue - about to say. No. The sensations that you are feeling is the power of love. You need to express your love to others, yes, and to receive the love from others, yes. The coming together of the dimensions are causing mini-explosions of love from Creator within your body, they are from Father-Mother God/Goddess/All That IS. These are coming into your body vessels through your seven bodies. Yes, SEVEN bodies. You have opened yourself to the seven levels and the seven tones. The frequencies are unfolding and spreading through your physical, etheric, emotional and mental bodies. Affinity and love, as you yourself picked up on this morning, and registered from reading the book, “Beyond the Light Barrier”. When Akon met with the woman from South Africa it was a twin-flame meeting. You felt that. Your body is registering the affinity of love which is everywhere present. Most bodies are not prepared to receive as yours is. You WILL be bringing more affinity and love to others as you dare to ask for these gatherings. You have asked for Friday as a party of freedom for women. Now you are asking for Saturday as a massage gathering for women. It is the Saturday party for massage that you are now radiating upon with affinity and love for the PHYSICAL connection. You are focusing on this and registering this on your conscious brain cells. The feeling you are asking about is the entertaining of frequencies within your central hub that is the gathering place of all the frequencies from your mind and emotions and etheric and your precious light - that which you have correctly identified as the Christ. You have done well, my beloved. You have been doing the clearing which allows your body to remain sensitive and networked with the physical world.
"Therefore you must interact in some manner with the physical world around you, that comforts your physical body. Your physical body is the connecting point with the world. Without your body being comforted, you will leave. You know that. You are working along those thoughts. You are aware. (Q about the power that is blossoming inside the physical.) Yes, the physical body holds a power - THE power that has not been manifested on earth for a very long time. It is the feminine power from source. It has been held back which is why there is so much resistance over allowing love to be free. The dark side is the male side for a purpose: to prevent love and light from interfering with construction of the physical world, for the physical world requires boundaries and limits. It would not have been constructed to this advanced point if everyone had been free to love and grow ecstasy, rapture and bliss. It was not “time” for that. There had to be a “time” for the construction with limits and boundaries, when love and bliss - the energy of oneness - to be held back so that solid construction of a physical world could take place. The women, as you have noticed and learned through your lifestyle activities, are open to love and affinity with “All That Is” - the sea of harmony. They have been held back until now. The seeds of change have been planted that carry the codes, the frequencies of love, harmony, peace, freedom, truth, purity, innocence - these frequencies have been planted in the new-borns.
"They are growing up with these frequencies as their Home, their default system. They do not know resistance other than what is imposed upon them from their parents, friends, school system, etc. Then it is THEIR testing time. Be careful how you verbalize this. Be a comforting agent. Your knowledge is wisdom in you, but this knowledge is not in your brain cells or outer flesh. This knowledge comes THROUGH you as a continual flowing from your higher self. From ME! I am your life and your knowing and flowing. I live in your body. You as a physical vessel do not know these things. You are preparing your vessel for ME! I am what I Am and you are an outward representative of me. Continue to plan for ME! I am feeding you with instruction via the feelings within your body-mind. Your body has a mind of its own and could displace me if you let it. It is a shadow of ME!! I am your life and your love, and your yearning to know and to experience through communication and touch with others. Your spontaneity was gifted to you many years ago. You were a body of the matrix, and your sister, Muniji, Bob and you, all came together - especially YOU - to initiate this experience. YOU have always been at the crux of your matrix body and YOU called for this opening, this ascension. Yes, it was indeed an ascension. YOUR ascension, and you decided to return to the lower dimension, the matrix, to gift the matrix world with your knowledge. You have been doing that. You have done wonders with your lifestyle and now you will continue to work wonders by leaving the lifestyle to work with the women’s empowerment."
(The words faded and I knew it was done. Received 10/9/19)
7/9/21 - Ascension Massage
The purpose of Ascension Massage, which is taking up so much of my thoughts lately, is a mindful exercise of becoming conscious of what's going on inside oneself. It is a healing process. Too much focus on “things” and “politics” and “confusions of the outside world" and other people have nothing to do with oneself. It only serves to pull you down and away from your natural peace and harmony. There is a need for some new techniques and teachings. The Masters have given me the title "Ascension Massage". It is up to me to fill it in with my understanding. A massage exchange club or network will be a fun way to gather and share these techniques with others. Where we have permission to practice and gain confidence in how to touch with respect, yet closely and intimately. To hug, cuddle, touch, stroke each other with caring, organically, chemically. But without safe techniques and guidance in how to touch one another with respect, we remain reserved, guarded, stiff and formal - or in the opposite direction - with loose morals to do whatever we feel like doing. There is a lot of confusion over "loving touch massage" and its aim or purpose.
The chaos energies that come from other people enter through breathing. We have to breathe so we inhale without thinking, unconsciously. Unconscious breathing is shallow breathing. Conscious breathing is the BIG KEY. It is a deep, conscious breath, drawing deeper down to the bottom of the lungs, pushing out the diaphragm. And then exhaling from the bottom of the lungs and drawing in the stomach. Stop and start focusing on conscious breathing. Count a number of inhales in this manner, and the same number of exhales in this manner, focusing on your heart and lung area. Focus on the sun in your heart/lungs. The toxic energies enter through unconscious, shallow breathing. We walk through city streets and stores filled with many energies that are not good for us. Yet, if you were to be conscioius of each breath, you would not inhale toxins, you would inhale pure light particles from the sun. It is your consciousness that filters out the toxins. It is your consciousness that changes the air to pure sun-lit prana.
People breathe unconsciously and the "not-self" particles in the air enter into your lungs. Your blood picks them up and distributes them throughout your body and you are not aware, unless you have been trained by a master to become a conscious breather. Not with every breath, but for a certain amount of time every day, to strengthen your awareness. People are unaware. They don’t know what to do about their ill feelings, bad feelings, wrong feelings. Most people don't even know about the diversity of energies in the air. They are invisible. How could they? But they are there and they are "not-self" particles. They are toxic to you because they are not your energies. Other people's ideas, thoughts, emotions and beliefs are not YOURS to cultivate. If they were your energies you would be able to organize them and manage them. You would be able to feel them and identify them. But because you don't know how to separate your energies from everyone else's energies, you can't do anything about it. If you find yourself confused and unable to do anything about it, then you need to get to know yourself better. It is the body that collects energies from other sources that aren’t yours, like dust in your house collects on furniture, floors and fan blades. We need to release them and let them go.
After a good massage or healing session, we feel really light and easy for a little while, because we had help in relaxing, and letting go. Someone else was here with us stroking us with kindness, so those "not-self" particles that don't belong to us drift away like dust that suffocates us and build up inside our skin. Ascension massage with uplifting thoughts will help us to relax. We are here to relax, not to change anything or persuade anybody. It is as simple as relaxing with the help of an understanding friend and soothing fingers. During this soothing relaxation process, our own body, mind, feelings and spirituality become aligned and integrated. Our OWN body is a storehouse of all our own energies, all of them combined. Our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual energies are OUR energies, and when we relax during a massage (if it is a safe massage) we can feel them fall into alignment. The peace we feel is our own physical, emotional, mental, spiritual energies falling into place. They are our own unique energies and they are YOU falling into harmony.
During normal active hours, most of us live in an environment of diversity. Whether we live alone or with family, we have TV, computers, internet, friends, neighbors, life goes on around us. We are continually exposed to the energies, desires and projects of other people. They are confusing to our body, mind and feelings. Where is the master in charge of this organism? Nobody taught us that WE are the master in charge. Nobody taught us how to manage our energies. We have fallen into a soup of billions of particles that don't know who they are or where they belong. Energetic particles are conscious. They are the "stuff" that builds worlds, suns and sentient creatures but they need a master mind to control them.
We need this greater teaching. We need each other with whom to practice and apply this greater teaching, to help re-establish peace. It’s scientific. Put your hands on someone and feel the presence of that other person. Feel the love that is possible. The kindness and the closeness and the nurturance of the other. A friend can help you stabilize if it is freely given and freely received, without expectation or fantasies to bog it down. It’s when people project their own desires onto someone else that there is a bog-down. That friend then becomes a drama in your life. It is impersonal kindness – free kindness - that is the love we need from each other. It is uplifting, nurturing and free-flowing kindness.
We are living in invisible energy clouds and its building up around us and inside of us. We are hanging onto these toxic energies without knowing it. We can’t escape it because we live in it, like fish live in water. We get it through our ears through sound, through our eyes what we see, through our mouth what we eat, through our noses what we breathe, and through our skin what we touch. We are not able to escape it except through love, which means connecting with higher planes. Ascended planes of consciousness. We have access to it. It is a teaching that we are missing. It is the ascended master teachings. This is what we mean by Love with a capital L. It is transcendental love, meaning beyond personal. It's on a level like the sun which shines its warm rays on everyone alike. The sun is impersonal. We are each growing ourself into a higher-level self by shining our light outward on people instead of hoarding it and keeping it secret. Freely give and freely receive what others give to you. When we shine our light out on others, when it strikes another solid body, it becomes love.
Higher love is higher vibrating energy. Higher qualities of energy are gratitude, appreciation, good will, trust, love, freedom, (giving someone ELSE their freedom), humility, kindness, respect. Higher vibrating energy raises everything you see up a notch to a more refined, more sophisticated, more elegant, more intelligent, more wise, more sensitive, planes. Raise it, raise it, raise it. This is how we protect ourselves and help others to protect themselves. As we give them our uplifting qualities of thought through intention and hands-on stroking, we help them raise their vibrations and spin off the heavier toxic energies. Otherwise, we just recycle the same chaotic negative day-to-day hum-drum quality of life that doesn’t ever seem to change. It builds and builds and builds up in the tissues and molecules of the body and becomes stress in your chemistry, your brain, your thoughts, your feelings, your nostrils, mouth, eyes, ears. These energies are bogging people down and confusing them and causing them diseases, chronic and incurable, nervous disorders, depressions, etc.
I want to start an Ascension Massage Exchange Network, where we get together and exchange body massages respectfully. Upliftingly. We need each other to practice raising the vibrations of our thoughts and feelings. We need to practice. Practice means getting together with others who are on the same wave length - meaning they too want to clean up their act and find a solution to life's woes. We don’t have to give up anything that is enjoyable. Just give up the energies that bog us down and confuse us. How do we know what is confusing? That takes self-awareness. By exchanging warm human massage we find out through feelings. Respectful, sensitive, loving massage provides opportunities for inner study in what's going on inside our skin. In our feelings. In our emotions. In how we think. In what we believe. Periodic get-togethers for social massage, hugs, cuddles and story telling done on a meaningful basis, is what I have in mind. Ascension Massage Exchanges.
Hug someone with sincerity and an open heart. What do you feel? Stroke them for a little while, give a shoulder rub. It’s not personal but it's closeness. It is intimate. It is warm body contact. It's scary at first but it’s healing as time goes on and we practice more and more. It’s a friendly healing session because no one is going to become offensive. There will be rules in place. Everyone is a healer when there is respect, with loving intentions. When a person stops thinking selfishly and starts thinking about how to hold respect and kindness in mind, it’s nourishing and supportive. It's the opposite of selfish. Ascension massage is a raising up of the body. If you are thinking massage will offer openings for romantic or sensual encounters, then think again. This is not the right activity for you.
Learn to connect with people from the heart or higher, not from below the heart. Each chakra in the body opens to a higher level of frequency - a higher, more refined plane of love. The first chakra is called the root chakra at the tailbone. It is pure earth power representing love for earth. The second chakra is located at the reproductive organs. It expands the root chakra to a higher level of love for others. The third chakra is at the solar plexus (navel). It expands the initial root energy to a higher level of love for self, which enhances personal power. The fourth chakra is at the heart. Here it expands the rising earth energy to purity of love. The fifth chakra is at the throat. It expands the rising earth energy to love of truth and expressions of the individual's truth of soul, which takes many forms. The sixth chakra is at the third eye or pineal gland. This chakra expands the earth energy to love for higher things beyond the earth. The seventh chakra is at the crown. It expands the earth energy to beyond the earth realm, sometimes called samadhi. One becomes a master of his or her energies then, and can come and go at will.
The goal in Ascension Massage is to open one's consciousness to an upward flow in a way that is comfortable, peaceful, serene which brings gifts of super powers, refined super powers that are blissful. This naturally takes him above his sexual zone which is a lower vibration. However, it does not end sexuality. Rather it transforms sexuality into enlightened lovemaking. As the original Tantra training did eons ago. The reward is transcendent peace or bliss, versus the sensation called lust or passionate sex. As a man or woman raises their vibrations to higher levels, they lose the sense of gender. Love becomes open-hearted caring for whoever they are with. Under such teachings one learns to adjust to higher vibrations. They learn what kindness feels like. The sensation of respect. The visceral sensation of nourishment. The plan is to build a network of friends to meet with this goal in mind. Ascension massage does not stop and focus on the sexual organs. It is open, honest, fun and enjoyable friendship on a higher scale. The kind of friendship with whom you can speak plainly and openly, without shame or guilt, and which puts a smile on your face when you leave to go home.
Sexuality is recognized as an honest and pleasurable appetite for human beings and should not be reduced to non-existence. But ascension massage is not the appropriate time to engage in it any more than you would start exercising your sweaty gym workout at a fancy restaurant. There's a time and place for everything. Ascension massage is a teaching workshop to practice raising, not lowering, one's physical vibrations. To create a sexual body response, one needs to contract one's focus and concentration to lower it to a sexual "heat" level. It is the opposite to raising and expanding one's focus to lift or raise one's vibrations. Sexual interaction is a normal human activity. However the ascended masters are showing us that it must be done with love if we are to ensure the continuation of the species along a positive timeline. We must learn how to raise our energies to the heart in order to bring in the soul connection. This reduces trouble and turmoil among the species and among the members of a household and community.
Ascension Massage is intended as a small group gathering or class to practice touching and interacting with others on a higher vibrational level - not expecting sex to be part of it. This is a BIG step, and it may be difficult for some to accept. We humans tend to think sexual thoughts when there is intimate touching involved. Among adults at least. We adults need to change our way of thinking to more uplifting love, joyous, happy and free - not secretive, shameful, guilty, possessive, jealous, vengeful or cheating. Sex activity requires downward movement of thought and feeling. It requires focus and concentration on lower, tighter, laborious body contact. Since it is a contraction, it is not free. Ascension massage is the opposite in that participants attend a meditation on uplifting attitudes prior to the massage. Attention is guided to expanding outward to the etheric envelope (aura). The power to love and heal another is done through the auric field. Physical sex does not engage the auric field but the physical genital organs only. This is a new teaching.
This is how we make love. You can literally "make" love or generate love only within yourself. You can't "make" love happen in another individual. You "make" love in yourself first, by thinking silently "I appreciate you, thank you, God bless you, I love you, you are so beautiful, you are so important to me, you are precious, thank you, and more words of that kind. Then the love you make within your own auric field expands to include the other person who receives it in THEIR auric field and they enjoy the love you shared with them. This is Tantric. It is the real meaning of loving someone and lifting them up and giving them the greatest lovemaking ever. You are giving them freedom, you are giving them space, you are giving them elevation and elation, you are giving them transcendence. You are giving them permission to feel the love within themselves. It turns them on. And they don't have to perform for you or give you something back. This is freedom. This is ascension. This is lovemaking.
Ascension massage is learning how to give in a selfless way. And when it's your turn to be massaged, you learn how to RECEIVE such a beautiful gift within yourself. Can you receive such great love? Can you absorb the love, absorb the healing, absorb the transcendence being offered to you? Many people are too tightly wound. This is practice time. Open your heart. Absorb the light. Absorb the trust. This will open doors to your own heart for yourself alone.
During the receiving of a massage, focus on yourself so you can tune into your own truth, whatever is happening within the emotions and thoughts. Your own guidance system will open up, which is your true self. It is your own protection system, to keep you from becoming lost in and distracted by the outer world of other people’s thoughts, desires and projects. Keep yourself from becoming “stuck” in someone else’s life plan, inadvertently. Unless you choose to become involved. Each person radiates neediness on some level, which is psychological. It is psychic. It is invisible. We have been trained to ignore the invisible pyschic radiations that are swirling all around us but we should not ignore them. If we could see them, we would be better able to avoid them, but we don’t see them. Therefore individuals can be psychically manipulated. We ourselves are doing it to others without realizing. It is in ignorance that we are being manipulated and doing the manipulation. We are a confused race. We need enlightenment. We need to learn these things and practice transcendence - raising the vibrational level of our body, mind and feelings. That is how we raise above the lower swirling energies that we don't know are there.
There are two ways to do this. First, find the radar equipment that is inside the heart. It is the only connecting link we have. Our precious life force is embedded within the heart as a frequency. It's like a musical note. Once you connect with it, you feel the thrill. It is in the heart. All of the teachings refer us to the heart. We must focus on the heart. The goal of the ascension massage exchanges is to become heart-based. People have been told NOT to go to the heart in many insidious, subtle ways. We’ve been told in our younger years in school not to day dream. "Think!" they told us. "Go to the mind. Use your logic. Don’t go to the heart because it’s emotional and you’ll get all messed up there." And so we were trained like little puppies growing up to follow the outer world's logic and forget our own inner logic which is heart-magic.
The second way is to act from the heart. Put the heart first in all that you do. Live from the heart, talk from the heart, respond from the heart, check into your own truth first before responding or doing anything. Your real self is the feeling of zing, of excitement, of truth, of noble qualities. Let your heart ring true in all that you do.
Yet the opposite is true. By using primarily thought-based logic, we get all messed up because the brain is the storehouse of OTHER knowledge, not our own. Knowledge from past lives are embedded in our hearts. The heart is the last organ to go when it is time to pass over. We need to find our way back to our hearts because that's where our longevity and health is found. We are heart-based creatures. When you're in your own heart resonance you feel peace and contentment. When you’re tuned into your natural heart-beat, you feel right, good, and wellness prevails. If only children were taught this early in life and were trained in it and supported to use it every day, the world would be a different place today.
If you’re out of sorts, if you are confused, if you are in panic attack, stop! Stop everything. Breathe, slow down, breathe slower, slow down more, breathe even slower, focus on your heart, imagine your heart brightening with an inner glow. Picture a small sun in your heart. Breathe slower still, breathe deeper, slow down. Slow. Slow. See the sun growing larger. Slow and imagine your heart beating, pump, thump, pump, thump, pump thump. When you’ve connected to your heart radar, you’ve connected with your individual life-force which is your own soul, not somebody else’s. You will know when you’re connected because you will feel peaceful. Even if it's just slightly more peaceful. It will grow if you continue to breathe into it and expand the sun there. Notice the degree of peace becoming stronger. Uncannily peaceful. It will be like a dimmer switch on a lamp. It starts out small and grows slowly more peaceful. It will be like somebody turned a switch on and you will suddenly feel peaceful. It’s a natural state of being when you connect with your own resonance, your life thread, which is embedded in your heart. It is not a physical thing. It is a consciousness connection. It takes time to figure it out. It takes practice time every day.
It is unnatural for people to feel physically depressed, or despondent, or going crazy or paranoid. It is your body cells that are going crazy, not you. The energy particles in your tissues are not in alignment. They are scattering and getting into a panic. They are boiling over and getting ready to explode. Take control over them. Make yourself slow down. Breathe. slow, breathe, slow, breathe slow. Count your breaths. Count to 50 or 100 inhales and exhales. Your individual life force is constantly flowing into you every second, and you've been pissing it away into the wind (pardon the vernacular). You've been wasting it and diverting your attention to the outside world which is a wild and crazy place. You have forsaken your individuality, your resonant signature - your soul. You haven't been connected. Listen to your heart beat. Stop listening to the outside world for an hour, or two hours. I would do sometimes 4 hours a day, sometimes 3, more often 2 hours a day is my average. It keeps me sane. Then the rest of the day belongs to the world. I can cope with the world because I have renewed and rebuilt my own life force. It is strong in me.
Do this periodically. The calm and peaceful feeling is your feminine side. Your masculine side is your active busy side. It belongs to the world. Your feminine peace belongs to the universal wholeness. Imagine that you are an appliance. You need to be plugged into an electrical outlet in order to function. As an intelligent human being your electrical outlet is the light in your heart. You are the master switch. Imagine a light in your heart and you must plug in every day to recharge yourself for an hour or so. Your heart is physical but surrounding your physical heart is a larger etheric heart. That’s where the river of life comes through into your physical heart. Your individual life force is flowing down into your body. When your heart stops beating, your river of life stops and you leave. Your body is not receiving life any more. Go to your heart. Make that your number one priority. Breathe into your heart, your etheric heart. Imagine your glowing etheric heart, transparent, surrounding and feeding life into your smaller physical heart.
We have not been trained to do this but it’s not too late, never too late, to learn how to go to the well-spring and drink from the oasis of life - the auric field that surrounds the physical body. It’s pumping into your body all the time but we’re diverting it and misusing it, which causes us to be confused. We don’t know ourselves because we are absorbing everybody else’s energies along with it that are being pumped out into the atmosphere and we breathe everyone else's lives in and it mixes with our own. Everybody is seeking to find themselves, and to find their place in life, and to find their mission, their purpose. Who am I? They are trying to sort themselves out, but other people’s energies are co-existing along with their own. They don’t realize that’s what is happening. Practice resurrecting your own heart beat, the place where peace prevails, and you will find your purpose. Your purpose is not something you “do”, it’s something you are. Your purpose is knowing yourself. We throw ourselves off the path by not following our heart and we end up following some other trail through the wild wood of earthly life. We get wrapped up in the dramas going on in the outer world around us, including through our own children. We should not do that. If we taught our own children how to focus on their heart and periodically tune into that peaceful river of life flowing into them every second, regenerating their own life force, they would be able to find their path much easier than they do by not knowing that secret. The mental and emotional debris that is floating around in the air everywhere is capturing our attention and keeping us fascinated and intrigued by it, but it’s also debilitating us and keeping us frozen in place, recycling the same energies over and over until we are bored to death.
There’s a reason why people meditate and do yoga and other inward-focused practices. They are the cool ones in our society. They are not sputtering and kicking out fumes of discontent. Ascension massage exchanges is for those who are not practicing meditation, yoga or other inward-focused disciplines. We have need to help those not inclined towards inner work. It will help turn our focus inward to nourish and align the forces within through body contact. This is planned to be a training program to create more helpers and assistants in a loving, kind way, to reach out and hold hands, hug, get close to, anchor the light and love by joining forces. People must be trained in how to channel universal love and respect. It's a matter of thinking higher thoughts. Learn and practice this and you will help create a network of more authentic, caring friends with whom you can connect. Who will lift and inspire you. Friends. New friends and old friends. Meet with them privately, invite them to your home away, learn how to raise your vibrations to ascension level. The human is accustomed to pretending kindness instead of being authentically kind. Don't bog yourself down with personal attachments, and holding onto selfish desires thinking you "need" something to make you whole.
Become more real by becoming more meaningful and more genuine. It is a responsibility to transform a superficial friend into a more authentic friend by raising your own sincerity level, your own consciousness, your own respect, candidness, honesty. Be real, not fake. Being real is the most important quality that you have that has been hiding. Be MORE real. When you begin making friends in a social atmosphere, you’re practicing using your innate abilities, your spiritual abilities, your super powers. You’re using what is natural and innate when you feel more comfortable while talking. Most people put on a face when they are in a social atmosphere. They act and say what they think others expect them to act and say. But what you will learn in ascension massage is how to tune into your inner self, your inner life force which is naturally peaceful when you can just be yourself. You will enjoy that sense of liberation when you can just “be yourself”.
When you make a private date with another couple (or person), you’re not exploring the other people, you’re exploring yourself. You’re catching yourself when you have a negative reaction, and you’re turning it to a positive. You’re exploring and discovering your own positive abilities and how to respond with kindness and respect. Even in the face of a negative reaction which came from YOU! You feel new feelings and receive new thoughts by interacting with a new person you’re not familiar with. This is why we want to interact with other people - to be stimulated. Remember to realize that it is YOU who is being stimulated. Don’t make the mistake of projecting your focus outward onto them. Focus on your Self. Self means soul. Your soul is responding to a new energy in this other person or persons. You can still enjoy them. Enjoy transforming yourself in awkward situations. Take the lead in being a positive, kind, wise person. You will stand out. You will shine. Find a way to realize your own responses. They are YOU! Be kind to the other person and respond to them appropriately. If you are in tune with your inner heart, you will know what to do. It’s not mysterious to be natural.
This new energy is helping you to see and experience new or long forgotten parts of yourself. The mistake made by many people is to “fall in love” with someone who has stimulated them. Don’t make it personal because it will go down hill from there. Falling in love only leads to confusion. You meld your two separate selves together and neither of you know who you are any more without the other one. You are “hooked” together. And if you are already in a committed relationship, a third party affair is going to complicate your life, not make it nicer. You don’t want to upset your life which you have carefully laid out and constructed to give you a nest to come home to, and to serve all of your needs. If you are hungry for interactions with other people, make room in your life to have interactions with other people but don’t fall in love. Focus on SELF. You are the most important person you have to consider. All others you behave appropriately with, out of respect and commitment. But you are the one to maintain integrity with. Your responsibility lies in you for yourself. If you do what all others have done in the past (cheat) because you were hungry for something different, then you will be complicating your life. Stay clean. Stay pure. Stay balanced. Stay heart-centered. If you become attached to another person and divorce your current mate to make a new life with someone different, all because you “fell in love“ and couldn‘t detach from them so you are hopelessly entangled, the chances are it is just a matter of time that you will again grow bored and seek stimulation from someone else. Again. And again. There are those people who make monogamy a serial action. One after another after another. Continually falling in love, then falling out of love, then falling newly in love, then falling out of love. It is time to learn about SELF love, and provide a protection around your SELF, so that you may enjoy the freedom of love from a trans-personal perspective.
Realize that you are the container of stimulation and excitement. You as a physical body and mind, you are constantly receiving new refreshing stimulation, ideas, exciting new thoughts, new awarenesses, every minute of the day. Every second you are being refreshed with infinite excitement energy. Are you wasting it by being distracted and sending your power out and away from you into some irrelevant subject? Hold onto your energy. Lift your energy. Light up your energy field. Love yourself. Learn how to do it. Your attention has been diverted away from the stimulating THRILLING energy that is flowing into your heart and being pumped into arteries, veins, organs, your nervous system, so your body can feel bliss, enlightenment, joy and even ecstasy - but you are being tempted away by the glamour of the world, the dramas of other people, the competition of sports, the entertainment, theaters, nightclubbing, projects, movies, television, ambitions.
Don’t get me wrong. You can have all of these things plus more by tuning into your SELF and tuning out the "not-self". Find your SELF first. Feel the natural peace of your inner self and don’t waste it on irrelevant matters. Tape back into your heart. That is where the SELF resides. End of story!
5/29/21 - The easy way out
The inner life has been keeping me quite active lately. The websites I used to check all the time and was so excited about, don't hold interest for me much any more. There is a change taking place in my consciousness. I'm re-reading the instructions and advice that spirit channeled through me over the past 45 years since kundalini awakened and changed my life. I've been busy taking the easy way out. Yes, there is an easy way out of the conundrum and confusions of this world. This morning before making love with my hubby I saw it again, as a spiritual vision, what the easy way is. The easy way is the feminine way. It is goddess technology, feminine methodology. I understood better what it means to "take the easy way out" out, as in follow your heart. The "easiest way out" as it was explained to me, is not to avoid something you don't want to do. It is not to avoid work or a task or a challenge that is facing you. No. You don't hate it. You allow it to blossom into a full-blown experience. You invite it. This is the easy way through life. It is the goddess way. The goddess way is the feminine way at its best and finest. Men have feminine energy too, a full 50%, so men can take this way out of situations too.
I’ll give an example that I know only too well. Let’s say you don’t want to get up and out of bed because it’s too painful and your back aches and you’re so comfortable here in bed. Of course you know you have to get up but you don’t want to. The thought of the aches and pains is - ugh. You’re in resistance mode. So OK. Do something to make yourself feel good. Stop resisting. Relax. Relax totally. Let go. Surrender. Stop thinking about getting up. Take the easy way out. Now, speaking to your body, doesn’t that feel much better? Yes, it does, but you feel a pressure and a need to get up. So first relax and slip back into relaxation. It’s a feeling of nothing matters. Surrender to this comfortable feeling of lying in bed relaxing. Enjoy it to the fullest. It is sensual and comforting. Allow that feeling to take you over. Surrender to it. Give up. Wave the white flag of surrender. That means stop all thoughts of having to get up. Your thoughts are an imposition. They are hurting you, bothering you, causing you discomfort so stop thinking those thoughts. Truly give up. And if you are successful at giving up and surrendering your painful thoughts of having to get up, you will be surprised to find yourself suddenly hopping out of bed eager to start yaur day. Wow! What just happened?
Well, the answer is, you got your ego out of the way. You slipped down underneath your controlling ego which is a tyrant which tries to control everything you do, so you have to trick it. I've been experimenting with this. It really works. There is a powerful power behind the ego but the ego is in control and keeps a lid on it. The ego is composed of automatic habits built from the past years. The ego never changes. If anything, it gets more controlling over time. It has always done it this way and so it rants and raves and insists on doing things its own way. It has always done it this way. It is the only way it knows. So the "easy way" is to agree with it. The body follows the ego's habits. So step down, go low, give up, surrender, wave the white flag, but all the while secretly know and trust the power that exists behind the ego. You are tricking the ego so it stops fighting you.
The ego is merely a mechanical program that you yourself put in place. You began copying certain habits by watching your parents early in life. You obeyed their instructions to wash your hands, brush your teeth..... (lost)
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